Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 105- Talking with Fafnir and an Omen

Chapter 105- Talking with Fafnir and an Omen

[Keeno POV]

In the darkness of my dreams, a dim light was all I could see.  I was surrounded by shadows, walking towards that light as it flickered like a golden flame.  It felt like I was walking for days until I finally entered a room to find a golden dragon whose scales once shone like suns now being colored by shadow.

“Well, Fafnir, you look like you’ve seen better days.” (Keeno)

“Heh.  Little Okami…the grudges of this country…they are quite strong…your mind is strong to withstand them so well, even before my assistance.” (Fafnir)

“And I have to say, as expected of a great dragon to withstand them, even after death.” (Keeno)

“Your flattery is appreciated and will get you everything, Okami.  What is it you wish from me?” (Fafnir)

“To change our agreement a slight bit.  Some…new findings have led me to a realization that leaves me…quite irate.” (Keeno)

“Depends…what is it that you’ve found, tiny one?” (Fafnir)

“One of your scales, desecrated.  Turned into a petty trinket that decorates the walls of pigs that have not earned the right to adorn themselves with the jewels of a dragon!” (Keeno)

The flames that lit the room changed from gold to blue and the blackness of the grudge darkened while quiet whispers started to increase in volume.  Above those whispers was a low growl.


The flames in the room flickered gold again, but soon returned to blue.  The shadows grew and the whispers turned to screams before suddenly going quiet again.  In my hand was the scale I took from that noble’s wall with a Rune newly carved into it, shining with Divinity.

“Little one, what is this magic…that calms us and eases the grudge?” (Fafnir)

“Runes, not magic, and it won’t last long, it’s burning through the scale very fast, though I must say, dragon scales are wonderful Rune materials, no offence.” (Keeno)

“None taken, I gladly give you permission to use them, as they are your birthright.  But I must ask, if you’ve found one, have you found my reverse-scale?” (Fafnir)

“No.  If I had to guess, it’s either in the taboo breaker’s home, or the castle of the king.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  Find it and keep it, little one.” (Fafnir)

“This is where I have the proposition to change the agreement.  I have a plan, and something that will give me the knowledge of how to pull it off.  The only last things I need for it to work are as many of your scales as I can get, and the assistance of my wife, as well as access to the Dead Zone’s Divinity to let me use more of my power.  That way, we can return you to life, fully.” (Keeno)

“You propose necromancy…the most forbidden secrets of it even.” (Fafnir)

“And who says that it’s forbidden?  What law of this world calls it forbidden to the Goddess of Death, wife of the Goddess of Life?” (Keeno)

“Humans make it forbidden…and no goddess I’ve ever heard of follows the laws of man.  Hehehehehehehe.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Good, little one, I agree with this change.  Do this and I will burn this kingdom down so it can be changed for the better.” (Fafnir)

As soon as she said this, I felt a ripple in the Spirit Realm.

“This…Keeno Fafnir Okami, this is an omen.” (Fafnir)

“The taboo breaker…I understand, Fafnir, I will fulfill my end of the bargain, but I must leave now and move before things become irreversibly dire.” (Keeno)

“Go, my little one, may you be victorious in battle.” (Fafnir)

As soon as Fafnir uttered those words, my eyes flew open, and I shot up from my bed.  Looking out the window, it was still dark, I’d say near midnight.


“Ama, something is happening, and we have too little time.  Pram, Freya, Emma, Ortlinde, wake up!” (Keeno)

I threw the window open.

“Huginn, go find Sigurd, now!” (Keeno)

“Caw!” (Huginn)

Huginn flew away with my orders while the others slowly woke.

“There is no time, get up now!” (Keeno)

“What’s wrong!?” (Pram)

“Where are the enemies!?” (Freya)

“It’s not right for a maid to wake after her lady!” (Emma)

“Five more minutes.” (Ortlinde)

“I’d let you have them, sweety, but now isn’t the time.  Gather your things everyone, we need to be ready to move as fast as possible.” (Keeno)

The others started to collect what little things they had with them while I focused on waking Ortlinde.

“Listen, little one, we need to move.  Just a little more, and you won’t ever have to be woken up like this again.” (Keeno)

“…Nn…Big sis Keeno.  We have to leave?” (Ortlinde)

“Yes.  Ama, get in touch with the twins, I want them to see if they can do anything and get Ortlinde to safety.” (Keeno)

{On it.}

“Caw!” (Huginn)

“Thanks, Huginn, get over here.  We need to move.” (Keeno)

Huginn flew into one of my tails and I threw open the door.  We ran from where we were staying until we reached a plaza where Sigurd was also just arriving at.

“My Lady, what’s wrong!?” (Sigurd)

“Sigurd, send your fastest messenger to Freyr, tell him that he needs to move all available forces to the capital as fast as possible.  We need to move there now as well or else things will get horrendously bad.” (Keeno)

“What’s happening my Lady?” (Sigurd)

“The capital is going to be destroyed, the taboo breaker, he’s doing something no mortal should, we need to hurry, or else things will go from bad to dead, and I don’t want that to happen.” (Keeno)

“Right…I’ll get things in order, we should be ready for departure by daybreak at the latest.” (Sigurd)

With that, he ran off to get things in motion.

{Keeno, the twins will be here in a while, now, tell me what’s going on.}

“The taboo breaker is taking in the grudge of the land to keep its soul from shattering.  All the while it’s mutating into some kind of monstrosity.  We can’t let it complete its transformation.” (Keeno)

{…Alright, those two better get here faster, we’ll need their help too.}

With those words, a waiting game began as we prepared to move onto the capital.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: And now he’s staring at some plushies that I have no clue where they came from.

Tamamo: I thought you made those?

Luna: Nope.

…I can give them to Order and Astraea and they will forgive me.

Luna: You think it’s that simple?

Yes.  If that doesn’t work, I am absolutely willing to offer my head as tribute.

Luna: …

Tamamo: …

Don’t give me that look, it’ll grow back in a week or two.

Luna: No, I was just thinking that that would just end up traumatizing little Astraea.


Tamamo: Definitely.

Hmm…Well, the plushies of mysterious origin shall go first.

Luna and Tamamo: Good luck.

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