Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Ibro looked towards the direction where this voice came from. There was a strange man with 12 limbs and a big body riding on a huge monster. He held a long irregular blade sword and had a strange flag behind him. Ibro didn't feel any worry as he was anticipating this ambush.

"To whom I am fighting this war with? Are you Mantier?"

"You aren't qualified to even say my master's name."

"Oh, so he was afraid to face me so he sent one of his dogs. That means Mantier."

"Don't ever say his name again to a filthy human."

Ibro smiled and said loudly:

"I will kill you and then I will look for your master and kill him."

Ibro's attitude had enraged that monsters' commander greatly. He gnashed his teeth and shouted loudly in deep anger and hatred:

"My honorable master doesn't have time to take care of such an ant. I'm here on his behalf and I will kill you. I will take your body with me back to him. He will enjoy eating your flesh filthy human. Boys, get me his body."

At once, the mighty army started to move at a rapid pace towards the smaller Ibro's army. Froki whispered to Ibro:

"Let's withdraw to the cave and use that opening for defense. Defending this small opening will be much easier for us."

Ibro smiled bitterly then asked:

"If you were in that monster's place, would you let such an obvious weakness in your plan without any solution?"

"Does my lord mean?"

"Yes. It must have another scroll that would prevent us from entering this cave."

"Then why did you enrage him?"

"You must think that the best option here is to stall for time. You are mistaken. He was the one who stalled for time. He was the one who started talking unnecessary words with me."

"Do you mean he had something that needed time to finish?"

"Yes. As you can see now, not all the monsters are moving to attack us. He just sent the frontline monsters. The rest of its army is still motionless."

Froki looked at the battle status and discovered the truth of Ibro's words. These monsters weren't attacking their army with their full strength. They were only attacking them with equal numbers. That looked weird.

"Don't think too much. There is something hidden. To reveal it, we must make sure that the army starts to attack us first."

"Do you plan to move towards that monster's army and hit them?"

Ibro looked to these monsters at the distance. Something kept telling him not to hit the first strike to them.

He didn't know why but he decided to trust his own feelings. His inner feeling never failed him even once. Ibro started to formulate a plan and then told Froki with it.

At once Froki took the command of this army and supervised that defensive battle. He wasn't trying to break through these monsters. He was stalling for time.

"Why are you a silent baby boy? C'mon, show me the beautiful face of yours. Where are you hidden, pretty boy? Come to me and prove yourself as a man."

Froki looked deeply towards that monster. There was something weird in his behavior. His lord's vision proved itself to be true. He felt curious, what was that secret which lied in that army?

What were they trying to hide? As the battle continued, Froki began to withdraw some of his troops. He didn't give his soldiers the chance to break through their enemies.

Although the number of monsters kept decreasing, there were no signs of the distant army to send any reinforcements.

"Where have you hidden the pretty boy? Come and attack me! I'm here, right here. Come on, show me the valor of the filthy humans."

"Are you asking for me?"

Suddenly, this voice appeared on the battlefield. Its source was near that monster commander to the degree he felt it came from behind him. This monster commander looked backward but he couldn't see Ibro.

He was about to open his mouth when he heard the scream of his monsters. He looked towards the direction where all the monsters were looking at.

In front of him, a huge army appeared in the sky. They were flying a human army. They were using flying animals that looked like the falcons but they were huge in size.

That flying army moved in great speed towards the monster's army. That leader showed a smirked smile as he watched these humans coming near him. Once they neared he didn't raise his sword but he raised both of his arms. It seemed like it was greeting the incoming army.

Against his expectations, he didn't feel any pain or any hit from any kind on his body. He opened his eyes and looked closely towards those flying fast animals.

They were really very near to the monster's army. Their low flight plus the sudden war cries that came from these humans made some monsters feel afraid.

At once, some monsters used their weapons and launched attacks towards those birds.

"No, stop what you are doing."

Fear was a great weapon when used properly. These monsters didn't heed to their commander orders and launched their arrows towards these very close huge falcons.

When the arrows hit the falcons, they didn't cause any damage at all. On the contrary, a halo of light appeared surrounding that huge monster's army. Ibro, who was flying on the back of one of these falcons, received a notification at once:

"You managed to reverse the effect of a special skill called: illusion-reality double coin skill. the user had lost all his reinforcement and most of his powers as a backlash."

Suddenly, all these monsters disappeared. There was no one except these monsters which were entangled with Ibro's ground army and that commander.

That commander stood alone in the empty space which was filled with monsters seconds ago. It was feeling the effects of the backlash at this moment. Ibro recalled his other self advice regarding this commander.

It had a very dangerous unique skill that could be really disastrous to any army. This monster had the ability to shift any illusion he made to be reality once it got hit by one strike from its enemy.

That was the hypothesis of Ibro. Such a dangerous monster mustn't be allowed to live.

"Do you believe you could stop me here? Do you think you can kill me?"

He then raised a strange staff and was about to utter some words. He was about to use one of his skills. Ibro was away from him on the back of this giant falcon.

If he turned to attack him he wouldn't reach him in time. Ibro's face didn't show any worries at all. That caused the eeriness inside that monsters' commander.

Before it could activate its skill, a sword suddenly plunged into his chest from its back. It looked backward to see another Ibro standing emotionless looking at it.

This Ibro was exactly the same but he was black. He was black Ibro who was summoned before the start of Ibro's aerial attack. At this moment, that monster felt weakness spreading all over its body.

It looked at the staff in its hand. If it got a few more seconds, it would have managed to escape. There was no value in regret. It fell to the ground and died as a result of this hit.

The battle course was normal after that. All those monsters were slain by Ibro's personal army. Ibro then landed on the ground near that monsters' commander body.

He walked towards its body and took that staff from the ground. It was a weird-looking staff that had a crow head at its handle and a sharp peak at its tip. It was short not exceeding half-meter length. Ibro observed this staff.

"Black crow staff: personal tailored growth staff. It's now silver grade. No level requirement. No class requirement. Intelligence: + 100k-indurance+10k-Strength:+50k-vitality: +100k. skills: Teleportation skill: choose one location and fix it as an anchor to the staff.

The staff will teleport you to this place. That place must be empty of any battles, or the teleportation would fail. Can be used 5 times per day. It needs 30 seconds to be activated. Once activated, the player is immune to any damage.

Staff needs to donate 1 million player's HP to raise to the next grade. Drops after death except if bound to the player. Conditions of binding: grand saint blacksmith 10k Vitality points, 10K Intelligence points, 10K Strength points, and 10k endurance points."

Ibro looked at this staff and held his breath. It was grade growth equipment. Those were very rare kinds of equipment. It also added a lot of AP to him and didn't ask for any conditions at all.

The problem was that it would fall if he died. He thought about it and decided. He would store it till he bound it to himself. He thought about these conditions.

They were in harsh conditions, especially because this staff required him to donate his basic AP. He also didn't know what grand saint blacksmith meant.

While he was observing this staff, a ball of light emerged from it suddenly. Ibro felt panic at once. That monster had activated the teleportation skill. it would be disastrous if he was teleported to that unknown location.

Ibro tried to let that staff go from his hands and ran away from it, but it was in vain. That staff stuck to him like glue. He couldn't get rid of it till he disappeared completely from the underground world.

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