Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 134- Relaxing in the City

Chapter 134- Relaxing in the City

[Keeno POV]

After arriving at the city, we spent about a week just doing easy to finish jobs for the guild to build up more savings.  Huginn and Muninn had even managed to get a small group of other steelfeather ravens to become their underlings, which was funny when I saw them together and saw just how much bigger my precious birds were than a normal one from their species. It filled me with a strange pride.

Eblana had also reached out again giving an update on what she found out so far in regards to whatever it is the ruler of this country had done.  While she didn’t find anything concrete yet, she’s finding many small things like laboratories researching strange medicines and potions that are more akin to poison.  Others that had several captured undead that they’ve kept the Death Spirits from with some sort of barrier. In those labs, the undead were chained to walls or strapped to tables while researchers forced several different liquids of unknown purposes into them and observed their reactions.  Eblana thinks they are trying to find a way to either revive an undead or make them obedient with methods other than Death Magic.

“Ama.  What kind of barrier can keep spirits away?” (Keeno)

{There shouldn’t be one. I think they are using some kind of convoluted trick to hide from them. From her information, all of these labs are in somewhat close proximity to a very ‘thin’ part of the Dead Zone, in a manner of speaking.  The spirits should be able to still enter, but they probably won’t be able to do much since it would count as interference with the mortal world to them. It’s hard to properly explain.}

“Hmm.  Guess she can cause some havoc there. See if her word is to be trusted.” (Keeno)

Me and Ama came up with a plan that we related to Eblana for her to, over the coming weeks, make things start to fall apart in these labs that would eventually destroy them.  After finishing that, Pram and Freya arrived at our room in the inn we were staying at. Pram has volunteered her healing services at a temple not to far down the road while Freya acted as her bodyguard. When Pram flopped down on the bed she and Freya shared, I could see the content look on her face.

“Ever the saint. Don’t ever change that, Pram.” (Keeno)

“Wasn’t planning to.” (Pram)

“Just make sure to bring me along with you. I didn’t like how some of those people were looking at you. Especially the few that kept coming back to have you heal them repeatedly.” (Freya)

“Hehe.  Maybe I should be the one to go then.  Seeing as people try to avoid the area I’m in.” (Keeno)

{They are just fools who can’t see the true you.  They are too stuck in your appearance that, to mortals, is intimidating.}

“Whatever.  In not too bothered by it anymore. If anything, it’s annoying when people don’t look me in the eye when talking.  It’s not like I’m planning on eating their soul or anything.” (Keeno)

“Didn’t you try that one time?” (Pram)

“And we agreed to never bring that up again.” (Keeno)

“Wait what?” (Freya)

“Oh!  I remember that!  Hehehe.  You couldn’t taste anything for a week after that due to the bitterness, right?” (Fia)

“Get down here so I can turn you into roast phoenix!” (Keeno)

“No, I don’t think I will.” (Fia)

{Welcome back, Fia. Did things go well?}

“At first, but then something happened, and I couldn’t stay there. Too suffocating.” (Fia)

{Hmm.  Wonder what happened?}

“Oi! I not done talking!” (Keeno)

“Souls taste bitter?  And who’s did you eat?” (Freya)

“Extremely so, and it was the soul of a boar. I’ve never eaten a person’s soul.” (Keeno)

“…” (Freya)

“That was my reaction too, before I started laughing at the way her face scrunched up.” (Pram)

“Pfft.” (Freya)

“Exactly. Take whatever you’re imagining and multiply it by 20.” (Pram)

“Looks like that’s two people who want to sleep outside tonight.” (Keeno)

“Don’t take out your embarrassment on them, Keeno.” (Fia)

“You’ll get your when I see you again.” (Keeno)

“You’re still a few thousand years too early for that.” (Fia)

“Oh?  Wanna bet?  I bet my fire can take over yours now.” (Keeno)

“Hehehe.  We’ll see. Don’t think I haven’t seen you slacking in your daily training.” (Fia)

“I don’t!  I can already make a ball of fire as small as an acorn with the power to obliterate this entire city.” (Keeno)

“…Do dragon cores really help that much?” (Fia)


“Well…what about your Divinity?” (Fia)

“Also doing my best with that.” (Keeno)

“Ok you two, that’s enough.” (Freya)

“Oh!!!  Keeno, I just remembered something.” (Pram)

Pram nearly jumped off her bed staring at me,

“Remember that one guy we befriended?  That noble guy.” (Pram)

I tilted my head in confusion at her words. When did we meet a noble?  And more importantly, when did we befriend a noble?  Seeing my obvious confusion, Pram sighed.

“The one from the boat. The one that couldn’t take no for an answer at the beginning.” (Pram)

“Ooooooooh.  The one that stalked you for a while.” (Keeno)

“Yeah him.” (Pram)

“Hmmm?” (Freya)

“Long story short he fell for Pram, she rejected him, he didn’t want to accept that, I nearly boiled him alive, after nearly a year on a boat he became our friend. That also reminds me I have some nobles to kill too.” (Keeno)

“Let’s go back to this stalking my Pram thing.” (Freya)

“It was dealt with, Freya.  No need to get like that.  And we parted ways on friendly terms.” (Pram)

“…I’ll let it go then.  Especially since it was something that happened before we met, but that doesn’t mean I like it.” (Freya)

“Understandable.” (Pram)

“Yeah.” (Keeno)


“What is today, the day of revelations or something?” (Keeno)

{Keeno, be ready for a party when you get here soon.  We’re going to be attending a grand ball of the gods.}

“A what now?” (Keeno)

{Grand ball of the Gods.}

“…” (Keeno)

{Don’t worry, I already have you a dress and it’s not as bad as you’re imagining.  It’s not some kind of political thing, but something that more of the festive Gods throw together to show off or socialize.  And apparently there is going to be a very special guest this time performing some music.}

“…” (Keeno)

{I want to use this opportunity to show you off and make all of the others jealous of us.}

“That sounds fun.” (Keeno)

“Why is that the part that gets you excited?” (Freya)

“Because she’s Keeno.  Messing with others is one of her favorite things.” (Fia)

“I mean, I know that, but I still needed to say it.” (Freya)

“They won’t know what hit them.  We’ll be the hottest topic and the hottest couple there.” (Keeno)

{Hehehehehahahahahahahahaha!  That was a good one.  And, I think you’ll look very good in a black dress.  It’ll compliment your tails and hair.}

“Does that mean you’ll be wearing a white one?” (Keeno)


“Might as well make it our wedding then, right?” (Keeno)

{No, that’s much different.  When we hold that, if you wish to, it will be much grander than any grand ball.}

“I was kidding.  We’ll make it a day to remember.” (Keeno)

“…” (Pram)

“I still need to meet your family first.” (Freya)

“Even when you know they’ll accept you?” (Pram)

“Still want to meet them.  If they are gonna be my family too, then I can’t NOT meet them.” (Freya)

“Well, you’ve both met all of my family, and, in my opinion, are already a part of it, so you have my blessing to get married any time.” (Keeno)

At this Freya blushed and Pram smiled.

“Anyway, I’ll ask Eblana about that noble friend of ours next time we get in contact.  So, until then what should we do?  Keep going with the small guild jobs until after the Solar Convergence?” (Keeno)

“Sounds fine to me.” (Pram)

“We could use all the money we can get, seeing as we have a habit of splurging it all a lot.” (Freya)

“Then it’s settled.” (Keeno)

After this a few more days passed, and the Solar Convergence arrived.

Chaos Realm:

*Payto sits up groggily*


Order: PAYTO!!!*jumps over and hugs*

Hey Order…sorry for worrying you.

Order: What happened?

You know Nykuro’s old world?  Seems like Destroying it pushed me past some sort of limit or threshold.  Now, something that even I didn’t know could happen happened.  My Destruction Authority has evolved into the Authority of Nihility.

Order: …That sounds…dangerous.

It is; for those that I have to end.  I’m going to need to get the hang of it first though, so I may have to isolate myself for a bit.

Order: How long?

Few weeks at most.  I should have a full grasp on everything that’s changed by that point.

Order: Well, hurry back…I’m still worried about you.

*Pats Order’s head*Don’t worry, I’m motivated now, so I’ll definitely be back as soon as possible.*Disappears in a flash of negative light*

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