Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 316: 314. Stop Crying

Chapter 316: 314. Stop Crying

"Amara little help here."

Alex could not understand why all of the sudden Liora was bawling her eyes out.

Its not that he was weird about the crying of women, Though women seldom to cry in front of men but he has seen many women cry in front of him.

Grace, Sandra are prime examples of them, He also understands their need to release those emotions to him as it would calm them down making them less likely to trigger by something else.

It's just he never thought that a woman like Liora would cry in front of him without him even doing anything at all.

It was way way out of ordinary for her as she strictly follows the law of the jungle, If you show weakness you are dead.

So she never show weakness to anyone. No matter how strong they are, She treats everyone with the same threat level and try to avoid being seen as weak.

Yet she is doing the weakest thing one can do by her own rules and that is crying in front of the weaker opposite sex.

Gears in his head started spinning trying to figure out the reason, But he also needed to calm Liora down, So he asked a stupefied Amara for help.

"Huh...Oh yes....?? That- What am I supposed to do?"

Amara snapped out of her shock hearing the voice of her brother.

She quickly stopped standing on the sidelines, wary of Liora's next move like before and came close to Alex standing right beside Liora.

It's just she just moved out of her instincts before cause of Alex words. She didn't have any idea how to calm down crying woman.

As never in her life she encounter such thing, she learned about how to fight, do battle, how to crush the will power of her opponents so they lose any thoughts to kept living on.

Of course she also learn about how to calm down crying man, How to please them, which simple just bombard them with gifts and love, Its not that hard as people make it to be.

She learned this for Ales, As she didn't want to be one of those women who piss off their loved one and couldn't understand how to calm them down thinking they would get over it.

No, As she study about it. No man ever get over it, They just act as they did, accumulating your mistakes and then bam.

The moment crosses the limit of their bearing. They just get up and leave, While pattern woman leaves wondering what she did to make him leave.

She heard so many such stories on the internet that she had a phobia that would happen to her, For which she took a special class regarding how to please a man and all.

She did not allow this to happen with her and her brother. If it was between him and her pride, She would throw that worthless pride of hers and choose her brother everytime.

As the one thing that is consistent in all the classes that she took, is to admit your mistake and apologize without holding back.

It's just all the things she learned from those classes were about how to calm down a man, Not a woman.

She is damn sure those suggestions would not work on women and even if it was, Her pride would not allow herself to admit defeat in front of another woman or man, She can only be docile like this in front of Alex.

Plus she was also in shock. If there was someone else who was crying like this, she may try her lessons in her but this Liora she was talking about.

She once saw this woman falling from the top of the mountain and then just scoffed off, claiming back up on the top showing her the hunt she caught.

She was not even the B-Rank at that time, It would have surely have hurt a lot even if death was highly unlikely, few her bones would have been crushed yet she would not even flinch.

So she did not have any solution in her mind to calm her down, resorting to asking help from her brother.

"Just hold her and try to calm her down, You know her longest here, So use that knowledge on her."

Alex felt helpless, This sister of his is good at pretty much everything, just her brain overthinks a lot.

How hard is it to calm a crying woman? Just hold them till they stop, Afterwards make a joke or two before deciding to never talk again. That is what he used to do.

Anyway, He asked her to do what she could think of as they two were friends. She may know how to calm her down.


Amara answered Alex with soft uncertain tone as she had no idea what to do but she was afraid to disappoint her dear brother, So she just swallowed back her worries and decided to do her best to calm down Liora.

"Hey, Why are you crying? Stop crying."

Amara just said what coke top of her mind in panic.


Liora ignored her and just kept crying, Looking at Alex.

"Come on, Don't be like thisIf, If you stop crying I would take you to go hunting in a forbidden forest. How about it? I have received an invitation for the hunt."

This messed Amara, She didn't know what else to do, So she decided to say what her mother used to say and do when she used to cry as a baby.


Liora once again ignored it and kept crying, Making Amara even more confused as Liora loves those hunts but she never gets an invitation for it as she is ban to participate for hunting anything that moves including other hunters.

"Why are you bawling like this? It's not suitable for a woman to cry like this, Now shut up."

(A/N: 11th one 5 more to go

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day [])

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