Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.237 Greeting Old Friends

CH.237 Greeting Old Friends

After we woke up, both Lua and I jumped into the factory to spend some time there. We had no real objective today, but we did have time dilation on our side, so we had extra time. 

And we never checked if the quality is different now that Laura is advanced system support, so we can check that while at it.

Well admittedly, I did have one thing to do. I still needed to reward both Tahlia and Fantasia. … But I still had no idea what to give them.

In terms of differences, there were only minor ones. The quality Lua experienced was basically the same. But there was one difference. Laura, being advanced and all, could be both ‘inside me’ and in the factory at the same time. Previously, she couldn’t do it, but now she can. It is useful, honestly. A lot of my monsters have a ton of information available, and one of the weaknesses of Laura getting into contact with them was that she wasn’t there for me. But now, she could do both. 

But, her upgrade had also come with a warning.

“Brian, we have to never use Exodia again.” Laura told me.

“... alright, but why?”

“It is a personal request from the Goddess.” Laura answered. “She didn’t say much, but apparently Exodia’s power threatens the stability of the world, so it absolutely should not be used. Unless an immediate and imminent threat to the world comes to be and only Exodia can eliminate it.”

“... alright. I guess we won’t use it then.” I decided. Not that I really need Exodia. “Can you ask the Goddess if Exodia is fine as long as it doesn’t obliterate? And what about Divine-Beast monsters? And are the other monsters, like the Ultimate Dragons, fine? Can you find out about that?”

“I’ll be sure to ask.” Laura said. "But she only mentioned Exodia specifically, so the other monsters you summoned yesterday should be fine."

After finding that out, we got in contact with Tahlia and Fantasia. Tahlia first, as she is easier to find.

“... I wish for another install. That card which will allow me to swap your clothes, Father.” Tahlia requested.

Did she hear about that? I know I theorized that with Tailor of the Fickle could be used for it, but I was just worried about the power that might flow into my body because of it, like it did when Tahlia evolved from Inventory into Storage.


“Laura, will that be fine?” I asked. Both her and Mia were here with us, so I didn’t have to contact her through my head.

“Yes. In truth, your install of Spell Economics fully integrated with your body yesterday, so you could even install a new card. I just didn’t think it would be a good idea, considering the party coming up, so I chose not to tell you about it until then.” Laura said.


“... Laura, please keep me informed. I don’t do stupid things.”

“Yes you do.” Lua commented. “Summoning demigod and everything.”

“... okay. Maybe I do. But they are usually reasonable.” I defended myself. “I had to test Exodia, in case I have to use him in an actual fight at some point.”

“Yes, yes. So you say. But be honest. What could actually be strong enough that you couldn’t take it out with something a bit weaker?” Lua asked.

“No clue. But that is exactly why I need to be prepared. I know I can take down A-rank monsters with relative ease, but what about S-rank monsters? And what about SS-rank monsters? And what about those beyond SS-rank? What will you do then? Because I know what I will.”

“... alright. I guess I can understand that.” Lua admitted. “But honestly, if an SS-rank monster appeared, most people would just pray for the Goddesses.” 

“And what would the Goddess do? Send a system mission to us, asking us to help them, right?” I asked.

“... I … I don’t know. Maybe?”

“What do you two think?” I asked Mia and Laura.

“I cannot give an answer to that.” Laura admitted. “But I suppose considering your previous missions that it is possible. The System and the Goddess do know about your summons, including Exodia, so being called upon wouldn’t be that strange. They also know that you can fly to almost anywhere very quickly with Gradius.”

“Yes. And while my girl isn’t strong enough to take on threats of that level, she is also getting better and better with healing magic, so her services might be requested to help with the recovery after Brian takes down the actual threat.” Mia added.

… we got sidetracked. Again. Anyway, the conclusion was that I could install Tailor of the Fickle into Tahlia as a reward, so I did just that. And honestly, getting the ability to swap my clothes with Storage is just good for me, so why not? There also was no reaction to my body, and my status didn’t change at all, so that was good. Laura even theorized that the install didn’t burden my body at all, so I still had an install slot open for a new card. But I still wasn’t going to install anything until after the BD party.

“I want papa to build us a house!” Fantasia requested, when I asked what she wanted as a reward.

“A house?” I confirmed.

“Yes. One for me, big sis, mama, papa, mama Lua and aunty Mia to all live in.” Fantasia said.

“... sure. If that is what you want. We can work on it together.” I agreed. I had no real reason to refuse, and it does sound like it could be fun. And in here, especially with Fantasia working with me, we can just imagine the house together. In here, imagination is power.

“Yes! Building a house with Papa!” Fantasia called out.

We began the building that day, but we didn’t complete it. We actually got basically nowhere with it, except laying the foundation for the building in the tower room. But that is also good. That will make this something we can do over the course of a longer period of time.

… I feel like this just turned the Factory into a Sims game. Now we are building a house and everything. Well, I’m not opposed to playing Sims with my daughter.

As we were building the house, I was also able to introduce my new Blue-Eyed dragons to Lua. All of them had migrated to the tower room of the factory, even if they were a little … irritated that they weren’t allowed to reclaim the highest peak from Tyrant Dragon. 

Lua had an interesting reaction to my three-headed dragons. She just quietly said: “It’s not the one…” What ‘one’? Well, whatever.

After breakfast, I, with Lua, jumped into Gradius. Our destination was Alewatch, so we could pick up Christina. I was actually planning to go alone, but Lua wanted to come with me, and who am I to refuse the company. Especially her company.

After landing, one of the maids informed us that they were not ready yet, so Lua and I decided to go for a walk around town. Maybe see some friends.

They weren’t actually late or anything, we were early. Our plan was to take off after lunch, short flight over. I drop off everyone, except us two, about an hour away from the city walls and they make their way from there in a carriage. That would make it seem as if they had made their way to the city normally.

But as we came basically straight after breakfast, we were early. But that does give us time to walk around town, so I’m more than happy with this.

Our first stop was a certain butcher store. Lua really wanted to visit, so of course we did.

“Welcome.” An older woman welcomed us to the store. “Oh? Little Lua? Is that really you?”

“Good morning, Mrs. Moon.” Lua answered. “And yes, I’m here.”

“Oh my. How wonderful you look. I almost didn’t recognize you.” Mrs. Moon said, looking Lua up and down. 

I guess worth mentioning was that Lua was wearing her black dress, but she had the crimson mantle from her other outfit over it. She did say she could do it, but this was the first time I’ve seen her mix and match her outfits.

“I guess this isn’t my usual style.” Lua admitted.

“Yes, it is not. But I do believe it suits you.” Mrs. Moon said. “Good day to you as well, Brian. So, what can I do for you? Here to sell something? Or just a chat?”

“Just chat, if that is alright.” Lua said.

“Of course. Any time.” Mrs. Moon agreed. 

She brought us to the back room of the store and quickly made us some tea. I didn’t have any sweet snacks in storage, but I did have some dragon jerky. I have no idea where it came from, but Laura told me it came from Kitchen Dragonmaid’s experiment. She has used Mystik Wok on another dragon. She then treated the meat with some of the spices I just bought the other day and dried it with her dragon’s breath. It was actually super tasty and Mrs. Moon asked about the recipe. But it is my maid’s secret, so I won’t tell. And it is made from dragon meat. Good luck getting that.

After that, Lua and her teacher had a decent talk about recent events, while I mainly just listened in. Lua did show her wings to Mrs. Moon, but did not mention anything about the system support or her unique skill. 

She did also show her light magic. I guess Mrs. Moon was her magic teacher, so that does check out.

“Make sure you take good care of her.” Mrs. Moon said to me as we were leaving.

“Of course. I promise.” I answered.

Our next stop, the adventurer’s guild. Let’s see if we can catch up with some friends.

I actually wanted to stop my Uncle Sam’s burrito stall, but he didn’t keep it open for the entire day, only in the morning, mid-day, and early evening. I hope I can pick up a few burritos later. They just are that good.

The guild was basically empty. Most adventurers would be out working with the boars at this time of day. Or the dungeon. Well, that is how it used to be, but I heard some sounds from the reasonably sized backyard of the guild. Some sort of fight or practice session was going on there.

“Should we head in, or go straight to the backyard?” I asked Lua.

“Let’s check out the backyard first.” Lua said. “I don’t recall there being any sounds like that before, except when you kept ‘practice sessions’ there, so this is something new.”

That is what we did, and when we saw what was happening out back, well, it was somewhat of a familiar scene. A group of young adventurers, and a few older ones, were being instructed in the ways of the sword by a duo of monsters.

Dark Blade and Masaki the Legendary Swordsman to be exact. 


Of course the person who summoned them was the guild master himself, Zayaan. He was sitting to the side of the training grounds, with a small desk in front of him. It had a pile of paperwork, which his fiance Krisha was moving for him. He did have to keep the summoned cards in his hands, so while he could do some basic stuff himself, he did need assistance. But I do have to wonder, why is he doubling up on work? Does he really have that much to do?

Most of the adventurers, my monsters and even Kris had noticed us, but Zay didn’t. He must have really been focused on his work. He was reading some sort of report, or something like that.

(Brian, can you stay quiet.) Lua asked, using our system communication instead of her words. (I think we can sneak up on him. I want to try.)

(Sure, go for it.) I agreed. (But considering that half of the practice field was looking at us, it wouldn’t be that difficult to realize something was up.

I turned my gaze to the two monsters, trying to send them a wordless message to get back to what they were doing. It seemed to work, as they turned back to their students, and the lesson resummed.

I stayed still and let Lua sneak up on her former team leader. Kris was still keeping an eye on her, so it probably would only surprise one person.

“Zay!” Lua called out as she pushed Zay’s back. “You aren’t keeping guard.”

Zay’s upper body got pushed dangerously close to the table, and for a second, I thought he would crash into the table. But he seemed to recover in time and was able to avoid any further embarrassment.

Zay turned around and saw Lua standing there.

“L-Lua? Why are you here? And why did you attack me? And when did you get that strong?” Zay asked multiple questions in a row, probably not knowing what to ask first.

“You weren’t paying attention.” Lua said to him. “Aren’t you the one who says to always pay attention to everything around you?”

Wait. Lua? Are you just getting petty revenge on Zay for something he used to say when you two were in a party? You almost slammed his face on the desk for that?

I let Lua and Zay catch up, while I took over as both an instructor and a student for the training that was going on. Well, I wasn’t instructing anyone. I’m not there yet. But I have an app for that. Or a unique skill.

Of course that meant that I summoned multiple monsters, because why not? 

Dark Flare Knight, Karbonala Warrior and Warrior of Tradition, as well as Skull Guardian and Performance of Sword. Fusion and Ritual monsters today, because why not? They deserve love too. And now that I’d summoned them, they were easy to use for things like this.


This was of course a good time to get my own daily practice in, so I basically stole Dark Flare Knight to be my one-on-one teacher. Sorry everyone, but you still have six other monsters to work with, as Zay didn’t unsummon his.

I have to say, Dark Flare Knight was a pleasure to work with. Had I known he was this good, I’d have summoned him a long time ago. I guess it's my fault, right? I was just too lazy to summon the fusions, when I had other options. Well, I’ll try to be better about that in the future. Keeping up with summoning the new fusions and everything.

“Are you sure? You really don’t have to.” Zay said, as I was upgrading his sleeved monsters into toploaders. 

“Nah. This is fine. Unlike before, I have plenty of them nowadays, so I don’t mind. I actually feel bad, as you are one of the only ones of the original card summoners who don’t have their cards in toploaders.” Well, I guess Henry the butler, that one knight with the insects, and Brandon don’t have their cards in toploaders either. But I’m never toploading Brandon’s fiend anyway and I have no good way of contacting the knight. But I guess I could put toploaders on the machine monsters I gave to Henry.

“Brian. You should also give him a fusion monster.” Lua said. “That should help him level up his skill, right?” 

“Oh yeah. It should. Sure.” I agreed. Now just decide which one. Dark Blade the Dragon knight? No, Alice wants that one and I prefer that only one person has each kind of monster. Well, outside of the commons that new Card Summoners will get. That makes it easier to track who has what. Oh? This is perfect. It even uses Masaki the Legendary Swordsman as a material. “Here. Take this.” I said as I handed him the fusion. “And these two as well. You can keep the monster, but I’m taking the spell back afterwards.” I said as I handed him Flame Manipulator and Polymerization.

I then taught him how to fusion summon, and soon enough, Zay was able to summon his own Flame Swordsman.


“Do come again.” “Let’s practice together again.” “Give me a card next time.”

With a chorus of calls from the adventurers, Lua and I left the adventurer’s guild. I have to say, it was a fun visit. I really enjoyed practicing with everyone. Maybe I could make some sort of an academy? … Well, maybe if I can find good ways of keeping my monsters summoned for longer. I’d also need a good location for it, but that shouldn’t be a problem. I can just take any generic location, clear it out with a few dragons, and make a building there. Probably. Well, in due time. But it is something I want to do.

With the people we wanted to see greeted, we made our way back towards the Watchman manor. Not before stopping by Uncle Sam’s and picking up as many burritos as he was willing to make us. They won’t deteriorate in my storage, so why not? I paid for them with small silvers, instead of the gold coin which is what all 105 burritos would have normally cost, because using small silvers in a place like this is just better. Oh, Sam knocked five coppers off of the price, by the way. He really is too kind. After we left, he had to close down shop though, because we just bought him out.

With some emergency food stored in my storage, we made our way back to the Watchman manor.

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