YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 95: Each Other's Secret

Chapter 95: Each Other's Secret

[Yuna's POV]

"My master wants to see you."

That was the first thing Shada said to us upon his arrival. Confused, Kisara nodded stiffly and began to follow him back into the courtyard. Moving deeper into the building, Shada eventually led us to a closed door, and I sensed a presence inside.

"Master, I have brought her." Shada knocked on the door before turning to us, "Please enter quietly."

"Are you not coming in with us?" Kisara asked, and he shook his head.

"He only requested you, and I will be waiting outside. But please don't be disrespectful; my master is the Grand Vizier. One wrong word can get you in a lot of trouble." Shada explained. "G..Grand Vizier..." Kisara gulped nervously and shivered.

At Shada's urging, she hesitantly opened the door and stepped inside. Immediately upon entering, a pleasant fragrance hit our noses, and an elderly man sat at the centre of the room. Dressed in clean white robes, the man has spiky grey hair styled upwards and a wrinkled face with brown skin. On his neck was the familiar Millennium Key; while it looked like an ordinary ornament in Kisara's eyes, I knew its power and couldn't afford to relax.

However, that's not the main thing I was focusing on...

'He looked just like Grandpa Muto...' I thought to myself and stared at him with discomfort. Even if I knew that he was not the same person, their appearance and behaviour were so similar that it left me in a daze.

It felt like everyone I know has forgotten about my very existence... That I was alone, stranded in this passage of time. While I was able to endure at the beginning, as time went on, I could feel myself losing a sense of reality...

Before I realised it, a single tear dripped down my face, and I struggled to control my emotions. Noticing my distress, Kisara glanced at me worriedly but was unable to act in the presence of the elderly man.

"Worry about me later..." I insisted, "Focus on what is happening now."

"But Yuna..." She mouthed.

"No buts!" I hushed, "Just listen to what he has to say!"

Despite feeling reluctant, Kisara eventually nodded under my firm refusal. As the man

finished his tea, he smiled calmly, "Please relax and sit down..."

"Nn..." Kisara mumbled dejectedly, and I felt guilty for scolding her a little too hard. When she sat down, Kisara immediately held my hand in comfort.

"My name is Shimon Muran, and as you heard from my disciple, I'm the current Grand Vizier of the great Pharaoh." Shimon introduced himself with a friendly grin.

"I'm Kisara..." Kisara greeted uncomfortably, "Um... What am I doing here?"


Suddenly, we heard a scrambling noise outside, and I assumed Shada must have collapsed in exasperation at Kisara's manner of speech. Reaching the same conclusion as me, Shimon chuckled, "Don't worry about your etiquette. Just speak like you normally do."

"As for why you're here, I'm merely interested in the girl that Shada spoke so highly about," Shimon explained, and we heard another loud noise outside of the room.

"Ma... Master... Our relationship isn't like that..." Shada spoke in a flustered tone from beyond the door.

"Hoh? Then what's all that statement of her intelligence?" Shimon pointed out, "You were praising her passionately earlier."

"Please excuse me! I realised I had something to do, so I had to leave prematurely." Shada frantically replied and ran away as we heard his footsteps fading into the distance.

Caught off guard by this interaction, Kisara suddenly burst into a small giggle. When she finally regained her composure, she stared at the floor and blushed, "S.. Sorry..."

Shimon chuckled and smiled wryly, unbothered by her reaction, "As I was saying, your test results have piqued my interest..."

Taking out a papyrus scroll, Shimon calmly spread it open, revealing Kisara's answers. "You see, I noticed something peculiar with your response. Unlike the other examinees, your response seemed to cover all aspects of a question, as if you put everyone else's idea and merged it into one..."

"How interesting is that?" Shimon smiled as Kisara and I tensed.

No way... he didn't catch on, did he? I sweated nervously as Kisara took a deep breath, sharing the same sentiment, "Is that bad?"

Fortunately, Shimon still seemed oblivious to our cheating. "No, quite the contrary," He explained, "This shows that you have an objective view of the situation."

"Other than administrative tasks, a scribe also has to write various documents, from legal contracts, religious texts and royal records. There will definitely be times when you won't agree with what was written."

"When those moments do come to fruition, you must separate your opinions from facts." Shimon said solemnly, so having a different perspective of things is indeed a favourable skill."

Listening to his explanation, Kisara sighed with relief and laughed nervously, "I'm not that impressive..."

However, Shimon interpreted this the wrong way and smiled, "It's okay to show some pride since it's only the two of us here."

At this point, Kisara's eyes spun dizzily, unable to comprehend the situation. Realising that the elderly man before her was getting scammed in real-time, we both felt pity while unable to speak up because our future were at stake.

"Besides that, I'm also interested in your calculations." Shimon continued and pointed at the numbers on the page. The method of inventing an imaginary variable to solve the problem was something unorthodox but still exciting nonetheless."

This time, Kisara seemed to agree since it was a method I taught her, and it was obvious that she was happy that my teaching was being praised.

"Does this mean I'm qualified?" Kisara's pupil gleamed with anticipation as Shimon slowly closed the scroll.

"As for your achievements in the exam, you are indeed qualified. However," He continued with a pause, "There's also another requirement that you must pass for you to be chosen."

Without further explanation, Shimon reached for the Millennium Key hanging by his neck. "Kisara, would you kindly hold this for me?" He chuckled, and the room's atmosphere

became tense...

[3rd POV]

Shimon smiled calmly, his expression unreadable. As Kisara stared at the key, he noticed her hesitation in his instructions, as if she knew the details of the Millennium Key. In truth, other than being interested in Kisara, Shimon found her to be suspicious.

She was a girl with no background that suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. While other commoners hoped they could get lucky with the exam, Kisara 's answers seemed to fit every criterion of a scribe that Shimon was looking for.

'Is she a spy?' Shimon thought to himself, 'Her appearance was already much different from a normal Egyptian, but who would need to send a spy? Was it the Romans?'

Shimon wasn't sure, but all will be revealed when she touch the Millennium Key... After much consideration, Kisara carefully reached out her tiny hand. As her fingers came in contact with the artifact, Shimon instantly felt their consciousness connected. However, before he could enter his mind, he froze.

Floating behind Kisara was a beautiful young woman with blue hair. Like an angel watching over her shoulders, the woman carefully embraced Kisara's back, openly displaying her


'Is she a spirit?' Shimon analysed and glanced at the girl before him.

Kisara was still staring at Shimon strangely, as if unaware of the woman behind her. As he continued to gaze at the woman, she suddenly lifted her face from Kisara's white hair and


Noticing Shimon's gaze, the woman's brow furrowed before widening in surprise. Her lips pursed as she observed Shimon wary and the arms wrapping around Kisara tightened.

Before Shimon could even think, cold energy swept through the room, and his body instinctively flinched as sweat beads down his face as if responding to the woman's wariness,

a dormant being seemed to awaken with Kisara, and Shimon felt as if a new pair of beastly eyes were watching his every move.

'Another one?!' Shimon stiffened with alarm, 'Such strength...'

As Shimon focused more, he could vaguely discern the creature's shape, and he saw the shadow of a dragon looming over Kisara with protectiveness. Both the woman and the dragon were glaring at him as if telling Shimon that one wrong move would spell his demise. Despite the openly displayed hostility, Shimon sensed the pureness of Kisara's mind. There was never a scheme against the Pharaoh or anything like that. In fact, her thought was so uncontaminated that it felt unreal.

'Was that why those two cherish her so much?' Shimon thought and glimpsed at the woman and dragon watching over her.

"Um, Mr Shimon..." Kisara mumbled uncomfortably... "How long do I have to hold the

necklace for?"

"Ah..." Shimon snapped out of his daze and glimpsed at her. Recalling her innocent and pure mind, he slowly retracted the Millennium Key. To his relief, the woman and dragon's presence vanished, allowing Shimon to breathe.

"Are you alright?" Kisara asked worriedly, noticing his cold sweat, "Do you need some rest."

"Don't worry. I merely over-exerted myself, that's all." Shimon took a sharp breath and wiped the sweat from his face, "I will be fine after a few minutes... As for the second test, I

believe you have passed."

Surprised, Kisara jumped and slapped the table, "R... really?!"

"Of course," He smiled wryly, "As of now, you have officially become an apprentice scribe. In fact, just like Shada, I will teach you myself."

Kisara's face lit up with joy as she struggled to control herself from celebrating, "T... Thank


"You don't have to thank me, and teaching is also merely a hobby of mine." Shimon chuckled, "I look forward to your growth."

"Yes!" Kisara smiled brightly as Shimon patted her head.

"This is all for today. Please come back tomorrow, and everything will be arranged before

then." With Shimon's reassurance, Kisara quietly left the room. Outside, she saw Shada waiting for her, "So how did it go?"

"Fu fu fu, as of today, we are officially rivals!" Kisara confidently announced, and he frowned.

"Don't get too carried away, and you are technically my junior!" Shada poked her forehead

and teased, "So you better show me some respect!"

Pouting, Kisara crossed her arms before breaking into a sheepish grin. After a few more

minutes of bickering, they bid each other farewell. Running home, Kisara's steps were light as

we both felt excited of our now bright future.

[Yuna's POV]

"Yuna, we did it... We really did it!" Kisara stammered excitedly. However, noticing my

perpetual frown, she anxiously tilted her head, "That's good, right?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just lost in thought..." I explained before quickly smiling, "You did great. I'm

so proud..." Keeping the smile plastered on my face, I stroked her head out of habit while

recalling what happened in that room.

He definitely saw me...

My hand flinched, worried about Kisara's safety plagued my mind. As soon as she held the

Millennium Key, Shimon's gaze instantly turned from Blue Eyes, White Dragon and I. Despite his good intentions, I couldn't overlook the off chance that associating with him would harm


But being taught by Shimon himself was also amazing... Ugh, I bit my lips as the pros and cons weighed heavily against my conscience. For now, it may be best if I watch; if something truly bad is happening, I will intervene...

"Yuna...." Kisara spoke softly and hugged my body. Lifting her head, her face showed a hesitant expression, and her voice barely a whisper, "Earlier... You were crying..." "Yes..." I nodded, and my smile subconsciously disappeared, "Shimon just reminded me of someone I know..."

"Then why would Yuna cry?" Kisara questioned, "Was he someone bad?" "No," I chuckled and played with her hair, "Just like Shimon, he's kind and caring..."

"I think... the reason I cried was because I felt lonely..." I revealed my honest thoughts, "Kisara, you must know that I'm not from here..."

Gradually, I began to open up my heart; I talked about where I really came from. What happened to me, and what is the situation I'm currently in? As I talked, I felt the sadness

resurfacing, and my vision became blurry again.

I missed Kaiba...

I missed Mokuba...

I missed Serenity...

I missed Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand...

I missed Starving Venom Fusion Dragon...

I missed The Dragonmaids...

"I missed home..." I wept and tried to wipe my tears, making a mess of myself. Unable to

control my body, I finally released the pent-up emotions and cried...

[Kisara's POV]


My body trembled at the sound of her cry, and I didn't know what to do. I clenched my fists at

my helplessness as I couldn't relate to her pain. From her story, I realised that all the time she

had been supporting me, I wasn't able to reciprocate that same kindness to her... Instinctively, I crawled and embraced Yuna, trying to use my tiny body to wrap around her. As I witnessed her sorrow, I also felt like crying too...

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Yuna..." Words kept flowing out of my mouth as I stammered

anxiously, "It's because Yuna stayed with me that she couldn't go back home..." Suddenly, two hands cupped my face as Yuna pulled my face close. She glared at me with her

red eyes, and I shivered at her angry expression.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Don't ever say that..." She growled, "Kisara was never at fault!"

"But Yuna..."

"No buts!" Yuna yelled and pinched my cheeks, "You should never apologise for something

you have never done!"

Biting my lips, I nodded helplessly, and she released my face. In an awkward silence, I

glimpsed at Yuna, who was hugging her knees with her back facing me. Unsure of what to do, I awkwardly tapped her with my hand.

"Um... Yuna..." I called and patted my thigh, "Can you come here?"

Under my invitation, she gently laid her head on my lap, and she glimpsed at me in confusion.

Remembering how Yuna always does it, I carefully stroked her hair with a serene smile. "There there..." I muttered with a slight blush, "Everything will be alright." "Kisara, I... I don't think this is necessary." Yuna stuttered in embarrassment and covered her


"But it always worked with me!" I argued confidently, "So why wouldn't it work with Yuna?"

Speechless, Yuna watched me untangling her hair. With a giggle, I also wiped the remaining tears from her eyes, "Yuna always looked after me but never looked after herself..."

"It's unfair to show my weakness to Yuna all the time, and you don't do the same." I pouted, and she averted her gaze.

"Kisara, have enough worries," Yuna mumbled, "It's not good if I add it anymore." "Kuuu!!" I frowned and exacted my revenge as I pulled on her face, "You're all what I'm

worried about!! I told you before as long as you're with me, I don't care what happens!"

"I...." Yuna opened and closed her mouth in resignation, "I'm sorry for being so troublesome..."

"I should be the one saying that," I sighed, "So it's okay for Yuna to cry once in a while. I will make sure to hold you together!"

Touched, Yuna smiled softly, and her eyes curved in satisfaction, "Then I will do just that..."

She muttered.

My shoulders relaxed, and I felt relieved that her mood had improved. Still maintaining my

smile, I brought Yuna to the bed and forced her to lie down, "Now, after you've cried, you have to sleep to regain all the lost energy!"

Despite not needing sleep, Yuna eventually closed her eyes under my firm insistence. Crawling into the bed and embracing her, I patiently waited as she fell asleep. Remembering

the other times Yuna fell asleep, I must wake her up forcefully or else she would really sleep for a long time...

When I was confident that Yuna had fallen asleep, I sat up and held her hands, "I'm sorry, Yuna..." I apologised, "Despite having talked openly about your problems, I still hid mine..." Suddenly, light glowed from my hands as I felt my strength leaving my body. Staring at Yuna's face, I watched as her pale skin gradually regained its usual vitality. "That's all better..." I muttered and snuggled in her arms.

Gazing at her healthy face, I smiled with relief. This would always be a secret of mine since

Yuna would definitely get mad if she found out that I had been giving her some of my Ba. She

herself doesn't even realise her worsening conditions because I was able to replenish her energy discreetly. "I accidentally gave Yuna a bit more than I was planning," I took a tired breath. But it was worth it if she would get better. It wasn't difficult for me to notice her depleting Ba. While

ordinary people can always replenish their life energy, Yuna's would constantly be drained


"That's why Yuna don't have to know... I will make sure that you can continue keeping me safe, so don't go anywhere... Just keep loving me, okay?" I smiled, closed my eyes, and drifted

off to sleep...

I hope you enjoy it!

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