YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 98: First Confrontation

Chapter 98: First Confrontation

Before we start, I've realised I didn't really explain much about the other five sacred guardians, but I will put their pictures here:







Also Diadhank are what Duel Disks are called in this era

[Yuna's POV]


When the crowning ceremony ended, a grand banquet commenced to celebrate the new pharaoh. The hall was filled with government officials and influential figures engaging in lively conversations and laughter while soothing music played in the background.

In the corner of the throne room, Kisara stood quietly, carefully holding a goblet of wine. Her lips pursed, and her eyes full of worry, she observed me intently. "Yuna... what happened earlier? You looked distressed..."

"It's nothing..." I lied, averting my gaze.


"Kisara, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hide anything from you... I just needed some time..." I responded, my expression pleading. "My head is just a mess right now..."

Kisara frowned, her expression complicated. Sensing that I didn't want to discuss it further, she sighed quietly and nodded. "Then I will wait... I know you would never mean me harm, Yuna. You must have your reasons..."

"Thank you, Kisara..." I patted her head affectionately. "I will definitely tell you when the time is right."

Smiling sheepishly at my remark, Kisara took a long sip of her wine to hide the blush on her face. As we quietly talked, I noticed footsteps approaching. Turning our heads, Kisara and I watched as Priest Seto calmly walked toward us.

"Look who's here," I smirked. "I'll walk around for a bit. There's no need for me to ruin this moment now..."

Leaving Kisara under Seto's care, the smile on my face faded as I moved away. Slipping through the crowd, I approached the throne, where Yami Yugi sat quietly. Beside him was Shimon, discussing various matters while he nodded absentmindedly.

Noticing my presence, Yami Yugi's eyes widened. I gestured at Shimon with my finger. Understanding my intentions, he awkwardly cleared his throat. "Shimon, may you leave me be for a moment?"

"Of course, my liege. Call me if you need anything." Once Shimon finally left, I stood beside Yami Yugi with my arms crossed.

"Sano... Is that really you?" he questioned hesitantly.

"Look ahead. You don't want to be seen as a strange Pharaoh," I ordered.


"Only you and a select few can see me," I explained. "My presence is invisible to the naked eye."

"I'm still so confused..." Yami Yugi muttered, grasping his head. "What happened? Why am I here, and what's with your different way of speaking?"

"I..." I averted my gaze, sadness in my expression. "Unlike you, who have just arrived, I have been here for five years already..."

Yami Yugi's eyes widened in shock.

"I don't know why I was brought to this world as well, and I have no idea how to leave."

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Yami Yugi said with pity.

"Don't be," I chuckled. "Although I miss everyone, I've gotten used to this life. Don't worry, Pharaoh. I will make sure you pass this trial so we can leave this place."

"Understood. What do you need me to do?"

"I only have one condition." I raised a finger and pointed at Kisara. "For the entirety of this trial, you must keep her safe."

Who is she?" Yami Yugi inquired, and my expression softened.

"Her name is Kisara. She's Shimon's disciple and will soon become the next Grand Vizier. More importantly, she's someone who made these five years enjoyable. I consider her my family. So promise me you'll keep her safe."

"Of course," the Pharaoh nodded. "As a king, shouldn't I at least do that much?"

Seeing his confident expression, I relaxed and smiled gratefully. "Thank you..."

"By the way, since you've already been here, Sano, shouldn't you know my name?" Yami Yugi asked curiously. "Can't we just pass the trial now?"

"I don't think it works like that..." I smiled wryly. "Earlier today, everyone here knew your actual name. But as soon as the trial started, they all miraculously forgot it. Even I couldn't remember, no matter how hard I tried..."

"I see..." Yami Yugi stroked his chin, lost in thought. "Then there must be something we have to do beforehand..."

His eyes flashed with realization. "Bakura..."

"Excuse me?"

"Bakura!" Yami Yugi exclaimed, staring at me. "Bakura also entered with us!"

"Ah..." Thanks to the Pharaoh's reminder, I recalled that we were not alone in this trial. In fact, the most crucial task was to defeat Bakura, who would use the Millennium Ring to summon the Evil God, Zorc Necrophades...

Suddenly, the door to the throne room burst open, and a guard rushed in. Instantly, the music and laughter ceased, replaced by a dreadful silence. Panting in pain, the guard raised his head and gasped for breath, "We're... We're under attack!!"

Before he could finish, the guard winced as he fell to the ground, an arrow piercing deeply into his back. Immediately, screams and panic filled the air. Cloaked figures emerged from beyond the door, spreading through the room and engaging in fierce combat with the royal


To Yami Yugi's astonishment, my body moved instinctively, and I soared over the crowd. Locating Kisara, I saw Priest Seto protecting her as he battled one of the attackers using his spirits. Without hesitation, I summoned the Dragon Knight of Creation, and the warrior slashed the figure from behind.

With the path cleared, I dashed toward Kisara. Stopping beside Priest Seto, who was trying his best to pretend not to see me, I said, "I will look after Kisara. Go and protect the Pharaoh!"

"Understood," Seto whispered back and ran toward the throne.

"Yuna, what's going on?!" Kisara exclaimed in panic as I grabbed her hand.

"There's no time to explain. Just get away from the door!" I urged, leading Kisara toward the back of the room, where the other guests had gathered. Once I ensured Kisara was safe, I sent the Herald of Creation to look after her. The Dragon Knight of Creation followed me as I headed toward the commotion.

Cutting down enemies in our path, we eventually arrived at the throne, where a significant battle was taking place. A crazed laughter echoed loudly, and fighting the Sacred Guardians was a young man with white hair.

He wore a red flowing robe, exposing his muscular chest, a kilt, and slippers. A four-stitched scar marked the skin under his right eye, and his purple pupils revealed a glint of madness. Laughing, the man scanned the crowd nonchalantly, causing the Sacred Guardians'

expressions to tense.

"Bakura..." Yami Yugi gritted his teeth at the sight of the familiar figure.

"Good evening, Pharaoh!" Yami Bakura smiled mockingly. "I hope you enjoyed this moment,

but it's time to get on with this trial, shouldn't we?"

"What are you planning?!" Yami Yugi snapped, rising angrily from his throne.

"Isn't it obvious? To get revenge!" He sneered. "You shall pay for what you have done!"

"What?" The Pharaoh frowned. "What nonsense are you sprouting?!"

"You seriously have no idea, do you?" Yami Bakura's voice trembled with fury. "The

Millennium Items you all cherished were made with the blood of my family!"

Yami Yugi's eyes widened, unable to comprehend the unsettling truth. "Enough!!" Anakadin interrupted, voice filled with anger. "Seto, destroy him!"

Stepping forward, Priest Seto activated the device on his wrist. The plates unfolded like

wings, revealing three slots. "I call upon Battle Ox!" A beam of light shot down from the

ceiling, striking his duel disk.

The device glowed, and a figure began to materialize, taking the shape of a minotaur wielding

an axe. "Now, Battle Ox, attack that man!"

"Truly pathetic! Do you think a spirit like that can stop me?!" Yami Bakura grinned. "Diabound, destroy that weak thing!"

It was as if the room had suddenly darkened, and a heavy pressure enveloped us all. Behind Yami Bakura, a grey humanoid demon materialized. It had a solid, muscular build and a lower body like a serpent. The monster's face resembled a mask, with grey streaks running down its eyes and horns jutting from the sides of its head.

Seeing the creature, the Sacred Guardians gasped as the spirit unleashed a powerful energy. "Just how much hatred does this man have to create something so foul..." Shada muttered grimly. "Priest Seto, I'm afraid this beast is not something you can face alone..."

One by one, each member raised their duel disk toward the air, summoning their spirits for


Karim called out, "I summon Bastest!"

Isis followed with, "Spiria!"

Shada added, "Zelua!"

Aknadin declared, "Gadius!"

Mahad chimed in, "Illusion Magician!"

Various beams of light shot down from the sky, creating a stunning scene that left Yami Yugi speechless. When the light vanished, a group of spirits of varying sizes and forms stood ready. "Do you think this is enough to stop me?!" Yami Bakura laughed arrogantly. "Diabound, destroy them!" Bringing its palms together, an intense energy gathered in its hands. Watching this, I subconsciously frowned, sensing the familiarity of that energy. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon?" I muttered to myself, my eyes widening in realization. It reminded me of when Kaiba tried to rescue me in the museum.

Yami Bakura's Diabound had destroyed Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon before claiming he

had gotten what he wanted, ending the duel prematurely and ordering his spirit to kill Kaiba

directly... Before I could act, Diabound unleashed a white beam, striking the group of spirits. Karim's

Bastest and Aknadin's Gadius were obliterated while the other spirits were flung across the


"Such power..." Priest Seto muttered. "Karim, support me! I will summon my Mystic


Beside Battle Ox appeared a centaur-like beast. As the spirit was successfully summoned, Karim hurriedly stepped forward with his Millennium Scale.

"With the vast power of the Millennium Scale, I invoke the spirit of Mystic Horseman and Battle Ox!" Karim yelled as the two spirits transformed into light and began to merge. "Combine and fuse into Rabid Horseman!"

Galloping out of the light stood a giant beast, a fusion with the upper body of Battle Ox and

the lower body of Mystic Horseman. "Rabid Horseman, attack!" Priest Seto shouted as the spirit swung its axe.

"Do you think that's enough?" Yami Bakura sneered. "Stop him, Diabound!" The demon

deftly dodged Rabid Horseman's axe, its snake-like appendage coiling around the monster's wrist with crushing force.

But Priest Seto remained unfazed, his eyes darting to Mahad. "Now's your chance, attack!"

"Illusion Magician, bind Diabound now!" Mahad commanded. Recovered from the initial attack, Illusion Magician waved its staff, casting a glowing magic circle that imprisoned Diabound in place.

For a moment, hope flickered. But then, Diabound roared, unleashing a devastating shockwave that shattered the magical binds and obliterated Rabid Horseman and Illusion

Magician in an instant.

"Spiria, defend us!" Isis cried out desperately. The small spirit valiantly generated a shield, but it, too, was quickly overwhelmed.

The Sacred Guardians were thrown against the walls, their bodies crumpling to the ground.

Panic surged through me; at this rate, they would all perish.

"Go, Dragon Knight of Creation!" I shouted, my voice cutting through the chaos. The knight, undeterred by the odds, charged at the monstrous Diabound with unwavering resolve. Just before Diabound could finish off the Sacred Guardians, the Dragon Knight of Creation leapt onto its back, plunging his sword into the spirit's spine. Unfortunately, the blade couldn't pierce deeply under Diabound's tough skin, and the monster thrashed wildly, trying

to throw him off.

"Pharaoh!" I shouted, snapping Yami Yugi out of his daze. "Do something!!"

"W... What do I do?!" he stammered.

"Tsk, I don't know! Just try and call the Egyptian Gods or something!" I yelled back, watching

as the Dragon Knight of Creation struggled to hold his ground. "Hurry!"

"Ah, Yuna Sano!" Yami Bakura exclaimed, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "What a

pleasant surprise! I should have known when I saw that familiar spirit..."

I forced a nervous smile. "Bakura... You always know how to annoy me." "What can I say? I have such a likable face." He sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "My

luck seems to be good today; not only do I get to kill the Pharaoh, but I can kill you, too." Dodging Diabound's attacks, the Dragon Knight of Creation returned to my side. Thankfully, the spirit was still holding up. If he fell now, I doubted my soul could handle the backlash.

Come on, Pharaoh... If you don't get your a*s off that chair, I'm really going to die here!

As if responding to my thoughts, Yami Yugi finally stood up. He glared at Yami Bakura before glancing at his wrist, where a DiaDhank rested comfortably. Stepping next to me, his expression was full of determination, though doubt still lingered in his eyes.

"Am I really able to pull it off? Summoning an Egyptian God?" Yami Yugi questioned, and I

frowned. "Aren't you the Pharaoh?" I retorted. "If you can't summon the Egyptian Gods, who can?" "You?" Yami Yugi replied, causing me to close my mouth.

"Well, I mean... the Winged Dragon of Ra has always helped me, but besides that..." I glanced

anxiously at Kisara. "Just try, okay!"

Nodding, Yami Yugi closed his eyes in deep concentration, trying to connect with the Gods. Meanwhile, Diabound resumed its relentless attack. Cursing under my breath, I summoned both the Herald of Creation and the Dragon Knight of Creation in a desperate attempt to

shield us, but the strain was taking its toll, evident as blood dripped from my lips. "Galestgoras, defend the Pharaoh!!" Suddenly, a brown dragon burst into the fray, tackling Diabound with a mighty roar. The dragon bit down on the demon's shoulder, dragging it across the floor in a ferocious struggle.

"Are you alright?" Priest Seto asked, returning to the battle. "I apologise for taking so long."

"Apologize later once we win," I muttered, unsummoning the Dragon Knight of Creation and wiping the blood from my mouth. "I will cover you..."

Together, Priest Seto and I launched a coordinated assault on Diabound. With the immense weight of Galestgoras, the dragon managed to knock the demon back while the Herald of Creation bombarded it with powerful magic.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Yami Yugi's eyes snapped open. Raising his arm, he glared at the sky with unwavering confidence and resolve. "Legendary gods of Egypt, please hear my call! In the name of every Pharaoh that came before, I now beseech thee! Awaken,

mighty Obelisk, and rid the sacred palace of this darkness! I summon Obelisk the Tormentor!"


A thunderous howl filled the air as ominous grey clouds gathered outside, blotting out the sky. Lightning struck the ground as a blinding light shot down and enveloped Yami Yugi. Gritting his teeth, he endured the divine energy as the light condensed, flowing into his

DiaDhank. As the brilliance subsided, Obelisk the Tormentor stood in all its colossal, awe- inspiring glory.

"G... God..." Shimon muttered, a mixture of fear and awe in his voice.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

As if under a powerful enchantment, everyone in the room began to lower their heads, bowing

before the imposing figure of Obelisk the Tormentor. Yami Yugi's eyes were resolute as he pointed at Diabound across the room, "Obelisk the Tormentor, destroy him."

The God roared and swung its colossal arm. Diabound retaliated, and their fists collided with

a thunderous impact, generating a massive shockwave that swept everything in the vicinity away. The confrontation lasted only seconds before the Egyptian God's strength prevailed,

sending Diabound crashing to the ground.

"Surrender now, or face annihilation," Yami Yugi commanded, his voice echoing with authority. Yami Bakura's face twisted into a crooked smile. "Surrender? Don't make me laugh!" Yami Bakura scowled as Diabound pulled itself from the

rubble. Without hesitation, Diabound attacked once more. However, instead of aiming for Yami Yugi, Diabound lunged at the defenceless crowd.

"Obelisk, block it!" Yami Yugi shouted. The Egyptian God moved with lightning speed, intercepting Diabound's attack. A massive explosion shook the room, filling it with smoke and debris. When the dust settled, Yami Bakura and Diabound had vanished, leaving behind only the lifeless bodies of the cloaked figures as a grim reminder of their presence.

I gasped for breath as the tension finally eased. "Good job..." I said with a laugh, but my relief

was short-lived when I noticed Priest Seto staring at me strangely. Feeling something warm trickling down my lips, I wiped my mouth and stared at the blood on my hand in silence. "Ah..." I chuckled weakly, "How the hell am I gonna explain this to Kisara..." The room started to spin, and before I could say another word, darkness overtook

me, and I collapsed.

[3rd POV]

Next day... While Yuna was still unconscious...

"We can't sit here any longer! Your majesty, we must send the army to capture that man

now!" Aknadin said and angrily slapped the table.

"And what happens after? Do you think the soldiers could defeat the spirit that man

possesses? We will just be sending innocent lives to die." Mahad retorted with his arms


"Then what do you suggest we do? His mere existence is a threat to this kingdom!" Aknadin argued, causing the other Sacred Guardians to frown.

"As Priest Mahad have said, the soldier's strength is not enough." This time, it was Shada

who intervened, "I hate to admit, but even with all six sacred guardians present last night, we were still defeated."

"So, in the end, the problem lies in strength." Priest Seto muttered, voicing out everyone's


"Thankfully, I already have a solution for that." Aknadin smiled. "Thanks to some insight from Shada's Millennium Key, I was able to recreate a device that can test the heart of individuals. With this, we can find people with power spirits residing within them." He explained and placed an item that looked similar to the Millennium key but much smaller,

"When someone touches this, the brighter it glows, the more powerful the spirit that resides within them."

"Then what will happen with those people?" Seto questioned, not liking where the conversation was going.

"Of course, we will extract the spirits from their body, allowing us to use it to battle,"

Aknadin announced, and the other sacred guardians blinked in disbelief. "Priest Aknadin..." Karim said with a hesitant expression, "I assume you're aware that monster spirits were formed through a person's life energy, and extracting the spirits could

result in the person's death. While this procedure is done with death row inmates, you're saying that we should do this to civilians?"

"I understand your concern," Aknadin replied calmly, "But it is a sacrifice we have to make. If

we don't stop Bakura soon, more people will die..." The sacred guardians' expressions were complicated. They understood Aknadin's implication, and while they were unsettled about taking innocent lives, they also knew that if

they didn't do something, Bakura would create more chaos that they might not be able to


"We are to protect the innocent... Not kill them...." Isis spoke with difficulty as her pupils trembled.

"But we have no other choice," Aknadin continued, "Remember last night, we've barely won

thanks to some unknown person's help. While I was thankful for their assistance, I can't find myself trusting them."

Priest Seto: "What are you saying?"

"From those two spirits' strength alone, I believe it's worth the sacrifice! That dragon-like

knight and mage will be a great asset."

Priest Seto, Kisara and Yami Yugi's eyes widened as they realised who that unknown person

Aknadin was referring to...

"You can't!" Kisara yelled with a fearful expression.

Aknadin: "Young Miss... I know that you may be the next grand vizier, which is why you must

put your emotions aside and think rationally."

"I don't condone this! This is inhumane!" Kisara argued fiercely, causing the old man's

eyebrows to twitch.

"Then would you willingly let everyone die instead?!" "Enough!!" Yami Yugi sighed and interrupted the argument, "I agree with Kisara... There

must be another method. I don't want to discuss this any further... Meeting adjourned..." "Understood..." Aknadin muttered regretfully as everyone stood up. He still felt regretful, and resounding in his heart, he thought that this was the best method. As he was lost in thought, Kisara's body suddenly nudged the item to the ground. With an

apologetic expression, she handed the artifact back to Aknadin before quickly exiting the


When Aknadin was about to store the item away, it suddenly flashed a brilliant glow, so blinding it left him stunned.

"Lord Aknadin, is something the matter?" A servant asked carefully, noticing his daze.

"It's nothing..." Aknadin answered and left the room. Unbeknownst to the servant, his final

expression before leaving the room was chillingly cold...

I swear writing these things about spirits, it really feel like a stand battle... Anyway I hope you

enjoy it!

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