Chapter 159: Chaper 159

Chapter 159: Chaper 159

She was straight. Ibro liked that. He said at once:

"I'm now near you, so if you agree to my demands I will issue an order at once and rescue you."

She looked for a moment towards him. Ibro was busy using his tokens but that wasn't apparent to her as she only saw his face.

"Do you know exactly our current situation?"

Ibro smiled and answered:

"I know exactly your current situation. You have less than 7k players in your lines. That really is an amazing result regarding that you are being attacked by more than 20 different groups of players.

Your cunning tactics are what I admire most. You played low sometimes to drive these groups to hit each other, and then you attack the most vulnerable ones.

You also sometimes attack the one in the most favorable situation. In brief, you were trying to keep everything balanced. You also showed your weak side to everyone so they won't suspect your threat and focus on others' threats. Divide and conquer, I like that."

The more he spoke the wider her beautiful pink eyes became. After he finished she said in admiration:

"It's no wonder you became the world first lord to upgrade your village. Tell me lord Ibro; what price do you want us to pay? I warn you, the stele is out of the options."

Ibro smiled and answered honestly:

"I want you."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I don't mean you as a person. I want to establish a guild that is related to my village. You know how powerful my village is, and you will witness with your own eyes the true power of my village. So if you attach yourself to my village then you will gain more than you lose."

She didn't reply immediately, but she kept her silence for moments. Ibro kept his silence too. He was the one in the most favorable safe position here. After these silent moments she asked:

"Will that limit our freedom to any degree?"

"This is a responsibility between me and you. We aren't allies; we will be two sides of the same coin.

I will shield you and help you gain more power. At the same time, you are needed to join my wars and help me if I need that help."

He didn't try to coat his words with false promises. He said everything honest and clear. He knew that the deal he wanted wasn't just short time cooperation but a lifelong coalition.

Honesty was the best approach in such kind of deals. He kept looking at her eyes firmly and steadily waiting for her answer. His hands never stopped releasing soldiers all the time.

He needed time to be prepared. This wasn't a walk in the park, but a heated crucial battle. He didn't need only to win, he needed to crush all his enemies and create his legend. This was the perfect theatre for him to do that and he would use this chance brilliantly in that.

"Ok, I agree with you. But if you decide something that threatens our safety then I will refuse to do it."

"You must know that once you tie yourself to my ship, there is no turning back."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if there is a life-threatening situation my village will face then we will face it together. I won't lie to you and tell you how beautiful my situation is, but I will tell you this one fact: my village didn't gain its position with hopes and goodwill.

I have fought more brutal battles than you could imagine. I have lost many soldiers and killed enemies more than they killed from my troops.

I have many enemies and fewer friends. My village goal is to reach the top. The king road was never a luxurious safe journey. If you agree to my offer you need to prepare yourself for more difficult moments and a thorny road."

"Then why should I gamble and be with you?"

Ibro raised his fist to the sky and turned around himself. She could finally see the scene behind Ibro. Lines and lines of huge Mecha warriors stood behind him.

Their numbers were without an end and their lines extended to the horizon. Ibro's fist was followed with endless metallic Mecha's huge fists. Ibro's voice came calmly but firmly full of confidence while saying:

"Because I aim to reach the sky. Do you want to be beside me on that throne? Or do you plan to continue to watch me from the ground like any normal player?"

His resolve was firm and his dream was clear to her. This was no ordinary man. She looked speechless to that huge scary army. She realized one fact at this moment.

If this man wanted to kill all and get that stele from her group he could do that easily. He wasn't after the stele. The stele was a bonus. What he was really after was her and her group of players.

After seconds of silence, she made her mind. She said in strong spirit:

"I'm in with you."

"Good. Now I have sent you a contract. I have already signed it. When you sign it I will initiate my rescue operation immediately."

She looked at the notification she got. There was a contract sent from him to her. She looked at it and without hesitation signed her name on it. The contract turned into golden ashes as it became effective immediately. She looked at him and asked:

"What do you want us to do?"

Ibro smiled and said with high spirit and good mood:

"Sit tight, I will go and get you out from there myself."

Ibro then didn't bother to look at her again. He even didn't close the window as he looked to his army of Mechas. They were like giants made of unique ores.

Every Mecha was over 10 meters in height. Each Mecha had a soldier that was controlling it. Ibro stood in front of those intimidating giants and said in a high voice:

"Today is the first day for you to work under me. I'm your lord, Ibro. I don't fear a thing in my life. Any coward has no place in my army. If you are as courageous as I hope, then follow me to war."

Ibro didn't say any more words as he turned around and moved rapidly towards that chaotic battlefield. He didn't try to conceal his voice which appeared suddenly in the area.

His voice was followed by a huge rumble made from the movement of these huge Mechas. Ibro's location was behind a huge hill in the back of this battle. His appearance was followed by a tsunami of metal giants.

His speed was really over theirs, so he was the first to appear on the battlefield. Everyone, there was surprised first but then they felt how foolish this player was.

Kill a lord and all his army will be scattered. These players even didn't bother by arranging their lines. They sent only some players to hit him and eliminate his threat.

Ibro didn't feel surprised by their reaction, after all, he ran with this high speed to mislead them. When he was in the range of these players, he threw a couple of his Odd runes at them.

At once these explosions got the whole battlefield attention. That wasn't enough for Ibro who wanted more attention than that. He raised his sword high in the air and screamed:

"Kill everyone, leave none alive."

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