The Fallen Gamer

chapters 226-230

chapters 226-230

Now that I had no longer been deemed a threat, at least as far as Rias and Sona were concerned, Akeno left the occult research club room to go and get the other peerage members to calm down. Upon sensing my presence, the members of both peerages had gathered in the gymnasium to prepare for an attack. Obviously an attack was never coming, but they didn't know that.

My arrival, at their school, had caused them all to panic and think that the Great War might be restarting, or something along those lines. I'd apologize to them all later.

My ten black wings receded and I sat back down on the couch. Sona and Rias were still gaping at me in surprise.

"I thought I knew the names of all the Cadre," Sona said. "I wasn't expecting an unknown one to show up on our doorstep!"

Rias took a calming breath. "Did you just reach 10 wings? Is that why we didn't know about you? I'm surprised that the Grigori aren't parading you around everywhere considering how strong and beautiful you are."

I smiled from her compliment. "There's a reason for that. I'm not exactly from around here. I'm a member of the Grigori, but probably not the Grigori that you're thinking of..." I told the two of them in a way that only made them even more confused.

Rias's face scrunched up cutely as she tried to make sense of my words. "Is there a split amongst the Fallen Angels that we're not aware of?"

"Kokabiel hasn't started his foolish little rebellion yet, so no." I replied. And maybe now, he never would. The butterfly effect was a real thing after all. No doubt, he would have also heard rumors of a brand new Cadre randomly popping up in the Grigori cafeteria this morning. He was probably very confused, and maybe even slightly nervous, about my existence.

They both blanched at me. "Kokabiel is going to rebel? Why?" Sona asked in shock.

"It's kind of a whole thing, but this is the gist…" I gave them both a quick rundown on how he was dissatisfied with the current peaceful situation of the world. He was a warmonger and he didn't feel complete unless he was soaked in the blood of his enemies on the battlefield. "Because of that, he wants to restart the Great War by killing the two of you." I informed them both.

"Another person wants to kill us now…?" Rias muttered. "What is going on with today?" She gave me a cute pout. "You know, our lives here were so much simpler a few hours ago before you showed up!"

She was acting like I was the current source of all of this craziness. They couldn't blame the time traveler on me, that was just a coincidence. He would have shown up whether or not I was here, right?

[Ehh… To be honest, it probably only happened because you are currently here in this world. The Gamer always attracts crazy events like this. Why do you think you hardly ever have a normal day?]

Now that I thought back on my life so far, the System had a point.

Ok, so maybe the time traveler showing up was my fault! That didn't mean I was ever going to admit it to anyone though. I plead the fifth!

[You're not in America currently, you're in Japan, that's not a thing here.]

Sona chastised Rias. "Rias! Stop acting so spoiled! Layla of the Fallen was kind enough to warn us at Mephisto's behest AND she offered us her protection!" Sona smiled at me warmly. "I, for one, am grateful for the services she has rendered upon us." Sona said formally. It was cute.

Rias snorted. "Uh huh, sure Sona… I'm sure those aren't the only services you're interested in from Layla here." Rias said sarcastically.

I snorted and Sona sputtered with a red face. I noticed that Sona did not deny Rias's accusation. I sent a smirk at the embarrassed Devil Princess causing her to blush further. "If there's any services I can provide to either of you, just feel free to ask." I said to Sona first and then I smirked at Rias next.

"Wow, you aren't holding anything back with the blatant flirting are you?" Rias commented with a sigh. She put her head down and let out a somber sigh. "I wouldn't bother with me though." She said.

"And why is that? Are you not interested?" I asked her. She was blushing at my flirting earlier, so that shouldn't have been the case.

"I'm very interested!" Rias exclaimed and then gestured to herself. "Look at me! I'm a gorgeous 18 year old Devil that's been prevented from dating anyone for my entire life! I'm unbelievably pent up!" She huffed out with a red face!

Well, wasn't that something? "Who prevented you?" I asked while already knowing the answer. "Your parents?"

Rias nodded begrudgingly. "They said that since im already engaged, im not allowed to date anyone. It would set a bad example…"

Bad example? She's a Devil though.

That was never going to work out. They're trying to get her to act like a noble human girl when she was not one. Her sins must be driving her crazy at this point! I don't think she has a major Sin of Lust like I do, but with that body of hers she at least has to have a minor one.

"You're engaged to Riser Phenex?" I asked Rias for confirmation.

Rias slumped down further on her couch and stared at the ceiling. "Yes, his family is very wealthy and politically powerful in the Underworld right now. My parents will not allow me to refuse the engagement and my peerage isn't even close to strong enough to beat his."

"Rias has tried asking everyone she knows for help, but no one wants to help her." Sona added on. Sona explained that she had even tried to ask her own sister to help on Rias's behalf, but Sirzechs stepped in and forbade Serafall from breaking off the engagement either.

The solution here was obvious then.

I stood up and walked over to the two of them. Both sets of eyes were on me as I casually seated myself directly between Rias and Sona. I stretched my arms out and wrapped them around both girls' shoulders. Both of them blushed adorably when I did so. "You've forgotten one person, you never asked me for help." I told Rias. "What's a mere Phenex family in front of me anyway. I could probably solo their entire clan if I wanted to."

The Phenex regeneration was useful against other Devil's, but it was useless in front of my Light Energy attacks.

On top of that, the Phenex clan members had a habit of tanking attacks when they could instead dodge them. They loved to flaunt their supposed immortality. Immortality that doesn't even work against the Devil's natural enemies…

There's a reason that the Gremory family is ranked higher on the Devil's totem pole as Duke House, compared to the Phenex who are only a Marquis house. Back during the Great War, their clan dropped like flies whenever they ran into Angels and Fallen Angels. Eventually they were forbidden from even going on the Frontline because Lucifer was afraid that Hell would lose its only clan of healers.

At least, that's what happened according to the history in my world. I'm assuming it's very similar here though.

Rias's eyes widened. "You would do that? Go up against the entire Phenex clan for a girl you just met?" She asked me hesitantly.

"I'd do that for either of you two if you both asked. It should be fairly obvious, but I'm quite interested in you both." I smiled at them. My arms were still around them both and I scooted them even closer to me. Rias and Sona were both pressed up against my sides at this point.

They both blushed again and neither of the Devil princesses made a move to leave my embrace. Both of these girls must be very pent up. Sona, even more so than Rias apparently. Sona was taking advantage of this situation and leaning into me further.

Sona's situation was similar to Rias, but less obvious. I imagined a jealous Serafall has probably been keeping any potential suitors away from Sona. Sona's last fiance broke off their engagement after losing a simple chess match to her? No chance that was what actually happened. Serafall probably secretly threatened to kill his entire family if he didn't back off.

Rias didn't look entirely convinced yet but she was close. "...What if my brother decides to intervene? Can you fight him too?"

"Then I'll just fly into space, grab an asteroid and throw it at him!" I replied immediately. There was no way I was fighting that guy straight up at my current level. I'll bombard his ass from space! Devils needed to breathe, I did not.

"Wait!? Can angels survive in a vacuum?" Sona interrupted and asked me in surprise. "They could have rained down meteors on the Underworld during the Great War?" She asked in surprise and wanted clarification.

I nodded at her. "I guess they could have, but the Angel's would have been far too prideful to do that. Not to put down my former race, but they're all one trick ponies that refuse to fight with anything besides Light Energy." I told Sona, who looked more relieved to hear that.

Rias came to a decision.

"Layla…Will you help me?" Rias asked hopefully. "...If you do, I'll be your girlfriend! I'll even make it a 2 for 1 offer and throw in Sona! I'd offer Akeno too, but she hates Fallen Angels with a vengeance…" She cutely babbled on a little bit.

"Y–you can't just offer me up without my permission, Rias!" Sona leaned over me and scolded her. She sat back and looked at me hesitantly. "I suppose I w–wouldn't mind going on a few dates though…"

"That means yes in Tsundere Sona language." Rias confirmed for me. "She's your girlfriend now too, so you have to help me!" She said while grinning and nodding her head up and down!

[Two for the price of one… You work fast, Host.]

I couldn't believe how well this had worked out myself. I thought the beautiful Devil Princesses of the underworld would be a lot harder to flirt with to be honest.

I wondered if my new perk, Daughter of Heaven's Will, was helping me out.

[It undoubtedly was… You also forget that neither of these two girls are humans. They think differently. Devils are creatures that are attracted to power, and you exude a lot of it! You also swooped in at the perfect opportunity to help them and are very beautiful to boot!]

'Awe, thanks for the compliments, System!'

Rias looked like a large weight had been lifted off of her and she let out a small giggle. "I can't believe we're both dating a Fallen Angel now. If the underworld found out, it would be a major scandal!"

"I hope my sister doesnt find out too quickly, but I almost forgot that we still have to call her soon." Sona said, talking about the time traveler. "I'm nervous! She always seems to know when something is going on in my life! I don't want to tell her right now, because I don't think she'll approve of a Fallen Angel even if you're a Cadre."

I shrugged at them. "I don't know why it's even such a big deal. Lilith, the mother of your race, hooked up with a Fallen Angel herself. Without that, the Devil race would have never existed. If anyone questions you two, just say that you're following in Lilith's footsteps." I said to them both. Lucifer and Lilith were almost deity-like figures to the Devil race after all for creating them.

Sona and Rias glanced at each other. "...Huh? I never really thought about it like that." Rias said.

"Me neither! They never really brought that up in school in the Underworld either. Wait, if Lucifer was a Fallen Angel and Lilith was the first human woman… What does that make devils?" Sona asked out loud curiously.

I would let the two of them work that out for themselves.

It's never really brought up, but DxD Devil's are nothing more than mutated Fallen Angel Nephilim's when you think about it.

We cuddled for a few more minutes before I let go of them both and gave them some time alone to contact their siblings. They had to report on the time traveler by Devil law, and withholding that information was a serious crime.

While they were doing that, I started wandering the Occult Research building's hallways. I wasn't particularly looking for anything, I was just exploring.

Other than Rias and Sona, there was only one other magical presence I could sense currently in the building. I wondered if that was Gasper and headed up the stairs where I was feeling the signature.

Sure enough, I arrived at a door that was covered by a bunch of yellow tape and signs that said "keep out!"

Through the door, I could feel that Gasper was quite powerful. He was easily in the High Class realm magically. No wonder Rias had trouble helping him keep his powers in check.

My new girlfriend was a 'High Class Devil,' but she was not High Class in terms of magical power. She was at the top of Mid Class at best.

I could hear noise on the other side of the door that sounded like explosions and gunfire. Gasper was currently gaming…

I knocked on the door loudly. "Hi Gasper! I'm Layla, Rias's new girlfriend! Can I come in and play video games with you?" I had nothing better to do while waiting and figured that I should get to know Rias's peerage better. I was also going to have to get to know Sona's peerage better at some point as well.

I was already thinking about convincing Sona to let me return most of her peerage back to humans, and wipe their memories of the supernatural. Peerage members were supposed to be eternal servants and companions for a Devil. Sona kind of messed up by choosing a bunch of pretty school girls… because she was horny.

They were all cute, but not the kind of people you would want staying by your side forever. If I recall correctly as well, none of her peerage members were even interested in women. A bunch of them ended up with Saji…

[That's pretty sad for Sona who obviously was trying to get her own yuri harem…And now she basically just joined one.]

There was silence for a moment on the other side of the door. Gasper had paused the game. "...You want to play video games with me? Really?" A muffled voice replied from the other side of the door. I wouldn't have even heard it without my supernatural senses.

I was happy that he wasn't being too shy and actually responded to me. "Yes! I would love to play with you! Also, I'm pretty strong so you don't have to worry about accidentally freezing me either. In fact, I have a gift for you that can help you control your powers!"

My Rinnegan appeared for a moment and I quickly created a small bracelet made of Black Metal. As long as he wore this, he would be able to go out without his Sacred Gear accidentally activating and him randomly stopping time.

There was another pause before I heard a click and the door unlocked. I pushed it open and looked around. The room was very dark, but I figured a Dhampir/Devil hybrid didn't need much light to actually see.

I giggled when I saw a large cardboard box in the middle of the room. I could sense Gasper hiding inside it. I slowly walked towards the box and placed the bracelet down next to it. "Here you go. If you wear this, your Demonic Power will be suppressed and your Sacred Gear won't activate. You can take it on and off as much as you want!"

"T–thank you…" A muffled voice came from the box. It was full of appreciation.

With that sorted, I turned towards the large TV in the corner of the room. Gasper had set up the game he was playing on split screen and it was still paused. It looked like some Call of Duty knock off that I didn't recognize.

On the floor near my feet was a second controller. I sat myself down on the carpet and picked it up. "Alright, Gasper, let's see what you're made of!"

…20 minutes later…

[You're getting wrecked, Host. That's sad considering you're literally a Gamer.]

'I know!' I replied in my head while furiously button mashing! Gasper was insanely good at this game! We were playing 1 on 1 and he was leading 20 kills to my paltry 3. Also, I'm pretty sure I only got those kills because he felt bad for me…

It had been a while since I played any actual video games, but I figured I would have an advantage with my supernatural reflexes. What I forgot was that Gasper also had supernatural reflexes so it was an even playing field! I even tried cheating by looking at his screen, but it didn't help. He was still annihilating me even if I knew where he was!

I died one last time before "You Lost" popped up on my half of the screen. I sighed before turning towards the cardboard box and smiling. "You're really good at gaming, Gasper! Have you thought about being a pro gamer on the side?"

"...It's too scary. I don't like people looking at me." Came his muffled reply.

I nodded at that. Even I got a bit nervous when I remembered just how famous I was on Earth Marvel.

"Do you want to play online on the same team?" Gasper asked.

I grinned. "Sure! Let's go stomp on some plebs!"

And stomp on the plebs we did! With Gasper on my team we were pretty much unbeatable! It was pretty funny hearing the people we played against curse us out and call Gasper a dirty cheater at the end of every single game!

It wasn't til another half hour later that the door to Gasper's room opened abruptly!

Rias and Sona were finally finished talking to their siblings. That call lasted longer than I thought it would have.

"Layla! There you are! I couldn't find you!? Y–you're playing games with Gasper!?" She asked in almost disbelief when she looked at the TV and controller in my hand.

"Hi, Rias…" Gasper said hesitantly from his box.

"Hi, Gasper! I'm glad you're making friends!" Rias smiled at him then at me.

Sona walked in the room a moment later and she also looked surprised. "Gasper actually let you in here? You must be really great with kids."

"Yeah, I told you two I had an adopted daughter. One of my other girlfriends also has two daughters." I told them. I was talking about Yasaka of course. Her second daughter, Kunou Alter, came as a surprise to her, but she accepted her wholeheartedly.

"...Other girlfriend?" Rias raised an eyebrow at me.

Whoops… We didn't have this talk just yet did we?

Sona gave me a cute glare. She walked over and took a seat on the floor right next to me. "If we're going to be in a relationship, I think we should know more about you, Layla." She said with a look that told me 'I better start talking…'

Rias also sat down next to Sona and gave me the same pout. "I never really minded being in a harem…but I would also like some honesty. How many 'girlfriends' do you currently have?"


[Uh oh! Good luck with this one, Host!]

-Vali Lucifer-

Vali had spent all morning searching the dull Japanese town for his rival. He was growing frustrated and almost gave up hope until Albion picked up a trace of the Red Dragon's magical energy. To Vali's surprise, the trace wasn't coming from the town, but the lone church on the town's outskirts.

It was the middle of the day and Vali wasn't good at illusion magic, so he couldn't fly there. He had to resort to running there on foot as fast as a 'human' could. Human streets were full of camera's after all.

Because of that, Vali didn't end up reaching the church for about 10 minutes. He hoped his 'rival' was still there when he arrived.

When Vali arrived at the church grounds, he was surprised to find a bunch of corpses surrounding the dilapidated church. "Stray exorcists?" He muttered to himself as he inspected the bodies. "Did my rival kill them all?"

Vali approached the church itself where he heard voices and movement inside.

"Why are you doing this!? We've never even met before, you Psycho!" A woman's voice called out in panic.

"We have met before… in a long distant dream. A dream that I will reclaim at all costs! Now die, Raynare!" A spiteful voice replied in fluent Japanese.


Vali flinched slightly when he heard the snapping of bones. He was pretty sure that the woman called 'Raynare' just got killed. Her name sounded vaguely familiar to him, but he couldn't quite remember from where.

Vali pushed the doors and they opened inwards. He walked inside to find a lone figure standing in the empty church. He was surrounded by black feathers and the corpses of four recently slain Fallen Angels.

Vali grimaced. The Fallen Angels had been kind to him, and he was always thankful that Azazel took him in and basically adopted him as a son. Vali would make sure to report these four Fallen Angel's deaths to his father later.

Before that though…

"You were quite annoying to track down. Are you my Rival? Are you the Red Dragon Emperor?" Vali asked. His rival had just murdered four Fallen in cold blood and would probably be hunted down for it. Vali knew that his only chance to have a fight with him was now before that happened!

His rival was a young man with brown hair and eyes. He looked to be around 17 years old and was wearing a school uniform of some kind.

His rival looked at Vali condescendingly as he spoke. "…Vali Lucifer. I sensed you running around the town trying to find me all morning. It was almost comical really. The only reason you even found me here was because I let out that small strand of my aura on purpose for you to follow."

Vali grinned. His rival was not a disappointment after all! "So you have awakened your Sacred Gear then!? And you have been suppressing your power?" Vali asked in excitement for the fight to come. "I'm glad! It looks like I actually have a competent rival! I would have your name before we face each other."

His rival sighed. "Do we have to fight?"

"Of course we do, you just murdered for Fallen Angels! This will be our only chance to fight before you end up getting hunted down for this!" Vali told him.

His rival frowned. "Is that so?" A red gauntlet appeared on his arm. "It's too early for my vengeance. My plans aren't ready. I guess I'll just have to eliminate the witness… As for my name, you can die knowing that Hyoudou Issei was the one to kill you!"


"A fight to the death it is!" Vali grinned as his White Dragon Wings appeared on his back!

Sirzechs Lucifer–

"Master, I've been a very naughty maid. I need to be punished~."

Sirzechs smirked at the sight in front of him. His beautiful wife/maid Grayfia was bent over his work desk presenting her panty clad ass to him. He had a long day of work, with a never ending stream of papers to sign, and he felt like he deserved this reward!

"You have been quite naughty, Grayfia. I know just the way to punish you~." Sirzechs said as he started taking off his shirt. Before he could though–


"Zexxy-Chan! Big news! Major news!"

The doors to his office–which were magically locked–were blown wide open and Serafall Leviathan burst in the room! She was dressed in her over the top magical girl outfit that she could usually be found in.

Sirzechs sighed as this wasn't the first time Serafall had cock blocked him. Grayfia pouted but she started putting her skirt back on. The mood had been officially killed.

Serafall took in the scene in front of her with some surprise before she just shrugged. "There's no time for sexy time with your wife, Zexxy-chan! We have a big problem! We have to call the other faction heads! A time traveler has appeared in Kuoh!"

His eyes widened in shock! "Someone broke the taboo! And in Kuoh town!?" Sirzechs thoughts strayed to Rias and he hoped she wasn't in danger. "You contact Azazel and I'll give Michael a call!"

It didn't take more than ten minutes for the other two faction's leaders to hear the news and teleport down to the underworld. Azazel, Michael and Gabriel all came as quickly as they could.

Sirzechs was in one of his mansion's meeting rooms with the three of them, Serafall, and his best friend Ajuka.

"Are you sure this news is legit?" Azazel asked. "Time travel has been forbidden by every pantheon!"

"According to my baby sister, the news came directly from a Fallen Angel Cadre called Layla!" Serafall said begrudgingly. "I don't like that one of your Cadre's just strolled directly into Devil territory, but So-Tan told me that Layla was sent by Mephisto Pheles so I'll let it go for now. She better not touch my baby sister though!" Serafall demanded.

'An unknown Cadre was in Kuoh town?' Sirzechs wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Layla?" Azazel asked in surprise. "I wondered what she had been up to the past two days…" He muttered before turning back to Serafall. "You don't have to worry about her, she won't harm your sister, or yours." He said to Sirzechs as well.

Sirzechs sighed in relief hearing that.

"It's not that kind of touching I'm worried about!" Serafall said almost hysterically–Sirzechs was sure she was just being dramatic though. "What if this Layla tries to make a move on my So-tan or Zexxy's Ria-tan!?"

Azazel waved them off. "Don't worry…that shouldn't happen–Oh wait!" Azazel paused and looked sheepish. "...Um…now that I recall–she does apparently have a harem full of beautiful women."

Sirzechs now felt his panic coming back for a different reason!

Gabriel and Michael had been mostly silent till now, before speaking up. "I wasn't aware that the Grigori recently gained another Cadre. Congratulations, brother! Can I meet her?" Gabriel asked hopefully.

"She's…not really a member of the Grigori… Per se…" He trailed off. Sirzechs could tell that Azazel was obviously hiding something there.

"Is that so?" Gabriel asked curiously. She turned to her oldest brother Michael. "Do you remember any Angel's named Layla?"

Michael shook his head. "I remember the name of every single Angel. Those who are still in heaven, those who have Fallen, and even my brothers and sisters who passed on during the Great War. I don't recall our father ever naming an Angel Layla though." He commented curiously.

All eyes in the room turned to Azazel who was doing his best to avoid their collective gazes. Sirzechs was now sure that he was hiding something important about this new Cadre!

Ajuka spoke up. "As intriguing as this mystery is, perhaps we should focus on why we are here. We need to get to Kuoh and see if we can find this temporal anomaly before the other Pantheons get wind of it."

Serafall rapidly nodded. "That's right! All those assholes are always looking for a way to make us look bad! They'll absolutely blame us if they find out!"

Azazel spoke up. "It's settled then, we should all head to Kuoh immed–" Azazel abruptly stopped talking. A genuine angry expression formed on his face! He grit his teeth and clenched his fists tightly! Magic power started wafting off of him in his rage!

"Azazel!? What's wrong!?" Gabriel asked in concern.

Sirzechs didn't think he had seen the calm Azazel this angry in centuries!

Azazel's eyes were filled with hatred! "Someone just killed my son! The magical spell I placed on him to tell me his status was just broken!"



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