YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 91: To the World of Memories!

Chapter 91: To the World of Memories!

A few Days Later...

[Yuna's POV]

"I'm home..." I spoke absentmindedly and opened the door to my apartment. It has been more than a month since I have seen this place, and nostalgia overwhelmed me.

Just like Kaiba promised, he has people to fix the damages. All the furniture was brand new, and it seemed like they had been replaced with better ones. As I ran my finger across the new kitchen table, my mind subconsciously wandered to Kaiba, and my heartbeat quickened.

We hadn't talked once after that day. Soon, school will start again, and that's when I will see him again and hear his answer. Moving robotically to my bedroom, I collapsed onto the bed and groaned.

I buried my face in my pillows while staring at Kaiba's contact number. My finger hesitated on the call button as I desperately resisted the urge. Even if I stated that I would wait for him, it only made the feeling much worse...

"Aren't I pathetic?" I uttered out loud, "Someone that never experienced love crumbled just at the mere sensation of it..."

Clenching my fists, I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts. I have to be patient, and I would look like an idiot for running to him now. But I can't help but wonder how he's doing... Slowly sitting up, I yawned tiredly and glanced at the time. It was already quite late, and the excitement of returning home gradually seeped away, leaving me fatigued.

As I considered going to bed, the doorbell suddenly rang loudly, disturbing my peace. Frowning, I hurriedly moved to the door and opened it. However, to my confusion, I saw nothing waiting for me by the entrance.

Sensing something amiss, I carefully closed the door and turned around. My instincts screamed at me, warning my body about an imminent danger. Tensing, I hurriedly summoned my spirit.

"Divine Dragon Lord Fel...." However, before I could finish, something cold and sharp was tightly pressed against my neck, and an arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Shhhhh..." A raspy voice whispered, sending a shiver down my spine...

From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the man's appearance. He wore blue pants and a teal shirt beneath a black trench coat that billowed around him. His face was unforgettable, framed by wild white hair and bloodshot eyes, reminiscent of a deranged asylum inmate. The Millennium Ring hung on his chest, its eerie glow casting sinister shadows in the dimly lit


"It's... you..." I muttered and glared at Yami Bakura with disdain.

Yami Bakura smiled, revealing his white teeth, "We meet again... Yuna Sano. The last time we met, you caused me quite some trouble... By the way, I suggest you call those guys back. Unless you want to get hurt, that is..."

Confused by his statement, I glanced around and noticed my spirits surrounding him. Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand hissed, its claws dangerously close to his heart, and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon's stinger hovered menacingly near his spine. In front of us stood House Dragonmaid, her hand aimed at Yami Bakura's face, ready to gouge out his eyes.

Staring at the spirits, Yami Bakura sneered, and he remained calm, "I recommended you not to do anything too rashly." He spoke to them, "If you even so happen to graze me, this knife will plunge into her neck."

As if acting out his threat, Yami Bakura slowly dug the blade deeper into my flesh, and I winced in pain as blood gently flowed down my wound. The dragons roared in frustration as Yami Bakura took out several ominous stone tablets from his pocket.

"Now, lock yourself in those." He ordered the dragons.

Sensing their hesitation, Yami Bakura scowled and with a swift motion, he swiped the blade against my cheek, leaving a cut that left my spirits trembling, "Don't make me wait any longer..."

I desperately pleaded with the dragons not to go along with his order. However, I could feel their will to fight diminishing by the second. Eventually, their expression crumbled into sorrow as each spirit picked up the tablets, much to my reluctance.

One by one, dark energy emerged from the tablets, completely sealing the Duel Monster Spirits away, and I felt our connection being cut off. Storing the tablets away, Yami Bakura smiled triumphantly as he approached me with confident steps.

"Now that's taken care of..." He muttered and lifted his Millennium Ring, "You should sleep too..."

Purplish smoke spewed from the ring, causing me to step back in shock. As I accidentally inhaled the ominous fumes, my consciousness began to fade. Struggling to stay awake, I eventually collapsed. With the last ounce of my strength, I frantically searched through the system for a card in my inventory.

As the card dropped to the ground, I touched it and yelled, "Winged Dragon of Ra!!"


A golden divinity blasted Yami Bakura across the room, and a giant dragon loomed over me. Roaring in anger, the Winged Dragon of Ra charged at Yami Bakura with murderous intent and Yami Bakura began to battle with the god.

Thankfully, with Ra's appearance, I was momentarily able to regain a little bit of energy. However, even with the Egyptian God fighting beside me, I knew time was of the essence as the toll of summoning Ra was already taking effect.

Coughing in pain, I desperately reached for the phone that had fallen beside me. I frantically turned it on and began to type. Unable to check who I'm actually contacting, I resigned to

hope and sent my message.


A loud noise jolted me out of my concentration as I saw the Winged Dragon of Ra being pushed back, its form slowly fading. Ensuring the message was sent, I quickly slid the phone under the couch to keep it out of Yami Bakura's sight. Desperately, I attempted to unsummon the Egyptian God and store the card back in my system. But before I could, Yami Bakura snatched it up, humming in delight.

"Damn..." I cursed before everything went dark...

[3rd POV]


In the Kaiba Corp headquarters of Domino City, Seto was attentively skimming through the various important documents. The memory of a few days ago was still messing with him, making Seto unable to sleep and exhausted.

Recalling Yuna's smile as she confessed her love, Seto's face turned bright red as he touched where she kissed her. His heart beat rapidly, and he recalled the warmth of her hand, which

held his hand.

Smiling, Seto resumed his work, but he quickly stopped when a figure appeared in the room. "Brother," Noah said with a frown, "Yugi Mutou has been trying to contact you."

"Mutou?" Seto's mood soured upon hearing his name, "Ignore it."

However, Noah remained hesitant and coughed. "He stated that it was very urgent.

Apparently, Big Sister is in trouble..."

Seto froze, and he momentarily dropped his pen. Instantly, his expression turned solemn as

he requested Noah to pull him through.

"Kaiba!!" Yugi yelled frantically, "Sano-san need's help!"

"Explain," Seto scowled and tapped the desk impatiently, "This better not be a joke..."

"I won't be joking about these kinds of things!" Yugi protested, "She suddenly sent me this text. I don't know what's happening, but it's very urgent!" At his request, Noah brought up the message, causing Seto's expression to turn extremely grim.

[Yuna: Send Help. In Danger. Not much time.]

Reading the message, various scenarios went through his head. Seto's face turned extremely pale as he held his breath, "Track her current location, now!" He shouted, and Noah nodded. When he showed that her phone was still in her home, Seto then ordered Noah to search through every available camera near her street, finding someone walking suspiciously. A few minutes later, he witnessed the same person carrying an unconscious girl away.

"Yuna..." Seto's voice choked, "Where are they going?! Tell me now!"

"To the Domino City Museum..." Noah muttered in worry.

Before he could even continue, Seto abruptly stood up, "I'm leaving!" He declared with

murder in his eyes.

"We will go there as well!" Yugi yelled through the call, "We will meet you there!" Swiftly, he hung up as Seto marched out of his office.

Without waiting for anyone, he took off running. Jumping into a car, he sped down the road,

blatantly disregarding dozens of traffic laws. As Seto raced closer to his destination, he

fervently prayed that Yuna would be safe...

Ten Minutes Later...

[Yuna's POV]

I slowly opened my eyes, disoriented and confused about my surroundings. Gradually, it all came back to me-Yami Bakura had knocked me unconscious in my own home. I tried to move, but my arms and legs were tightly bound, my entire body secured to a chair. Lifting my head, I cautiously observed my surroundings. Egyptian artifacts were displayed throughout the room, each one meticulously placed. When I glanced behind me, I saw the familiar giant stone tablet depicting the Pharaoh and the three Egyptian Gods. "Domino City Museum..." I mumbled, "Why am I... here..." As I was lost in thought, footsteps approached me, and my expression turned sour as I glared at the man standing before me. "Good evening..." Yami Bakura greeted with a sneer, "You finally woken up." Clicking my teeth, I glared at him with hatred, "My spirits... What have you done to them..."

"You mean them?" He sneered and opened his trench coat as several tablets fell to the ground. Staring at my spirits, my heart twinges with guilt at their sacrifices, and Yami Bakura


Gritting my teeth in helplessness, I asked anxiously. "What... do you want from me?"

"What do I want?" He smirked and held the tip of my chin, "I just need you to sit nicely and

act as bait."

"Bait..." My lips pursed at the word, and Yami Bakura's smile widened.

Turning my chair around, he made me face the massive Tablet of Memories displayed against

the wall, "I think you already know now, this stone tablet contains an immense power that can only be activated with the presence of the three Egyptian Gods Cards."

"Are you expecting... the Pharaoh will come?" I replied coldly, "You should've... Kidnapped

someone else..."

Yami Bakura laughed as if I had said a funny joke, "Do you really believe that? Of course, he

will show up. He's the pharaoh, after all..."

"Then..." "Don't you get it?" Yami Bakura laughed and stroked the side of my face with his finger, "I'm

also after someone else..."

Realising who he was probably referring to, I bit my lips in anger, "You!"

Suddenly, Yami Bakura grapsed my neck, and his expression felt demonic, "Yes... What face

would you make if I harmed the person you love?"

My pupils trembled, and I thought about Kaiba getting hurt. Sensing my fear, Yami Bakura

smiled and released his hold as I gasped for breath, "Yuna Sano, you have always been the bane of my existence."

"You stopped me from getting the Millennium Eye and then defeated me in Battle City,

forcing me to bide my time and regain my strength. Because of that, I had to use the cards I'd been saving, but even they proved more incompetent than I anticipated." Confused, I frowned at Yami Bakura's explanation. "Did you really think everything that

happened over the past few months was natural?"

"What are you... talking about?"

"Dartz and Anubis," he said, crossing his arms and smirking. "Did you really think they

appeared so randomly? It wasn't difficult to influence Dartz's mind to make him act rashly or to use some magic to revive Anubis prematurely..."

It was as if something had finally clicked, and I stared at Yami Bakura in shock. All this time, I have been treating the events happening as if they would definitely happen, just like the shows. However, because of that, I have never questioned why they would happen in the first


So it is all because of him...

My expression distorted, "What is your point..." I growled, "There's no reason... To tell me all

this..." "Indeed, it is just my mindless ranting..." Yami Bakura mused and approached me, "This is my revenge, Yuna Sano; I will make sure you will truly pay..." Glaring at Yami Bakura, he snorted and glanced at his phone. Smiling enthusiastically, he

showed me the live camera footage on his screen of a familiar man marching into the Museum.

"Looks like the star has arrived..." He laughed, and I struggled desperately against my restraint.

As my fear finally came true, I heard loud footsteps approaching us from the distance. My

gaze settled on the calm but fuming man standing before us. My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met before immediately turning to worry.

"Yuna..." Seto muttered quietly upon noticing me, and he clenched his fists as he glared daggers at Yami Bakura standing beside me. "Kaiba... Be careful!" I yelled, trying to warn him.

However, before I could say anything more, I felt a sharp pain across my face as a crisp sound

echoed in our ears. Grinning, Yami Bakura flicked his wrists and glanced at Kaiba, who was

shaking in anger.

"You dare..."

"Hostage needed to stay quiet, you know?" Yami Bakura laughed.

Without responding, Kaiba activated his Duel Disk and pointed at him, "Shut up... I will make

sure you regret this...."

As if anticipating Kaiba's response, Yami Bakura's smile widened as he followed suit, and the

two began to engage in a fierce duel. Watching on the sidelines, I felt helpless and cursed in


'There's got to be something I can do...' I thought frantically, and my gaze gradually wandered towards the stone tablets that stored my Duel Monster Spirits. Duel Monster Spirits...

Vitality slowly returned to my eyes as I opened my system in a hurry. Making sure I had

enough credits, I began to mass-buy cards. Even now, I am still unsure of why Duel Monster Spirits will suddenly show up, but my highest hypothesis was because of Ten Thousand Dragon's lingering power that connected the spirits during the purchasing process.

So, why not try to get a new spirit? Praying passionately, I continued to purchase cards, and

my credits got lower and lower.

"Come on... You guys have always been fighting alongside me since the start... So please help me now..." I begged desperately as the duel had already reached its climax.

As I kept buying cards, I suddenly felt something in my heart. It was as if I could feel another

emotion, one that was not my own. Realising this, I exhaled with relief and glared at Yami

Bakura. It's time for payback...

[3rd POV]

"I will activate the spell Spirit Illusion and equip it to my Diabound Kernel; this way, I can

summon a Doppelganger with its same effect and attack!"

Besides the monstrous white demon, another monster with the same appearance appeared, and the two fiends hissed maliciously at Seto. [Doppleganger Token (Diabound Kernel): 1800 Attack]

"Now, I will activate the second Diabound Kernel's effect and attach it to your Blue Eyes

White Dragon. Then your dragon will lose attacks equal to Diabound Kernel's!" [Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 -> 1200 Attack]

"Now, Diabound Kernel, attack and destroy the Blue Eyes White Dragon!" Yami Bakura

shouted as the demon fired dark magic and destroyed the Dragon.

[Seto Kaiba: 1500 LP -> 900 LP]

Watching the dragon collapsing to the ground, Yami Bakura smiled and stared at Seto with

excitement. Unbeknownst to him, when Diabound Kernel destroyed Blue Eyes White Dragon, it had already stolen its power...

"Are you not going to end your turn?" Seto snapped, and he shrugged. "There's no need to continue the duel any longer," Yami Bakura rolled his eyes, "I have

already got what I wanted from you..."

"What?!" Seto fumed, "You think I would let you get away with this?! After what you've done!"

"What would you do?" Yami Bakura sneered, "I have enough of this, Diabound Kernel. Kill


To Seto's disbelief, it was as Diabound Kernel forcibly broke free from his game as the monster acted out of control and not to the Kaiba Corp's programming. Its body texture became more real as it lunged at Seto with the intent to kill.


*CLANGG* Suddenly, Seto's eyes widened as a man dressed in golden armour appeared, blocking demon's strike with his massive sword. Staring at the man, Seto felt his appearance to be familiar before remembering the man as a Duel Monster, one that Yuna used!

Watching the scene, Yami Bakura frowned and sensed something coming from behind. As he hurriedly dodged, a beam of magic struck the floor where he was previously standing... Turning towards Yuna, Yami Bakura saw a woman beside her. The woman was dressed in an

elegant white robe, and her face was covered by a golden helmet. She skillfully wielded her long staff, creating several magic orbs that floated around her.

Yami Bakura growled in annoyance as he summoned the rest of his Duel Monster Spirits,

"Die!!" He screamed as they engaged in a fierce battle.

"Kaiba, Sano!" The two heard a loud voice as Yugi, along with the rest of his friends, finally arrived, and they stared at the scene in shock. "Bakura!" Yugi shouted, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Ah, Yugi... It's about time when you finally showed .." Yami Bakura grinned, "Now I will take what's rightfully mine! Go my spirits, retrieve the rest of the Egyptian God Cards!" The room was in utter chaos. Yugi and his friends desperately dodged the monster's attack

while engaging in a fierce battle with Yuna's spirits. Watching, Yami Bakura chased Yugi before cornering him.

With a smile, he summoned his Diabond Kernel as it grabbed Yugi and held him in place.

Dragon Knight of Creation tried to intercept but was swiftly blocked by Yami Bakura's

remaining spirits.

Chuckling, Yami Bakura dug through Yugi's pocket, retrieving the two Egyptian God Cards, "Finally... It's time!"

Under the cover of his monsters, Yami Bakura leisurely approached the Tablet of Memories

while dragging Yugi by the scruff of his neck, "With the power of the three Egyptian Gods, I

will now activate your power!"

Suddenly, the carving of the Millennium Puzzle shone blindly. To everyone's shock, Yugi groaned as the Pharoah emerged from his body.

"Yugi!" Yami Yugi shouted frantically as he gradually floated towards the Tablet of


Laughing, Yami Bakura's body began to do the same as they were absorbed into the tablet. The room instantly became quiet as they stared at the collapsed Yugi and Bakura in shock; the presence of the Pharaoh and evil spirits in their bodies was nowhere to be found. Out of the blue, the Tablet of Memories began to glow once more, this time more brightly

than before. Each picture began to shine as the light condensed into a single line, illuminating

the dark room. To Yuna's shock, the light shot towards her at a blinding speed and pierced her


"Yuna!!" Seto screamed and sprinted towards her. Feeling something strange, Yuna gasped as her vision distorted, and she fainted. The last thing she saw was her own transparent bodyn/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

floating towards the Tablet of Memories...

[Yuna's POV]

Sometime later...

'Where the hell am I now...' I thought when I finally regained my vision. I could still

remember the sensation of getting sucked into the Tablet of Memories as if I was being

pulled by a massive vacuum Cleaner.

Looking around, I saw that everything was dark, and I hesitantly reached out, touching something cold. "Metal bars..." I muttered in confusion before continuing to move my hands. Eventually, I touched something soft, and I ran my fingers along the object. Suddenly, I felt movement as the thing I was touching flinched, and I finally heard the sound of breathing. I visibly froze and nervously raised my hand, feeling a small lip, a nose and two eyes. Realising

I was touching a face, I frantically retracted my hand.


A small whimper entered my ears, and I nervously approached the person. Sensing their fear, I

tried to be as slow as possible. Strangely, I felt calm like never before and as if the person

before me was someone I had known for a long time.

Finally, when I was close enough, I paused. A young girl sat in front of me. She had beautiful long white hair and baby blue eyes that were light, small sapphire jewels. Contrary to her

majestic appearance, she was dressed in tattered and dirty clothes, showcasing her pitiful


"No way..." I muttered in shock as the girl stared at me in fear and curiosity, "Kisara..."

"Who are you?" Kisara asked hesitantly, "How do you know my name?"

I held my breath as her eyes scanned me from top to bottom. Too stunned to respond, we

stared at each other in silence.

'What in the world...' I thought. Out of all of the situations I encountered in this life, this was

the one that left me speechless...

I hope you enjoy it!

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