Chapter 158

Chapter 158

He looked toward Froki and continued:

"I want my army to be unique and powerful. The level of my personal army should be at least higher than the common level of the regular soldiers.

The most important aspect is their ability to do many tactics at a single battle. I want them to be very threatening when attacking and solid as rocks when defending.

I want my personal army to be a nightmare to my enemies. Work with the numbers at present and in the future any unique soldiers you can take him to join my army."

He then looked towards Mamor and instructed:

"If there are enough elites in our armies, then you should arrange special armies for each general.

That would be hard now but if you can form a personal army of elites for you then it would be great. If you can't then we will wait till we raise the numbers of the army more."

Ibro then left the meeting hall after issuing all these orders. His aides felt weird from his new style of issuing all these orders at once. They never witnessed him like this.

Ibro was the only person who knew how short his time was. If he had the ability to change the speed of time in his village he would do it. He was in a race of time against many rivals and enemies.

He left the village and went to the river and crossed it. He used a warship from a military port to move him to the other bank of the river.

Once he reached there, he started moving in the opposite direction of the sea, along the river course. After a few hours of walking, he finally reached the new plains.

These plains were filled with multiple trees. Throughout the journey, Ibro opened the forums all the time and read all the topics in it. He was searching for any gathering of players that he could snatch.

He had no time to build his own base of players gradually so he needed to find a target that suited him. After two hours of search, he found a topic that fulfilled all his conditions.

There was a group of players who were isolated at certain plains in the area near him. This group of players was surrounded by another group of players. The number of two parties was really huge.

The attackers had over 20k players while the smaller group had around 10k players. What he understood from the forum was that conflict erupted due to a conflict over a guild establishment stele.

Ibro got interested in this conflict as he needed both the players and that stele. Although he was alone, he wasn't really without any tricks. He had the god of scout Dronil.

He also had a massive amount of soldier tokens but he decided to use a different unit this time. This unit of soldiers he didn't use before.

He moved closer to the site of the conflict which got more complicated. There another three groups of players joined the fray. One group tried to help the trapped players.

Ibro understood from the updates of this battle that this new group was allies to the trapped one. On the other, the new two groups were totally different.

When the news spread in the forums about the guild establishing stele, these two groups moved. This was the first time Ibro touched the players' world in his area.

He needed to make his appearance legendary. The first impressions were always eternal, so he needed to appear in a way that would never be erased in the memories of everyone.

While he got near the battle area, new news appeared at the forums. More than 5 different groups of players had amassed their players and they were heading at this moment towards that place.

Ibro stopped in his tracks and decided to wait. The more complicated the situation got the better results he would gain. He waited in his place for more than 4 hours.

During these hours the situation became really messy. At least 20 different groups of players gathered here. What made the situation explode was the news about that stele.

It was a legendary grade guild stele which appeared only twice in any area. No stele was higher than that stele except for the platinum stele. There was no mythic grade stele in the guilds.

That caused more eyes to covet that stele. That added more woods to the burning fire. The number of the players fighting here had exceeded a million players.

When the news stopped mentioning any new group of players' plans to move here, Ibro started to formulate his plans. The first thing he did was to use the godlike scout ability of Dronil.

At once, he got the full picture of the real situation. The situation there was really chaotic. What impressed Ibro was the original group of players who held the stele was still standing resisting these torrents of enemies.

Their numbers were getting shorter minute after minute but their resolve didn't weaken even for an inch. Ibro liked this fighting nature of them. He also admired their loyalty.

In such desperate situations, the true nature of people appeared clearly. These players were the type he liked. They also were courageous. They stood in front of all these enemies and used all the available chances they could get to be alive to this moment.

Ibro then started phase two of his plan. He had gotten the account of one of these players from the forums. There at forums, another kind of battle was going on. Ibro added this player who was called 'Mofam' to his friends' list. He then sent him a short message saying:

"This is Ibro, the lord player in this region. I offer you my help. If you agree, call me."

Ibro knew that the situation there was really chaotic, but this player had always been able to write topics and entered a lot of words battles at the forums.

That meant two things, either he wasn't there right now but from the videos, he uploaded he was there at this battle. The second option was that he held a high position in this group of players.

Someone like him would be responsible for arranging the lines of his players and issue orders. That would give him the liberty to check forums and even battle there.

Ibro was busy unleashing his soldiers' tokens from his Inventory when the notification came about Mofam accepting his friend request. Seconds later, a video request was sent to him.

Ibro accepted that to find a player appearing suddenly in a hanging window in front of him. That window was exactly like the window which Sefiera and Moran appeared at as assistants.

That gave Ibro another view of the truth of the matter. They were really players like him. They were calling him like they call their friends in the game while they were playing.

What surprised Ibro, even more, was that the player who appeared in front of him was a female player, not a male. That word battles and strong personality hide behind this beautiful young lady. Once she appeared in the window she said at once:

"Are you really Lord Ibro?"

"Yes, it's me."

"How can you help me and my people?"

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