The Fallen Gamer

chapters 221-225

chapters 221-225

-Layla's Hotel Room, Kuoh Town, Earth ?-

"Is this meager display the best that two proud Sayoongas can demonstrate? I am disappointed." Weerus, the destroyer of worlds, asked while shaking his head in disappointment.

Son Gokuda and Vegetite were both on the ground panting in exhaustion. They were both covered in injuries after their hard fought battle against the Universe Destroyer Weerus. They were losing, but it wasn't over yet. They weren't going to give up!

"Dammit Kakoorite! Get your shit together! Our only chance of beating Weerus is if we both transform into Super Sayoonga Green and fuse together!" Vegetite spat out with a look of determination.

Gokuda slowly stood up despite his injuries. "You're right, Vegetite! Together, with the power of love and friendship, we will both defeat Weerus and reclaim the Drag So-balls!"

[This show is fucking awful…]

"I know! And yet I can't stop watching it!" I whined while clicking pause with the remote. If Drag So-ball had been released as a parody back on my Earth, it would have been an instant hit! Unfortunately, for this universe, it was not a parody. It was still funny to me though…

Watching Weerus, the knock off version of Beerus, beat the crap out of discount Goku and Vegeta had me thinking though. Being a Goddess might actually be pretty cool. At the very least, I would get a pretty substantial power up. This is something I had been thinking about for a while.

I'd been interacting with Gods and Goddesses for months now, and even fighting against some of them. What would it be like to become one of them? "What would I even be the Goddess of? Fallen Angels?"

[You would probably be the Goddess of Angels, Hope, Gaming, and maybe…love?]

"L-Love?" I sputtered out. How did I qualify as a Goddess of love?

[Well…you do have insatiable lust and a harem full of stunning women that keeps growing.]

"Assuming I wanted to be the Goddess of Angels, how exactly would I go about that?" I asked the System.

[You would need around 10 Million Faith Energy, which is a lot considering right now you only have a paltry amount from your single follower. No matter how devoted Kunou Alter is, you're not going to become a goddess with just her praying to you.]

That wasn't for the lack of trying on her part. My current Faith Energy pool was up to 153 with just her alone. It had been steadily rising these past few months no matter what Universe I was in.

I sat back and continued watching the terrible anime as I pondered ways of acquiring Faith Energy without being so blatantly overt about it. Or maybe that was how I needed to start acting?

[If you want to be the Goddess of Angels, then you need to start getting those Angels to pray towards you… and not towards your dead father. Honestly, their prayers are pretty much going to waste in these DxD universes where he's not around anymore.]

Regular white winged Angels were sustained with Faith Energy similar to how some gods and goddesses were, but they only needed a small amount. All the Angels in heaven only needed around 5% of all the Faith Energy that was being sent up there every single day. The other 95% was pretty much going to waste. In fact, I had some theories that that was the main cause of why Heaven's system was failing. It was basically being flooded with too much power and no way to manage it all. That was just a theory though.

For all I knew, Father was just a shitty programmer, and his system simply was bound to fail at some point. Sacred Gears mutating or even having Balance Breakers had never meant to be intended after all.

…A few hours of tv later.

-Congratulations! A quest has been completed!-

A random notification had me pausing the TV again.

"Wait what!? What quest got completed?" I haven't been doing anything! I had just been laying on a hotel bed hate-watching some very bad anime! The anime in this world was awful and the System and I were having fun trash talking it as we watched. Drag So-ball was the best thing we watched so far…

[Drag-So-Ball was a monstrosity and whoever created it, in this world, deserves to be shot!]

It was the middle of the night and I didn't feel like sleeping. I had grown used to sleeping with one of my lovers next to me… Yes, I could have just portaled back to my Universe to spend the night there, but that breaks the spirit of the adventure. What had happened while I was gone?

[Huh?…The–uh–The Hand has been destroyed… Someone apparently completed your quest for you while you were here lazing around.]

I blanched at that. "Someone did what!? …It must have been Fury! I can't believe he left me out!" I complained out loud.

I asked him to question Iron Fist about The Hands whereabouts, and contact me so that we could take them down together! Instead, he went and took them out all by himself! Now I know why I felt like I was missing out on something earlier.

…It still feels like there was more to this though.

"Do I not get the Quest rewards now, System? I know I didn't participate, but it was my Quest and that One-eyed Pirate stole it from me!" I could officially call him a pirate now since the new SHIELD Helicarrier was operational and mainly operated over the Atlantic Ocean.

[Since you were not there or actively participating, I can only give you half of the rewards.]

That was better than nothing. I sat up on my bed and looked at the screen in front of me. "Ok, so what did I get? …Woah, this is only half?"

-The five founding members of the Hand have been slain! The Beast has been slain! 450 Hand ninjas have been slain!-

-You have leveled up x3! You have received 25 Free Stat Points!-

Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! What else did I get?

-A bonus has been rewarded for a flawless victory and not allowing anyone to escape! One of your skills will be randomly upgraded!-

-Angelic Mastery has reached the Maximum Level 5!-

Level 5 was the Max for Angelic Mastery? I wondered what It would allow me to do. Level 3 allowed me to survive in all environments and level 4 allowed me to bestow blessing upon people. Level 5 should be even greater considering its the max the skill can go!

-Angelic Mastery Max: You can now turn other beings into Angels or Fallen Angels by feeding them your blood! Their accumulated sins will determine the color of their wings.-

"Holy…Shiiiiiiiit…" That was…that was really something.

A complete game changer if I was being honest. I could turn people into Angel's without having to rely on the Brave Saint System

Did we even need the Brave Saint System anymore? Once Heaven's System went down, they wouldn't be able to make any more Angel's with it anyway...

That's why they were in a rush to finish the project and turn as many people into Angel's as they could as quickly as possible.

With me now having the highest level of Angelic Mastery, that was a moot point.

[Are you going to turn Asia into an Angel now?]

I shrugged to myself. "There's no reason to rush it. It's late and the girls are already asleep. I'll tell them about it tomorrow."

This was honestly pretty crazy. Not even a few hours ago, I was discussing ways to become the Goddess of Angels with the system. And now I had just gotten an ability that allowed me to create Angels at my whim? Was that my Luck Stat helping me out there? If so, I would need to start investing in it a lot more.

"Status," I said out loud.

[Layla of the Fallen: Angel of Hope, Death's Favored]

[Level: 60]

[Sacred Gears: Purger of Darkness, Orb of Anywhere, G$$ % #% %$ $%^$]

[HP: 13000]

[MP: 10000]

[Faith Energy: 153]

[Vigor: 800]

[Strength: 170]

[Intelligence: 1000]

[Luck: 160]

[Skills: Observe 4, Angelic Mastery (Max), Acting (4), Light Manipulation (7), HP to MP Conversion, Mana Burst, Senjutsu (2), Six Paths, Susanoo (1)]

[Perks: Never Tell Me the Odds, Lucky Shot, Mana Replenisher, ]

[Drawbacks: Sin of Lust]

[Available Free Stat Points: 55]

[Skill Up Point: 0]

One thing that I immediately noticed was I had a new title and yet it was blurred out. Beyond that, I had enough Free Stat points to put my Luck at 200 if I wanted to. I put 40 points into Luck and the other 15 into Strength.

I wasn't disappointed with the results. Upon reaching 200 in Luck, I immediately got a new passive skill!

-The perks 'Never Tell Me the Odds' and 'Lucky Shot' have been discarded! A new perk has replaced them!-

-New Perk Acquired: Daughter of Heaven's Will (Passive Skill) - Ask and you shall receive! The universe bends to your whims and circumstances that you wish to occur are far more likely to occur!-

The description of this new perk was… quite cryptic to be honest. There were multiple ways to interpret it and they were all confusing.

[Just think about it like this, if you close your eyes and throw a dart at a dart board, the odds of you hitting the bullseye are now around 90% every time. That dart board would be life and the dart would be whatever circumstances that you want to happen. Metaphorically of course.]

"Wait! So if I throw a lightspear at an enemy, it's going to hit them pretty much every single time now?" I asked. "Simply because that's what I want to happen?" That sounded absolutely broken! What would happen if they tried to dodge away? Would they accidentally end up slipping on a random banana peel or something?

[It's a bit more complicated than that, but essentially yes. Nothing will ever be 100% for you, but it'll certainly be close!]

I stayed up for the rest of the night pondering the implications of my newest acquired perk. Thankfully I didn't need to sleep if I didn't want to.

The early morning hotel lobby was full of people. Many of whom were staring at myself and Vali with hearts in their eyes. None of them approached our group though due to the subtle dragon aura Vali was emitting. It instinctively scared away regular humans unless they had strong wills.

"Morning everyone, ready to head out?" I asked excitedly.

We were all standing in the hotel lobby. I was munching on a free complimentary muffin I'd grabbed from the buffet. I was the only one happily eating though. Two of my three younger companions didn't look so great and were struggling just to stay upright.

Asia and Heather both looked very tired and a bit guilty. Like they had been caught doing something naughty. They looked like they were both up all night watching Japanese TV and neither of them had gotten a wink of sleep.

[ You literally stayed up all night watching TV too…]

True, but I don't have to sleep. They are both growing girls who need it.

"Good *Yawn* morning, mom." Heather said lethargically. "What are we doing today? Are we going to find the time traveler?" Asia didn't even greet me, she was half asleep leaning against Heather, and doing her best to stay awake…

I sighed…This was a parenting moment wasn't it? I couldn't exactly take them around town when they were on the verge of passing out. It looks like they were going to have to stay behind for a few hours.

I told the two girls to head back up to their room and go to sleep.

"I'm not tired, I'm fine!" Heather, of course, protested saying she wanted to explore Kuoh Town! The bags underneath her eyes told a completely different story.

Asia looked sad as well, but understood she shouldn't have been up all night if we were planning on going out in the morning. I'm sorry for staying up all night with Heather. There was this magical girl show we were watching and it was so much fun…"

"Go back to sleep. You two look half dead." Vali let out a bratty scoff as he walked by the three of us. He had a small bag slung over his shoulder and was heading out of the hotel.

"Where are you off to Vali?" I asked him. He didn't look like he was going with us–just me now actually, but still.

"I'm off to track down my weak rival. If he or she is too pathetic and beyond redemption, then maybe I will kill them so the Boosted Gear reincarnates into someone better next time." He said cockily. Asia and Heather both gasped and tiredly glared at him.

I waved the two girls off. "He's just blowing hot air, girls. Vali isn't a murderer. He won't kill his rival if they can't put up a decent enough fight."

Vali clicked his tongue in annoyance. "So what am I supposed to do? Wait til my rival dies of natural causes and hope the next one is better?"

"Well…you are an immortal half-devil. The average human only lives around 70-80 years." I explained. So yeah, that was exactly what he was supposed to do. My meta knowledge told me that his rival Issei only starts out as disappointing anyways. "You can always give them a chance, they might grow stronger."

"We'll see once I find out who they are." Vali stormed out of the lobby and started marching in a random direction.

"*Yawn* What are the odds that the time traveler is his rival?" Heather asked out of the blue.

Issei Hyoudou? A time traveler? It's possible I supposed, but the guy was kind of an idiot when it came to science or magic. I was doubting it at the moment, but who knows?

There wasn't a lot to expect from this town early in the morning. It was a weekday, so most adults were at work and most kids were already at school.

Speaking of schools, that's where I was currently headed. Kuoh academy.

Was I being incredibly Bold marching directly into devil territory as a Fallen Angel? Yes, but I wasn't really worried.

Canon Rias and Sona were both so prideful, that there was no way they would call their siblings over when I showed up. Especially since I wasn't heading over for a fight. Plus, I had technically been sent over here at the request of Mephisto Pheles. He was the one who asked me to check out the time traveler in the first place. I was going to Kuoh anyway, but he didn't need to know that.

[Those are some REALLY short skirts…]

"Yeah they are…" I muttered while making my way through the front gates of the famous anime school. All around the campus were jailbait school girls wearing those very short skirt uniforms that wouldn't be allowed in any other school except one secretly run by Devils. Now that I had a daughter, I definitely would never be sending her to a place like this.

I wondered why there were hundreds of schoolgirls wandering around, and not currently in class, but then I remembered that this was barely an actual school. This entire Academy was built so that the Devil princesses could live out their human schoolgirl fantasies. Not that there was anything wrong with that, except for the regular humans attending here receiving a subpar education.

Many girls turned to me as I casually strolled through the campus. They were looking at me curiously or squealing something about the academy having another "Onee-sama." I had changed my outfit to a very form-fitting black business suit/skirt to blend in. If anyone asked, I would just say I was a new student teacher from the college branch of the academy.

It was suppressed, but I hadn't bothered fully hiding my aura. I was surprised at how far I managed to make it into the campus grounds before someone finally came to confront me.

"Hold it right there, Fallen scum!" A buxom girl with long black hair stood in front of my path. She was glaring at me hatefully. It was this universe's version of my niece Akeno. They really were pretty much identical, except this one was currently weaker than my own niece.

She wasn't alone. Two very beautiful Devil girls were flanking both sides of Akeno.

The first girl was sinfully perfect. She had one of the biggest chests I'd ever seen and her figure filled out perfectly everywhere to match it. Her very long blood red hair was iconic and matched her heart shaped face that was currently twisted into a frown as she looked at me. Rias Gremory was definitely a sight to behold. Especially when she wasn't radiating a pure evil aura in this Universe.

Was her aura a bit dark because she was a Devil?

Absolutely, but so was mine as a Fallen Angel, and the new champion of Lady Death.

The other girl had short black hair and gorgeous pink eyes hidden behind a pair of fake glasses. It was Sona Sitri. I looked at her with appreciation. For being a side character, she was smoking hot as well. Her breasts weren't as big as Rias or my niece's doppelganger, but they didn't need to be. Sona was tall and lithe and her proportions looked perfect from my perspective.

I smiled in appreciation at the two devil girls. "I'd certainly heard rumors about the beauty of the two of you, but they didn't do either of you justice. As they say, seeing is believing. It is a pleasure to meet you Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. I am Layla of the Fallen." I introduced myself in a flirtatious manner. I wasn't being too over the top though and was maintaining eye contact, instead of my eyes raking up and down their bodies like I wanted to.

Sona looked slightly taken aback at my introduction. "Wait? My beauty? You weren't talking about Rias and Akeno?" She asked me…hopefully? Her tone, at least, had a tinge of hopefulness to it. I was sensing a small inferiority complex here. I remember that being a thing in the show. She was always jealous of the other girls in the show if I remember correctly.

"Of course I was talking about you, Ms Sitri. I can honestly say that you're one of the most beautiful girls I've seen in my entire existence. Goddesses are included in that list I would like to point out." I told her.

[Laying it on a little thick there host…]

I wasn't being dishonest here. Not every single girl I flirted with had to be a buxom beauty…that's just how it had worked out so far.

Sona actually started blushing profusely after I spoke again. "Is that so…" She trailed off cutely and fidgeted in place. "You are also quite good loo–"

"Sona-kaichou! Don't flirt with the enemy!" Akeno blurted out and cut her off.

"Sona! I know you're a hardcore closet lesbian, and this Fallen Angel here is drop dead gorgeous, but snap out of it!" Rias berated her friend.

Sona sputtered cutely. "I'm not a hardcore lesbian!" She retorted.

Rias raised an eyebrow at Sona. "Uh huh. Your entire peerage is made up of pretty girls… None of them besides your Queen even have a Sacred Gear. You picked them for their looks." She explained.

"And what about your peerage, you otaku!? You have a loli catgirl, a time stopping vampire, and a blond knock off of Emiya Shirou with a tragic backstory to boot!" Sona retorted.

[Damn! She hit Rias right where it hurts there…]

Rias sputtered in indignation. "That's… That's all pure coincidence!"

[Was it though?]

Rias and Sona started bickering back and forth. Akeno and I looked on as they argued with each other. "Do we stop them?" I asked her.

"Don't talk to me…" Akeno replied harshly and turned her head away. "They'll stop in a minute or two."

Despite her saying that, they did not stop in a minute or two. They just kept on going.

"I'm not a closeted lesbian and I don't secretly hoard episodes of my sisters show!" Sona declared loudly.

"I literally found autographed copies of Magical Girl Levia-tan hidden under your bed during our sleepover last year! A sleepover where you cuddled up against me quite closely I might add." Rias responded smugly. She folded her arms under her boobs and pushed them up slightly.

I didn't miss Sona's eyes immediately wandering to them before she blushed and looked away. Rias's closeted lesbian statement was pretty much confirmed at this point. No wonder Saji never had a chance…

Sona blushed again in embarrassment. "Y-yeah? Well at least I didn't secretly spend all of my food money on anime figures and then lie to your peerage members about your parents not sending enough money for food last month! You're welcome for when I lent you some of mine by the way!"

Akeno joined in upon hearing that. She was frowning at her King. "Rias? Tell me you didn't! Poor Koneko was sad when she couldn't have her third dinner every night because we had to budget!"

It was Rias's turn to sputter with embarrassment this time.

At this point, we were obviously making quite a large scene. All the schoolgirls, who STILL weren't in class for some reason, were gossiping about all of us. Quite loudly I might add.

"Oh my gosh! Rias-oneesan is an otaku? That's such an amazing gap! I love it!"

"Sona-kaichou is a lesbian!? …Do you think I have a chance with her?"

"Step on me, Akeno!"

…Ok, that last one was actually a random boy. Possibly one of the perverted trio, but I didn't bother giving them a second glance.

I cleared my throat loudly to get the three Devil's attention. "Maybe we should take this conversation somewhere else?" I suggested to them.

"Here's your tea. I would have spit in it, but you degenerate Fallen Angels tend to like that kind of thing." Akeno said as she harshly placed a tea cup on the table in front of me. She harrumphed and sat down next to Rias and Sona on the couch across from mine.

I took a second to sip the tea while looking around the Occult Research club room. It was actually a pretty fun looking room. I could see that Rias didn't skimp on the entertainment systems or board game collections. She had almost everything in here.

The last time I was in here, on Earth DxD, I was fighting Grayfia for my life and didn't notice most of this.

"So what brings you to our territory, Fallen? And are you with those other four Fallen Angels that recently moved in?" Rias asked me. Her tone was a lot more composed than her display earlier.

"Those four idiots? No, I'm not with them. I'd appreciate it if you don't kill them, but if they start causing tons of trouble, then feel free to. They're basically rogues here under the order of Kokabiel." I said to Rias and Sona. I could only save Raynare in so many universes before it started getting old…

Sona looked intrigued. She pushed her fake glasses up to reflect the light. "Oh? Is there a power struggle in the Grigori?" Sona asked, fishing for information.

"Was that a spell?" I asked her bluntly. Attempting to catch her off guard.

Sona paused. "Was what a spell?" She asked me while tilting her head.

"Your glasses just now. They shined brightly against the light, but the lights are all dim in this room…for the ambiance I assume?" I said to Sona and then Rias.

Rias nodded while smirking at Sona. "Yep! I like keeping my club room dark and mysterious. As for Sona's glasses thing…Yep she uses a spell to make them shine whenever she pushes them up! She practiced the pose in front of a mirror for months to make herself look cool and smart!" Rias explained and sold out her friend with no hesitation.

Sona blushed at me before turning to her friend with a glare. "You promised to never tell anyone that!" She turned back to me and pointed her finger at me. "And you! Layla of the Fallen! Don't avoid the question!" She said demandingly.

Sona remembered my name! That was a good sign!

I smiled at Sona while making a motion to cross my legs. I was wearing a short black skirt and decided to tease her a bit more by flashing her with a glimpse of the black lacy thong I had on underneath.

[At least you remembered panties today.]

All three of the girls blushed at my blatant action. They were all pretty sheltered after all when it came right down to it. It was a little strange flashing Akeno as well, but she wasn't my universe's Akeno. We weren't actually related.

"Right then, as I said before I am Layla of the Fallen. I was sent to Kuoh by Mephisto Pheles. I'm here with my adopted daughter, another girl and Azazel's adopted son." I explained. I avoided mentioning Asia because she was quite famous in this world. Especially right now considering the church was currently holding Beelzebub's son hostage because of her.

"Mephisto Pheles? He actually sent you here?" Rias asked in surprise.

Sona also looked very intrigued. "I didn't know that Azazel had a son. Adopted or not."

"He's the White Dragon Emperor." I told them. "The Red Dragon is somewhere in this town, so he's wandering around searching for his rival."

I might as well have just flipped their worlds upside down judging by the gaping expressions Rias and Sona were both showing me right now.

"T-they won't destroy the town will they?" Rias asked hesitantly.

"The last time the two emperors fought, an entire new lake was formed! The supernatural community had to work really hard to cover that up! So many human memories had to be erased!" Sona added.

Oh right, there weren't always five great lakes like there were in my past life. One is artificial…

"They better not, or we'll do our best to stop them!" Akeno declared. I noticed that Akeno's glare lessened when she learned that I was technically here on the orders of a member high up in Devil society.

I waved them off and told them that it should be fine. I explained how Albion had said that the current Red Dragon Host was either not awakened or had barely awakened. Either way, they weren't worth fighting at the moment. The three girls sighed in relief hearing that.

Then we finally arrived at why I was here–besides flirting with them.

I explained about how Mephisto Pheles had detected temporal magic originating from Kuoh of all places and asked me to come here.

"TIME MAGIC!? Are you sure?" Rias asked me in alarm.

I nodded and told her that's what I was told. "Has anyone been acting out of the ordinary? Or has anything weird occurred?"

"Besides you showing up literally on our doorstep and telling us all of this…then no?" Rias replied. She told me that everything had been surprisingly calm in Kuoh Town for the most part. Besides the four Fallen Angels that had moved in and would soon be moving out.

Now that both Rias and Sona knew that Raynare's gang did not have permission from Azazel to be in Kuoh, they were going to evict them as soon as possible. Akeno looked particularly vindictive to hear that.

I would try my best to curb her hatred of Fallen while I was here, but I honestly didn't know how long I'd even be here at this point. I was hoping to stay a bit longer than Asia or Heather could at least.

Asia and Heather have a three day weekend right now, but will have to go back after that. I wasn't going to be a bad mom/guardian and let them miss out on too much school. They'd have to save the longer Adventures till summertime.

"Time travel has been forbidden! Not just by the three factions, but by every single pantheon! It's one of the worst crimes that can be committed!" Sona said. Her voice was trembling slightly. "If this is true, then I have to contact my sister and tell her about it. It's too big to hide."

I frowned when I heard that. "Is there any way you can hold off on telling Serafall?" I asked her.

Sona shook her head and explained that she couldn't do that or she could be severely punished for withholding such dangerous information from the Devil government. She told me that there was no way Serafall would try to attack me though even if I was a Fallen Angel. I was here under the orders of Mephisto currently and therefore untouchable.

"Even if Serafall doesn't like you…I won't let her try anything." Sona said to me with a small blush.

Awwwwwe, how adorable! So-tan would go against her big sister to defend me! It seems like she did have a crush on me after all if she was willing to say that.

I smiled at Sona warmly. "Thank you!"

"Y-you're welcome." She stuttered in reply.

"Ara, who would be brazen enough to turn the entire world against them for a do over?" Akeno asked out loud.

"Clearly someone who has nothing to lose or thinks the rules don't apply to them." I said. I could understand why time travel was forbidden. It was the ultimate cheat. Is your enemy too strong to defeat? Just travel back in time to before they were born and kill their mother! Problem solved!

[Heh! Supernatural Terminator…]

…On the other hand, maybe they'd simply traveled back in time to take advantage of future world knowledge to make world events go their way.

[Supernatural… Back to the Future?]

"But why travel back to Kuoh? There's nothing special about this town at all!" Rias asked.

"That's not true, there's two very special girls currently managing this town right now along with their peerages." I told the pair of them. I had been flirting mostly with Sona at this point, so I took the opportunity to send a wink Rias's his way as well.

Rias giggled and playfully sent me one right back. "We are quite special, aren't we?" She asked smugly. Rias decided to blatantly uncross her own legs and I caught a brief glance of red panties being flashed under her sinfully short skirt.

Akeno pinched Rias for blatantly flirting with me before speaking up. "Ara, is this a 'Back to the Future' or a 'Terminator' situation?" Akeno asked. She and my System were apparently on the same wavelength right now. Also, it seemed like she was a bit of a movie buff in this universe.

Rias and Sona blanched at Akeno's question. "Terminator? Are they here to kill us?" Rias asked nervously.

Sona was looking just as nervous as she was. "As a sister to one of the Maous, there have been assassination attempts on me before, but never something like this…" Sona said.

At the moment, I couldn't exactly refute such a possibility. I didn't have any information on the time traveler after all. What I could do was reassure them at least.

I stood up and stretched momentarily. Three sets of eyes turned to me. My 10 black wings appeared behind me. "How about this," I suggested. "Until we know the time travelers intentions and they are apprehended, I'll stick close to you all and keep you safe."


Three pairs of eyes immediately widened in shock!

"You're a Cadre!?" Sona asked me.

Oh right, they had sensed my aura but that didn't exactly tell them how powerful I was unless I fully released it…


Thanks for reading. Rest in peace Akira Toriyama! He was a true legend and one of the greatest story tellers of our time. He will be sorely missed by all of his fans.

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