The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 166: Intruders?

Chapter 166: Intruders?

Isabella was in her bed, busy hitting her pillow when her roommate finally came home and looked at her frustrated friend…

“What’s wrong Bella?” The short-haired cheerful girl asked.

“Ah... Naomi… Nothing, I was just thinking about something…” Isabella replied as she readjusted her pillow.

“Oh… Do you need me to help you apply your medicine for you again?” Naomi asked,

“Ah…. No … I managed to do it myself…..” She replied as she buried her face in her pillow, hiding her blushing face.

“Ohh… That’s fine then…” Naomi said as she yawned… “By the way, I checked that Victor for you… A total pervert, but I can’t touch him, he is an elite heir in the Von Weise family… The real cream of the crop… We never even got near him… we are still too weak for that… Why don’t you hook up with him… He is really rich, and you would no longer have to hang out with poor players like us…” She said joking…. Isabella didn’t laugh, she just turned her face and glared at her friend…

“Hehe…. Now, tell me… Did you find any suitable recruits? The organization is taking shape… and we need more free players to join..” she asked,

“Ah… I have someone in mind….. I will get you his file later…” Isabella said, not daring to look at her friend.

“Oh...Good, Just be sure he doesn’t belong to any major powers..” Naomi said as she left the room.

Isabella didn’t reply, she just sighed…. What happened today? Why did she act like that in front of Tom…?

Thankfully, after applying the ointment, She heard another teacher in the corridor, and managed to pull back her skirt in time before he entered the room…

But how could she let a student touch her butt…. What was wrong with her… Sure, she was in a lot of pain, but still…..

Why was she ok with Tom?

Is she just some loose woman.... He was her student damn it...

Why is everyone taking advantage of her…. First, That Victor stole her first kiss… Then Tom touched her butt…. And why did he run away like a scared chicken after that… Was her butt too ugly? Or was he embarrassed…. Thankfully no one saw them… But…How would she be able to face him tomorrow?

“DAMN IT,” she screamed as she bit hard on her pillow…


When Victor arrived at his mansion with his mother and sister it was already 10.30 PM. The girls had already eaten and gone to sleep, so only Hilda was waiting for them.

He asked about the day’s events, then quickly excused himself, telling his mother who was pestering him about Linda that he would explain everything tomorrow, and that he was really sleepy.

His mother had to reluctantly let him go and drag the sleepy Lara to her bed.

“Young master…” Lily began to talk just as they entered his room.

“Did you succeed?” He asked.

“Yes…I was a little late, but managed to get some photos.” She said,

“Oh… It’s my fault, I didn’t expect the situation to progress this fast….. He has real talent…” He sighed...

“Young master….. I need to ask you something…” She said.

“You want to ask about that beggar?” He interrupted.

“Yes… I felt strange looking at him... “ She replied with some embarrassment.

“If my guess is correct, he should be your brother… His name is Yulian Von Krone.” Victor told the truth, he didn’t want to lie to Lily too much.

“Ahh….” Lily, who was surprised, didn't know what to say.

“He is still doing his family test, so he will not contact you for another year… So ignore him for now.” Victor sighed, “Now let’s focus on the present.” Victor said as he hugged her, “Well, The reason I didn’t take you with me and have been treating you a little coldly today, is because I am really afraid they would take you away if they noticed how much I love you.” He whispered in her ear, making an involuntary shiver run through her body... She already knew that it was something like that… But it felt different hearing these words from his lips as they kissed her ear.

She began to breathe a little heavy…

“Young master… I…” She stopped as her watery eyes turned ice cold…” An intruder.” She said as her mood changed…. She was angry.

Couldn’t they delay their arrival?

“You just noticed?” He asked leisurely… making her pout a little… They are outside the fence now…. Did he really notice them before her?

”Don’t worry, I have already activated the array. And that’s why I found them…. They are already in our net….” He smiled as he watched Lily take out a new shiny dagger from her ring, in addition to an earpiece that she placed in her still blushing ear.

Victor did the same… This earpiece was a communication device for emergencies in the mansion. They didn’t want to leave anyone tied up in their rooms in case of emergencies.

“Everyone…. The food is here. Are you ready?” He then waited for confirmation from everyone. They were all ready.

“Twenty Nine targets, Seven mortals, Twenty-Two Semi-Players… Take your positions. Eliminate all targets outside only when they cross the third parameter… Leave the ones who sneak into the mansion to me and Lily….. And…. Ignore El and Lara…Alpha it’s your mission to keep an eye on them…pun intended…” He instructed with a smile as Alpha cursed him silently.

Victor carefully manipulated the array to shield his mother’s room. He didn’t want her to hear anything… His mother might ruin his plan after all.

“Lily…Go and take out the one heading to the kitchen, … Make sure he kills that maid Rose first though, I will guide him to her…. Cut his head and keep it clean… Hilda would be angry if we made a lot of mess… After that head outside and kill anyone who tries to escape… And make sure to keep your veil on at all times.” Victor instructed Lily who nodded and then disappeared into the darkness outside his window.

Thanks to the array, he could use his appraisal skill throughout the mansion, as if it were a part of him. He could easily see who his intruders were. Especially semi-players… One of them was Mr. Kline, while the others were death warriors.

Who do they work for? Wait Troy Wiren..… Another piece of Sh*t…. Anyway, this guy was not a scion, so no need to be afraid.

; ;

NAME: Romer Kline




Strength: 21

Agility: 25

Intelligence: 20

Luck: 14

Charm: 21

Order: 10


Business Sense A

Dagger arts D

Charm D

Mass Hypnosis F








FATE’S Direction: Neutral

FATE’S DESIGN: The right hand of Troy Wiren


; ;

NAME: Ti-1~23





Strength: 18~21

Agility: 16~18

Intelligence: 13~15

Luck: 7~10

Charm: 3~6

Order: 10


Needle Arts D

Silent Steps E

Wall Walking E





FATE’S Direction: Neutral



Anyway…. First, he would need to get that Kline inside…as for the rest, he would use the array to guide them to spies surrounding the mansion…. Let them kill each other... or at the very least scare those guy's away.

El was sneaking professionally, she already learned where it was safe to hide here in the mansion.

One… two… Now, she jumped from behind one vase to the other…. She ran down the corridor… Into the drawing-room... She quickly reached for a wooden door to the side and opened it, to see the face of a handsome young man with a handsome mustache on his face.

“Mr. Kline…” She said with a sparkling eye,

He quickly put his hand on his mouth instructing her to stay silent.

“The Basement…Stay close” He whispered the put his cloak around her,

El nodded with a smile and began to silently guide him to the basement…. They quickly reached it

Mr. Kline silently inspected the lock, then professionally unlocked it using high-grade military picks he had.

Opening the door, El peeked inside… It was a long corridor… with no guards and no dogs.

“Are you sure this is the place?” He asked with a frown. She nodded.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to go in after all…

“Go ahead in front of me… I will protect you if someone attacks you from the back…” He assured her. She nodded while wondering why he used the same line she usually uses to scam the other village boys to enter a cave before her…. No, Mr. Kline would never do that.

There is only one door in the front…It was also Locked.

Kline again tried to use his picks… But they failed… He tried again…. Failed…. Making him frown as he slowly inspected it with his flashlight…

There is definitely something precious behind this gate.

He took another set of tools from somewhere… it was a strange key with no grooves… He put it in, then took it out, looked at it, and filled it with a file that was in the kit…

El didn’t understand what he was doing… as she had never heard about key impressioning before… But she knew to keep her silence and learn…

After 35 more filings and another 15 minutes, the door was opened by Mr. Kline who was sweating a lot from his forehead… He seemed tired.

She quickly helped him whip his sweat, But pushed away….

Sneaking into the room, it was full of boxes… this must be the treasure… El quickly followed behind…

Kline approached one of the boxes and opened it… Inside, it was full of magazines…. Porn Magazines…

El opened her mouth wide…. What is that woman on the cover doing… Why was she ****************************************** on that man’s ****.

Kline didn’t speak, he just froze for a few minutes..… Then began to open the boxes one by one like a mad man……. After another five minutes, he turned to look at El….

“Bitch…” He said and slapped her face, making her small body fly and hit the wall on the other side.

This was his fault…. He should have never trusted this idiot…. Thankfully he came prepared, the other guys would search the entire mansion, and take everything valuable… and hopefully, the mountain deed too…

His master was reluctant to let him buy the mountain for just a sketchy wine… but a few days ago the lab results came in… This wine has many uses, not only does it make people smarter…. It has a desirable side effect, it makes them temporarily more gullible too, and makes them more susceptible to his master’s Prolonged Hypnosis techniques….

No wonder the villagers were so quick to trust him… They drank a lot of this shit…. his Master told him that this was a great contribution… Too bad by then the mountain was already sold… He can’t tell his master that, so he had to take it back by himself….

This mansion’s owner was a member of the Von Weise family… But so what.

His master had already told him that they would soon perish, and this guy was just a perverted young master, with no value…. His master had already seen through their scheme of granting him an elite status…. Would an elite live in a mansion without a dedicated team of player guards? Would an elite get his fiance stolen… What a joke…. As long as that Victor was not dead, his family would not cause any trouble… They don’t have the resources to spare to do that anyway.

Now he needs to check on…..

Mr. Kline fell to the ground unconscious as Victor struck him with a steel baseball bat,

“Well… That was very anticlimactic….” Victor said as he dusted his hands and then looked at the terrified El.

“You betrayed me…” He said, making her slowly stand up as she leaned on the wall with blood seeping from her mouth… She looked at him with teary eyes…. She was crying… It was when Kline slapped her…. He promised to take care of her, He promised that he would give her a family….. He lied….

“I…..” She didn’t know what to say….. She could only weep… She also betrayed Victor who promised her a home….

“I don’t want to do this…. But I have to keep my promise…. I told you before, If you betray me, I will kill you… That’s the rule…” He said as he flashed his dagger…

El cried as she looked at him, just as a little girl ran and stood in Victor’s path spreading her small arms wide in front of him and shielding El behind her.

“D…. Don’t Kill little El….. “ Lara shouted…. Stuttering.

“Oh… “Victor was ‘Shocked’ “You are here too…. Did you see that… She helped a thief enter my house… I can’t let her live… You know the rules.” He said, making Lara flinch a little, but not give way.

“I already promised El to take care of her…. You have to pass over my dead body if you want to kill her.” She said bravely as tears began to well in her eyes.

“Ah…. Where did you learn that line from….. That won’t do… Alpha, get her away..” He called, making Alpha appear out of nowhere and grab Lara then drag her to the wall.

“Nooooo,” Lara shouted as Victor approached the shaking El then stopped and looked at Lara.

“It is too late… “ Victor said… As he slowly approached the crying El.

“You already gave me El… You can’t hurt her now, it is my responsibility to punish her….” Lara suddenly shouted, Alpha who was grabbing her gave her this tip.

Victor froze….

“True…. But I didn’t complete the transfer… So…” He said as he looked at the crying El then sighed…. “Fine, I promised El to be my little sister anyway…I can’t kill her……I will give you one more chance… The last chance.” He said to El as Alpha let go of Lara who ran and hugged El who began to weep, making Lara shed some tears too.

“From now on, El will be your personal servant…. But if she ever betrayed you… I will kill her myself… remember that…” Victor said to Lara who looked at him and nodded with determination…

“Go back to your room… I have some cleaning to do.” He said.

Lara nodded as she was escorted with El to her room by Hilda, who no one knew when she appeared in the room.

With this, Victor would be more assured of Lara’s safety… El although young, has more experience than Lara, and would be able to benefit her a lot and maybe help her avoid many schemes…. As for her betrayal, it was probably the effect of those guys’ hypnosis and her youth….. She would never do it again. He was sure of it.

Now, what shall he do with this trouble? He was not in the mood for interrogation…

“Alpha…. Take him to the mountain base with any survivors from the battle outside…. and get your girls there too, then Give him to them… Let them use the wine on him… Be careful though… He has some hypnosis techniques. Consider this to be their training. I will want a good report in a week..… And we need to make the players too….” He instructed as he took Kline’s ring and treasures…. He even took the cloak, this would be a good gift for Lily.

Alpha nodded, then tied Romer Kline before stuffing him in a body bag… Did she keep a lot of those in her ring? Maybe.

Victor sighed as he checked the status of the battle outside….

Intruders… 20 Dead / Nine Captured.

Spies… All kept their distance.

Casualties? None… No…Wait… Two chicks lost a few teeth and…. Why was Alex fighting in high heels? Did she just sprain her ankle?

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