Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 133- The Return of Amaterasu

Chapter 133- The Return of Amaterasu

[Keeno POV]

Another day passed as we continued following the road. Eblana hadn’t reached out again so far, and Ama still hadn’t returned. This fact was making my mood tank even further, though there had been a few sights that elevated it for a bit. One of these instances being when we saw a family of foxes playing around by the side of a lake. The kits were running around chasing dragonflies while the mother lay next to the water asleep.  Getting cought up in the cuteness of the tiny fluffs, I slowly approached them. They stopped their chasing and looked at me with curiosity while the mother woke up and looked at me.

She made some adorable fox noises before approaching me and sniffing my leg. I knelt down and patted her head, causing her to purr. Her little ones hearing that bounded toward me and demanded pats as well, which I gladly gave.  A few seconds later and the kits were playing around me, jumping into my tails, one of them nibbling on one in a playful manner.  The mother fox moved over and sniffed one of my tails before looking at her own.  She then started to groom her tail.

I spent a good hour playing with the tiny balls of fluffy adorableness before they started to yawn, and the mother fox yipped at them. They then left me and walked over to a spot in the ground and vanishing into their burrow.  I got up from that spot and went over to where they disappeared but found no trace of a hole.  At this moment Ama would have probably commented something, but the silence in my head brought my mood back down, leading to the present.

“Those foxes were cute.” (Pram)

“Yeah, I wish I could have played with them too.” (Freya)

“Well, I think Keeno needed it more. We can always try to find and play with more some other time if we run into some.” (Pram)

“True, though I do wonder where they went. I didn’t think animals could use magic, but their burrow completely vanishing like that can only be caused by magic.” (Freya)

“Maybe there is a subterranean civilization of foxes that rarely come to the surface to let their kits play and explore before having to leave the underground once they have grown up and act like normal animals when in actuality, they control the mortal world as the true rulers while allowing the people to believe they are free. Meaning that foxes are fourth under Gods, Apostles, and Spirits.” (Keeno)

“…” (Freya)

“…” (Pram)

{I mean, that’s all completely wrong, but it is funny.}

Just hearing her voice made me perk up instantly. I could feel my tails waving ecstatically, enough to almost send Huginn and Muninn flying.

“AMA!!!” (Keeno)

{I am extremely sorry for just disappearing like that. I was on my way to see Hresvelgr, but things happened; I’ll explain next time we see each other in person.}

“Alright. The next Solar Convergence isn’t that far away, so I can wait. I’m just happy you’re back.” (Keeno)

{I can see that. Now, has anything happened while I was away?}

“Well, you just missed Keeno playing with a family of foxes.” (Pram)

{A thing that will shame me for the rest of time.}

“We also spoke with that Death dragon…well, Keeno spoke with her and then explained what was up with her after.” (Freya)

{And your opinion?}

“Don’t completely trust her but am willing to build it up.” (Keeno)


“Oh, and what is this about telling Death Spirits to let me judge people?” (Keeno)

{Oh.  That was something I asked about a long time ago and completely forgot about.  Do you want me to resend the order?}

“No.  I need to do my job and can’t leave all the work to those under me.” (Keeno)

{How diligent.}

“I try.” (Keeno)

{Hehe.  Now, any one of you want to sleep in a bed tonight?}

All three of us peeked up at this.  Seeing that Ama chuckled at our reactions.

{Pick up the pace just a bit and you’ll reach a city by the end of the day.}

I looked over at Freya and she nodded before picking Pram up in a princess carry. We then used Freya’s favorite spell and shot off down the road like a pair of shooting stars.

{I didn’t mean do that, but whatever works.}

Leaving trails of light behind us, we arrived in sight of the walls of a city within two hours of running. At that point we stopped our magic and slid to a stop leaving some scorch marks on the ground.

“That was…interesting.  Not particularly enjoyable, but interesting.” (Pram)

“Well, at least you managed to not pass out this time.” (Keeno)

“True.  But please at least give me some warning next time.  Unless you enjoyed sweeping me off my feet, Freya.” (Pram)

“It was quite fun…and it’s not like I didn’t get anything out of this either.” (Freya)

“Oh?  And what would that be?” (Pram)

“My secret.” (Freya)

“This is also something you missed, Ama.  These two flirting nonstop.” (Keeno)

{Isn’t that normal though?}

“Maybe it got on my nerves a bit too much…but still.” (Keeno)

{Then we just have to do the same if we’re to match them, right?}

“I like that idea.  Even if it’s only been almost a month, I miss seeing your beautiful face.” (Keeno)

{And I miss the touch of your lips on mine and the warmth of your body when it’s close to mine.}

“The smooth fluffiness of your tails is as addicting as your presence to me and I shudder at the thought of staying away as long as I do.  For thou art mine truest of love, my one and only destined by Fate itself.  My love for you is as boundless as the sky and stars and as deep as all the seas in all the worlds.  It burns as bright and hot as our suns combined and will last for all eternity.  The sound of your voice is enough to set my heart ablaze and your visage is burned into my eyes so that I see you, even in my dreams.  I dedicate all of my life and soul to you, my truest of love.” (Keeno)


“It’s been a while since I’ve heard any poetry from you, Keeno.” (Pram)

“Well, I can’t let myself get rusty. It’s a fun hobby, even if I don’t share it with anyone.” (Keeno)

“But-” (Freya)

“Don’t point it out, Freya.” (Keeno)

Freya went silent and we soon arrived at the gates of the city. I could already hear the hustle and bustle inside as we approached the ones guarding the entrance. After showing our identification and walking inside, said hustle and bustle became much louder.

“First things first, to find an inn!” (Keeno)

““Woooo!!”” (Pram and Freya)

Chaos Realm:

Fia: Thank you very much for finishing that gift so quickly.

Alex: It’s really no problem and nothing requiring such excessive thanks. I’m just doing my job…well, one of them.

Fia: I get that, but what I’m thanking you for is the quality. It’s far above what I imagined it would be. I’m just an Apostle, so I don’t know ALL the rules when it comes to stuff like this, but I’m sure it would normally break those if given to someone.  For even making something like that is…I have no words.

Alex: Well, you can thank Payto for that. He likes to break his own rules a lot when it comes to people he likes.  At least that’s what I’ve figured out after getting to know him.

Order: Yep.  In his words, “As long as I keep the pretense and don’t excessively do it, it’ll be fine. I say, in the long run, what’s a few hundred times in the span of eternity?”

Luna: How very like him.

Tamamo: Indeed.

Atmos: Where was that resolve when Lu-um…

Order: PAYTO!?!?!?

*Sound of Payto collapsing to the ground*

Order: *Panicking noises*

It’s…ok……just something…I didn’t expect to happen…for a few more…millennia.  Will explain…later. *passes out*

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