The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 165: The Secret

Chapter 165: The Secret

When Victor and his group entered the Lover’s Den, they were greeted by Luna, who went down to greet them despite her bulging pregnant belly. This woman knew how to make friends.

“Hi… I am Luna… Nice to meet you. You must be Madam Elena. Master Theodore always talked highly of you.” She lied with a confident smile, making Elena smile back politely.

“Yes… Nice to meet you too. Ms.Luna” She replied.

“Yes…just Luna is fine… I might become your little sister very soon… This way please, Theodore is waiting for you... “ Luna invited them inside.

“Oh… Call me Elena then…. You should be resting instead of coming here to greet us… ….” Elena greeted Luna then began to ask about her pregnancy as they headed to the top floor… Some women talk that Victor had zero interest in.

When they entered the top dining room, everyone respectfully saluted Theodore according to the family protocol.

“Oh, come on in, forget the formalities here, just sit down, we have a lot to talk about…” Theodore said as he inspected Elena and then Lara, her constitution is a little better… Rex was teaching her well, too bad what happened to his new wife… He must get him a new one… Too bad he is just a semi-player.

Luna quickly dragged Elena to Theodore’s side, letting her sit on his right as she sat on the left as the servants came in with the food.

Lara, who feared her father and didn’t know what to do, was dragged by Victor to sit down at a chair on her mother's side, as Iris took another chair.

After asking about Elena’s and Lara’s health and exchanging some random talks, Theodore turned to Victor who was busy tasting the fried rice prepared by Luna… He really enjoyed her cooking.

“I was contacted by the Von Rosen family… Amelia has an illegitimate daughter…. she wants to present her instead of Linda… I didn’t give my answer yet, I wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter.” Theodore said, making Elena tune in… What happened to Linda? Wasn’t Linda her son’s fiance? No one told her anything… She didn’t dare to ask now.

“Well… I don’t mind, but this time I will do it in a way to humiliate them… Doesn't Von Astrom want me to marry that slut Nova too?... Let’s do it in a double wedding. They would be both concubines anyway.” Victor proposed with a lewd smile, making Theodore frown, then freeze for a second and nod, this would be a good punishment for them after the engagement scandal, and a double wedding would be a good show of the family's power.

Elena was shocked… Did she hear that right? Was this really her humble and sweet son? When did he become a pervert?

Luna was a little dumbfounded too, but she didn’t let her show.

Iris, on the other hand, has already been introduced to Victor's shamelessness, so she didn’t care… But she wanted to know the bride's reactions.

Lara didn’t find it strange at all… Doesn’t her father also have many wives? Her brother should have a lot too.

“The Von Rosen would probably agree if We pressured them… It was their fault the last time… and they seemed very desperate…. As for the Von Astrom…” His father thought for a moment, “I am sure I can force them to do it if I ask a favor from my friend in the sword sect… We would present it as Nova’s punishment for cuckolding their young master…. “ He added with an evil smile, having two girls from the major family marrying his son at the same time would give him a lot of faces… “I will arrange everything, The family’s situation is problematic and we need these alliances …. But you would need to go and formally propose by yourself when the time comes, ” Theodore said,

Victor nodded with a smile, the first hurdle of convincing his father had been successfully passed.

“I will do my part…. I wanted to ask though, what’s wrong with the family?” Victor asked.

“Oh……Well… There was an accident... Then another….” Theodore sighed. “Anyway, the situation among the elders has changed and the patriarch lost his support.” He added.

“What happened?” Victor asked.

“Well… This is not a secret, but the High elder council in the family is composed of seven supreme elders. Four of which helped the elder take his seat and belong to our faction… One of them has gone missing. But the situation was stable because of the remaining elders. Two were opposing while the last one was neutral as he belonged to the black faction… That was until a few days ago… ” Theodore said.

“What happened?” Victor asked

“Elder Sam was killed by mistake by the patriarch’s assistant… Elder Sam’s Father is that neutral supreme elder… You can guess what happened next.” He explained.

“Oh…Was elder Sam really killed by that assistant?” Victor asked with a frown.

“Most likely not, as there are some rumors about his daughter-in-law poisoning him…. but the one who is supervising the investigation is the head of the inquisition hall, Supreme elder Alfred, who totally ignored that information…. This must be a scheme... But we can’t interfere in this investigation according to the family rules…Only the supreme council can. ” He added with another sigh.

“Even so, the situation should be a tie with three elders on each side,” Victor stated.

“That was the case… But an accident happened that flipped one of the elders…” Theodore stated with some annoyance, as Iris and the women listened attentively, they never knew that the drama in their family is more intense than any TV show.

“What happened this time?” Victor curiously asked.

“That b*tch Linda happened…” Theodore scolded, “Bill is the only grandson of supreme elder Bruce… Technically he didn’t break any family rules, but if the patriarch stayed in power he would surely be punished severely… So elder Bruce was “convinced” to go to the other side…He is acting more on the edge though…But it is only a matter of time.” Theodore added with annoyance…

“And?” Victor asked.

“The patriarch's power is now severely limited, so any alliance we can get can act as a pressure card…. The balance is very delicate.” Theodore said, “Too bad your brother had to go and rape that bitch at this time… I couldn’t help him at all,” he added.

“Luke?” Victor asked.

“Yes… I don’t know where Rex got those training swords from… But someone had coated their handles with an aphrodisiac…” Theodore said with annoyance… “And I don’t know what training method that one was…But your brother had to go and put it in….” Theodore stopped talking as he saw Lara’s innocent eyes looking at him… He said too much. “He licked that dirty handle….” He clarified with a cough as he avoided Lara’s eyes...

“Anyway, he was shipped to the mines… He will stay there until his ceremony…. That if there ever was another ceremony….” Theodore said… not explaining any further… He spoke too much.

“Iris….” He turned to his daughter intending to change the subject. “Did you deal with that Lucas? The one who scammed you before..” He asked as he ignored the curious look on Victor’s face.

“I…. I didn’t do anything yet…. I am not sure he meant to harm me after all…” Iris replied… She was not a violent girl after all.

“That won’t do… Being too nice would get you killed… How about you test him? Act weak for a few days. If that bastard dared to do anything to you, you can kill him without remorse… “Theodore proposed. His daughter was not decisive enough. And that was a problem if she stayed in the family.

Iris hesitated... Then nodded… If Victor didn’t save her that day, she didn’t know what would have happened… But… She will give Lucas one last chance… He was her schoolmate after all.

If he acted like an honest man, she would spare him… If he had other thoughts… She…. She didn’t know what to do.

“I will send George with you… He will tell you what to do.” Theodore proposed when he saw her hesitant face, Making her nod.

After that, they continued their meal, as Luna and Elena came to know each other, and as Victor predicted, they had a lot in common.

“Father… Let’s go to the secure room… I want to tell you something….” Victor suddenly said after finishing his meal, making Theodore frown… This room was good enough… What did his son have to say?

“Follow me…” Theodore stood up and said after he gestured to his wives and daughters to continue with their meal… This would better be quick, He doesn’t want to miss the dessert.

Victor also stood up and followed his father to the basement… To the same room where he killed that demon… This was the safest room in the building.

After closing the heavy steel door, to Theodore’s surprise, Victor activated an isolation talisman. This thing is not cheap.

“What happened?” Theodore asked with a heavy frown… wondering what his son wanted to tell him that required all this security.

“About Linda….” Victor took a deep breath and then told his father what he did… About her pregnancy with Titus’s son…

First, his father was frowning then….

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Theodore opened his mouth wide like a fish… He stayed shocked like that for the next five minutes…

“What the f*ck….. You bastard…… You……. HOW DARE YOU DO THAT…. DO YOU KNOW ……….” Theodore yelled as he pointed at Victor then stopped as the thoughts settled in… and he realized what this meant... When did his son become this scheming? This plan is pure evil.

“All we have to do is to wait until she gives birth… and they return Bill to the family….” Victor said. “All we have to do is to spread the photos about Titus and Linda….. And ask some questions about the baby’s father…” He added.

“Bill would definitely kill Titus… That young man has a really short temper.” Theodore added…” And Titus’s grandfather is the second supreme Elder of the opposing faction…. This is a big feud that would send Elder Bruis back to our side if we promised to spare Bill capital punishment…. This is good… Very good. I will have to go around and make sure that there are no loose ends though… George can do it perfectly… Just tell your butler to send him all the data.” Theodore said as he smiled evilly.

“Yes..all we have to do now is wait another year,” Victor added as he laughed evilly with his father.

“Ms. Isabella, why do you keep standing up,” Tom asked. They were in the teacher’s room, Isabella had a standing desk there… But He felt strange, she didn’t sit down at all for the last hour… He was getting tired but didn’t dare to sit down if she didn’t.

“It’s healthier this way.” She replied with some annoyance as she looked at a dungeon raid report he presented to her. It was about the goblin dungeon.

“From what I take from your description, the Elixir you drank was very effective…. Do you have anything left of it?” She asked.

“No… It was only one drop, and my stomach was hurting very badly… But I remember what it looked like…. It was red but had a purplish shimmer to it... ” He explained.

Isabella frowned; she had never heard of anything like this. She quickly headed to a bookcase near the door and began to look around for a certain ancient book… She found it, an old book with a leather binding at the bottom of the bookcase.

“This book might…..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” She screamed,

The room’s door was opened by a student just as she bent down, and it just happened to bump into her butt.

Tom was shocked… What has just happened? He thought as Isabella stood with difficulty and glared at the student, who quickly put the stack of paper he had in hand on another teacher’s table and then ran away.

“Are you ok, teacher?” Tom asked.

“Yes… I am Fine,” Isabella said as she walked with difficulty, and just so happened to step onto a paper that fell from the stack earlier,

She slipped.

And like in every cliche situation that only happens when a scion is in the room, she fell onto Tom who took the chance to hug her and “accidentally” grabbed her butt.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh.” She screamed again as she glared at him with teary eyes and tried to stand up only to fall again but this time backward on her butt...

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh….” She screamed a third time as she stayed on the ground this time, holding her butt in pain.

Tom didn’t expect that…. What’s wrong with her…. Wait, This might be his chance…

“Teacher…. Your butt seems to be injured.” He stated, expecting her to deny it…

She looked away in shame.

WHAT? REALLY? He swallowed hard…

“Would you mind helping me stand up?” She said with an aggrieved voice… This was the worst humiliation in her life…. No, the second-worst.

Tom quickly reached his hand and helped her stand up….

Isabella was moving with difficulty…. And he noticed it

“Teacher do you need my help getting you home?” He asked…

“No….” She replied as she let go of his hand and slipped again to the floor then began to cry… The pain was too unbearable.

Tom was flabbergasted…. WHAT THE F*CK.

Teacher….. Can I help you with anything? He asked.

“There is …. A white jar in my desk’s drawer....” She said with some difficulty as tears fell from her eyes.

Tom Quickly got it for her… It was some custom-made ointment… Could it be that the teacher had some kind of a problem…

“I will leave you alone….” Tom said as a gentleman. Intending to leave the room… It is not appropriate to stay here, as he would be able to peek better if he quickly ran and hid in the tree next to the window outside.

“Ahh… No…. I can’t do it by myself….. Can you…..” She said with a heavy blush, making Tom’s heart skip a beat.

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