YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 81: Evil God Last Stand

Chapter 81: Evil God Last Stand

Just a quick question before we begin. Do you guys enjoy these length of these chapters and how I'm releasing them at the start of the week. Or do you guys prefer if I split them and release them at the start and end of the week?

[Yuna's POV]

"They won..." I whispered, feeling the relief washing over me. The final turns of the duel had been far more intense than they should have been, leaving me trembling helplessly in my seat.

Watching Kaiba through the magical mirror, I covered my mouth in awe as he summoned Dragon Magia Master onto the field. That single move was the turning point, completely changing the course of the duel.

"Dragon Magia Master... I never even gave him that card," I mumbled in shock. "To think Kaiba could summon something like that..."

I smiled with pride, realizing how much he had grown. Knowing that a character I liked had reached this level with some help felt rewarding. Without my powerful cards, he would have folded long ago.

"So they defeated that man?" Ten Thousand Dragon exclaimed, eyes wide with surprise. "I really thought I would have to step in for a moment."

"What will happen now?" I asked curiously. "Since my soul hasn't been taken and Dartz has been defeated, is it okay to send me back?"

"I could," Ten Thousand Dragon shrugged, "but let me warn you, the sensation isn't going to be pleasant. Transferring a soul this frequently is not good for you.""

"I understand, but do it anyway," I said with confidence. "Besides, if I don't wake up now, I feel like I'm going to get into a lot of trouble."

"Very well," Ten Thousand Dragon said, snapping his fingers. A golden light enveloped my body, shimmering with a warm, radiant glow.

"When you wake up, do me a favour and make your life interesting," he smirked, turning his back to me. "Being alive for this long tends to get a little boring."

With a final farewell, my vision turned completely white as I braced myself for the moment I'd wake up in the real world...

Sometime later...

Guh... My head...

As consciousness reluctantly returned, I was met with a pounding headache, as though tiny construction workers were remodelling my skull with jackhammers. Slowly, I coaxed my mind out of the fog, blinking against the harsh brightness of the room as I cautiously pried my eyes open.

Thankfully, a welcome shadow loomed over me, mercifully blocking out the intense light. As my vision gradually cleared, I could make out the figure kneeling beside me.

"Kaiba," I called out, attempting to sit up.

But my body refused to obey, and I realized Kaiba's hand was firmly pressing my shoulder down. His expression was stern, and I couldn't help but shudder at his cold demeanour.

"You lied to me," he whispered, his voice barely audible yet laden with a weight that sent shivers down my spine. His grip around my shoulder tightened, the pressure intensifying with each word.

"H.. Hold on," I spoke frantically, desperation evident in my voice. "Let me explain..." "What is there to explain?" Kaiba scowled with anger, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. "You made a promise not to get hurt, and you broke it."

"Kaiba... I..." I uttered, searching for the right words to appease him, but his irritation seemed to escalate with each passing moment.

"Stop!" He snapped, his pupils narrowing with intensity. "Don't you get it? Promises aren't just words, Sano."

I paused, feeling the weight of guilt settling heavily in my chest, rendering me speechless. I pursed my lips, unable to meet Kaiba's gaze, my eyes fixed on the floor. How had it taken me so long to realize that Kaiba cared about me...

"Kaiba..." I mumbled softly, reaching out to gently grasp his wrist.

Carefully, I attempted to sit up, and this time, he didn't resist. We locked eyes in an uncomfortable silence, my heart pounding nervously in my chest. Summoning every ounce of courage, I met his questioning gaze and reached out my arms towards him.


Kaiba's eyes widened in shock as I hugged him, our bodies coming together in an unexpected embrace.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, my voice barely audible as I buried my face in his shoulder. "I'm really sorry..."

"I'm sorry for lying... I'm sorry for making promises so haphazardly... I'm sorry for hurting you..." Each word carried the weight of genuine remorse as I spoke, my voice muffled with guilt.

"I'm sorry..."

I apologized over and over again until my throat felt dry. Kaiba remained silent, and I bit my lip nervously, uncertain whether to continue the hug or release him. Then, I flinched as I felt a sensation around my waist, my eyes flickering in surprise as Kaiba awkwardly returned the embrace.

"I was worried..." He muttered softly. "I was really worried."

When Kaiba finished speaking, I couldn't help but giggle, and he frowned in confusion. "What's so funny?" he asked, his tone slightly offended.

"I'm... just happy," I smiled wryly, trying to mask the sheepishness in my expression.

Thankfully, Kaiba couldn't see the slight falter in my smile. Yet, a shadow lingered in the back of my mind as I recalled the conversation between me and Ten Thousand Dragon.

'Does Kaiba like me?' I pondered, swallowing nervously. 'Even so... Do I like him?'

My thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion, my emotions tangled in a web of uncertainty. Never in my life, not in my past life or this one, had I ever considered getting into a

relationship with anyone.

"Hmph... Does my suffering bring happiness to you?" Seto frowned, tapping my forehead repeatedly. "What a good friend you are."

"Of course..." I replied mischievously, "You should be... grateful..."

Seto sighed, chuckling exasperatedly, while I laughed in triumph. With a glint in my eyes, my lips curved into a bright smile.

That's right, who cares about those complex relationships?... I'm perfectly happy with the way we are...

As we relished this fleeting moment together, a thunderous roar echoed from outside, shaking the very foundations of the room. Startled, I moved to stand, but before I could take a single step, Kaiba swiftly scooped me up into his arms.

"You're hurt. You shouldn't walk yet," he declared, his voice resolute yet filled with concern as he held me close.

"... I'm fine!" I exclaimed, my protests falling on deaf ears. "....Put me down!"

Unfortunately, no matter how much I argued, Kaiba ignored my pleas and continued to stride out of the room, his determination unwavering. I struggled in vain against his firm grip, feeling utterly powerless as I was helplessly carried like a piece of luggage.

'When the hell did he get so touchy all of a sudden...' I thought, glaring at his face with a mixture of frustration and distress.

"Are you embarrassed?" he asked, catching my frantic nod. "Good, this is payback." His smirk widened, clearly enjoying my discomfort as he continued to carry me like a princess. Trying to escape, I punched his shoulder and chest, but no matter how hard I tried, it felt like his body was made of stone, impervious to my blows. Though I could have aimed for his face, it was simply too handsome to attack...

"Fine... Just do whatever you want..." I huffed in annoyance, feeling defeated, and from the corner of my eye, I could see his smirk widening. "What happened... when I was away?"

As we walked, Kaiba began to explain the events that transpired before I woke up, detailing how they had used my phone to track my location. "....That's definitely not concerning.... whatsoever," I muttered sarcastically, feeling a mix of amusement and apprehension at the thought of my phone being used in such a manner. Then, Kaiba recounted the details of the duel, explaining how he summoned Dragon Magia Master and strategically used the monster's abilities to gain the upper hand. As he spoke, pride emanated from him, his eyes gleaming with the satisfaction of showcasing his

newfound power.

"What happened... next?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. "Where is Dartz..."

"When he lost, he was absorbed by a portal," Kaiba explained matter-of-factly. "Yugi and his

group of misfits went to look for him while I stayed behind."

"I... see..." I mumbled, feeling a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. So he waited for me...


A deep, ominous rumbling echoed from behind, sending shivers down our spines as the very ground beneath us seemed to quake. With hearts racing, we turned to face the source, only to find the tunnels we had traversed growing darker with each passing moment. The air thickened with tension, and the deafening sound of something massive crashing down echoed through the corridors, intensifying our sense of impending danger.


"Kai... Kaiba..." I yelped, my voice tinged with panic as I tugged urgently on his collar. "R...


The wind whipped against my face as Kaiba's legs propelled us forward with unprecedented speed. Glancing back at the tunnels collapsing behind us, I continued to cheer him on, my heart pounding in my chest as the debris seemed to draw closer with each passing second.

Finally, we spotted the stairs leading to the exit, and Kaiba made a last desperate dash. With a heart-stopping leap, we burst through the exit and tumbled across the floor, the force of our landing sending us rolling.

As we scrambled to our feet, we looked back to see the stairs we had just traversed now fully crumbled, consumed by the darkness below. The once familiar hallway had transformed into a massive sinkhole, gaping like the mouth of hell itself.

"Are you hurt?" Kaiba asked, concern etched into his features as he checked my body for any

signs of injury. "I'm.... fine," I muttered, still slightly shaken by the close call. "That was too close..." "Not yet..." he warned, his voice tense with urgency, as a bubbling noise emanated from the

large hole.

Before I could even register what was happening, gallons of seawater shot out of the cavity, cascading into the building and rapidly flooding the space. Without a moment's hesitation, Kaiba grabbed hold of me and pulled me forcefully out of the crumbling structure just before it was completely engulfed by the onrushing deluge.

As we emerged outside, the full extent of the situation became clear. Fierce cyclones tore

through the island, leaving destruction in their wake, while ominous dark clouds loomed menacingly overhead.

A thunderous roar reverberated through the sky, causing my heart to race with fear. Then, as I looked up, I saw it—a massive purple serpent, its imposing form soaring ominously above our heads, a harbinger of the chaos that threatened to consume us all.

"Great Leviathan!" I called out, my face draining of colour as the monster's eyes turned

towards me with unmistakable greed.

Suddenly, a small protrusion formed on top of the god's forehead, and to my horror, a man's figure emerged from its skull. His skin had turned completely black and slimy, mirroring the serpent's hide, and his eyes gleamed with an eerie golden hue devoid of any pupil.

"D... Dartz..." I stammered in shock, my voice barely above a whisper, as the man grinned


"Yuna Sano..." He licked his lips. "Did you think you can escape from me?! Now get ready to


The Great Leviathan lunged forward with terrifying speed, but before it could reach us, a searing beam of fiery energy struck the serpent's side. With a deafening roar, the evil god crashed into the forest below, obliterating everything in its path.

As we looked up in awe and relief, Kaiba and I spotted Slifer the Sky Dragon circling the fallen

Leviathan, its majestic form radiating power and protection. And trailing close behind was Obelisk the Tormentor, who clenched its fists with rage.

"Sano! Kaiba!" We heard a voice as Yami Yugi eagerly sprinted towards us. "You guys are


Why is Dartz..." I began, my gaze fixed on the fallen Leviathan, a whirlwind of complicated emotions stirring within me. "Why is he... like that?"

"His mind has already become corrupted beyond repair," Yami Yugi grimaced, his expression darkening with concern. "I'm holding him off, but it's going nowhere..."

In a fit of rage, the Leviathan howled and ascended into the sky, launching itself at the

Egyptian Gods with ferocious fury. As they clashed in a fierce battle, it became evident that despite their numerical advantage, Slifer and Obelisk were struggling against the Leviathan's overwhelming size and power. Its sheer magnitude allowed it to shrug off most attacks, posing a formidable challenge to our allies.

"Sano," the pharaoh called urgently. "We need the Winged Dragon of Ra! You have to

summon it!"

Instantly, my eyes widened in realization, and I frantically pulled Kaiba's arm. "...My deck!

Where?!" Stunned, Kaiba handed me his deck, which contained my cards alongside the extras he hadn't incorporated into his deck. Hurriedly flipping through the cards, my heart raced with anticipation until, at last, I spotted it-the Winged Dragon of Ra. Turning to face the unfolding battle, I felt a surge of determination coursing through my veins. Now, I need to summon it! With a steady hand, I activated my Duel Disk, swiftly sliding

the cards containing the Winged Dragon of Ra into one of the slots, preparing myself for the

summoning ritual.


The ground beneath us convulsed violently, knocking me off balance. With a groan, I struggled to regain my footing, my eyes widening in horror as cracks spiderwebbed across the

forest floor. Seawater surged in through the gaping crevices, carving out a new island within

the heart of the first one.


Turning our heads, we watched in astonishment as the Great Leviathan soared around us, its long serpentine body wrapping around the newly formed island. To our shock, the ground beneath our feet began to tremble as the small island began to ascend, lifted into the sky by

the immense power of the Leviathan.

"Watch out!" Kaiba's urgent shout pierced through the chaos, and before I could react, he

tackled me to the ground just as a massive tree crashed down right where I had been standing. "Yugi!" I yelled in panic as I saw him tumble over the edge, disappearing as we were forcibly separated by the calamity unfolding around us. Rushing to the cliff's edge, I breathed a sigh of relief as I spotted him below, seemingly unharmed. But the distance between us had become too great to bridge with a simple jump, our separation as vast as the height of a

skyscraper. Gritting my teeth, I glanced down at my Duel Disk and felt a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach as I realized that the Winged Dragon of Ra card was nowhere to be found... "There!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the card as it fluttered in the air, buffeted by the

relentless wind.

Pushing Kaiba aside, I sprinted towards the fluttering card, my eyes fixed on its precarious path as it crept ever closer to the edge. Trees and boulders crashed around me, the chaos of the collapsing island threatening to engulf me at every turn. With each narrow escape, my

heart pounded with tension, the weight of our fate resting on this critical moment.


My path was abruptly blocked as Slifer the Sky Dragon plummeted into the ground directly in front of me, the force of its impact creating a massive crater that swallowed me whole. Tumbling through the dirt, I collided with Slifer's towering form, the impact sending waves

of intense pain shooting up my right arm as I struggled to regain my bearings amidst the


"Sano!" Kaiba's voice cut through the chaos, filled with concern as he slid down into the crater. Noticing my injured arm, he gently touched my wrist, and I couldn't suppress a sharp gasp as a wave of pain shot through me, causing me to jolt involuntarily. "Your arm..." Kaiba uttered in a daze, his gaze fixed on the injured limb.

"I'm fine," I lied through gritted teeth, despite the arm gradually turning a purplish hue. "We

can deal with it later...."

"No," Kaiba denied firmly, his expression resolute. "If we don't do something now, it will only get worse in the future."

Scanning the ground, Kaiba quickly located a sturdy stick. Tearing a piece of his coat, he

swiftly fashioned a makeshift splint, wrapping the fabric and branch securely around my injured wrist. "Your coat..." I muttered with regret, feeling a pang of guilt for the damage to his clothing. "You shouldn't have ruined it...."

"Idiot..." Kaiba scowled, dismissing my concern with a wave of his hand. "I can always get another coat."

My cheeks tinged with a small blush, and I felt a flicker of happiness at his unexpected remark. However, quickly regaining my focus, I grabbed his sleeve with urgency, my expression solemn. "Winged Dragon of Ra!... I have to get it!"

Nodding in understanding, Kaiba sprang into action. However, it quickly became evident to

both of us that escaping from the deep crater would be no easy feat.

Just as despair threatened to overwhelm us, the ground beneath us shifted, and we watched in

astonishment as slifer, the Sky Dragon, slowly lifted its majestic head. The ancient Egyptian God's gaze fell upon us, its expression one of curiosity. Seizing the opportune moment, my heart pounded with determination as I reached out, gently placing my hand upon slifer's towering form.

"Winged Dragon of Ra... Please take us there..." I whispered, my voice filled with earnest


Craning its head, slifer's gaze fell upon the distant Duel Monster card, and with a knowing

nod, the ancient dragon understood our intentions. Gesturing with its head, it silently urged us to climb aboard.

With Kaiba's assistance, we scrambled onto slifer's colossal head, our hands gripping tightly

to its scaled surface as the dragon prepared to take flight. With a mighty beat of its wings,

Slifer soared into the sky.

The rushing wind whipped through my hair, sending strands flying wildly around me. With

my uninjured hand, I clung tightly to one of Slifer's spikes, feeling the reassuring solidity of

its scaled form beneath my fingers.

"There!" I yelled excitedly, my voice carrying over the wind as I spotted the Winged Dragon of Ra card drifting perilously close to the edge. "Please go... that way!" I urged slifer, pointing in the direction of the card's flight path. My heart raced with anticipation as we

neared our goal.

Following the direction indicated by my outstretched finger, Slifer the Sky Dragon swiftly changed course, diving into a sharp descent towards the drifting card. Behind us, the

thunderous roar of the Great Leviathan echoed through the air, signalling its relentless pursuit.

With a sense of urgency, I braced myself as the Leviathan unleashed a barrage of attacks, its

monstrous form looming ever closer. A purplish laser shot forth from its gaping jaws, streaking through the air above us with deadly precision.

Before the Great Leviathan could unleash another devastating attack, Obelisk the Tormentor

arrived, slamming its massive fists down onto the serpent's snout. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, momentarily stunning the Leviathan. "Now!" I urged, my voice cutting through the chaos. Slifer the Sky Dragon responded instantly, surging forward with a burst of speed. As we closed in on the elusive Winged Dragon of Ra card, I stretched out my arm, fingers straining to grasp it, my heart pounding

with anticipation and desperation.


Suddenly, Slifer howled in agony as the purplish beam struck the God on its side, causing it to reel in pain. I was thrown into the air, a scream of surprise tearing from my lips as my body began to free-fall. Time seemed to slow, the chaotic scene unfolding around me in agonizing detail as I plummeted, the wind roaring in my ears and the ground rushing up to meet me. Ah... I'm going to die...' That was my first thought as I continued to fall, the ground racing

toward me. A whirlwind of emotions surged through my mind—anger, regret, and a profound sense of wistfulness.

Of all the ways to go, I never expected to fall to my death while battling an evil God threatening to destroy the world...

As I reflected on the events that led me to this moment, a sudden, strong force yanked me

through the air. Blinking in a daze, I caught sight of the person holding me and froze, my

mind struggling to process what was happening.

"K... Kaiba?" I stammered in disbelief.

"SHUT UP AND FOCUS!!!" he bellowed, snapping me back to clarity.

"What are you doing here?!" I shouted, momentarily forgetting my anxiety. "Are you trying

to die too?!!!"

"I'm here to save you, idiot!" Kaiba shouted in annoyance. "So stop staring at me and take the



"Huh... Ah!" My eyes darted to his hand, where the Winged Dragon of Ra was clutched tightly

between his fingers.

With a frustrated click of his teeth, Kaiba swiftly inserted it into the slots of my Duel Disk. My heart pounded with anticipation as I watched him work, feeling the rush of excitement

building within me as the Egyptian God's power stirred.

Staring ahead, I locked eyes with Dartz, a chilling determination burning in his gaze as he

commanded the Great Leviathan to surge towards us, its monstrous mouth gaping wide


"DIE!!!!" Dartz's roar echoed through the chaos, the very air trembling with his fury as the

Great Leviathan lunged forward, its jaws poised to tear us apart with their razor-sharp teeth.

"Sano!" Kaiba's urgent cry caused me to focus.

"Yeah!" With a surge of determination, I raised my arm defiantly, facing the oncoming threat


"Please heed our call and aid us in this dire hour! I summon you, Winged Dragon of Ra!!!"


A blinding burst of light erupted from the card's image, illuminating the darkened sky with an

otherworldly brilliance. A deafening screech echoed through the air, reverberating with the summoned creature's raw power.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

As the light gradually dimmed, I gazed in awe at the majestic form of the Winged Dragon of

Ra, its golden wings unfurling with a resplendent glow. As the Winged Dragon of Ra descended, a comforting warmth enveloped us, and I felt the

reassuring grip of its claws as it caught us in its grasp. With gentle care, the divine creature lifted us to safety, carrying us back to the floating island with ease. Once we were safely returned to solid ground, the dragon's golden eyes bore into me with a

mix of concern and determination. It growled softly, a rumble of worry emanating from deep

within its chest as its gaze fixed upon my injured arm.

"I'm fine..." I reassured the Winged Dragon of Ra with a smile, reaching out to stroke its beak

in gratitude. "Go and show that snake who's boss!"

With a resolute nod, the Winged Dragon of Ra acknowledged my words, its eyes gleaming with determination. With a powerful beat of its wings, it launched itself towards the Great Leviathan like a rocket, joining forces with Slifer the Sky Dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor.

Together, the trio of Egyptian Gods waged a relentless assault against the Great Leviathan. Their conjoined strength pushed the malevolent serpent back with each ferocious blow. As the battle raged on, the three Egyptian Gods gathered their power, their auras intertwining

as they prepared to unleash their combined might.

A brilliant beam of orange light, tinged with hues of yellow, red, and blue, surged forth from the united Egyptian Gods, illuminating the sky with its blinding brilliance. But even as their formidable attack streaked towards the Great Leviathan, the malevolent serpent refused to


With a defiant hiss, the Great Leviathan unleashed its purplish breath, a swirling vortex of

dark energy that clashed violently against the radiant beam. *KABOOOOM*

I grimaced as the two opposing attacks collided, their cataclysmic clash engulfing the sky in blinding white light. The sheer force of the explosion was staggering, transforming the once- dark sky into an expanse of brilliant whiteness. It was as if a nuclear bomb had detonated right before my eyes, and I found myself in the front row of the devastating spectacle. Although it seemed like they were evenly matched, the three Egyptian God's attacks burst through the explosion, their radiant attacks piercing the veil of destruction and homing in on the humongous serpent. With a deafening roar of agony, the Great Leviathan writhed in

torment as dozens of brilliant white lights penetrated its colossal form. "NOOOOOO!!!" Dartz's anguished scream echoed through the tumultuous air as the light

pierced his very being.

As the Great Leviathan succumbed to the overwhelming might of the three Egyptian Gods, it emitted one final, resounding roar of defiance before plummeting from the sky. With a deafening crash, the serpent's colossal form crashed into the churning waters below, its body

crumbling upon impact.

In the aftermath of the fall, thousands of tiny pink particles began to flow out from within the

shattered remains of the Leviathan, casting a radiant glow against the darkened waters like

stars in the night sky.

"What are they..." Kaiba asked.

"They're souls..." I answered while gazing at the sight with awe. "...It's beautiful..." Laughing, I lay on the ground and took a deep breath. "It's over... We won..." Giggling to myself, I raised my hand and grasped in the air in a daze.

"Sano...." Kaiba muttered with concern and sat next to me. "Go and rest. I will have someone

pick us up."

"Nn..." I nodded as adrenaline slowly seeped out of my body and dizziness set in. My body was already tired after just abruptly waking up from Ten Thousand Dragon's realm, and the

last-ditch battle with the Great Leviathan had used my body in overdrive.

Now, as I slowly closed my eyes, I wanted to do nothing but sleep. It's alright; I can take a

quick nap. What could go wrong?

After all, I will be safe... Because he's here.....

I hope you enjoy it

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