The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 146: El

Chapter 146: El

After Victor’s car left the Village and made a left turn heading to the designated meeting place, Victor suddenly heard a banging noise from the back trunk.

At first, he ignored it…

“Alex, stop the car,” Victor said after a few minutes.

After getting out of the car, with Margaret and the sacred Theta, He slowly opened the trunk… Whoever hid inside, seemed to have gotten himself locked up.

A black creature crawled on all four from the trunk then jumped and stood on two feet.

It made Theta yelp and hide behind Victor.

“What took you so long to stop the car? It was too cramped there..... And you stop screaming… My ears hurt. …..” It yelled at Theta,

It was a beggar child, so dirty that Victor was having difficulty making sure that he was human. He was barefooted and dressed in rags.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Margret asked as she stepped away. This kid smelled bad… no… “Bad” should be what he smelled a month ago. Now… She had no word for it.

As for the rags he was wearing, they were covered in some sort of black mud that, as a city girl, didn’t like at all. Is that really mud? It didn't smell like mud to her…

“Ah… I am El…. I heard that you were asking about the village’s wine ingredients.” The beggar… El said, stuttering but with confidence as he put his hands on his waist.

“Do you know anything about that wine?” Victor asked, raising one of his eyebrows. This kid is interesting.

“I know everything about it…” El replied proudly.


“I heard that you will pay for the information….” El said making a money gesture with his little hand…

“How much do you want? I can give you one million.” Victor said… He needed to save on expenses. Untraceable money doesn’t grow on trees.

“And what should I do with all of that money? Wipe my ass with it? I would end up dead in three days If not by your hands, by one of those idiots in the village.” El said wisely, making Victor nod… This kid was not stupid…. But he is too vulgar.

“Then what do you want?” Victor asked.

“I want you to become my husband,” El replied straight away, making the girls look at him with a frown…

“Ahhhh. You are a girl?” Margret suddenly yelled in shock as she pointed at El.

“Stop screaming b*tch, my ears hurt….Yes, I am a girl… Did your little mind take too long to process that?” El replied... Vulgarly...

“No…” Margret replied. Did this little piece of sh*t just call her a B*tch? Being insulted by children was a new low, even for her.

“How old are you again?” Victor asked as he grabbed Margret’s hand calming her down.

“Nine and a half” El responded proudly.

“Then marriage is impossible… You are too young and this young master has a life to live out of prison.” Victor replied coldly.

“Ah… I see. I didn’t think of it from your perspective…..” El said as she nodded, pondering… “Then how about you make me your little sister?” She asked with stars in her eyes.

“Why me? Look at that pretty boy. Isn't he a better choice?" Victor said pointing at, the male dressed, Theta.

"That's a girl," El said... " I don't like girls."

"Then how about Alex there, he is good too. Although he is dressed in a skirt, he is a man. I can even let you marry him… He was in prison once and wouldn’t mind going there again.” Victor said.

“I can see that, but also no… He is too wimpy… I can see it from the way he walks. In contrast, you are more handsome and most importantly... Rich… You would surely pamper a new little sister.” El replied, trying to act cute…. It didn’t work… She smelled too fowl for that.

“I can take the info and kill you…” Victor commented with some amusement.

“And I was intending to fool you at first… But since you came clean and didn’t try to take advantage of me….No... I shall call myself a young miss from now on…. Since you didn’t take advantage of this young miss, I will tell you what that wine is made out of. Do you accept my proposal?” She asked Victor, making him use his appraisal skill on her.

; ;


STR 15

INT 39




Fate : AAA+++

“... Fine. I will be your big brother… But.” Victor replied after seeing her fate. That is the most amazing fate he saw below Scions… Can this kid become a scion? He didn’t know.… She may be just the main wife of some very strong scion. Either way, he would benefit from having her as a little sister, despite her somewhat naive hidden agenda... She had some interesting stats too...

But first, some things needed to be said…

Victor’s face became serious as he went down on his knee and looked El in the eyes. “I can take you in… but If you ever betray me…. I will make sure your worst nightmare comes true.” Victor threatened, making El swallow and nod repeatedly.

“I understand… I don't want to eat that disgusting broccoli thing ever again.” She said after a few seconds, making Victor have the urge to smack her head.

Looking at her clear eyes and smile he realized that she was playing with him. However, she seemed to have gotten the message. What has she been through to develop such an attitude?

“Get in the car,” Victor said, sitting in the back as El jumped and sat beside him and began to look around in excitement as Alex started the engine.

Margret wanted to sit on his other side… But the smell was too much for her, so after hesitating for a moment, she and Theta sat on the same seat in the front.

"Now can you tell me about the wine?" Victor, who used the disguise skill to hide El's smell, asked.

“The wine is made of…” El began to tell them the ingredients.

“I know that. I want to know where the grass you used in it came from.”

“Ahh. The magic grass?” El was surprised, “ I can show you, go that way until you reach the cliff.” El told Alex, then relaxed in her seat.

“What does the wine do anyway?” Victor asked, wanting to know the effect the Villagers observed.

“It makes people smart… Uncle black once told me that I fell into a wine barrel when I was a baby, That’s why I am too smart..” She said proudly…

“Really? The villagers didn’t seem that smart.” He said.

“It only makes them smart for a few hours… They usually take it with them to important meetings.” She said,

“ I see… Where are your parents?” Victor asked after he secretly sent a message to Kai to investigate anything about this child.

“I only had a mother… But not anymore... “ El replied, looking away as her eyes became wet.

“Sorry,” Victor said as he decided to sacrifice his new suit and hug El a little. She didn’t seem to mind.

“It’s ok… six months ago… She passed away after helping someone,” El said stubbornly as she wiped her tears with his suit.

“Helping someone?” Victor asked.

“Yes, that’s what she did for a living. Uncle black told me she got a disease from a man she was helping.” El said.

“Ahh… she was a doctor?” Victor asked.

“No…. The villagers called her a hooker. Every man in the village told me that she was great.” El said proudly, making Alex almost lose control of the car.

“You know what a hooker does, don’t you?” Margret, who couldn’t stay silent anymore, asked.

“Yes… Uncle black told me that she helps men. I will also become a great hooker in the future.” El repeated as she angrily glared at Margret who was having difficulty containing her laugh.

“I see. I hope you don’t regret that.” Margret said as she quickly turned around seeing Victor’s warning eyes.

“I won’t,” El replied stubbornly…

“Then where do you live? Who is taking care of you and why are you covered with dirt… That’s dirt right?” Victor asked, looking at his spoilt suit.

“I don’t know, they use this thing in the fields… they call it... fertaz…fertisiass..”


“That’s it..” El replied as she nodded trying to act smart and making Victor look at his new suit with sorrow.

“Then why are you covered in it?” He asked.

“Ahhh…. Well…. The villagers around here are not known for their generosity, you see…. They didn’t want to take care of me… So I live on my own.” She replied, ”And….. You see… this young miss… was still too young to work, so I had to beg for food to live….. But they would not give me what I want… So…. I just covered myself with this and sat in front of their houses.” She replied with a cheeky smile

“So they gave you food to get rid of you?” Margret turned around again and asked.

“Yup… When did you grow so smart?” El said, making Margret turn again and gush her teeth… This little hooker was getting on her nerves.

“Stop there.” she suddenly yelled at Alex, “We reached our destination.”

Getting out of the car followed by the girls, Victor noticed that they were standing on top of a steep cliff.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Victor asked.

“Yes, the villagers would scale down this place and find the grass growing on the cliff face…” She replied, making Victor nod and prepared to investigate the cliff when he heard a voice.

“Stop right there kid.” A man with a drawn knife walked out of the bushes. He was a tall burly man with a scar right across his face.

“Little El… You know well what we do with snitches.” He said.

“Big John, … When did you arrive here?” the terrified El asked as she stepped back behind Victor, where she poked her head from behind him.

“Just now, the boss called me and said that you were missing… Did you want to betray the village? Mr. Kline will not like this… ” He asked.

“I would never dare to betray Mr. Kline, I was just showing this young master the scenery.” She said as she pulled Victor’s shirt from the back warning him.

“Ah really… “ Big John said as he put his hand behind his back., “Then I would have to ask the pretty girls here about their opinion on the view.” Big John said as he looked at the girls while licking his lips… Wait, that one is a guy… Why is he in a skirt?

Big John didn’t get the chance to know why…because the next moment Victor took out a gun and shot big john who was about to use a throwing knife in the head, making the girls a little shocked… and making the terrified El step back in horror… She made a mistake... This was a big miscalculation… This young master was not easy prey… But a hidden predator….

“Stop,” Victor shouted at her, but she didn’t listen… That was a mistake because right behind her was a cliff.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." With a loud scream, she fell into the abyss...

“Is this my end…” She thought as she fell into someone's embrace… Opening her eyes, she saw that it was Victor who was embracing her as he sighed in relief… He was flying in midair.

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