The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 144: Victor's day out

Chapter 144: Victor's day out

“Do you have any place in mind?” Margret who was driving the car through the highway asked.

“Not really…. I just want to pretend to be buying a gift for my fiance while spending some time with you girls.” He said.

“Pretend?” Mana, who was sticking very close to him, asked hesitatingly.

“Yah.. Don’t worry I won’t marry soon. The bride would probably run away sooner or later. I just need to play my part and wait for that." He said casually, making the girls frown.

“You mean Miss Linda would leave you and marry someone else?” Mina asked in surprise

“Yes.” He said.

“Is he the one she slept with?” Margret asked, remembering the video Victor showed her.

“No. Someone else. My other cousin.” Victor said.

“What a slut.” The girls said at the same time… Including Margret. That Linda had just hit rock bottom in their opinions.

“I knew a good luxury mall downtown, it has many gift stores and an excellent restaurant on the top floor. How about we spend the day there?” Margret asked casually, changing the subject.

“That would be great,” Victor said as he hugged the twins. It’s time for him to relax at last.

Reaching the mall, Margret parked the car in the underground parking lot and then escorted Victor upstairs while ignoring the shoppers' disdainful looks.

They decided to eat something first before shopping, so they headed to the Restaurant on the top floor. It had a great panoramic view of the city.

“Sir, This restaurant has a dress code.” a waiter stepped in their way just as they entered the restaurant.

Victor was dressed very casually, while the girls were in jeans and colorful t-shirts… a bit too casual for a place like this where top politicians and VIPs usually ate.

“And… Do you have a reservation?” The waiter added, trying hard not to sound snobbish as he kicked them out…

“Give me your best private room,” Victor said casually, throwing his family token at the waiter who looked at it with a frown.

“Please wait a moment.” He said, gesturing to a security guard to keep an eye on them as he went to find the manager. He didn’t recognize the token, but the coat of arms itched on it was the same one that was hanging on the wall behind the boss’s desk.

“Sorry, I didn’t know that this place required reservations or a dressing code,” Margret whispered embarrassingly as she noticed a couple of people giving them stares as they entered the restaurant proudly. Entering this place was a privilege even for important people.

“Those are for normal people. Not us…. Don’t worry. My family owns half of the city… Including this restaurant.” He said, making Margret remember how rich and influential her young master’s family was.

Just then the waiter returned running in panic with a forehead full of sweat. And because of that he stumbled and fell at Victor’s feet.

“Young master, please forgive me I didn’t know it was you.” He said, as he knelt and presented the token back to Victor in both hands. Making the guard who wanted to help him and the guests who were waiting for their tables freeze in shock.

Who the hell is this young master?

“It’s ok,” Victor said, taking the Token back. “Now guide us to our room.” He said. He didn’t care about a random waiter doing his job.

“Young master… The boss is having lunch with some guests here… She instructed me to guide you to her room.” The waiter said as he slowly stood up while bowing.

“The Boss? Fine then. Guide us.” Victor said, wondering who this mysterious boss was.

“Please… This way.” The waiter said respectfully as he guided them between the tables and the envious looks of the guests until they reached a room with a gilded door.

“Who is it, sister?” Mia asked Iris as she stuffed her mouth with a big lobster… She was really enjoying her sister’s treats.

“It’s my half-brother…” Iris said, making Mia who never liked rich people frown.

“You mean Victor?” Zoe, who was eating with them, asked with some anticipation.

“Yes… He is the only one in town who has the elite badge beside you.” Iris told Zoe.

“Is he one of those bad rich people?” Mia asked, In the past, she had a bad experience with a rich young master, who toyed with her feelings… so she was really cautious around those people. She didn’t like Zoe at first, but after getting to know her and how she grew up in a mountainous village they became best friends.

“Don’t call him bad …. He is a nice person,” Iris said remembering how he saved her life, just as the door opened and Victor glided in while hugging three girls. Iris was caught off guard… the waiter said nothing about the girls….

“Not bad huh,” Mia whispered as she inspected Victor with disgust.

“Iris, it’s nice to meet you again. Ah… Nice to meet you again Zoe.” He said flashing a smile at Zoe who blushed a little. She didn’t know why, but he always seemed nice to her.

“Those are?” Iris asked as she looked at the girls… they were pretty…. Very pretty… Twins?

She knew that her brother was a womanizer…. But… wasn’t he accompanied by that veiled girl Lily and Aria back then?

“Those are Margret, Mina and Mana… They are my girlfriends.” He said, making the girls around him blush a little and hug him tighter as Zoe and Mia glared at them.

“Oh…. Well… Nice to meet you. This is Mia, My adoptive sister.” Iris said introducing Mia who was inspecting Victor thoroughly… she didn’t like him one bit… Sure, he was handsome. But she hated womanizers the most.

“Nice to meet you, Mia,” Victor said as he sat on an empty couch and then gestured to his girlfriends to sit beside him. It was a little crowded, but none of them seemed to be minding that….Perverts.

“What are you doing here? Just having a date?” Iris asked him as she wondered why she was feeling jealous…she was his sister, damn it….. Somehow, she kept remembering that day when she woke in his bed…. She must bury that memory forever….

“Not really… I don’t know if dad told you, but I am getting married.” He said, making both Iris and Zoe look at him in surprise.

“Really? You don’t look the part.” Mia said as she looked at him then at the girls. Especially that Margret… She didn’t like her at all. The way she was sitting on his lap reminded her of a certain slut friend of hers.

“Mia, don’t be rude.” Iris scolded, then turned to Victor, “Congratulations.” She said with some sourness in her mouth.

“You don’t have to, I really hate the b*tch bride. But it’s the family’s decision. I need to bring some gifts when I go to propose… So I am here shopping with the girls.” He said, surprising everyone.

“Ahhh… I see.” Iris said, not knowing what to think. At least he hates the bride… What was she thinking? Iris shook her head as Zoe did the same thing.

“I heard that you would also be attending the academy,” Zoe said intending to change the subject.

“Yeah, You too?” Victor asked in surprise. But Mia felt that his expression was forced.

“Yes. and Mia would too. She would be attending the normal class.” Zoe said, “We are here with Iris to buy some supplies.” She said,

“Let’s go shopping together then. The girls here are attending with us.” Victor said, making Iris, Zoe, and Mia look at them with surprise.

“Did you pay for their tuition?” Mia asked rudely. Her sister was the one who arranged for her to attend the academy. But she was her sister. She didn’t need to sleep with her for that to happen.

“Yes, he did pay for everything,” Margret who couldn’t take Mia's provocation anymore said as she stuck her body to Victor who didn’t mind at all.

“A Slut and a Pervert,” Mia thought, she never liked those young masters before. And she liked them much less now.

“Then they would be attending the normal class with Mia,” Iris said, intending to make them friends. Her sister tends to be a little rude sometimes, but she is an honest girl.

“No. They would be attending the special class with Zoe and me,” Victor said, making them look at him and then the girls with surprise.

Zoe and Iris were surprised because they never expected that those pretty girls were also players. They didn’t need Victor to pay for their tuition. Why are they so close to him then?

Weren't players supposed to be strong and independent?

Mia was shocked for another reason… She wanted to attend the special class though, but even her sister could let her do that… The requirements for the special class are very secretive.

How did he get them in? Was being a slut a prerequisite for the special class? No, it can’t be, Zoe was very nice and she got accepted too. She wanted to ask how… but knowing that she would not get an answer and not wanting to ask those perverts about anything she chose to refrain.

“Let’s go shopping together then,” Iris said with a sigh.

After a delicious meal, they left the restaurant in a relaxed manner.

Mia kept looking at Victor with disgust. Did he have to make the girls feed him with their hands? What a pervert.

The group went downstairs to the mall and began to choose some dresses for school. Unlike many aristocratic schools, this one didn’t require a uniform, on the contrary, the students were encouraged to show their wealth and status in order to teach them the truth about life. It is not fair.

They didn't face any problems this time as everyone in the mall already knew that Iris was the owner. So their shopping went on extra smoothly.

Victor didn’t choose anything for himself, the twins chose a few pieces for him which he refused to try on, saying that he trusted their choice. Making the jealous Margret chose some other pieces for him… Would he really dress in something like that? It would make him look very vulgar… or like a pimp.

He was just enjoying the sight of the girls trying different things on though, he kept inspecting them with a perverted smile on his face.

Mia kept a close eye on him. She even noticed when he secretly sneaked into a changing booth with that slut Margret. She expected him to take a long time and she was prepared to call the security. but it only lasted five minutes and when they left Margret was blushing heavily and out of breath. She was even walking a bit funny. What did they do in just five minutes? Was it long enough for that…. She didn’t know…. She had no experience…. Why was she thinking about such things? It must be that pervert’s influence.

After a while, the girls showed their new dresses to Victor one by one… Including Zoe who asked shyly for his opinion.

“Sister Zoe… Don’t fall for him,” Mia screamed in her mind. She must warn Zoe when they return to the Villa tonight…. Rich young masters like that pervert Victor can’t be trusted.

Should she teach him a lesson? Yes…

Pretending that she was going to the lady’s room, Mia quickly followed Victor who left the girls saying he would just go choose a suitable gift for his fiance and then meet again with them. The girls didn’t mind as they were shopping for underwear and he was not allowed into the store.

Following Victor, she first saw him go into a florist store where he pointed to some big flowering cacti. He told the shopkeeper to send them somewhere before flashing his token and leaving.

Are those for his proposal… Sure their flowers are pretty. But….. He seemed to really hate the bride.

After that, he went buying some random things and trinkets here and there and flashing his Token each time instead of paying.

Her sister had a token too, but it was a silver one, not purple. Zoe had a purple one.

Her sister told her that this was very important and represented her status in the family and that it should never be lost.

Mia smiled evilly. What would he do if his token was lost?

She found a good chance to take after she watched Victor store the Token in white velvet and then put it in his left pocket after buying some earrings.

Let’s borrow it a little she thought as she approached him while making sure to stay out of the security cameras… Her mother taught her well.

Just as Victor was busy drooling at some magazines that featured the actress Mira in a bikini, she took the opportunity to snatch the token from his pocket, throwing it in the shopping bag in her hand and then quickly leaving the crime scene.

She quickly hid and inspected her surroundings to make sure no one was following her after turning a few corners.

A success.

She quickly ran to the lady’s room, then after making sure that no one was watching, she opened her bag and looked at her spoils.

It was a white ripped fabric…. With the letter "I" engraved on it… There was no Token…

This …. Wasn’t this her sister Iris’s panties? She clearly knew the letter I which her sister sewed on her underwear after she kept stealing them from her.

Why does Victor have this? Could it be…. No…. But…Her sister was looking at him strangely…. No…. Impossible…. They are brother and sister……. But the way this thing was ripped….

Looking at Mia who sneaked away proudly, Victor chuckled.

“Let her learn a lesson the hard way. She should never pick the pocket of a young master enjoying his time. She can never guess what she would get…” He thought as he took one magazine and then paid for it.

His Mira was really pretty here…. He should invite her to a private photo shoot with the other girls… He he he…

"Sir... You are drooling" A shopkeeper warned him.

Victor nodded to the man as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, then decided to return to the girls. They must have finished shopping by now…

As he made his way to their meeting place he spotted Margret with her crimson red hair. She was standing next to the stairs in a corner arguing with some persistent guy.

Frowning, he headed in her direction stealthily.

“Come on Margo… I will pay you handsomely… The guys want someone to like you…” A man who was wearing a business suit that failed miserably to hide his belly was cornering Margret and asking her to come with him.

“I told you, I don’t do that anymore.” she spat at him.

“But your uncle was out pal…” He said as he inspected her… “You used to call me uncle too…”

“Not anymore…Go F*ck, my uncle… He would gladly accept the money, what does that have to do with me.” She said coldly.

“Listen. If you don’t do as I tell you, I ….” The man didn’t continue as his head was kicked by Victor making him hit the wall and then collapse on the floor.

“Are you ok?” Victor, who appeared from the shadows, asked.

“Ahh… Victor….Yes…. Thanks... That man…he…” Margret stuttered.

“I know. you don’t need to tell me.” Victor said hesitating for a moment before he took out his phone and then gave it to Margaret after opening a document. He decided to confront her and remove the shadow in her heart once and for all.

Looking at the data displayed on the phone’s screen, Margret's face turned white. They were all the dirty things her uncle made her do back then… Some of them she did on her own accord… Everything was explained in detail with photos and testimonies. She didn't want anyone to know about these… especially Victor.

“I already know everything about you…. So don’t act like a stranger.” He said after a few minutes as he watched her panic… Those were her dirtiest secrets.

“When d..did…?” She wanted to ask but her shaking lips didn’t move well.

“Officer Lea. she really didn’t like you, so she sent those files to me in the morning.” He said before putting his hand on her hair and brushing her hair with his fingers.

“You don’t need to worry about it. Didn’t I tell you that you are already mine, so... I don’t care about your past.” He said, suddenly pulling her over and hugging her to his chest.

“Ummm. “ she said, hugging him back as tears uncontrollably dripped from her eyes, staining his shirt again..… Isn’t there a skill in the system for that?

“You motherf***** How dare you hit me. who the hell are you? Do you know who am I?” The man who was knocked out regained consciousness and slowly stood up shouting after a few moments destroying Margret’s romantic moment.

“I am her Pimp. And no matter who you are, How dare you touch my merchandise?” Victor asked as he kicked the man back to the ground while hugging Margret.

“Ahh… I can pay…” The man wanted to say but was stopped by Victor’s repeated kicking.

“You can’t afford her. Only I can afford her.” Victor said as he kicked the man again.

“Security. SECURITY… A bastard is assaulting me… I am the head of The Trust Bank…”

The man's yelling stopped after realizing that no one looked at him.

Victor had already disguised everything around here with his skill so no one saw or heard anything.

Letting go of the chuckling Margaret, Victor smiled as he took a wine bottle and a glass then after filling it in front of the confused man’s eyes, he grabbed the man’s mouth and emptied the glass completely into it.

The man wanted to resist but he couldn’t. Victor’s grasp was very strong. He even kicked his couch forcing him to swallow. Suddenly he felt strange…. The pain disappeared and the man in front of him was his best buddy.

“Go to the police station and tell them about every bad thing you did… Then find a sharp object and castrate yourself as an apology.” Victor said, making the man frown… then nod and leave the mall as if he was a man on a mission.

It seems like the drug’s effect was very strong on non-players but very weak on the awakened.

“Thank you,” Margret said in a whisper.

“That’s what every aspiring pimp should do,” He said. “Let’s go find the others,” he added, grabbing her hand and pulling her, making her smile and nod.

As long as she was with him, the past does not matter…. No... Not all of it… she wouldn’t mind trying some techniques she learned back then on him…

“Can I have a kiss?” She asked him as they were walking.

“Wasn’t the one in the dressing room enough for you?” He asked as he stopped suddenly taking her in his arms and kissing her lips hard and letting go before she realized what had just happened.

“Let’s go.” He said dragging her again.

“That’s not fair, I wasn’t ready.” She protested as he ignored her.

When they regrouped with the other, Zoe was lively talking with the twins. They seemed to have become friends. While Mia kept shooting her unaware sister strange looks.

“Is everything ok?” Iris asked as she noticed Victor walking with Margret, whose eyes and cheeks were slightly red.

“Yeah… just some drunk man tried to assault Margaret. So I took care of him.” Victor said.

“Did you get everything you needed?” Iris asked.

“Yeah,” Victor nodded.

“Where should we go now?” Zoe asked… wanting to spend more time with Victor and the girls.

“I know a good karaoke bar near here.” Margret, who regained her spirit, suggested.

“Let’s go,” Victor said heading to the exit without asking for the girl's opinion…

Zoe and Iris didn’t argue, they just quickly followed him.

Mia didn’t want to go… but seeing how Zoe and her sister were interested she decided to hop on… she wouldn’t dare to leave them alone with a pervert like Victor…

And just like that, Victor ended up taking the girls partying all night around town and teaching Zoe about city life.

The night did not go smoothly as some thugs tried to assault the girls but were beaten by Zoe before Victor could make a move. This girl knew how to spell the word "violence".

In the end, Iris had to drag Zoe back home, saying that they had to go to school tomorrow to finalize the paperwork before the opening day.

Victor only returned home at 1.00 AM to face grumpy Lily who after making sure that he was fine, kicked Margret and the twins outside of her room then locked the door and jumped into bed with the chuckling Victor.

This is what he wanted, as he didn’t dare to spend the night with an emotionally unstable Margret. He was afraid that he might not be able to control himself if that girl did anything stupid.

“You seem to have enjoyed your day,” Lily asked him, pouting as she hugged him and rested her head on his chest.

“Yes… Next time I will take you too.” He said with a smile.

“I want to go on a date with you alone.” She said in a low embarrassed voice.

“Oooh... Well, that could be arranged… In fact, I have a plan but I will leave it as a surprise,” He mysteriously said as he hugged her back and went to sleep while thinking about what he should do about that crazy journalist tomorrow.

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