Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Ibro looked at the state of his army. He still had the upper hand here even after the passage of 12 hours.

Although they lost nearly one-third of the island territory with the destruction of all the towers in it, they stopped any progress of these monsters.

After 12 hours of continuous fights, Ibro started to doubt his enemy. Was this army of monsters from the sky the only trick he had? He didn't get the answer to his question right away.

It took nearly four more hours before he had his answer. Ibro was still standing in his place watching the battle from far. The battle didn't need his interference till now.

All this time the monsters attack didn't change. But at this moment, a change occurred at the monsters which were descending like a flood from the sky.

Some groups of these monsters started to float in the air. They started with a few thousand at first but then the number kept increasing madly.

In just a few moments, an airborne monsters army had formed. Its numbers were over 1 million monsters and that number kept increasing rapidly.

At this point, nearly all on the battlefield had noticed its presence. The orders came fast. All the ballista towers focused on hitting these flying monsters.

That blow created massive losses to that army. But on the other hand, the falling monsters nearly reached the ground with little causality. That increased the pressure over the ground troops.

This time, that airborne army flew towards the outer region of the village. Although they looked majestic but once they entered the zone of the defensive ballista towers inside the village, they were shot on the spot.

Their losses were increasing rapidly and their numbers kept decreasing. Even when they tried to divide themselves into two armies in a try to mislead the defenses, they failed.

Ibro didn't feel any threat coming from these monsters, but suddenly he heard loud screams coming from the front battleground. Ibro looked and managed to locate the source of these screams easily.

They came from the opening of the cave that led to the underground world. From this opening, a huge shaped monster appeared. They looked like the monsters which formed the bridges before.

Ibro immediately concluded the plan of his enemy. He wanted to use these monsters as shields so they could take down these defensive towers.

If his army lost all these defensive towers at this moment, they would lose the whole island. With the presence of the airborne monsters' army, his army would find it difficult to retreat in one piece back to the village.

During his deep thoughts, a cavalry appeared which was one of the messages relay units in this war.

"My lord, I carry a message from general Mamor. He requested that you, my lord, should close the cave to the underground immediately."

"Tell him I will do it now."

Ibro knew the gravity of this situation and the consequences if they let this escalate for a long time.

Ibro then opened his profile page. He searched for his territories. When he looked at the section of his territories, he found the underground territory had been marked with a red tag. Under this there was a short note:

"This territory had been subjected to an isolation scroll effect. Player had lost all control over this territory for 12 hours."

Ibro felt an electric shock had hit him. He looked at those huge building monsters which kept appearing from the cave opening. This situation must be prevented at once. If he couldn't close it by his authority, then he would close it by force.

"Follow my lead. To war."

Ibro's voice appeared suddenly in the battlefield. All the soldiers either on the wall or in their fights with monsters looked towards Ibro's direction.

He was riding a strong white horse which was given to him by a cavalry general as a gift. He was heading straight forward without fear. At once he entered the chaotic battlefield.

Ibro wasn't alone but was followed by a mighty fresh army. The long fighting hours had made its toll over Hepatian soldiers, but the appearance of their lord moving in such a valiant way had ignited a hidden flame of vitality inside them.

They moved trying to retaliate. Everyone thought Ibro was trying to lead them towards victory. Everyone except for three. One was Hoden, the second was Mamor and the last was Froki who was moving beside Ibro. He was the nearest of them to Ibro so he said at once:

"My lord, you are walking into a trap."

It was really refreshing to deal with smart people. This strategist didn't need to ask Ibro about trying to close the cave opening by his authority as the lord.

He was there when the messenger cavalry delivered the message from Mamor. From the moment Ibro decided to attack that cave opening he knew that something wrong had happened and Ibro couldn't control that cave opening anymore.

That also meant there was a trap in this underground world, and Ibro was walking dead straight towards it.

"I know already but there is no other alternative. This opening must be sealed by my personal army. Send a message to Mamor and tell him one order: END THIS WAR FAST."

Froki knew the gravity of the situation. His lord decided to throw himself straight at his enemy's trap to stall for enough time for his army to win. He needed the army to finish their fight as fast as possible and go to rescue him.

If they delayed then he would lose his life. if he didn't go then they would lose this war for certainty. These huge monsters were invincible. Each one of them was enough to destroy the outer wall of the village.

if these monsters were allowed to appear with large numbers then this battle was as good as being lost. Both had certainty of death but the first solution had a slim chance for survival.

Ibro aimed for this slim hope. Froki sent the message without delay. In a few minutes, they managed to cross nearly half of the battlefield. They were nearing the cave opening.

What lied between them and that cave were 10 huge monsters. Each one of them was like a small mountain.

"I suggest we send units to act as a decoy to distract them as we sneak into the cave."

"No Froki. Give my orders, everyone stops immediately."

Froki didn't get Ibro's intentions, but he relayed the order nonetheless. All stopped, all except Ibro. Ibro kept running on his horse. His momentum was huge so Froki didn't have time to react.

Once he understood Ibro's intentions he didn't have any chance to stop him. Ibro had nearly gotten into the aggro range of these monsters. Froki gnashed his teeth and felt really mad at the rashness of his young lord. He didn't have anything to do except shouting in order:

"Archer cavalry help our lord and aim for these monsters."

Suddenly nearly 800k archer cavalry launched their arrows towards these ten monsters.

Ibro was running on the ground facing these ten small mountains while a sea of black arrows were racing over his head. He didn't believe in these arrows.

Although their numbers were huge, these monsters' defenses were really legendary. They wouldn't even cause a single point of damage to them. As he expected, these arrows were deflected at once.

He then stood over the back of his horse and then gently jumped off its back. He raises his long newly acquired sword. He aimed for one of these monster's legs.

That monster seemed to neglect Ibro's attack as he was used for his invincibility. This time it was wrong. His body had suffered the first damage since it entered this war.

Ibro's sword moved like a knife cutting a smooth butter. There was no resistance at all under Ibro's passive skill 'Absolute Sword'. His sword moved in a domineering way and cut through this leg to be separated at once.

A huge red number of five figures appeared above that huge monster's head, but Ibro didn't have a chance to see it as he landed on the back of his horse and waited for a few seconds before jumping again.

This monster had 12 legs that moved in a chaotic way. This monster didn't need more than 10 hits from Ibro to fall on the ground motionless. He didn't die as it's HP were really thick but it had lost its ability to move.

Ibro didn't stop but ran immediately towards the next monster then the next. When he finished dealing with these 10 monsters, Froki ordered the army to move forward towards their lord.

What Ibro did had exceeded the limits of their comprehension. Ibro didn't bother explaining anything to Froki as he had another battle he needed to deal with.

"What about we send in some units to scout?"

"They won't return. There is no other option except we move in."

Ibro then didn't hesitate to issue the order to advance. His army moved into the big cave opening in unison. Ibro and Froki moved in after the advance of the good portion of the army.

When they entered the underground world, Ibro was surprised to see a massive army waiting for him in the distance. That army was waiting arrogantly for his army to assemble.

"I got reports from the front my lord. These monsters up ahead had levels over 30. Their numbers can't be estimated and they are surrounding our army from all sides."

Ibro knew all the info he heard except the level of these monsters. He looked closely towards some monsters. These were all underground monsters. While he was thinking about his next move, a loud hideous voice emerged in the area saying with a loud laugh:

"Welcome to your tomb Mr. Ibro. You caused me a lot of trouble to catch you. But don't be afraid, I don't have the hobby of torturing my enemies. I will kill you smoothly and swiftly. I really wasted valuable time in dealing with you."

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