Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 947

Chapter 947: Chapter 132- Reece – Operation Save The Girls Part 4 (VOLUME 5)




Evil looks, darkened eyes, and threatening postures. This is what we were all seeing in the men that were standing by the girls. Another thing that I saw though, was that the girls were listening to me. They all looked uneasy and seemed to want to get away from those men.

The girls all started to pull away from them and run toward me and the others. The problem though was that Ada and one of the other girls had been hanging onto the men when this all started to go down, and those men decided that they were going to keep those girls in place.

“You’re not fucking going anywhere.” Claud was glaring at me as he growled at the girl.

“LESLIE!” One of the girls that got away called out to her. “ADA!” She called as the girl that I recognized was lifted off of her feet and held against the chest of the man that was holding onto her.


“They aren’t going anywhere, King Reece. You seem to know why we’re here, and you know that we can’t just let them go. That isn’t how this works.” Claud was their leader at the moment. He was the one that was talking the most, and he was also the one that I had heard on the recording the other day. He was the one that was riling their group up like they were villagers about to form an angry mob to take out the big bad monster that lived in the scary castle on the mountain. I didn’t like how part of that was actually true. You know, all except the scary monster part.

“Let them go, Claud.” Trinity glared at the man as she inched forward.

Oh, I was so tempted to pull her back and to put her behind me. As her mate, her husband, and an Alpha King, I just couldn’t stand to see her put herself into harm’s way like that. Then again, if I did that, trying to hide her away from the bad guys like that, I would just be putting myself into harm’s way. And I am not talking about any of the Jaegan. I would be at risk of my Little Bunny taking her anger and frustrations out on me. No, I was better off letting her do what she did best. And that was saving the day while giving me a heart attack. It was so damned stressful being mated to her sometimes. Ninety-nine percent of the time it was bliss, that other one percent was when we were in an active battle situation and she was the one that always got wrapped up into the most dangerous part of the fights. It was so fucking scary.

“No, Mongrel Monster Bitch.” Claud used one hell of a nickname for my Little Bunny, and I was tempted to rip his head off for it. “I don’t think that I will let her go. Not until she is dead anyway. And it was so nice of you to come all the way down here and show yourself in person. I intend to kill you and your husband as well.” There was a manic sort of energy that was radiating off of that man as he spoke.

“You won’t get the chance to kill me or those girls. This is the end of the line for you, Claud. You are under arrest.”

“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!” That was the loudest and most sardonic laughter that I had ever heard in my life. He was acting like a total nutcase. “Don’t make me laugh, bitch. You don’t know what we’re capable of.”

“I don’t think you know what we’re capable of, Claud. Specifically, what I am capable of.” I saw that my wife was pulling magic toward herself. I had been around her and magic for so long that I was able to see this happening. Claud though, he couldn’t tell what she was doing.

“I don’t need to know. I have killed your kind before, and I will do it again.”

Things started to happen really fast just then. I saw that those men were both moving their arms toward the throats of the girls that they were holding, they were going to kill them right then and there.

I wasn’t about to let that happen, and neither was anyone else. I started to run toward them as Shawn and Dietrich started to walk through the shadows. David was moving at his near sonic speed as well. I couldn’t see him moving, but I sensed it happening.

None of this mattered though. By the time that David reached those men, it was too late. Even he hadn’t been fast enough to beat the movement of the other person that was on the move.

My Little Bunny had already formed her plan. And the moment that she sensed the shift in what was happening, she put that plan into motion. The girls were suddenly floating in midair as if they were on some sort of platform, which they were, it was just invisible. The men, though, had long thin cords that were binding them. And not just Claud and the other man that had been holding Ada, but all of them.

As I looked around, I saw that the seven men that were surrounded by the others in the group had been tied up as well. And those long thin cords that were binding them were coming out of the ground. It was like they were all a part of the roots to the trees that surrounded the park. This was all some nature magic that my trinity of a Trinity had tapped into.

“What the hell is this?” Claud’s voice was filled with shock and fear as he struggled to get free. He wasn’t the only one that had been stunned and in awe of what had just happened. I saw David reel in shock as he skidded to a halt in front of the men that had been about to attack the girls. Shawn and Dietrich had stuttered a little in appearance as they blinked back into sight from one of the shadows that they had moved through. And even I had almost stumbled when my eyes had processed what had happened.

Claud wasn’t the only one in their group that had started to protest the sudden appearance of the binding roots that were holding them. I heard several men cursing, screaming, grunting, and just generally yelling as they tried to get free. It was all to no avail though, they weren’t able to get free from their bindings, and therefore, they were no longer a threat to those girls.

“Uh..uhm, I..I..I don’t know what is happening here, but c..c..can we get down now?” Leslie, one of the girls that was floating on that platform, called out to Trinity as she looked down with fear in her eyes. “I..I..I am t..too to move.” She was shaking as she looked down at the ground.

“I am sorry, Leslie.” Trinity lowered the girls slowly to the ground. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I simply wanted to get you to safety. Those poor excuses of men were trying to hurt you.”

“Thank you, Queen Trinity.” Ada said as she stepped off the platform onto the ground. “I..I was so scared when things started to happen, but I am fine now. I knew that you wouldn’t let anything bad happen to us. Thank you so much. You as well, King Reece. Thank you.” She looked like she was about to cry, but it was in relief not fear.

“It is fine, Ada. Please, step over there with your friends and wait for us. We need to take care of a few things.” My Little Bunny smiled at them and I saw that both of the girls relaxed a little at the look.

When the girls ran over to where their friends were, they were welcomed with hugs. The five of them were now standing there with their arms all wrapped around each other in some sort of comforting gesture.

“You five, and those seven over there, are all coming with us.” I finally stepped forward and spoke again. It was time for me to assert some semblance of my dominance in this situation.

“You can’t make us go with you.” One of the men was shouting stupidly at us.

“Really? Fine, go ahead, try to get away. I will wait.” I gave him a look that told him how stupid it is that I thought he was. “What? Did you decide to stick around? Good. Now, we’re taking you all in. You will be questioned, and you will be answering for your crimes.”

“You can’t prove that we’ve done anything wrong. We’re innocent.” Claud smirked. He thought that they were all going to get off scot-free.

“Really? How about DNA and fingerprints. We have plenty of that to go around. And let’s not forget about witness descriptions.”

“No one ever saw anything.” One of the men in the other group yelled out stupidly.

“I will take that as a confession from you. Also, the victims saw you. And it just so happens that we have someone that can converse with the souls that you trapped inside of their bodies. And they were all more than happy to tell us what their killers looked like.” There was a hint of laughter in my voice as I shared that little tidbit. It felt good to see the shiver run through the collective group. I would say that this was going to be a productive night of questioning.



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