Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 135- A Dance to Remember

Chapter 135- A Dance to Remember

[Keeno POV]

I was woken by a warm feeling and sweet taste on my lips. Upon opening my eyes, all I could see was a pair of fiery orange eyes staring into mine.

{And so the beautiful princess awakens from her slumber upon receiving the kiss of her beloved.}

“Are you sure the princess is awake?  She may need more than one kiss.”

{That is easily arranged.}

She brought her lips to mine once more and time seemed to stop due to the sensation and the feelings behind it.

“…I’ll just come back after the two of you head out.” (Fia)

“If you’re jealous Fia, find someone to do the same to you.” (Keeno)

“It’s not that easy!” (Fia)

{Was for us.}

“Says the ones who Fate beyond Fate brought together.” (Fia)

After saying this Fia left, and Ama and I continued to get lost in each other’s presence for several more minutes before she broke away.

{Time to get ready.}

“Fiiinnnneee.  Also, love the scent.  What is it?”

{Not sure. All I know is it’s made of those orange fruits.}


{…Such a straightforward name. I thought they were called something else?}

“Probably are, but I’ve never bothered to remember the name for them in this world.  But it’s mixed with something else.”

{No clue. Found it when I got the dresses and thought you’d like it. I also found some of that other scented oil you like. That vanilla stuff.}

“Oh yay!”

Ama handed me a small bottle of liquid which I promptly opened and started applying to my tails and hair.

{Hehe.  It’s a special bottle that refills itself when you get low.  It should last a few years.}

“Thank you, I love you so much!”

{I know…hehehehehe.}

Ama stood close to me as she led us toward our dresses for the coming ball. As she did this, I noticed she was breathing slightly heavier through her nose.  I smiled mischievously and moved one of my tails just slightly under her nose and tickled it with the tip.

“If you want to smell them, just ask.”

{I would, but I need to start practicing some restraint if we’re to be presentable.}

“*Sigh*Yeah, I guess I should start doing that as well…by the way, how flammable is this oil?”

{No clue.  Why?}


I raised the heat around one of my tails until the oil caught fire. The flames let off a sweet smell as the oil burned off and it lasted only for a few seconds before the flames burnt out.

“Hmm.  So long as it’s not hot enough to atomize a living person it’ll be fine.  Guess it’ll last longer than just a few years since I’ll have to sparingly use it before joining you up here permanently.”

{Seems so…would you like help reapplying some?}

“What happened to restraint?”

{I’d have some if you’d stop providing me opportunities too tempting to pass up.}

“Stop being so unbearably lovely that I need to do that, and I wouldn’t do that.”

{I can’t stop being how I naturally am.}

We finally stopped in front of two spectacular dresses that were suspended in the air by magic. The black one was strapless and went down to just above my feet. There were slits along the legs that made it flowy, but not enough to hinder movement.  It also sparkled slightly in the light making it very eye catching. And, as a bonus, it didn’t have that stupid corset that I hated so much.

Ama’s was a similar looking dress, though it was white in color and featured some gold highlights in place of the sparkly bits.  However, where my dress looked form-fitting, Ama’s seemed to be slightly looser.  Nothing my noticing of this, Ama explained.

{Your’s looked like that too, but I made it like you were wearing it with magic, so you’d see how it looked. It will loosen up so you can put it on over your tails.}


I picked up my dress and it immediately, for lack of a better phrase, floofed up and fell over me, causing me to get tangled up.


{Hehehe.  Such royal grace.}

“I didn’t expect it to expand that much!”

{Stand still and I’ll help.}

I immediately did as I was told and soon Ama had the dress in one hand and the clothes I was wearing in the other.

“You sneaky fox.”

{Takes one to know one.}

After a few more minutes I was in the dress and standing in front of a mirror that magically appeared.

“Hmm.  If it wasn’t for you and me not being a complete narcissist, I’d fall for myself.”

{Understandable. You are indescribably beautiful.}

I twirled around letting the bottom of the dress flair out a little bit.

{I almost don’t want to go now.  You’re stunning already, and this accentuates your looks so much you’ll be the talk of the party.}

“Then we should get you dressed.  If I look this good, then you’ll look even better.”

{I wouldn’t say that, if anything I’d be equal to you, not better.}

“I’ll agree to that.”

I waited for Ama to undress so I could help her into her dress, and while I expected her to tease me like she usually would, she actually changed into the dress nearly instantly without me having to do anything.


{I know, Keeno, but we don’t have time.  We only have a day; we can’t get lost in each other.}

“I know.”

Ama chuckled and then smirked before doing a twirl of her own.  In the midst of said twirl, I saw quite a bit of leg which I approved of.

“Alright, I’m satisfied now.”

{Good.  Now, follow me, my lovely wife.}

“Very well, my lovely wife.”

I stood next to Ama and took entwined our arms before we walked through a shining door. The place we arrived on the other side was a…mystifying place. It was like time was completely stopped at the moment the suns met the horizon and the moons started to rise over it. The land itself was like an endless ballroom floor surrounded by walls of crystal that glowed in the light of perpetual sunset and moonrise. There was a veritable orchestra of instruments set up on a stage made of some strange material that seemed to both be there and not at the same time.

There were several attendees already here, among who I recognized Fu, Moco, and Phobos. Seeing those two in particular made me hope I’d see Red and Ortilinde, but they were nowhere to be seen.

{Unfortunately, only gods are invited to grand balls like this. Last time Apostles were invited, it got a bit TOO crazy and turned form what is usually a nice, calm event into a wild party that nearly broke a few Divine rules.}


{Try not to think about it.  Though I do have to admit it was fun.}


Moving on from that aside, near the stage were two gods. One was a woman with long hair that seemed to change colors at random and with music notes flowing out of it. She was standing next to another god who seemed different from any I can remember seeing or meeting.  For some odd reason I couldn’t really make out any discernible features but looking at them gave me an odd feeling of dissonance. I could tell their back was to me and strapped there was an instrument I’d never seen before made of materials that gave off a presence that felt familiar, but I couldn’t quite place why.

{Ahhh.  I get it.  Keeno, try not to look over there very much, I think it’s too much to handle for you for now.}


The two of us made our way through the slowly growing crowd of gods and goddesses to the ones that I knew. When they saw us approaching, Fu and Moco started smiling brighter than usual and Phobos’s expression remained neutral, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“Greetings and salutations, oh lovely Goddesses of the Suns.  It’s a pleasure to see your radiance once more.” (Phobos)


“Hello.” (Keeno)

“It’s been too long, you two!  How have you been?  Got anymore people for us to adopt?” (Fu)

“Fu, you should at least wait a bit before asking that.” (Moco)

“Hey!  You’re the one that’s more excited by that prospect than me sometimes, so you have no right to say that!” (Fu)

“…” (Moco)

{You two are as energetic as ever.}

“How are Red and Ortilinde?  I haven’t been able to reach Red for a while now, so I’ve been getting worried.” (Keeno)

“They’re doing fine. And Red hasn’t been answering you because she’s been concentrating on something so that the next time you speak, she can surprise you. Oh, and that Emma girl has been a real help too.” (Fu)

“Huh. Surprised she met Red. I thought she and mum would still be on their honeymoon.” (Keeno)

“That dragon lady?  She’s your mum?” (Moco)

“I’ll tell you the story later.” (Keeno)

Our conversation was about to continue when the goddess with music notes floating out of her hair climbed onto the stage.

“Welcome all of you.  As most of you know, the time has come for another grand ball.  I am proud to host our festivities on this fine day to show off some of my newly composed music.  Also, we have a special guest this time as well.  With permission of *&@%#, someone from outside our world has come to perform.  Please welcome God of Arts: Solaris.”

The outworld visitor stepped forward and bowed like one would before a musical performance before I had to look away due to the pain beginning to assault my head.

“Ama…why can I not see or hear that person speak?”

{It’s due to the instrument they’re carrying.  It’s from a higher plane, so-to-speak, and your Divinity is too weak to comprehend something of that level.  I think you’ll be able to manage it in special circumstance, but this isn’t one of them.}

“Let’s just hope I can at least enjoy their music.”

For a split-second reality seemed to distort and the discomfort diminished when I heard the very end of the speech, though I still couldn’t comprehend the visitor’s appearance.  Once the speech of the visitor and the hostess finished, the hostess made her way to one of the instruments on the stage.  What she picked up was the bow for a cello that she promptly sat next to.  The instrument was beautiful, made out of a black wood with scarlet accents.  The second the bow met the strings a deep melody flowed forth from the instrument that left me stunned by its majesty.  Shortly after that, the rest of the instruments began playing as if the goddess on the stage was playing all of them at once.  It gave a sense of longing to dance with the one closest to you.  I turned to look at Ama and she did the same.  Both of us smiled warmly at the other.  I turned my body to face Ama and performed a slight curtsy.

“Would you care for a dance?”

Ama’s smile grew more before she also performed a similar curtsy.

{I would be remiss to deny a request from you.}

I held out a hand and Ama gently took it.  We slowly moved away from the group we were in to a spot with more space.  I grabbed her other hand and pulled her closer before I spun her slowly.  Letting go of her hands, I stepped around her until we were face to face again.  I took hold of her left hand while placing my own left hand on her waist.  We moved to the left in a sort of gliding motion.  Once we stopped moving, I spun Ama again until her back was to me and the two of us glide walked back in the direction we came.  Holding Ama’s hand, I stopped while she walked and spun, stopping when we were both at arm’s length from one another, her free hand outstretched.  I pulled her close to me again, resulting in Ama being dipped backward.  We shared a tender gaze and pleasant smiles.

After gracefully pulling Ama up again, we pulled each other close while twirling around a few times before we pushed apart while keeping our hands linked.  We danced in place, twirling, pulling, and pushing, trading steps like we were a mirror of each other.  Soon enough it was like all those around us melted away, leaving only the music and Ama.

We once again separated, only staying connected by a hand.  I gently pulled her close before leaning forward and kissing her hand before lifting that hand and arm up, pulling us closer.  After another set of mirrored movements bringing us close before pushing us apart like a pair of magnets, we both stepped in, one of each of our arms resting on the other’s shoulder while the other rested on the hip.  Our faces were close enough that I could feel her breath on my lips, to which I answered with a quick kiss.  It was nothing more than a peck as soon I brought my left hand from Ama’s shoulder, grasping her right hand, and with them outstretched we waltzed to the music.  After several twirls, we stepped even closer into each other’s space where we kissed again, this time slightly deeper.  After dipping Ama again, we continued to waltz as the music’s tempo slowly increased.

As we twirled, pulled, and pushed, the mood and excitement started to affect our surroundings as small balls of blue and orange flame started to appear.  They in no way affected the other dancers around us but seemed to place a spotlight on us.  Shortly after this happened the music’s tempo increased even further, and taking me by surprise, Ama stole the lead from me.  Though we kept with the same moves as earlier, they were faster paced and more aggressive.  As soon as the music hit a fever pitch, Ama pulled me close once more, but it was like this moment froze completely.

All that filled my vision was Ama.  Her beautiful flaming orange eyes, her perfect lips, her small nose, her long eyelashes.  Although I’ve seen her face so many times that it’s been burnt into my mind, this moment made it feel like the first time I saw her.  It made my heart flutter, and I could feel myself blush.

{You’re so perfect, Keeno.  Everything about you and how much I love you makes it feel like I’m burning up and going insane.}

“Hehehe.  You know, I was thinking the same thing.  Every single time we are together like this, I find a new thing to appreciate about you.  It’s just something about your presence that makes you so much more addicting than just hearing your voice.  I could write a full compendium of poetry just describing you and all I love about you and even then, it would never be enough to say just how much I love you.”

We brought our lips together once more, this time a feeling of electricity felt like it was shooting through me.  It was a feeling I so desperately missed.  It was like it was melting all of my pent-up stress and other anxieties away.  As saddening as it was, this moment frozen in time had to end and soon the world came back into focus.  The music had started to die down, and Ama leaned me into a dip one final time as it came to an end.   I was breathing heavily while leaning back, entrusting all my weight to Ama.  Her hair covered both of our faces, the citrusy smell filling my nose.  We would have gone back to our own little world again if it wasn’t for the applause starting all around us.

Pulling me us, Ama smiled bashfully as several other gods around us looked over at us.  I saw Fu and Moco looking at us in awe and Phobos looking…indescribable.  Like he was having a hard time figuring out just what kind of reaction he should be having at this moment.  Getting all of this attention was starting to get to both of us when a strange, yet beautifully melodic sound cut through the air, bringing everyone’s attention back to the stage.  The visitor Solaris performed another bow before placing the strange instrument on their shoulder like a violin and they began to play.

If the previous performance was like a wonderful ballroom orchestra, the performance of this time was like a maestro assembling the performance of all other maestros from history and rolling their talent into a single song.  Though it was a string instrument, it was like it played everything from wind to percussion in a beautifully Chaotic manner.  It was even capable of making musical tones from instruments I thought couldn’t exist in this world.  There was an Order to the Chaos making a Balanced harmony that had all those present enthralled.

In what felt like no time at all the song ended and the one performing it bowed one final time before disappearing in a flash of light.  Only then did the other people around us snap out of the reverie and then the chatting started.  It was like a flood that rang in my ears, further erasing the beautiful music that somehow lingered like an earworm song.

{Shall we go and enjoy the rest of the day?  While I would love to dance a few more songs, it seems like things are going to become much more hectic and we’ll run out of room.}

“That’s fine.  We can dance however many times as you want when we get back home.”

{Very well.}

Ama and I maneuvered our way over to the three we were near and explained that we were leaving.  Just before we stepped through the door Ama summoned, she looked over her shoulder.

{Thought I’d mention it while I saw you two.  I’m thinking of seeing if Hresvelgr is ready to come back out of her seclusion.  Feel free to visit when she hopefully agrees.}

I had stepped through the door before I heard their responses, but I imagined they were positive.

{So, did you enjoy the ball, or at least the small part we actually danced?}

“Much more than I thought I would.  Though I’m going to contribute that to you more than anything else.”

{I was thinking the same thing.}

Both of us chuckled as we sat down for a few minutes to just enjoy each other and rest from our magical dance.  Once we felt rested enough, we both got up and smiled at one another.

{“Care for another dance?”}

We joined hands once more and spent the rest of our day dancing away.

Chaos Realm:

Solaris: Thanks for the opportunity.

Order: It’s no problem.  Though I do feel bad for Keeno.

Solaris: Yeah, it wasn’t my intention to have near Eldritch effects on her.

Order: It’s not your fault, that’s just what happens when a god from a different Layer goes to another world, even if we have basically all of your power sealed temporarily and with the proper permissions.

Solaris: Makes sense, though I do have to wonder why she doesn’t experience similar things when she’s here.

Order: Even I’m not sure about that.  That’s a Payto question to answer.

Solaris: Fair enough.  Now, I’ll see you around, I have some more practice to get in if I’m going to improve with this instrument yall gifted me.

Order: I wish you luck.

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