Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 106- The Beginning of the Fall of Falheim

Chapter 106- The Beginning of the Fall of Falheim

[Amaterasu POV]

Feeling a ripple in my home, I turn around to see Fu and Moco sleepily walking towards me.

“Ne, ne, Rasu…what’s so urgent you need to call us up like this?” (Fu)

“Yeh, we was sleepen real good ya know.” (Moco)

{You want Red to have a sister?}

That one question blew all their sleepiness away and they ran up to me and grabbed my hands.

“Who!?” (Moco)

“Where!?!” (Fu)

{Hold on, you two…Oh, and she can become an Apostle.}

I pulled up an image of Ortlinde and the two’s eyes started to shine, then that shine turned to a gleam. They faced each other.

“My Apostle!” (Fu)

“No, mine!” (Moco)

I rolled my eyes at their antics.

{Oi!  This isn’t the time for this. Keeno needs Ortlinde to safety fast, so no arguing!}

“What’s happening?” (Fu)

“…! Oi…that ain’t good.” (Moco)

“Moco?” (Fu)

“That’s an abomination, Fu, look at it with your Authority, it’s that big dark spot.” (Moco)

“…!  Oi…that ain’t good.” (Fu)

The two looked into each other’s eyes and came to a silent agreement.

“*ahem*Little one named Ortlinde, I am Moco, Goddess of Family and War, you meet the requirements for Apostleship. Do you wish to become the Apostle of Family and join us for eternity?” (Moco)

Ignoring that she finally revealed which twin had which Authority, I looked at the sight of Keeno’s group. Ortlinde seemed startled and was looking around panicked while hugging one of Keeno’s tails tightly.  Keeno herself was patting her head and telling her that this was a good thing that meant they’d be together forever if she accepted. After several minutes, Ortlinde slowly nodded her head and accepted Moco’s offer. Ortlinde briefly shone before the glow vanished.

“Now, little Ortlinde, imagine a door in your head and walk through it.  Ortlinde closed her eyes and took a step forward before vanishing from the mortal world and appearing in front of us.  She kept her eyes closed but stopped moving forward.

“Hehe.  Silly little one, you can open your eyes now.” (Moco)

Hearing Moco’s voice so close to her yet not in her head, Ortlinde’s eyes flew open.

“Eh!?  W-where am I!?  B-big sis Keeno!?” (Ortlinde)

She crouched down on the spot and started to cry.  This sent Moco into a panic.

“Ahh.  Little one, you’re okay, you’re safe. I’m Moco, the one you became the Apostle of.” (Moco)

Ortlinde looked up and some sort of realization happened because her tears stopped and she jumped into Moco’s arms, surprising the Goddess.

“Purrrrrrrrrrrrr.” (Ortlinde)

“…” (Moco)

“…” (Fu)


“Ama…. Hey, Ama, is Ortlinde safe now?” (Keeno)

{…Yeah.  Don’t be worried, she’s safe here, so go do what you have to do.}

“Perfect. Ortlinde, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I want you to stay there for a while until things down here are settled. Ama, Fu, and Mici will take care of you, and if you meet Red, get along with her, your sisters now.” (Keeno)

“Oki, big sis Keeno!” (Ortlinde)

{Heard that, Keeno?}

“Yep.  Now, onward!” (Keeno)

“Oh, here you go, Keeno. The fluff powered Blessing of War!” (Moco)

“You’re making me feel left out, so here’s Nature as well, you’ll need it for post war cleanup, though I guess this’ll be better for Pram, anyway, good luck!” (Fu)

“Thanks. We’ll put them to good use. Take good care of Ortlinde and pamper her lots.” (Keeno)

“No need to tell us that, we’re already planning a full course pampering for her and Red as we speak.” (Moco)

“Perfect.” (Keeno)

[3rd Person POV]

Around a week and a half after Keeno and company left the mountain city. Inside the capital at this time, people had started going missing. Normally, the king would just ignore this because he deemed it unimportant for the leeches that parasitized his greatness to disappear. But when some of his knights and nobles also started to disappear without a trace, his irritation began to grow, and he sent some of his subjects to discover the reason behind this.  Little did he know that this was the prelude to the end of his reign.

Underneath the capital, a darkness was growing.  A monster of grudge consumed these people in order to sate its never-ending hunger and as it consumed, it grew.  It grew until the hate and malevolence were so strong that it started to contaminate the land.  The once pristine canals of the city were now slowly becoming tainted and lost their clearness, turning darker and murkier.  When someone least expected it, they would be dragged into the water, where they would never be seen again.  At night, people would be kept awake by sounds of splashing, screaming, hate filled yelling and a low, rumbling growl.  Soon, this monstrosity would ascend from the depths, and all those living in the city would know despair.

On the march, a week away from the capital, in a tent of far better quality than all those surrounding it, a man in attire entirely unfit for the time, place, or situation stood looking into a chest at his feet.  Inside said chest were gleaming golden scales with various crests carved into them.

“It’s not enough.  What does that stupid fox think she’s doing, ordering us around like she’s in charge?  What danger are we in that we need to mobilize completely for?  Hmm.  She wants to usurp me and take over…that must be it, Lucius didn’t send her to solitude, he sent her out of the country so that she’d become strong, then when she came back, he’d use her to take the country for himself.  That treasonous mongrel.  It’s too bad I planned on killing him and his family once I took over, I can’t have anyone with any relation to me alive if I’m to keep the throne.  Now, how am I to dispose of these pawns once I’m done with them?  Ah, I’ll send them there, though I hate that fox girl, if what she said was true and only ones with draconic bloodline can enter the Dead Zone safely, then I’ll just send them all in as her escort, that should also give me more years to live, if what father said is true.  Hehehe.  It’s all coming together now, just a while longer, and I can finally be done with this stupid act of caring for the people and wanting to make things better for them.  They’re so disgusting that it’s hard to keep from vomiting just looking at them.” (Prince)

“My Prince, may I enter?” (Freyr)

“Yes.  What do you need, Commander Freyr?” (Prince)

“…Before that, I don’t think you should let Lady Okami see that.  Who knows what will happen if she knows what those are.” (Freyr)

“Oh please, you fear her too much, Freyr.  There is nothing my niece can do to me or you, she doesn’t have the power or resolve to go against us and my father’s soldiers at the same time.  Why else would she seek to help us?  And besides, why would a whelp like her be angry at these trinkets?  They hold no value to her, draconic or not, her blood is so diluted that she’d gain nothing from it.  Now, what is it you wanted to talk about?” (Prince)

“The scouts I sent ahead of us have returned, and the news they bring is dire.” (Freyr)

“Then spit it out!” (Prince)

“They say the capital is different than how it used to be.  Like a shadow hangs over it.  The canals are dark and murky, the skies are shrouded in thunderous clouds, yet not a drop of rain falls, and at night, people go missing and screams and growling can be heard all throughout the city.  Even nobles and knights have completely vanished.  These are dark omens and I fear that something horrendous, just as Lady Okami has said, is coming, and we will NEED her and her companion’s assistance if we are to come out of this alive.” (Freyr)

“You have grown awfully reliant on that little ann…my niece, Freyr.  Is there something going on between the two of you that I need to know about?” (Prince)

“My Prince, she is a child so young I could be considered her grandfather, I beg you not to make such disgusting jokes.  It is my intuition honed on the battlefield that tells me she is something more than she lets on.  That she is someone that we should avoid making our enemy at all costs.” (Freyr)

“Hmm.  I have heard your words, Freyr.  Leave me so I may ponder over this.” (Prince)

“By your will.” (Freyr)

The Commander then left the Prince’s tent while the Prince stood in silent contemplation until sure that no one was around to hear his words.

“Old fool.  You’ve become cowardly in your old age, resting all your hopes on a single girl.  Though now I have an idea.  Hehehe.  Her eyes will make a glorious adornment for a mantle, especially if made into a statue of dragon scales.  And her tails, oh her tails will make fine scarves, especially with winter so close at hand…both of her friend’s tails as well, maybe I should start a collection, after all what else are those beast freaks good for? Hehe.  Ahahahahahahahahaha.” (Prince)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …Kill.

Tamamo: …Kill.


Order: Kill.

Astraea: Yay, murder!

Crisis: Wahahahahahahahahaha!

All in favor?

Everyone: AYE!

Then, I sentence Prince whateverhisnameis to a death crueler than anything.  My Abyss friend, I will send his soul to you once Keeno has killed its fleshy container.

Ray of the Abyss: Noted.

Mofu: MOFU!!!!!

Astraea: No, Mofu, papa won’t let you eat that one…Papa?


Astraea: Can Mofu have that king person’s soul?


Astraea: YAY!

Mofu: MOFU~!!!!

Luna: …

Don’t worry, Luna, we’ll let you get in some good hits as well, especially since that Prince has some similar motivations to a certain fake saint you are familiar with.

Luna: Perfect.  I never did get to punch that mongrel for that, I let them off too easily.

I can always find their soul fragments for you.

Luna: Don’t tempt me.

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