Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 132- Negotiations?

Chapter 132- Negotiations?

[Keeno POV]

I was literally shaken awake by Freya just when I felt I actually started sleeping.

“What?” (Keeno)

“I get you aren’t in the best of moods, but that’s no reason to talk to me that way.  We have a situation that needs your attention.” (Freya)

“Sorry, Freya, I’m never good when I just wake up. I didn’t mean to offend you.” (Keeno)

“It’s fine, I get it.” (Freya)

After shaking the slight lingering feeling of sleep from my mind I noticed Freya was also quite annoyed.

“I couldn’t have been asleep that long. Is this situation that dire that you’re this annoyed by it?” (Keeno)

“I am annoyed, but more about what was happening before the situation started and getting interrupted.” (Freya)

“Ah.” (Keeno)

I got up and walked over to where Pram and a strange undead bird were sitting. Huginn and Muninn who had at some point left my tails flapped up to my shoulders and perched on them.  As I sat down next to Pram and looked at the bird, I saw the pale purple flames in its eyes.

“So, you’re the one that’s been watching us?” (Keeno)

The bird nodded before a skeletal human hand started to write on some paper that was laying on the ground in front of the bird.

‘It’s nice to meet you, Miss Okami. My name is Eblana. Before anything else is said, I would like to apologize for my rash decision in regards to watching you, both now and in the past. I was ignorant of just who and what you are. I understand that this may see insincere as it’s through writing, but its the best method I have to communicate with you outside of meeting in person, which is dangerous for you.’ (Eblana)

“Hmm.  I’ll accept your apology so we can move this along, but how did you learn about who and what I am?  As far as I’m aware, information about me shouldn’t have spread yet. Both due to Vanir’s own internal strife and Falheim’s…Falheim…ness.” (Keeno)

The bird sat there for a moment, seemingly shivering, before the hand started moving again.  It seemed like it would be a long letter, and the several blotches of ink that started spreading as the hand shook and uneven ground didn’t help with legibility.

“*Sigh*Hang on, let me try something.” (Keeno)

I reached out toward the bird with some of my mana and tried to wrest partial control over it from our tentative guest.  At first there was some resistance and then my mana started to consume Eblana’s. I lessened the flow to allow Eblana to meet me halfway. After a few minutes we reached an equilibrium and the light in one of the bird’s eyes turned blue like my flames.

“Try talking.” (Keeno)

“What precise control…wait, can you hear me?” (Eblana)

“That was the point of doing that.  By sharing control of this undead, we can communicate through our mana.  I just need to keep in mind to NOT kick you out or overload the medium.” (Keeno)

“How did you learn how to do this?” (Eblana)

“A book.  Now, like I said earlier, I’m willing to talk, and by extension forgive your voyeurism as long as you give me a good reason.  And, before even that, who are you exactly, Eblana?” (Keeno)

“…As I said, my name is Eblana. I am a part of the great Dragon race and as clearly shown by the messenger and my eyes, I focus on Death magic.” (Eblana)

“So, you’re that oh so famous Death Dragon that this country’s ruler keeps as a pet? How shameful to be reduced to such a state for one of our people.” (Keeno)

“I am NOT that old mongrel’s pet!  I offered him a contract in my younger, more impulsive days that has, as loathe as I am to admit it, been very beneficial to me. The whole reason I am reaching out to you is because I want out of this contract, and you are the only one in this world that is worthy of me serving!” (Eblana)

“Then why not just do it? Kill the old mongrel and come and meet me in person.” (Keeno)

“I can’t…I would have when I found out about you, but the Death Spirits told me that you alone, by order of the Goddess Amaterasu, are allowed to judge the king for his transgressions.  If I tried, the spirits would probably kill me, and I have things I need to do, so I can’t die yet…” (Eblana)

“Hmm…Fine…I’ll reserve further provocation for when we meet in person.  Now, I can clearly tell you have questions that you want to ask, but I reserve the right to not answer.” (Keeno)

“*Sigh*It’s been so long, I’ve forgotten why some of us separate from dragon society. Anyway, I do indeed have some questions.  First and foremost, who is your dragon ancestor?” (Eblana)

“Ah, then, let me reintroduce myself.  I am Keeno Fafnir Okami, daughter of Fafnir, Fated One of Amaterasu, and Goddess of the Blue Sun and Death. Until I say say otherwise, you are only to refer to me as Okami.” (Keeno)

“So, it is Fafnir…but that would mean you’re from Falheim…and as far as I’m aware, at least until my eye gets there and I can observe, that no one has gotten in or out of there in years.” (Eblana)

“Special circumstances for that, but I was born there, as much as I hate to say that. After getting out I lived in Solheim, which is my home.  As for being Fafnir’s daughter, after bringing her back, she adopted me as hers, making me her only living blood family.” (Keeno)

“You raised her!?” (Eblana)

“No, I resurrected her.  She’s alive, not some skeleton or zombie with her soul.” (Keeno)

“…Please…please let me serve you! I will give you my life…no, my soul!  Anything and everything I am, all my knowledge, connections, and experiences!  Just knowing resurrection is possible…” (Eblana)

The connection from her end began to waver and I could feel a myriad of intense emotions from her side ranging from relief, sadness, joy, some brief anger, but mostly longing.

“Family or Fated One?” (Keeno)

“Family…sister…mix of my own idiocy and bad decisions on her part…my biggest regret…” (Eblana)

“Hmm…I’ll keep this undead on me, next time we need to talk, we can connect to it the same way.  Get your bearings.  I may not fully trust you, but from the emotions I felt from you just now, I can at least tell you are genuine when it comes to attempting to make amends.  As for serving me, show me you are worthy of my complete trust first, then we can talk about that. And also, just because resurrection is possible, it needs a lot of things to align perfectly.  If just one is missing, it won’t work.” (Keeno)

“Mm…I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve spent this long with this regret, if resurrecting her fails, I can at least say I tried and send her off properly…but I will still hold onto the faint hope it’s possible until the end…and thank you for even considering this in the first place.  All pride aside…thank you for igniting this ember of hope.” (Eblana)

She then fell quiet and her side of the connection, though still present, went dormant.  I completely pulled my mana from the undead and both its eyes returned to purple.

“You know we only heard one half of that conversation, right?” (Freya)

“I’ll give you the rundown.” (Keeno)

For the next while I gave Eblana’s half of the conversation some thought as I explained it to the others. After that we discussed if she was truly trustworthy and just how far we should be willing to follow what information, however little it was, she gave us.

Chaos Realm:

Amaterasu: Thank you again for the room.  I didn’t realize healing a goddess from a different world from my own would have such a mental strain.  I’m honestly surprised Luna didn’t also pass out after a while.

Different worlds, different rules.  You may both be of equal strength, but she has a lot of items and other things that support her that your own world doesn’t have due to their nature or other things you don’t really need to know about.  But you did make a fast recovery.  If it wasn’t for me and Order stepping in, you’d still be out cold for a while yet.

Order: And it’s the least we could do since you were forcefully summoned here by us.  Now, go back and put Keeno’s mind at ease.

Amaterasu: You don’t need to tell me twice.

*A portal opens next to Payto and Order*

Alex: Ah.  Good timing.  Here is that gift Miss Fiametta commissioned from me. *Hands over a neatly folded bundle in a light box made of incomprehensibly smooth material*

Amaterasu: Thank you.  Keeno is going to love it.

Alex: I wish her the best.  Payto, I’ve also delivered that other commission.  If I don’t see them any time soon, let me know what they thought about it.

Got it.

Amaterasu: Is this another thing I’m not supposed to know about?

Nah.  I won’t say it outright, but you really should take Keeno out dancing on your next date.  Isn’t there something going on around the next Solar Convergence just perfect for that?

Amaterasu: AH!  That’s perfect!  I mean, she knows how to dance, but never has the chance to, so I might as well…Anyway, thank you again.

Alex: It was no issue.  If you ever need anything made, feel free to ask me…as long as Payto allows it.

Just don’t do something to alter the very fabric of existence or make layers leak into others, and I can turn a blind eye every so often…but don’t make it a habit.

Alex: Heard loud and clear, boss.

Amaterasu: I’ll stick to things from my own world unless it’s absolutely necessary, like in this case.

Good.  Now, off you go, Amaterasu.

Amaterasu: See you all again later.

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