The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 145: Secret Confession

Chapter 145: Secret Confession

“Ahh.” Victor woke up to Lily stumbling away from him in embarrassment. She had just tried to stealthily kiss his forehead but ended up waking him up.

“Good morning Lily,” He said as he opened his eyes and realized that she was dressed and ready to go… he didn’t feel her movements at all…. This girl's sneaking skills are being put to good use.

“Good morning young master…..I am sorry, … I didn’t mean to wake you up….” She said with a blushing face.

“It’s still 5.00 Am… Where are you going this early?” He asked, looking at his phone.

“Ah… I forgot to report… Yesterday, my sisters and I found a good location for a secret base. It is a smuggler's hideout by the coast…. we'll be raiding that place in a few hours” She said, making Victor frown… Vein city was not a coastal city.

“Where is the hideout? Do you need any help?” He asked.

“In a fishing village next to Termia City to the south of here…. It is about five hours by car. So I have to head out straight away to make it in time. And those guys are amateurs… If we don’t make use of them now, some other group will do that sooner or later.” She said with confidence.

“Then go. And be careful.” He said, hiding his concern. He considered accompanying her, but he should let her do her own missions. She needs to grow stronger by herself.

“Understood.” She said as she turned around to leave but was pulled back by Victor who grabbed her arm then Pinned her to the bed and kissed her lips.

“If you want to kiss this young master you just need to ask for it. Don’t steal it like a thief.” He said after letting her go.

“Ah… Understood.” The blushing Lily said, catching her breath as she ran out of the room.

After that Victor returned to his beauty sleep… That was until some piece of sh*t called his phone waking him up

“Dear Kai… This better is important.” Victor responded with difficulty… He didn’t get enough sleep last night.

“Young master… It’s Bill. He left his post at Remal City and is heading west… Toward Vein city. He made sure no one knew… but thanks to your early warning we discovered him sneaking in the train station a few hours ago.” Kai said, making Victor wake up instantly.

“Are you using private men or family agents?” Victor asked.

“Family agents. The range of the stakeout was too big for a private team” Kai responded.

“Then stop following him. I don’t want the family to know about this…We already know his destination anyway.” Victor said with a frown… Too bad he hasn’t built his own team yet.

Lili’s sisters were busy with the assassins guild creation, while the girls Alpha was training were still rookies.

“I Understand,” Kai replied.

“Is that all?” Victor suddenly asked, feeling as if Kai had something else to report.

“Young master… There is something not right in the family…. the atmosphere is wrong... Yesterday, Elder Sam was killed by another elder while they were arguing about succession in the family.” Kai said.

“Is he important?” Victor asked… As far as he knows, that elder Sam was just some useless boot-licker. Wasn’t he the one the dark chamber wanted Dick to kill?

“He is not important at all… But the one who killed him was one of the patriarch's main assistants… So the situation is tricky now that the punishment hall is interfering while the patriarch is protecting his man...”

Victor frowned. The situation was deteriorating faster than he expected… Those guys are advancing their plans rapidly. But he was still too weak right now. He could only try his best to dodge bullets as they came.

Maybe he should shake things a little….. But what he wanted to do can’t be traced back to him.

“How was it done?” Victor asked.

“I am sorry young master, I don’t know…” Kai replied.

“Then spread a rumor that this is a setup, and the real killer was Sam’s daughter-in-law. It was her definitely.” Victor said.

“How does the young master know?” Kai asked with some doubt.

“Just do as I tell you.” Victor scolded then hung up the phone as Mina was knocking on his door. It was time for breakfast.

Sitting at the table with the girls, as usual, Victor looked at Alex who was adjusting her skirt while avoiding looking at him.

“Alex… You must know that It’s ok to be gay… And I really appreciate your feeling. But you must understand that it is impossible for anything to happen between us,” Victor told her with a sigh making Alex look at him strangely With a surprised look….

“Young master… I am not…….” Alex said then stopped after realizing that Victor misunderstood his confession yesterday…. Wouldn’t it be better this way?

“It’s not that I don’t Like you… I don't discriminate after all…And you are very pretty…. But I have an image to keep.” Victor said with a sigh, making Alex blush as she lowered her head.

The girls looked at Alex with their eyes wide open. They finally figured out why Victor cared about Alex and why Alex didn’t look at them as other men did.

It seemed that he didn’t like girls at all, and probably only had the super handsome Victor in his eyes.

Margret on the side was having a hard time muffling her laughter. The young master is so bad… But why is he always bullying Alex? Her instinct was telling her this was not for fun, as Victor never did unreasonable things.

“Now… Today I am planning to go on a field trip to the villages around the secret base… I am sure most of you have already heard about it from Theta.” He said smirking as Theta lowered her head in embarrassment… When Victor was in a coma the girls forced her to tell them the entire story of the secret base and the chicks.

“I will be going there today… So, Margaret, Alpha, and Alex would accompany me.” He said.

“Can I not go? I have some things to do.” Alpha said… She didn’t explain clearly to the girls what she was doing.

“Alright… Theta would go instead. “Victor said.

“But… Young master… She had lessons.” Hilda said.

“It’s ok, I really need her this time,” Victor said… He needs a lot of luck as he intended to locate the dungeon the knowledge book informed him about. Hopefully, it is still closed. “Did you learn from Alpha about the array? ” He asked Hilda.

“Young master…I have already been informed…” Hilda said making him nod

“Be sure to be familiar with its usage ” He said as he continued to eat… His instinct was telling him that the current piece was the silence before the storm… But he didn’t know how and from where it would blow.

“Young master… Can I change back to a man’s cloth?” Alex asked… Getting out of the mansion with this is a little bit…. embarrassing.

“No,” Victor said sternly, making Margaret chuckle again.


After finishing his meal, Victor got dressed by the twins who wanted to also go with him but had cleaning duties in the mansion. Hilda was never tolerant of tasks negligence

“I will take you two another time,” Victor said after seeing the yearning look in their eyes… He really had fun with them yesterday and wanted to go on a special date with them.

The car left the mansion at 10.00 AM with Alex acting as the driver while Victor enjoyed his time with Margaret and Theta in the back, making Alex really jealous every time she heard their laughter.

“Young master… Why do you always bully Alex…. I think he is really nice.” After some time Theta naively asked the question that Margret and poor Alex were dying to ask.

“Ahhh. Well, don’t tell anyone.” Victor whispered, making Theta nod.

“The truth is….I really like him… But I am afraid that if I treat him nicely he will really love me too… And we would end up doing dirty things… then my family would have to kill him to erase the shame… I am doing this to keep him by my side without problems…. It is for his own good.” Victor whispered in a soft whisper that Margret couldn’t hear despite her being literally stuck to Victor.

“I see,” Theta said with a blush, not realizing that Alex who was driving was blushing too… She heard everything thanks to her super-high attributes.

“So he was doing this for me…..” She thought as her eyes became dreamy….

“FOCUS ON THE ROAD, YOU IDIOT.” Victor’s voice came from the back alerting her… She almost hit a truck.

They reached the mountain base at 1.00 PM. where Chick 17 was waiting for him with the others.

“Young master.” The chicks saluted in respect as a fanatic light shone in their eyes….

“How is everything here?” Victor asked as he saw a few mounds of dirt around the base.

We have started digging through the mountain. We found a good engineer who agreed to work for us without knowing the specification… We had to pay him handsomely though, and we recruited many workers from some far-away villagers. We locked them inside the mountain… They would work in two weeks shifts. Some of them tried to make trouble, but after some threats they became obedient....” Chick 17 said.

“You seem troubled,” Victor asked.

“Yes, young master… The costs are increasing… We would need more money soon.” Chick 17 replied.

Victor frowned… He would need some private finances for this as he wanted his activities here to stay out of the family's books… Maybe he should raid some targets or sell some System treasure….

“I will find a way... ” Victor asked.

“Does the young master want to see the reporter?” Chick 17 asked.

“No… I want you to tie her up and make sure that there is an escape route. I plan to play the hero who saves the beauty with her.” Victor said.

“But… Young master…. She doesn’t look like the easy-to-fool type…” Chick 17 said.

“Don’t worry about her, I have my methods,” Victor said as he continued to check the base and give instructions on what to add. “Ah… her partner…. Drug him heavily.” Victor added.


“I will send you some detailed plans in a few days… For now, continue with what you are doing. I will return here at dawn. Make sure that the security appears tight… I want this to be a good show. ” Victor said, leaving the base.

“Is that it?” Margret asked Victor when they returned to the car.

“Yes. Let’s go to the village.” He said

“Understood. I will guide the way.”Margret said as Alex started the car.

The Village was about 30 Minutes away driving on dirt roads. It was a very depleted farming village.

Getting out of the car Margret was greeted by glares from the villagers. Although they agreed to sell her the mountain in the end… They didn't like her at all… she is a witch.

Victor didn’t care about them, he just left the car with the girls and Alex, who was really embraced and had difficulty walking with high heels.

While Theta who was dressed in boy's clothes that didn't hide her gender at all was more comfortable.

Under the villagers' scrutinizing eyes, Victor with his charming entourage, headed to the mayor’s house… it was burnt to the ground.

“What happened here?” Margret asked.

“Ah… The mayor took all the money and ran away. So the villagers vented on his house...” An old man hatefully said as the villagers looked at Margret with hate… the mayor conspired with the village treasurer and stole everything. It was all because of this witch.

They really wanted to demand more money… But the last time they did that, Margret brought those burly men who taught them a good lesson… so they didn’t dare make trouble.

“I want to ask about your village's wine. What is it made of?” Victor asked, not really expecting an answer.

“It’s a secret.” The old man replied sternly…

“How much is the price of this secret?” Victor asked.

“It’s not for sale.” The man replied.

“Even if I paid you 1 Million Dollars?” Victor asked making the man open his eyes wide and then shake his head.

“Don't tempt me..... A secret is a secret. This man's honor is not for sale.” The old man said proudly as the Villagers around him nodded, not noticing the signal the old man was giving Victor.

He was flashing his ten fingers…. He wanted 10 Million…

“I understand…Our trip was useless…” Victor said, “Then I guess I will just go out of the village to enjoy the rural atmosphere. Maybe take some pictures near the intersection... There is a big old oak there.” He said returning to the car and telling Margaret to head out of the village and then stop at the oak near the first intersection.

“Uncle Black You did the right thing. That young man told us not to tell anyone about the magical grass. He said that he would pay us handsomely once he found a buyer.” A young villager said.

“He said that he would pay each villager 1 Million. This young master is a fool if he thought we would agree to take only 1 Million and split it between all of us.” He added

“I know.” The old man said, “I will go fishing to clear my mind… That bastard Mayor taking the money was a real shock… What a traitor.”

“Yes... ” The villagers who were watching nodded in agreement.

“You fools, I will sell the secret then escape with the money as the mayor did… HE He He… I heard there is a pretty widow with a lot of debt in my son-in-law's native village… I will go there and enjoy life…” Uncle black thought as he left the village.

When Uncle Black reached the oak tree out of town 30 minutes later the place that was usually desolate was crowded with his fellow villagers. And that young master was nowhere to be seen.

“Why are all of you here?” Uncle black asked around as his face turned black...

“We…. We just came here to chase that young master out… “

“Yes… We can’t trust that bastard.”

“Yes… No matter how much he pays us.”

“For the Village.”

“I am here to enjoy the views through…”

“Cold beverages…. a bottle for 2 dollars…”

“Then…. How long should we be waiting here?”

“Wait, is there anyone missing here?”

“No… Wait a minute….. I will count the villagers.”

“Everyone is here, boss.”

"I feel someone is missing.... "

"No... Everyone is here, I checked twice... Where is El?"

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