Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 331 - This Was A Trap

Chapter 331 - This Was A Trap

At enormous circular tables, food was being served left and right. There were new dishes very often being passed around the wooden circular boards. It was a harmonious occasion with frequent chatter and drinks being passed around. There were three tables, one for the main guests, the other for the younger generation, and a final one for other relatives. Laughter filled the air, as if the two families were close.

Lina heard from her grandfather that he was close friends with Elder Medeor, for they grew up in the same prestigious schooling. Lawrence often reminded her that he hoped the friendship would last for a while, not realizing that this part of the Yang family tree would forever be wiped out for good.

There were no happy endings. No joyous occasions. There was only backstabbing that'd sever the Yang and Medeor ties so much, the present-day families never realized they were even close friends in the first place.

"Uncle is looking again," Lina muttered under her breath when she caught her Second Uncle's frightening stare. He was watching her like a hawk, even when drinking the liquor.

"Pretend you don't see," Mila reminded her, flashing a smile.

Mila glanced at their surroundings. She saw all of the parents gathered at the main table, deep in a conversation that was occasionally filled with nods. All of the children were gathered here, but from Lina's designated seat, everyone could see her. She was like a bird in a cage for the public to watch.

"I'm trying," Lina stated.

"Did you tell grandfather what happened last time?" Mila warned.

"I could be overthinking it… it was midnight," Lina whispered. "Second Uncle is Grandpa's favorite son. He handles the rough side of the triad. Do you really think—"

"What happened?" Altan asked, noticing the two sisters were in a deep conversation.

Lina instantly shook her head. If Altan knew, he'd blow things out of proportion. Besides, she was drunk for her eighteenth birthday and not in the right state of mind. Who knew if what she saw was the truth or dream?

Lina took a sip of the tea, but it didn't calm her nerves. To this day, she could still hear the low breathing and the shuffle of clothes. Was it a belt being unbuckled? She could've sworn she saw her Second Uncle by the door of her bedroom, staring intently at her.

"Besides, it's been three years," Lina mumbled. "The time has already passed. Grandpa might think I'm crazy."

"Never," Mila warned Lina. "You know he cherishes you the most out of every single grandchild he has."

Lina didn't believe that. With love came possessiveness. Her grandfather doted on her, but restricted her freedom. All the things she wanted to learn, she wasn't allowed to.

When Lina watched Mila practice her shooting skills or her fighting techniques, Lina was always reminded that she was just a pretty little bird for the people to admire. Lina's only job in life was to sit there and look pretty. The words came from Lawrence's mouth himself.

"Who's that?" Lina asked, feeling another pair of eyes watching them from the main table. In the far distance was an unfamiliar man sitting right next to her grandfather, Lawrence.

"Altan's oldest brother," Mila told her. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten how he looks?"

Lina naively blinks. "He's fifteen years older than me and we never played in our youth. Of course, I would not know him."

"You don't have to know him," Mila suddenly stated. "Focus on Altan."

"I took care of the men that harassed you," Altan suddenly said from her side.

Lina turned in her seat to see him looking at her. Altan was seated on her right and Mila on her left.

"What?" Mila asked.

"You do not like men who stain their hands with blood," Altan gently said to Lina. "So I did no such thing."

Lina's brows tugged together.

"Instead, I eliminated three generations of their family, no one of their surnames is alive."

Lina's blood ran cold. She scooted away, but Altan continued.

"It's possible, you know, to get rid of their government files as well. With the threat of war, documents and history can get lost in the fight. Who knows? Maybe this generation of Yang and Medeor will be wiped out and the future will never know what took place in Ritan," Altan humored her.

"You speak as if the future of our families will be separated and there is no recollection of the events that take place in our generation because something horrible happened," Lina dryly told him. "That would be impossible."

"Have you heard of the butterfly effect?" Altan asked her. "It takes a single event to trigger a chain of disasters."

"Like what?" Lina deadpanned.


Lina stopped entertaining him. She went back to her food, realizing he was unlike himself today. She missed the playful Altan from her youth. As children, they bullied each other so much that the parents always thought they hated each other. But it was just their little bantering as kids.

"I'm only kidding," Altan said. "I know you will never have a family-ruining affair, Lina."

Lina simply flashed him a smile.

"The dinner is going well," Lina realized. "This morning, you kept on insisting I should say no to something—"

"Your attention," a voice called out from the main table, as Lina's father stood and spoke, only to gesture for Lawrence to continue the speech.

Lina watched as the chatter instantly died down. It was as if the conversation never started in the first place. With great curiosity, she turned and watched everything unfold.

"Tonight, we've gathered the Yangs and Medeors for a joyous announcement," Lawrence said, rising to his feet at the same time as his good friend.

Underneath the table, Mila gripped Lina's hands tightly. She lowered her eyes and bowed her head in defeat, already knowing what was to come of the oldest daughter who had everything in life.

Mila was trained from birth to one day fulfill her duties as the eldest Yang daughter. She was meant to be a sacrificial animal for Lina to live a comfortable life. Mila took on her responsibilities as an older sister well. She would risk her own happiness before she hurt Lina.

"With the presence of the military threatening our trading ports and forces in Ritan, the Yang and Medeor family must join hands," Lawrence stated, turning to Elder Medeor.

"Therefore, I must inform you of the cause of tonight's celebration," Elder Medeor reluctantly continued, landing his eyes directly on his youngest grandson.

From beside her, Lina saw Altan take something out of his pockets, but before anyone could move, Elder Medeor cut to the chase.

"Tonight, we are celebrating the engagement of the Yang family's youngest daughter and our Medeor's oldest grandson."

Atlan froze. Mila gasped. Everyone was aghast by the twist of events.

Lina's head went blank. Within seconds, Atlan turned to her, urging her to stop it.

"I-I object," Lina stuttered out, standing up in shock.

"I expected as much," Elder Medeor laughed. "I'm just pulling your leg, young lady."

Lina knew he wasn't. Her face went pale with disbelief. From beside her, Mila began to shake in horror. Before Mila could do anything, Elder Medeor continued his announcement.

"The Medeor and Yangs will join forces through the marriage of Lina Yang and Altan Medeor. Tonight is a joyous occasion, now let us raise a toast to the soon-to-be newlyweds!"

At this, the crowd quickly cheered, raising their glasses and letting out a loud, celebratory laughter. Lina almost collapsed at the announcement. Everywhere around them, people were congratulating the children's table. The room was festive, but Lina was devastated.

"If I had known better, I—"

Mila was trying to say something, but Lina was in her own little world. Lina felt like she was going crazy. The faces around her blurred into devious monsters cackling at her demise.

Lina's ears began to ring in disbelief. She couldn't believe her own eyes and ears. She couldn't think. She couldn't breathe. The rug was forcefully pulled from her feet. Then, she felt Altan grab her hand.

"It's okay," Altan softly said to her. "It'll be okay, Lina. I promise you."

Lina knew nothing would ever be okay. She had already made one rejection. Everyone did this on purpose. They wanted her to reject the first wedding, so she could accept the second. They set her up. Their families were making a joke out of her. They've fooled her from morning to night.

This was the elders' plan all along. Mila, who was having an affair with the gardener would've never been considered. Altan who never liked his family, but was suddenly in the same car as Elder Medeor.

From the very start, this was a trap.

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