Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 948

Chapter 948: Chapter 133- Trinity – Interrogations Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




Finally! FINALLY! FINALLY! FINALLY! There has finally been a break in the case. This was the best thing that could possibly happen for us. I don’t know how much longer I would have been able to take it if there hadn’t been some sort of change in this whole shitshow. We had arrested a dozen of these assholes. We had them in our custody and we were going to make sure that they were not able to activate those runes on the backs of their necks. If these ones even had them. They were going to stay chained up until the interviews were over. Not only that, but we were going to make sure that those runes were deactivated. Assuming they actually had them. These men weren’t going to take the easy way out. They weren’t allowed to get out of this that easily.

The men that we had arrested were loaded into six different large white cargo vans. They were being guarded in those vans by six warriors that were ready to do whatever it took to stop these men from escaping or ending their lives. None of them really got to fight in this whole rescue mission, so they were all itching for the chance to do something physical. Like beating a murderous asshole into submission.

It was a strangely smooth process, getting all of those men into the vans and back up to the castle. They weren’t being taken into the upper parts of the castle when we got there, but rather the prison-like cells that were in the basement. If you could call the place under a castle a basement. Was it a cellar? A dungeon? A crypt? There were so many things that you could call it, and I didn’t know which one it should be just because this was a castle and not a regular home.

Each of the twelve prisoners were marched away from the vans with two guards carrying them between them, since they were still tied up. Walking with those two guards was another guard in front of them and two behind them. There were more than enough warriors on hand to take care of that set up, and it was a lot more secure for us.


“I have a feeling that it is going to be a busy night.” Dietrich said as he watched the prisoners being led away. “How are we going to divide up the interrogating?” That was when he turned to look at me and Reece. He was right about this. We would need to split it up so that we can get it over with sooner rather than later. We didn’t know how long it was going to be before their friends tried to get them back, or exact revenge. They might have been captured, but this was far from over.

“I say that we split up and interview them all separately, but at the same time. I will go interview one of them, and so will you Dietrich, Reece, Shawn, Vincent, Gabriel, David, Shane, Athair mòr, Trevor, Noah and Riley.” I named off all of the ones that were going to be part of the interrogation group. “We will each take one of the prisoners and interview them at the same time. When we are done with that particular person, we will wait for the others to come out of their interviews, then we will discuss what we have learned. If we feel the need to do so, we can switch it up and continue interviewing them so that we all talk to each of them, but they are talking to different people over that time. This will give them all a dozen chances to fuck up and tell us the truth of it all.”

“That sounds like a good plan to me.” Reece nodded. “This way we get several angles to the stories and, of course, Vincent and Gabriel will be able to tell them that they cannot lie to them. They will know that it is a lie the moment that they are in the same room as them.” Reece was happily looking at the men in question. I will admit that their abilities always came in handy, especially since they took on the souls of Gods as well. A lot of us had gotten some abilities over the years, but none of them were as strong as the ones that came when taking a god into our bodies. Even Reece experienced that when he ascended. He was a lot more powerful than he had been before.

It was time to move on though. It was time to get this all moving in the direction that we wanted it to. That was why I called over the others that I had indicated would be doing the interviews with me. And, unsurprisingly, they were all ready to get right into it. There wasn’t a lot of discussion that needed to take place before we divided the men up between us.

Contrary to what Reece wanted, I opted to take Claud first. I wanted to tackle the one that I thought was the worst of them all. Not to mention, from what Talia had told us, he was the one that hurt her in that vision, and that meant that he needed to answer to me personally.

The prisoners were all in cells that were in the ‘dungeon’ of the castle. The cells were set up very much like interview rooms and prison cells combined. There was a cot in the corner that was attached to the wall and floor so that they couldn’t move it. There was a bathroom area that we so politely made sure had been blocked from view so that it wasn’t embarrassing to use the facilities. There was no door though, it was just surrounded by three and a half walls. It also only contained the toilet and sink, as well as soap and toilet tissue. Those were essential.

In the middle of these cells were tables that we could sit at and interrogate them. One chair with chains attached to it so that the prisoners were able to sit comfortably but not go anywhere. There were even rings on the table so that we could chain the prisoners to the table as well as the chair. It made everything a little more secure in my opinion. They wouldn’t be able to activate the runes to kill themselves or contact their family, and they wouldn’t be able to attack us directly if they were deluded enough to think that they stood an ice cube’s chance in hell of hitting one of us.

Being that this was a dungeon, you would think that this place would be cold. That it would make these humans that we were about to talk to shiver just being down here. Well, that would be the wrong assumption to make. This place was not cold at all. It was being kept warm with magic. I wasn’t a cold hearted bitch, so I wasn’t going to make the prisoners freeze to death. As I told the others repeatedly, it was best to present ourselves as kind and caring, even when dealing with these assholes that definitely didn’t deserve our kind treatment.

There were no windows in the dungeon, since it was underground by more than just a few feet. However, there were lights. The lights were built into the ceiling and provided an ample amount of bright white light. I had made it so that the lights dimmed and came on as needed. The prisoners couldn’t control them, but they wouldn’t be left in the dark either. And the lights would go off when it was time to sleep. See, I was being way too kind to these assholes. They were being treated so well by the so-called monster queen, or whatever it was that they had called me.

Oh, and did I mention that this dungeon was a recent addition to my castle. I hadn’t really needed something like this before now, so it wasn’t something that I had thought to do. I mean, the space was here, and there were rooms that were created, but the things inside of them weren’t here until we knew that we needed to bring some people here to interrogate. That was when Athair mòr and I came down here and finished these rooms. We have made twenty of them in all, which is good, because we were using a full dozen of them right now. And there might be the need for more of them later.

At the current moment, I was paused at the door of the cell that I was about to enter. I was looking to the side at Reece as he prepared to enter the room of the man named Fritz. He was giving me a worried look, but he didn’t need to stress about it. I was going to handle myself here with no issues at all. I was a strong independent woman, and a queen. I got this.

“Good luck, Reece.” I nodded at him with a smile. I wanted him to know that I wasn’t worried at all.

“Just try not to scare him to death, Trinity.” He laughed as he opened the door that he was standing in front of. “I am sure that that one is someone that we need to get a lot of information out of.”

“I won’t kill him.” I shook my head as I opened the door. “And I am not that scary.”

“If you say so.” At that moment, we entered the rooms. It was now time to start the interrogations.



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