YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 82: Who's This Pinked Hair Chum?

Chapter 82: Who's This Pinked Hair Chum?

Three weeks later...

[Yuna's POV]

It has been three weeks since our victory against Dartz, and many events have transpired since then. The souls Dartz stole have all returned to their rightful place. The ones he took in the past were able to go to the afterlife, while the more recent ones were finally able to wake up from their long sleep.

However, not everything went smoothly. The injury to my right arm was worse than I initially thought. During the fall, I broke my wrist, which was the source of the intense pain and bruising. As a result, I have to wear a cast over my wrist.

Fortunately, with Kaiba Corp's technology, it healed much faster, allowing the injury to recover in these three weeks. However, that didn't make the time with the cast any less uncomfortable...

Yet, for some stupid reason, that probably wasn't the worst thing that happened...

Sighing, I flung open the curtains as the morning sun struck my face. Moving my body onto the wide bed, I covered my eyes and stared at the phone beside me. "Kaiba... It's already been three weeks since we last talked."

Usually, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. But after everything we've experienced together, I felt like maybe we had grown a bit closer. It took me two weeks to realise that... I missed him...


I quickly slapped myself and rubbed my stinging cheek. "What on earth am I thinking? Ten Thousand Dragon's nonsense must be getting to me..."

Frustrated, I ruffled my hair and angrily grabbed the phone. "Why am I still here? I should have booked a flight back to Japan as soon as I woke up. What's the point of waiting for him?!"

Suddenly, the phone buzzed uncontrollably and slipped from my grasp. I caught it mid-air, glancing at the caller ID. My heart skipped a beat. Pressing the answer button, I brought the phone to my ear and waited in suspense.

"Hello?" I spoke hesitantly, holding my breath.

"Do you have plans this afternoon?" Kaiba's unexpected question caught me off guard.

"Par...don?" I stammered, unsure if I had heard him correctly.

There was a brief pause, followed by an awkward cough from Kaiba. "There's a popular café near where you're staying... Would you like to go?"

'Is... Is he asking me out?!' A whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind, and I fidgeted

anxiously. This has to be like a date, right?! Why else would he be asking this?

"Are you still there?" His voice broke through the silence, "Sano?"

"Y... Yes!!" I jumped and yelped.

"Do you not want to go?" Kaiba's voice held an uneasy edge.

"N... No! I'd be glad to!" I stammered, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Understood. I'll send you a time to meet. We'll continue our conversation then," Kaiba replied. Just as he was about to hang up, I frantically stood up and shouted.

"K-Kaiba, wait!" I shouted and bit my lip nervously.

'I have to ask him now... If I don't, it's just going to keep haunting me!' Taking a deep breath, I tried to compose myself.

"K...Kaiba..." I gulped, my grip tightening on the phone. "Do... Do you like..." My voice faltered, nerves making my hands tremble.

Kaiba: "I think there's an issue with the connection. Can you repeat your question, Sano?" "Coffee!" I blurted out, hugging my knees in frustration. "...Do you like coffee?"

"I do enjoy its taste, and I usually drink it when I have to work for an extended period," Kaiba calmly explained. "How about you?"

I sighed softly, feeling the weight of my emotions pressing against my chest. My heart raced, threatening to break free from the confines of my body. As I gazed at my trembling hand, a sudden realization washed over me.

'Ah... It's because I'm scared... Scared he might say... no...'

The revelation hit me like a gentle wave, stirring a blend of embarrassment and apprehension within me. Memories of our shared moments flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but giggle in resignation.

"Kaiba..." I closed my eyes and weakly opened my mouth.

"I like coffee too..."

".... I see," Kaiba muttered in confusion, and I chuckled wistfully. "I got to go now. I will see you then."

With a brief farewell, I hung up the phone. Tossing it across the room in annoyance, I fell face-first onto the bed. My heart continued to race, and I gripped the sheets in frustration, the weight of unspoken words heavy on my mind.

"What am I overthinking for? He wants to talk, that's all," I reassured myself, calming down. "That's right, setting expectations will never end well..."

With a resigned sigh, I went to the wardrobe to change, my emotions tangled in a complicated web of anticipation and uncertainty. Patience became my companion as I waited for our meeting, ready to face whatever it might bring.

[3rd POV]

A few hours later...

In the bustling street, a sleek black limousine glided down the road before gracefully parking beside a quaint café. As the door swung open, a tall, striking man with pink hair emerged. Dressed in a fashionable purple suit adorned with a purple rose pinned to his left lapel, he exuded an air of sophistication.

A cerise-coloured frilled jabot adorned his neck, adding a touch of flamboyance to his ensemble. A gleaming golden watch adorned his wrist, a subtle yet unmistakable symbol of his affluent status.

The man moved with confidence as he entered the store, greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly ground coffee beans that enveloped his senses.

Despite his penchant for luxury, he found it amusing to visit these small establishments personally from time to time. Moreover, the beverages served here ideally suited his discerning palate, adding an extra layer of satisfaction to the experience.

"Good afternoon, sir. Would you like to have the usual?" The waitress asked with a professional smile.

"Of course," he nodded with a smirk, "just put it on my tab."

As the receptionist left to prepare his order, the man leaned casually against the counter,

crossing his arms. He couldn't help but notice the curious glances from other customers, their eyes lingering on his luxurious outfit. The attention only fueled his confidence; sometimes, flaunting one's wealth could be pretty exhilarating.


As he basked in the attention, the bell attached to the door rang crisply, and the man heard footsteps approaching the counter. Instantly, the atmosphere in the café shifted strangely, and all the attention that had been focused on him vanished.

Frowning at the sudden lack of recognition, he subtly turned his head to glance at the person who had stolen the spotlight. Instantly, he gasped and froze on the spot.

A beautiful young woman with luscious, long blue hair had entered. She wore a white sweater to ward off the cold and a long black skirt that modestly hid her legs, giving a refined and mature charm to her appearance.

Before he realised it, the woman had already received her drink and moved to a table in the corner of the café. As she carefully took a sip, her lips curved into a small smile, leaving the spectators in admiration. The man touched his chest in a daze, finding himself entirely absorbed by her presence.

"Sir, your drink is ready." The waitress's voice snapped him out of his stupor. Gulping, he grabbed his coffee and walked toward the woman's table with confident steps. As the man approached, he noticed her absent-minded gaze, lost in thought.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, "mind if I join you here?"

The young woman blinked and turned her blue eyes toward him with curiosity. As she scanned

his appearance from head to toe, her eyes widened, and the man couldn't help but think she must be impressed by his wealthy look.

"My name is Zigfried von Schroeder. May I know the name of the gorgeous lady before me?"

He bowed courteously.

"Zigfried..." she muttered under her breath, then looked up at him. "I'm sorry... I'm waiting

for someone else..."

"But they're not here yet," Zigfried pointed out, his eyes sweeping the room. "Leaving someone as stunning as you waiting? They must not realize what a treasure they have in front

of them." He offered a charming smile, hoping to capture her interest. "Please... take that back..." The woman warned, turning her head away.

"I spoke out of turn," Zigfried hurriedly said, regret colouring his words. "They must have their circumstances too."

Met with silence, he scrambled to find another topic to engage her. His gaze wandered to her bag, and he noticed something familiar sticking out.

"If you don't mind me asking, is that device a Duel Disk?" Zigfried's eyes lit up with curiosity,

a hint of excitement in his voice. "I happen to be quite the Duel Monsters enthusiast myself, if

I do say so."

"...Is that so?" she replied, her tone curious as she regarded him. Zigfried nodded enthusiastically, a spark of excitement dancing in his eyes.

"Then, how about this? Let's have a duel. If I win, can you give me a chance?" Zigfried

proposed, gauging her reaction. "But if you win, I'll back off and leave you alone."

"Fine..." The woman sighed, reaching for the Duel Disk in her bag. Zigfried smirked confidently, convinced victory was within his grasp. Little did he know, he was about to face a challenge unlike any other, one that he would soon regret...

[Yuna's POV, Earlier]

'I seem to have arrived early...' I glanced at the time on my phone, observing the bustling café

ahead. Even after prime time, it remained popular, with many customers still enjoying their


"I hope I'm not overdressed..." I mumbled, feeling a tinge of embarrassment as I tugged on my collar. This attire wasn't my usual choice, and it felt strangely unfamiliar. Stepping into the café, I was enveloped by a cozy, inviting atmosphere that immediately put

me at ease. After retrieving my drink, I found a table in the quiet corner and took a moment to

gather my thoughts.

Anticipating Kaiba's arrival at any moment, I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to talk about. Why did it take so long for him to contact me finally? Was it because he was upset?

I sighed, deciding to distract myself by opening the system that I hadn't opened in a while. As

I did, a notification suddenly appeared before my eyes, catching me completely off guard.

[Notification: You have a Message!]

message? My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the screen with wariness. Never once have the system personally replied before... Bracing myself, I focused on the message, praying that it

wasn't something terrible.


So, this is what my sister has been doing all this time. I have to say she put a lot of effort into it. Consider this a token of investment. Hopefully, things will get more interesting. Don't disappoint me.

Your Favourite God - Ten Thousand Dragon]

[Notification: You received 10,000 Credits!] [Accept?: Yes/No]

So, was this his way of advising me to let loose? I don't mind taking the suggestion, though.

Gratefully accepting the gift, I watched as my credits gradually replenished to their total


Though it's not enough to purchase many powerful cards, it's certainly a starting point I can

work with. It's high time I enhanced my deck. The defeat of Dartz made me realize that my strategy was still lacking something. While the dragons proved formidable, I believe I now require another archetype to complement them.

But what's both affordable and reliable, and what would complement my dragons effectively?

As I took a sip of my drink, inspiration struck, and a smile spread across my face. In a matter of minutes, I was able to restructure my entire deck and incorporate the new cards seamlessly. Taking a deep breath, I glanced at my brand-new deck and smirked. Now, I just needed some chum to test...

"Mind if I join you?" Suddenly, my thought was interrupted.

I turned my head and stared at the smiling man before me with surprise. As I scanned his

appearance, a feeling of familiarity washed over me, and my eyes widened in disbelief. Could it be that my prayers were actually answered?

"My name is Zigfried von Schroeder. May I know the name of the gorgeous lady before me?"

He bowed dramatically, and my expression stiffened at his obvious wooing. "Zigfried..." I muttered, my gaze flicking between him and my Duel Disk before I finally gave

up. Kaiba would be here any minute now, and while this encounter was unexpected, I had

more pressing matters at hand. "I'm sorry... I'm waiting... for someone else..." At my rejection, Zigfried's eyebrows twitched, a hint of frustration flashing across his features. He glanced around the room, his eyes searching for an answer. "But they're not here yet," he insisted, his tone almost pleading.

"If someone left such a beautiful lady like you waiting, then they must not be a good person."

I bit the inside of my mouth, feeling a surge of offence at Zigfried's words. Frowning, I looked away with annoyance, unable to hide my displeasure. "Take your words back," I ordered, my voice firm. Hearing him insult Kaiba behind his back left a bitter taste. Sensing my sour mood, Zigfried quickly apologized. However, it was already too late, and I refused to engage further. Just as I thought the day was improving, I found myself facing this unexpected setback.

Nonetheless, Zigfried was as stubborn as a mule, seemingly unable to take the hint that I was not interested...

"If you don't mind me asking, but is that device a Duel Disk?" Zigfried suddenly inquired, his

tone shifting to genuine curiosity. "Actually, I'm also quite knowledgeable about the game of Duel Monsters, if I have to say so myself."

To my surprise, Zigfried suddenly challenged me to a duel, and I blinked at him in disbelief.

He proposed that if I defeated him, he would finally get out of my hair. But if I lost... I would have to go on a date?!

The idea was utterly absurd, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of dread. I'd rather have my soul stolen again than agree to this ridiculous bet. "Fine..." I spat with frustration, realizing that refusing the challenge would only make matters more troublesome. Standing up, we moved outside of the café, but suddenly, a tall figure abruptly blocked my path.

"Where are you going?" A familiar voice stopped me in my tracks, and I slowly lifted my head.

"Kaiba..." I muttered under my breath, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension flood through me as I met his gaze.

"We agreed to meet here," Kaiba stated, his expression filled with perplexity. "So why are you


"Um, no, it's not like that..." I averted my gaze, feeling the weight of both Kaiba's scrutiny. "Let me explain..."

"What's going on? I thought we had prior arrangements. Did you change your mind?" Before I could respond, Zigfried appeared behind Kaiba, peering at me over his shoulder. "Is this man bothering you?" he asked, his tone protective.

It was as if a dark shadow had descended upon us, casting a suffocating atmosphere over the

store. I felt a shiver run down my spine as tension crackled in the air. Kaiba's pupils were trembling uncontrollably, and his knuckles cracked audibly as he clenched his fists, a storm brewing within him.

"Is... that... true?" Kaiba growled, his voice low and dangerous, and I frantically shook my head, "Are you going to abandon me?"

"A duel!" I blurted out, my face flushed with embarrassment. "...It's not like that... he asked me... for a duel..."

Kaiba took a deep breath, his demeanour gradually shifting as he seemed to regain control of

his emotions. "I see... Then let's go. You don't have to fight someone that weak," he stated calmly, his voice carrying an air of authority.

As Kaiba reached for my hand to lead me away, he was abruptly halted by Zigfried's hurried

intervention. "Do you know who you're talking to?!" Zigfried's voice boomed with anger. "My name is Zigfried von Schroeder, and I am the CEO of the Schroeder Corps!" "Pfft... So what?" Kaiba snorted dismissively, finally turning around to face Zigfried directly.

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"S... S... SETO KAIBA?!!!" Zigfried stepped back in shock, his eyes widening with disbelief. "What are you doing here?!!" As Zigfried's exclamation echoed through the café, a crowd began to gather around us, and Kaiba clicked his teeth in annoyance.

"Kaiba..." I squeezed his hand, urgency lacing my whispered words, "We can go... Somewhere else..." But our exit was halted as Zigfried persisted, determined not to let us slip away.

"I can't accept this!" His voice thundered, drawing the attention of everyone around us. His

gaze bore into mine with intensity.

"My lady, why would you align yourself with a man like him?! This man has never shown

kindness towards anyone. He would hurt countless people to get what he wanted. What makes you think that you would be any different?" "Sano..." Kaiba's expression stiffened as I reluctantly let go of his hand. "Enough..." I snarled at Zigfried, my patience wearing thin as I equipped the Duel Diskonto

my wrist. "If I win... You will leave us alone, right?"n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Of course, don't worry, my lady, I will save you from that man!" Zigfried's smiled, his words making my skin crawl. "Sano," Kaiba's grip tightened on my shoulder. "You should just let me duel instead." "Kaiba," I gritted my teeth, frustration boiling over, "My day was fine until now... Let me

handle this... or else you're next..." Kaiba: "... Yes mam..."

Excitement surged through the crowd as they made way for us on the streets. As I finally

strapped on my Duel Disk, a ripple of recognition spread through the onlookers, their murmurs turning into excited chatter as they recognized me. "That's Yuna Sano, the best Duel Monster player in the world!" "How did I not notice it until now? Her aura completely changes without the Duel Disk?!"

"She looked more beautiful in real life..."

The last comment was a little creepy, and the guy immediately fell silent under Kaiba's stern

glare. Glancing at Zigfried, I noticed the disbelief written on his face, and I couldn't help but

smirk. "Are you ready now?"

Zigfried nodded quietly, his confidence evident as he spoke, "Thanks to the ingenious minds of mine, I've crafted my own Duel Disk that seamlessly interfaces with Kaiba Corp's technology." With a flourish, he revealed a purple Duel Disk, its slim and elegant design catching the light. "Amazing, isn't it?"

"Remind me to file a lawsuit once this is over," Kaiba said while crossing his arms.

"Sh.. Shut up!" Zigfried shouted with a red face. It's clearly a much better design than whatever your company made!"

"Enough is enough!" I snapped, my anger soaring over, "Let's begin!"

"Duel!" x2

[Zigfried Von Shroeder: 4000 LP]

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP]

The following two weeks' chapter might be delayed, I got exams...

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