Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 330 - My Coffin

Chapter 330 - My Coffin

We were meant to be, but not forever.

The words rang in Lina's head when she found Mila sobbing in a blacked out room. At that time, Lina didn't know what Mila meant. Now, as Kaden offered her a choice to leave and stay, Lina knew what Mila implied.

Stay and let it be known who you've associated yourself with.

Leave and never see him again, for their worlds could never collide.

So many profound thoughts went through Lina's head. She wanted to apologize for not being straightforward, for not revealing the precariousness of their situation. If she took a seat, Kaden's fate would be sealed.

The entirety of the eastern city would be talking about this. Her Grandpa would hear of it. Her Papa would forbid it. Kaden would go through a hell worse than the one he witnessed on the battlefield.

So, Lina offered him a pained smile.

"Farewell, Commander."

Kaden's face turned cold.

Past, present, and future, he was in love with her. The fond memories of their reunion, he would never forget her gaze. He was willing to wait, for he was a patient man. Thus, he let her depart, for he knew it would not be forever.

Meeting Lina was a miracle, but he was certain of their reunion. They were destined to meet again and again. Whether it was a chance encounter or a fateful lesson, only the two would know.

- - - - -

Lina went home to chaos. When she was near her house, she saw rows upon rows of expensive black cars. At a time like this, vehicles were only afforded by the very rich. Most didn't have the luxury and would need to ride rickshaws in the street that were pulled by men. Immediately, she knew these didn't? just belong to the Yangs. They had guests.

Underneath the hollow moon, Lina realized tonight was an event that'd change the course of things for good. Her attention stayed glued to the people exiting the car and how they were excessively greeted by everyone.

'You must say no,' Altan warned her, again and again, that morning.

Lina didn't understand what he was implying. She was beginning to realize the many things that had happened in her life, she had been through without much consideration. She lived life on the edge, but was cautious of the important parts.


Lina turned at the sound of her name. When she saw who it was, her eyes brightened. Mila slipped out of the garden bushes and quickly headed in her sister's direction. Lina noticed Mila's dress was tousled at the ends, her hair messy with flyaways, and she was missing an earring.

"Mila, what happened to you?" Lina whispered, quickly grabbing her sister's hand to pull her close.


"Your earrings, your appearance… is it—"

"Please don't speak of it now," Mila hushed. "Hurry, fix my appearance before the guests and Papa see me."

With shaky hands, Lina quickly began to take off Mila's sole earring. She hid it in her dress pocket, then began to brush every strand of hair into place with her fingers. But she couldn't move fast enough, for she heard a car roll past her. Rocks skidded and the guests quickly stopped.

"Make way for Elder Medeor!"

Mila gasped. The two sisters glanced at each other, wide-eyed. Without warning, Mila grabbed her sister and tucked Lina behind her. The Elder must not see Lina. If he did, then he would be reminded there was more than one choice.

Then, Mila spotted her parents. They were standing at the foot of the entrance, quickly searching for the two sisters. She took Lina's hand and before the car could see them properly, dived and dragged Lina away.

"You promised me you wouldn't do it with him anymore," Lina angrily said to Mila in a lowered voice during the trek to their parents. "Now, look at you!"

"It was our last time today, I had to say goodbye," Mila firmly responded. "And I have no regrets."

"Your goodbye took place from morning to night? If Papa finds out—"

"He won't," Mila said. "He won't."

Lina gritted her teeth, but couldn't reply, for they were right in front of her Papa now. And… her Mama who was dazed, most likely from being drunk before the party had even begun.

"Oh my…"

"It's just as sister said."

"Truly, what a twist of events."

Everywhere around them, Yang and Medeor relatives murmured to themselves. Only the most important members of the families were present, including the cousins, but no more than that. However, only a few were allowed to flaunt their family name.

Altan appeared out of the car first, catching Lina by surprise. Her blood chilled at the deadly still expression on his face. It was unlike the warm and kind man she had always known.

Altan always hated Elder Medeor, his grandfather. Altan wanted nothing to do with his family business, so why was he in the same car? Altan sharply turned on his shoes and opened the car door, revealing a prestigious and regal old man.

"Grandfather," Altan seldomly said, bowing his head in greeting.

"Hmph," Elder Medeor murmured, gazing at his other sons and grandsons who were lined up to meet him. To think he would be ambushed by his youngest grandson, over something so audacious as well…

"Old friend, I'm relieved to see you still standing. I thought you'd be bones and ashes by now," Lawrence commented.

Lina was startled by her Grandpa's abrupt presence from behind her. She didn't even see him. She turned, but missed it. Lawrence walked past her without a second thought, coming out to greet his friend.

"I'm just as disappointed as you are that my coffin hasn't been made," Elder Medeor grumbled, giving his good friend a firm handshake.

Lina could do nothing, but force a tight smile on her face when the Elder gazed at her specifically. Not Mila. Not her parents. But straight at her, his eyes narrowed with curiosity. He had seen her many times before, but rarely acknowledged her beyond a slight nod. Usually, he was more attentive to Mila.

"Welcome to our humble abode, Elder Medeor," Mila curtly told the old man with a pleasant smile, bowing her head obediently to distract his attention from Lina.

"Hmm… yes, humble," Elder Medeor murmured to himself. Through his crinkled and aging eyes, he saw the flaws that his youngest grandson had pointed out.

Watch out for the stray hair, for the lack of lipstick wiped from kisses, and the wrinkled dress from being hitched up. Mila was unsuitable for marriage, but Lina most certainly was.


To think the youngsters would plan something against him. Had he truly gotten that old for the younger generations to try and pull a fast one on him? He narrowed his eyes with disapproval.

They said the oldest was wild and unrefined, despite her place in the hierarchy. Now, Elder Medeor saw it for himself, exactly how unfit she was.

"Keep it for the dinner table where our kin will be gathered," Lawrence reminded the old man as he guided the two of them into the house.

Only when the Patriarchs entered did everyone else follow. People shuffled into the house where soft and traditional music was already playing. Servants lined up at the foyer, respectfully bowed, and greeted the Masters. Not a single detail was out of place.

The flowers swayed beautifully, bright and in full bloom. A lovely scent was in the air and the tables were already set. Plates and cutlery were arranged, butlers were at the ready to serve, and people only took their seats when the Masters did so.

"Do not speak, do not raise your head, don't even clink your cutlery, or so god help me, Lina," Mila warned her younger sister, squeezing her hand.

"Worry about yourself first, I think Elder Medeor saw your lack of lipstick and your messy appearance," Lina grumbled. "But I won't do anything to bring attention to myself. You know I hate to be their center of focus."

Mila let out a small sigh of relief. "Good, remember your own words well.. You will need your wits tonight."

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