MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 947: Blazing with Determination

Chapter 947: Blazing with Determination

'Then again, why did I get this quest in the first place?' inwardly muttered the young man to himself not long after, beginning to delve deeper into it in his thoughts.

If he were to pinpoint the possible root cause of why he'd been given the quest in the first place, then Valyr felt that it might have something to do with the conversation that unfold between Sellifer and Noel.

Because Sellifer mentioned that it was near impossible for someone to fuse Void Energy or Abyssal Energy together with mana, Valyr began to think that there might be a different approach to it where something like that would have been possible.

However, he didn't even have any basis for its feasibility, merely imagining it as a what-if scenario that he could embark once he had gotten stronger somewhere down the line.

'The thought of fusing the higher forms of Shadow Energy together with mana hadn't even crossed my mind before then,' thought Valyr to himself. 'After all, Azure Energy is already plenty powerful, especially once I bring it up to higher stages.'

Though, that all changed when he inadvertently transformed Azure Energy into Prime Azure Energy in the midst of ascending its quality.

Being touted by the system as a type of energy that exhibits far greater potential than Azure Energy in many more ways than one, Valyr felt that this was what spurred both the Serpent Maiden and the Overseer to give him such a quest.

"They probably have some greater agenda behind giving me this quest,' inwardly muttered Valyr to himself, only to shake his head soon after. 'On second thought, they definitely have a greater agenda behind giving me this quest.'

'In the best-case scenario, that greater agenda would just be my actions once again contributing to the further betterment of the Shadow Plane.'

'But if it's the worst-case scenario...' Valyr slightly shuddered at the thought, the ideas in his mind swiftly spiraling into chaos because of it.

'I wouldn't think too much about it.'

Shaking his head a bit to remove the discordant thoughts in his mind, the young man took a calming breath before looking over the situation once more from an objective perspective. 'Even if I know there's a greater reason behind them wanting me to incorporate the Void into Prime Azure Energy, I'd still stand to benefit from it,' thought the young man to himself, briefly looking at the two once more to see what they were doing.

Seeing that Noel was still engrossed in purifying his mana, while Sellifer was engrossed in some other task, Valyr returned to his thoughts as he began to rub his chin.

'Aside from my combat prowess possibly reaching a higher level if I were to do it, the Serpent Maiden and the Overseer would undoubtedly reward me because of it, especially the former.' 'However, I still can't shake off the fact that they have an ulterior motive in having me do this.' Frowning at the thought, Valyr eventually let out a low sigh, slightly lamenting both his lack of information, as well as his lack of power to control the situation.

Taking in a few deep breaths to compose himself, Valyr then closed all of the screens he brought up before moving closer to both Sellifer and Noel.

Slightly moving closer to the former, the woman surprisingly looked at him the moment he made a move, raising her eyebrow as she asked, "I'm guessing you need my help?"

Caught somewhat off guard by her words, Valyr froze for a bit before nodding.


"I'm guessing this has to do with that energy you created?" asked Sellifer in response, to which the young man nodded once more.

"The system calls it Prime Azure Energy to differentiate it from the Azure Energy you taught me," said Valyr after that, only to look at her with a wry smile. "To be honest, I feel like I should apologize."

"What for?" Sellifer looked back at him with slight confusion before letting out a bit of laughter. "If it's because of that Prime Azure Energy you made, don't even bother. Just like how I made Azure Energy, I'm sure that Prime Azure Energy of yours was only possible through a series of coincidences."

"In any case, what do you need my help with?"

Faintly smiling in gratitude at her words, Valyr slightly nodded as he voiced out his thoughts. "According to the system, Prime Azure Energy has the ability to assimilate higher forms of both Shadow Energy and mana without any issues."

Sellifer nodded in response, getting an idea of what the young man wanted to do. "And I'm guessing you want to try and incorporate Void Energy into it?"

"Yeah." Valyr nodded. "I just wanted to ask if you know how to transform Shadow Energy into Void Energy, then I'll probably do everything else on my own."

Sellifer could only bitterly smile at those words. "I've got some ideas..."

Then, she pointed at the only one among them that's still engrossed in their task. "But I think

asking your mentor would be your best choice in learning how to do it."

Slightly nodding in response, Valyr looked at her with a hint of surprise. "You haven't harnessed the power of Void Energy?"

"I probably would have if my bloodline had relations to it," said Sellifer with a slight chuckle. "But of course, you know how that went, seeing as you have firsthand information on how I eventually underwent atavism."

Getting the idea that controlling Void Energy for her would have something to do with bloodlines, he then asked, "So, does that mean you can't touch Void Energy, then?"

"It's not that I can't," Sellifer clarified. "It's that I don't plan to. Why head down another path

if Azure Energy already serves that purpose for me?"

Just as Valyr was about to mull over the woman's words, a familiar voice could be heard not far away from them as the being let out a light groan.

"Finally. I've achieved the stage of 1st Cleansing," said Noel with a proud smile on his face, shifting his gaze towards Sellifer to ask what he needed to next.

Though, at that moment, he paused, immediately noticing that Valyr was now out of his previous state of immersion.

"Er... did I take a long time to get to 1st Cleansing, Divine One?" asked Noel to the two with an awkward smile, causing both Sellifer and Valyr to let out a bit of laughter in response.

"No, Valyr just finished earlier than expected," explained Sellifer, prompting the old man to nod in response. "In any case, to think you've reached 1st Cleansing in just a bit over a day is quite impressive."

"Not as impressive as what that brat did back when I was teaching him how to purify his Shadow Energy," said Noel in response, making Sellifer smile because of it.

"Well, he is a Zeihardt," Sellifer told the old man. "It's kind of expected for a Zeihardt to have

monstrous talent."

"Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked," continued the woman after a brief pause. "Valyr has something he wants to ask you."

"What is it?" asked Noel back, looking at Valyr with a hint of curiosity.

"Void Energy," the young man succinctly replied. "I want you to teach me how to transform Shadow Energy into Void Energy, Elder Noel."

At those words, Elder Noel closed his eyes for a bit, his expression slowly turning pensive.

By the time he opened his eyes, he looked at Valyr straight in the eyes and said, "Frankly, I've already told you part of the requirements needed to do that before."

"Wait..." Slightly frowning at those words, the young man closed his eyes for a bit before recalling a certain something the old man told him the last time they parted ways. "Reach the stage of 3rd Cleansing and have a thousand points of Shadow Energy?" "Bingo." Noel nodded with a smile. "As long as you achieve that, your Shadow Energy will slowly begin to transform into Void Energy."

"Of course, it'll take a long time for it to get to that point if you were to head that route," said Noel. "I'm getting the feeling that you want to obtain Void Energy as fast as possible. Am I

wrong in thinking that?"

"Not at all." Valyr shook his head.

Noel nodded at that. "If that's the case, reach the same level of quality, but have 3,000 points

of Shadow Energy."

"After that, assimilate the energy that's around us right now, whether it be through coming

in direct contact with the darkness, or..."

"Or...?" Valyr looked at Noel with curiosity.

"Well..." Seeing the young man gazing at him, the old man mulled over whether or not to say

it, only to recall what he'd seen Valyr do back when fighting against the Shadow Rabbits. "Whatever. You have the combat prowess to pull it off anyway."

"Either you come in direct contact with the darkness, or assimilate the energies you obtain

from killing a Void Beast."

"You really want him to fight against a Void Beast?" Sellifer said out of shock, looking at Noel with slight disappointment. "You do know even the weakest Void Beast is at the cusp of

becoming a Myth, right?"

"I know." Noel nodded. "It's the reason why I didn't take that path. The only reason why I know of it is because I had a talented student who did that."

"In any case, Valyr is definitely more than capable of fighting against a Void Beast," continued the old man. "I don't know about the stronger ones, but even Void Beasts at the early Myth level probably wouldn't pose a threat to him."

"That much?" Hearing that, Sellifer began to reevaluate her impression of Valyr, merely thinking of the young man before as a strong genius that's been given wings due to Azure


However, after hearing that even Myth-level beings couldn't pose a threat to the young man, the woman felt the curiosity deep within her slowly becoming awake.

With that, she glanced at Valyr, only for the young man's expression to appear in full view.

Unsurprisingly, it was that of determination.

Unyielding, blazing determination.

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