Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

634. Two Star Crossed Archetypes

634. Two Star Crossed Archetypes

The Nexus rumbled upon the abrupt arrival of the Amalgam.

Silverware fell from tables of the Common Hub, as did signs and display stands. The murmurs of the Nexus were commonplace, but today saw a sudden surge of panic. Those who were familiar with this specific quake immediately grasped onto something as if the world was on the verge of falling apart.

“Please remain calm. The rumbling will be ending shortly. Seek your nearest Star for guidance. No warning has officially been issued.”


The amplified voice of a Receptionist assured them that all was fine, keeping most at ease save for the ones who were present during Frost’s Corruption Event. They were only convinced when the rumbling ceased, exhaling breathlessly.

The Receptionists also wore slightly pale faces. They were also under the impression something had gone horribly wrong. And they would not be wrong to think that, but they were assured by a voice on the other end of their CongitO Receivers.

Moons that were stationed in the Common Hub immediately began mobilizing towards the Central Relay to investigate the upper floors of the Nexus.

Present Stars remained at their posts, knowing well that the murmurs of the Nexus were of no concern. Still, the Stars that remained in the Common Hub assured the Blessed that all was well.

Stars never lie, after all.

At least that was what the world believed.

The Moons on the other hand flooded the halls of the Nexus on every floor in search of the Amalgam.

They were like leucocytes searching for issues within their sacred home. The Amalgam, despite being their revered benefactor, was as much of a threat as the Corrupted themselves.

“Is the Amalgam Corrupting!?” A Moon who fiddled with the buttons of their suit asked their neighbors as they followed the hallways into the Upper Sanctums.

“There is no proof, but it’s out job to make sure that we’re the first ones to respond.”

“We have the Beholders present too. Beholder Jury herself must also be mobilizing in the wake of this emergency.”

“It’s possible that Beholder Jury is already at the scene.”

“Remember – The Amalgam has authorized us to use any means necessary in the event she cannot be reasoned with.”

The last statement caused many to go silent.

Frost had also extended this to the Beholders. A Corrupted Frost was at a level that not even the Beholders or the Archetypes could feasibly face. As a result, the rumblings that were reminiscent of her last Corruption Event caused mass internal mobilization, even by the Archetypes themselves.

Elsewhere, near the Floor of Amalgamation, the Eye, Fang and Claw led the charge, but for a completely different reason.

“No way they all missed Frost that much.” Cer complained in a silent hiss. “They followed us as soon as we left! Tell Nav that she could’ve told us to leave secretly!”

“It’s nice to see how many ducklings love Frost~!” Ber beamed. “Onwards, Moons. To the Amalgam!”

The Moons were far too disciplined to let loose of a war cry. Their increased haste was enough proof of their resolve.

“Are you two doing this on purpose?” Res growled, forming a spear-shaped paintbrush. “The last time the Nexus shook like this was when Frost broke down!”

“How do you know that when you weren’t even here at the time?” Cer wondered.

“Because that’s what Anna is tell me.”

Unlike them who believed that the Amalgam was in emotional distress, the Cer and Ber were more eager to just greet her. The news of Frost being on the verge of Corrupting again caused them to blink absentmindedly.

“… I’ll believe it when I see it. Frost just spoke to us, Sis.” Cer and Ber were unconvinced, as was Res.

Nav also confirmed that this wasn’t the case. Although, her emotional state was rather high for reasons she wished to personally understand.

Before long, the Moons that scoured the Nexus from bottom up met with the Three Heads of Security. They placed a hand on their heart and bowed respectfully in their presence.

“Two minutes of Universal Time elapsed since the rumbling. Twenty for Relative Time. Garmr. Any signs of the Amalgam?” Res formally asked.

Of the triplets she was the only one that knew how to properly format her speech.

“No, unfortunately. We thought she was with you already. It seems that this was not the case.” A female wolf-demi Human readily answered. “We climbed from the Floor of Desire.”

The one who spoke was Garmr.

She was a tall woman, with long, black hair like that of a lion’s mane. It completely concealed her back. She brought a hand up to touch her dark-skinned cheek where she wiped a bead of sweat, her expression unchanging.

“It is possible that we have missed her. The Amalgam may be in the Middle or the Lower Sanctums.” Garmr said, choosing to remain still like a statue as she sealed her crimson eyes, breathing through her half-parted mouth which glowed with an infernal red.

She was waiting for the permission from the triplets to act, and merely offered her wisdom.

Garmr was an odd Moon. She was older than the triplets and had served the Nexus twice as long as they did. She was the first person one would expect to be envious of the Triplet’s exalted position, but she had never once shown any signs.

Additionally, there was little know about her aside from her mostly mysterious background of dabbling in odd jobs that Moons usually did not take, which ranged from Atelier missions to personal requests.

Furthermore, like how regular Moons were visibly different from Atelier Moons, Garmr used to be unrecognizable as a Moon in the past. In fact, it was impossible for one to determine what Arm she worked for in Time Reverberation from her apparel alone, never mind her unique appearance that was closer to an Impuritas or the Exalted.

“Apologies on behalf of the Seci Response Arm.” Garmr apologized, her ribs suddenly glowing red beneath her dark suit.

It pulsated and was synchronized with her breathing.

“The Seci Response Arm isn’t liable for any oversights in information. That goes for the rest of us. Something unexpected came. We can play the blaming game after.” Cer scoffed, wagging her hail as if to tell her to forget the thought. “So I don’t expect the Director of the Seci Response Arm to start this ridiculous sentiment.”

Garmr nodded once.

“I appreciate it. What now?”

“We wait. The Amalgam’s on her way here.” Ber’s eyes were fixated on an invisible entity as she confirmed the information. Nav relayed this of course. “Beholder Jury is present with Frost. The ‘Head’ advises that we remain collected. The Amalgam is no danger.”

Ber assured them in the same tone as Res, displaying her professionalism in the right moments. The ‘Head’ was also a loose term used by those who could hear Nav to maintain secrecy. The Moons and Stars interpreted this as the Amalgam or the Archetypes speaking directly to the Three Heads of Security or her companions, like Ignis or Aster.

“Wait, she’s coming here specifically?” Cer questioned. “To the Floor of Judgement?”

The doors of the Floor of Judgement creaked open, revealing a blinding pale light as wings flooded into the hallway. They wrapped around the walls and ceiling like the legs of a spider trying to escape from a well.

“The Arbiter…!”

“S-Show your respect!”

“It’s an Archetype!”

The Arbiter’s presence was immediately made known, and nearly fifty heads bowed down collectively. Inaudible gasps slipped from their lips as eyes peered into the pale light far down the hall.

The Three Heads of Security were the only ones that did not bow, fulfilling a request from the Arbiter who asked them not to during their last meeting. It further bolstered the image of the triplet’s position within the Nexus, for they were Moons in an entirely different league of their own.

Even Gramr with her experience was not as strong as the likes of Cer, who was seen as the weakest of the triplets.

The reason for this was Serum S.

Indeed. Angel’s blood ran through the veins of the triplets.

Perhaps it was also because of this that they did not bow.

The oppressive light banished all shadows. Silence instantly befell the Upper Sanctums as white feathers tumbled from the ceiling like snow, hailing the visage of the Arbiter who finally exited the holy doors.

And her eyes immediately fell onto a golden light behind the Moons.

She smiled fondly as her eyes peeled wide as if in disbelief.

“Brilliant. Such an efflorescent light.”


Frost’s voice called from down the hall. It was not a shout or a yell, but a deeply disturbed utter that caused the Moons to shudder. Death encroached with the long strides of the Amalgam. What approached was not the warm, fuzzy person who the Moons had adored like a mother.

What stalked these halls was the very incarnation of death itself.

The triplets made room for Frost to pass, their eyes also filled with stupor at the sight of her newfound appearance.

“… Gold…?”

“Frost. What the…?”

“Shh…” Res desperately hushed, her floppy ears slapping them both lightly on the back of their heads.

Frost did not break her gaze from the Arbiter. She spoke again when she passed the triplets.


Adoration filled the Moons, both out of terror and veneration. It was not just the appearance of the Amalgam that had changed, but Demi-humans noticed that what passed them was something that demanded the surrender of their instincts.

They were closer to what the Arbiter was than what Frost used to be. What was once inhuman took a form that they instinctually compared to looking up at the night sky when lost in the dark.

A small, near inconceivable twinkle of light amongst a sea of stars.

That was what Frost was like to them now.

A glimpse of a star.

“The Light of the Captured Star…”

“Michaela. You know why I’m here.”

“I do. Judging from the throes of the Nexus, you have found something I’ve tried to hide from you.”

“More than that. Michaela. I’ve peered back far enough to know more about what you tried to hide from me. Things that you tried to hide from yourself.”

Frost gazed into the eyes of the Arbiter, then, as she passed by her to walk into her Floor, whispered something that caused Michaela’s smile to disappear.

“Let’s talk. You and I. before I end up resorting to breaking my promise with your daughter.”


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