Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 121: Duties Of An Agent I

Chapter 121: Duties Of An Agent I

Chapter 121: Duties Of An Agent I

“Anyway let’s move past all that and get to the motive of this meeting,” Jason waved off the distractions and put the menu down.

“Now that I’ve decided to hire you as my agent, when can we make things official?” he asked as he called to one of the waiters.

“Well, I’ll have to draw up a contract draft and we can adjust the conditions until it is agreeable with both parties, wait, I have a prepared draft here,” Adele immediately entered a professional mode and pulled out a tab from her bag and operated it for a few seconds before handing it over to Jason.

Jason collected the tab and began to read through the contract,

“Um… handling fees… agent fees… blah blah blah, and whatnots,” Jason murmured as he read through the document and was already getting annoyed just by reading through and it wasn’t because he was illiterate… it just wasn’t down his alley.

He was a footballer, not a lawyer.

“Hey, Miss Agent, shouldn’t you be doing your job and explaining all what these Greek and Latin words mean,” Jason called out to Adele with a bit of a frown in between his brows.

It had been barely a minute since he decided to hire her as an agent and he was already understanding why footballers needed agents desperately to handle their affairs.

After all, their job was to maneuver the ball through players and score so they could leave all the other stuff like word maneuvering and other such complications to the superheroes known as agents.

“Ah, okay… so the handling fees percentage mean…” Adele collected the tab back from Jason and began explaining the contract to him as well as mentioning all the clauses he should take note of.

Thus they spent the hour discussing the contract as well as about Adele’s future duties as his agent.

It didn’t need to be said that she would be involved in all issues regarding his contract with Porto from that moment on.

She would also be in charge of any matters regarding a possible transfer to another club which would definitely be happening in the future as clubs from all over the world already had Jason on their shortlist and he was already being heavily scouted.

His previous performances warranted at least that much action from the clubs, but for now, he was only being watched and scouted and no actions would be taken for the time being as they had their thoughts that Jason’s performances could just be a burst of good form and that he may drop later on… but Jason didn’t plan for such to happen.

He also knew that he couldn’t spend his whole career at Porto and had already planned to stay for three seasons at most, though if an opportunity came for him to leave earlier and it was too good of an opportunity to pass, then he was definitely taking it.

Anyway, Adele would be in charge of any matters related to a transfer.

Her other duties would involve helping him negotiate sponsorship deals with reputable companies around the world as well as helping him grow as a brand which involved a lot of things like media exposure and other stuff.

Adele was particularly adamant about helping Jason get someone that would help him manage his social media presence and was even more appalled when she heard that Jason didn’t have any social media accounts… he wasn’t even on chatting apps like Snapchat and the only reason he had a WhatsApp account was because some important information about the team was usually passed across on the FC Porto WhatsApp group.

Adele immediately got to work as an agent and started explaining how much of an opportunity Jason was missing out on by not being on social media like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Numbers meant Ad revenue and Jason had the potential to pull big numbers with his performance, young age, and especially handsome face.

Also, Jason’s interaction with the fans on social media could gain him more fans and endear him to the club’s fans even more which was definitely not a bad thing.

Despite being an old-school soul, Jason was not especially averse to social media and he even used to have a Facebook and Instagram account in his previous reality, but he hadn’t gotten around to opening them in this reality as he was too focused on his training and performance in matches to care about those things at the moment but hearing Adele’s argument, it seemed these things were needed.

Jason wasn’t some saint who only wanted to play football without caring about anything else, he cared about things like money too as he knew how much more harder life would be if one didn’t have money.

He loved the fame too for some reason… After all, it did feel quite good to hear thousands of people chanting your name as it put him in a state similar to a high.

In Nigerian terms, “his head swelled up” whenever he heard his name being chanted by thousands of fans when he scored a goal.

Also, it would be pretty cool to deal with annoying situations by simply taking off your glasses and asking, “Don’t you know who I am?”

Anyway, now that Adele had mentioned it, he immediately decided to open an account on the social media apps that she had recommended, namely; Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

He didn’t need a YouTube account unless he was interested in making videos like Jeremy Lynch, but then he was a professional footballer unlike Jeremy Lynch who was a freestyle footballer who doubled as a YouTuber, so Jason obviously didn’t have the kind of time that Jeremy Lynch had neither was Jason really interested in making videos for now.

Jason immediately took out his phone and started downloading the three apps.

The downloads finished quickly as the apps weren’t more than a few dozen Mbs in size and immediately after the downloads were completed, Jason opened up the first app that was downloaded which happened to be Instagram and he started the registration procedures.

“Hey, what user name should I use that would let people know it’s me,” Jason asked after Adele typed his name in the username interface in three different arrangements and neither of them was accepted with the prompting that they had already been used.

“I don’t know, maybe you could try “the elusive sapphire-eyed black quartz rose dragon”,” Adele snickered.

Jason looked at her with horror and disgust etched all over his face as he muttered to himself,

“Like hell I’d do that,”

Jason decided to try more combinations of his name until one was accepted but surprisingly the first one he typed in was accepted, which was “JasonRose17”

His date of birth was the 17th of June, so he had added the 17 to the only nickname he could stomach without the slightest cringe.

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