Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 120: Ball In Your Court III

Chapter 120: Ball In Your Court III

Chapter 120: Ball In Your Court III

“Impress you? How am I supposed to do that?” Adele asked, her voice remaining as stable and mellow as ever.

“I don’t know, you’re the one being interviewed,” Jason replied.

“Of course, if you can hit a moving target from a distance of over 3 kilometers away with a McMillan TAC-50, then you are as good as hired, but I don’t think you can, so I’ll settle for something a bit less impressive,” He said with a mischievous grin.

“I didn’t think I needed to learn that to become an agent, but I can try learning,” Adele responded in a serious tone.

“Hahaha,” Jason laughed lightly as he placed the cup of tea in his hand back on the table.

“Good try, but it’ll probably take you at least five years to reach that level of skill even if you were exceptionally talented,”

“I definitely wouldn’t wait that long, especially when this is not some dumb romance story between us,” Jason said with a smile, but his tone was dead serious.

“… In that case, I can only give up,” Adele sighed defeatedly.

“There’s no way I can compare to well-established agents in terms of skill, experience, or connections” She sounded completely defeated because she knew what she was up against and frankly speaking, it was quite despairing.

She felt like how a team in the relegation zone would feel if they were faced off against Prime Real Madrid which had won three Champions League consecutively.

The current gap between her and well-established agents was that wide.

“Is that you giving up?” Jason asked with a raised eyebrow.

“… I don’t know, maybe, I don’t know exactly what I can do at this point,” Adele answered in a low tone, a bit annoyed at Jason for calling her here if he wasn’t intending to hire her.

‘Did he just call me to make fun of me?’ she wondered, but then Jason spoke.

“Well, I do, you’re hired,” Jason said with a grin.


“Wait, What?”

“You’re hiring me?” Adele couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“I believe that’s what I said, yes,” Jason replied, completely unruffled.

“Despite all the other well-established agents available, you’re picking me?” Adele asked, her tone filled with disbelief.

“I think that’s what ‘You’re hired’ means,” Jason said with a roll of his eyes.

“On what criteria? You just said I don’t have the required level of skills, experience, or connections to even be considered,” Adele shot back.

“Those were your words not mine,” Jason responded and picked up the menu, intending to order something to eat as he was quite famished.

“I…!” Adele intended to respond but then realized that he was right and she was the one who had said all that and not him.

“That’s beside the point, you didn’t say it, but you insinuated it,” Adele finally said.

“Well, I wasn’t wrong, was I?” Jason scoffed, not taking his eyes off the menu.

“Aha… you did mean it!” Adele almost shouted as he had admitted it.

“And so?” Jason answered as he didn’t understand what she was trying to get across.

“So If I don’t meet the criteria, then why did you choose me?” Adele still wanted to know the reason that Jason had decided to hire her instead of a more experienced agent.

“When did I say you didn’t meet the criteria?” Jason finally took his eyes off the menu and smirked at her.

“… You didn’t?”

“Wait, you can’t be thinking that I’d do something like sleep with you just because you chose to hire me, did you?” Adele asked suspiciously, her hands raised defensively around her body.

“Drats, wasn’t that supposed to be part of the services you’d provide?” Jason replied, the sarcasm in his tone heavier than the Titanic.

“Of course, they aren’t part of the services I provide, you’d have to take me on at least ten dates,” Adele shot back, completely missing the sarcasm in Jason’s earlier sentence.

“Get over yourself, Miss Joyce,”

“While I can’t deny that the notion of having a young beautiful agent over a greasy old man as my agent was one of the deciding factors that made me choose you, I’d have you know that it’s simply a matter of aesthetics,”

“I’m not that interested in you that I’d select you over better options just because of something like sex,”

“… Also I’ve got a girl I’m talking with… a potential girlfriend of sorts,” Jason stated, his tone dead serious.

“Oh…” Adele murmured in realization.

“… But, ten dates huh?”

“Should I count this one as a first or should I start counting next time,” Jason said with a very meaningful smile.

Adele stared at Jason for a long while before she scoffed,

“… Men.”

“What can I say?” Jason asked rhetorically with a wide smile.

“I got that dawg in me,” he said with a laugh, but he was joking as he wasn’t the type of person to cheat in a relationship, even though he had never been in a serious relationship due to his “emotional issues”.

In his previous reality, he was a “fuckboy” of sorts as all he was ever involved in was one-night stands, and in his prime, he was even worse than Mylo, but at the same time, he had never let his nightly activities affect his training… Since he didn’t have enough of a career for it to affect.

This was also why he had only ever had an argument with Mylo over Mylo taking his stuff and not about Mylo bringing women to their crib.

After all, who was him as a “retired fuckboy” to criticize Mylo.

Yet, despite the countless “genital meets and greets” that he had had over the course of his previous life, he also understood what loyalty in a relationship entailed so he wasn’t about to start sleeping around again when he currently had a girl he was in a relationship with… even though it wasn’t official yet.

“But hold on just a minute…” Adele finally realized something.

“If you weren’t going to use my level of experience, skill, or connections to decide whether to hire me or not, then what was the whole interview schtick for?” She asked incredulously.

“Oh, that?”

“I just felt like playing around, but if I did meet someone who could hit a moving target from over 3 kilometers away with a McMillan TAC-50 wanting to be my agent, then you’d be out of a job, Miss Joyce,” Jason said with a smile.

“Well, Thank God there isn’t anyone like that,” Adele sighed with relief.

“Oh don’t be too sure, there are quite a few strange people with interesting talents in this world,” Jason said with a sly smile as he knew nothing was impossible.

After all, who would believe that someone like him was a Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu master?

Or that he was someone that had lived in a supposedly parallel world, or the past… or whatever it was?

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