YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 84: What Do the Rich Want From Me?

Chapter 84: What Do the Rich Want From Me?

[Yuna's POV]

Zigfried fell onto his back, startled by the intense ferocity of Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. As his life points dropped to a zero, silence engulfed the crowd. The only remaining sounds were the Duel Disks beeping loudly and the occasional awkward coughs.

Then, as if on cue, cheers erupted from all sides. I rubbed my shoulders, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment at the sudden attention.

"That gave me chills!"

"I thought the dragonmaids were quite cute. But to think she has such scary monsters as well..."

"That Starving Venom Fusion Dragon is going to give me nightmares tonight..."

Various voices filled the air, making me blush. Glancing at Zigfried, he sat up in a daze. His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, struggling to find the right words.

"In the end... Your playstyle isn't that bad..." I smiled awkwardly. "But you still... needed some work..."

Unable to respond, Zigfried could only nod helplessly, like a robot, as he packed his cards. Emerging from the audience, Kaiba laughed haughtily, his voice dripping with disdain. "All talk but no skill. How about you leave now before embarrassing yourself further?"

'Ah... why are you fanning the flames?!' I glimpsed at Zigfried worriedly. To my surprise, he seemed to have regained a bit of his spirit, glaring at Kaiba with contempt.

"You will pay for this insult, Seto Kaiba!" he growled, his voice trembling with anger. "Really now. What are you going to do about it?" Kaiba smirked arrogantly, "You can't do anything. Like eight years ago, you will always be beneath me..."

"Kaiba!" I snapped and slapped his shoulder, "Why do you have to say that?!"

"...Forgive him..." I smiled apologetically at Zigfried, "He's... didn't mean it..."

"What are you talking about? I totally meant..." Kaiba immediately shut his mouth under my firm stare. Watching us, Zigfried hurriedly pursed his lips and walked back to his car.

Throwing one last threat at us, his vehicle sped off.

"... Why did you do that?" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as Zigfried's car disappeared from view. "You sure like to create enemies..."

Kaiba shrugged nonchalantly. "There are hundreds of people out there who want a piece of me. So, one more doesn't make any difference."

"Now, come on, we've wasted enough time," he continued, leading me back inside the cafe. It was only after I entered that I realized the place had emptied, with security guards posted at the door, preventing anyone from barging in.

Sitting across from each other, the waitress nervously ran over. Seto pointed at some items on the menu, and she frantically sprinted to the kitchen to prepare them. When she left, silence filled the room. I averted my gaze, feeling a mix of emotions, unsure of exactly what I was experiencing.

"I want to apologize first," Kaiba said out of the blue, catching me off guard. "I should've contacted you sooner."

"N... no, it's fine!" I hurriedly waved my arms. "You must have been busy..."

"You could say that," Kaiba sighed wearily, his usually composed demeanour softening as fatigue crept into his expression.

"Even with Dartz gone, his presence has left a deep scar," Kaiba explained. "I'm still trying to track down the remaining remnants of Doma, and there are still some subordinates running amok. Last I heard, the brats that attacked us escaped, and they're still on the run."

"That... so..." I muttered dejectedly. I had hoped to turn Satorius and Sarina to the good side, but that plan seemed meaningless now. "Then how's Kaiba Corps doing?"

"Kaiba Corp's reputation has gone down the drain, and even now, there are still investors and politicians lighting my a*s up like a Christmas tree," Kaiba grimly remarked.

"...Then isn't it pointless to waste your time with me?" I spoke urgently, feeling a pang of


"Who said I'm wasting my time?" Kaiba smirked confidently. "Don't worry, I won't be bothered by something like this."

"Who says I'm worried..." I pouted, my cheeks flushing slightly.

Thankfully, before I could feel any more embarrassed, the waitress arrived with a tray laden with various desserts-cakes and macarons among them. After a swift bow, she departed, leaving me staring in awe at the glistening array of food before us.

"Here, try some," Kaiba said, pushing the plate towards me. I hesitated for a moment, then carefully cut a small piece and brought it to my mouth. A delighted yelp escaped me as the delicious taste exploded on my tongue.

Unable to resist, I eagerly started attacking the remaining desserts. "If you eat all this, you're going to gain weight, you know?" Kaiba said with an amused smile.

"Then I won't eat dinner..." I replied, eyeing the abundance of desserts that still seemed barely touched.

"But still, it's too much..." Kaiba muttered, pulling the plate away from me. When he tried to bite himself, he clicked his teeth and quickly washed down the food with a gulp of water. "This is way too sweet..."

Giggling, I watched him push the plate back towards me, and I happily finished the rest of the cake with ease. "So... What did you want to talk about?" I asked curiously, eager to hear what was on his mind.

"Right," Kaiba nodded as he explained the purpose of our meeting. "As I said, Dartz's damage has been astronomical. However, that also means it can be an opportunity." "Thanks to what he's done, the popularity of Duel Monsters has reached an all-time high. That's why I want to host another tournament, and I hope you'll participate." As Kaiba laid out his plan, I listened intently, realizing this was the start of the KC Grand Championship arc.

"Along with the brand new opening of Kaiba Land, I wish to use this chance to regain Kaiba Corps's reputation. It's going to be a much larger tournament, grander than Battle City. I planned to invite the strongest duellists around the world to give them a chance to fight for the title of King or Queen of Games."

"Is Mutou participating, too?"

"As much as I distaste inviting him, it's something that will be done. The winner of the tournament can challenge one of you for the title."

"Everything has already been prepared. The contestants have been chosen through a preliminary match. The competition is planned to start as soon as possible. All I need is your

confirmation." Kaiba explained, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Is that so..." I smiled wryly. However, my lips twitched, and I sighed, "But Kaiba... I'm no longer the Queen of Games... I lost to Dartz, remember?"

"Nonsense!" Kaiba shouted abruptly as he stood up and slapped the table, "I will never accept him as someone better than you! I have beaten him. Are you saying that I became the

strongest Duellist?!"

"But you fought with Yugi..." I corrected, "So..."

"Are you claiming that without Yugi, I would have lost?!" He hissed, "I have contributed the most in the duel. So don't you think I gain the title as well?!"

"I guess..."

"By that logic, you also helped, no?! Without the cards you have given us, we would have a much harder time duelling against him! So, since you participated, that means you should

reclaim your title as well!"

"That's not how it works..." I uttered, but he suddenly grasped my shoulders, and I

instinctively froze in shock.

"Sano." Kaiba gazed at me intensely, "I will never acknowledge anyone else...."

His eyes portrayed his seriousness, and I flinched at his sudden outburst, "Why... Why are you

going so far..."

"Far?" Kaiba chuckled as if my statement was absurd, "I don't think so at all. It's just because you're that worthy."Nôv(el)B\\jnn

I blushed and hurriedly withdrew my gaze. My body tingled, and my heartbeat intensified. My emotions surged from shyness to happiness, causing me to squirm in my seat. Staring at his serious expression, I couldn't help but question what was going on in his head...

[3rd POV]

Seto have never felt so embarrassed in his life. He didn't realise that he would go this far, sprouting such cheesy lines that made him want to dig a hole and hide in it forever. Despite the humiliation, Seto truly felt what he said was true. Although his thoughts on Yugi had improved since then, no matter how many times he had to choose, Seto would choose


"Please," He pleaded.

Stuck in a quiet battle, the two stared deeply into each other's eyes. Eventually, Yuna's heart

wavered, and she nodded stiffly at his sincerity, "Okay... But I don't think... I would be


Seto's lips twitched and stared at her in disbelief, "Such nonsense, look."

Taking out his phone, he showed her the latest videos, which were recorded from various

perspectives. It was the duel between Yuna and Zigfried that showed her effortlessly summoning her five dragons before obliterating her opponent in one move. Grabbing Seto's phone, Yuna scrolled through the comments in a daze. While Battle City was able to spread her notoriety in the Duelling Community somewhat, this was completely


"W... Woah.." She mumbled in disbelief, and Seto laughed at her cute reaction.

He remarked. "The world has noticed you, and they will only become more and more


"This is just too much..." Yuna murmured while staring at the continuously rising number.

"You will get used to it soon," Seto comforted with a smile, "It's good that it's happening early. A powerful duellist like you will get noticed sooner or later."

"What... if I do badly?" She asked and gazed at Seto worriedly.

"Such meaningless concern," he replied and gently tapped her forehead. I will make sure that never happens. Trust me, I won't let you get hurt..."

Staring at Seto, Yuna's eyes softened, and she nodded, "Alright, I will do it..." Reaching out her hand, she smiled, "....Let's work hard, Kaiba."

Seto carefully grasped her hand, and they shook firmly, "Of course, let's do our best..." Unknowingly, he found himself smiling alongside her. Suddenly, Seto felt a brief vibration in his back pocket. Taking out his second phone, he frowned at the constant stream of work calls

flooding his screen.

Supervising current projects, conducting business meetings, and signing valuable paperwork —these were just some of the demands of his busy life. The extensive damage caused by Dartz had already stretched his work hours to their limits, and postponing his tasks would only

compound the problem later.


"...Is there something wrong?" Yuna asked curiously, pulling Seto from his thoughts.

"It's nothing," he replied, shaking his head as he shut off his phone. For once, Seto didn't care about the constant demands of his work. Staring at her innocent face, he decided that just for

today, he wanted to focus on her, leaving his responsibilities behind.

[Yuna's POV]

A few hours later...

When I finally returned to the hotel room, I collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion. Despite my fatigue, I couldn't help but smile. "It's fun..." I mumbled to myself.

Even though we had just talked, I found myself enjoying it more than I had anticipated. We talked, ate, and laughed. It all felt so natural as if we had been friends for years. The connection was effortless, and for the first time in a long while, I felt truly at ease.

As I reminisced about the afternoon, the telephone on the desk rang loudly, jolting me from

my thoughts. I picked it up. "Hello?" I said.

"Good evening, ma'am," a cheerful voice responded. "I'm sorry for bothering you, but there

is a woman at the reception requesting to meet you. She goes by the name Ishizu Ishtar?" Ishizu?! My eyes widened at the unexpected name.

"C... Can you put her through..." I requested, and after a few seconds, a familiar voice reached

my ears.

"Greetings, Miss Sano," Ishizu said softly. "I'm sorry for requesting your presence at this

time, but do you want to join me for dinner? I have something I want to tell you, and it's best

if we talk privately."

After working out the details, I hurriedly cleaned up my appearance and went back down to

the first floor. As the elevator opened, I spotted Ishizu calmly sitting in the lounge. Her eyes curved pleasingly as she approached me.

"I'm so glad you decided to join me," she said excitedly, grasping my hands. "I'm sorry for not coming to greet you sooner; things have also become busy on my end."

"I could have contacted you this afternoon, but Miss Sano seemed to be having an enjoyable

time, and it would have been rude to interrupt." Ishizu smiled slyly, and I blushed. "Let's go. I know a perfect place to talk."

With a confident stride, I was brought to a Japanese restaurant. From the looks of it, Ishizu

seemed to have already reserved a table as we were brought to a private room, away from the other customers.

"So..." I stared at Ishizu calmly, "What is it... that you want to talk about..."

"Of course," she smiled brightly. "But first, I have to thank you for stopping Dartz's madness.

It was something no one could do. Please take this gift as compensation. I hope you will find it to your liking."

Sliding a piece of paper across the table, I carefully scanned the texts and froze in shock. "I don't know a gift more fitting for Miss Sano, so I decided to purchase a modern villa. I also

decided to provide a share of the Ishtar Corporation in case the first gift doesn't suit your fancy."

My pupils trembled at the absurdity, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I.. Isn't this too much? Where... do you even have the money... for this..."

"Don't worry. My family has quite an influence in Egypt, politically and financially. This much

is nothing." Ishizu said with a wave of her hand, "Please tell me if there's any more that you want."

"No, no, no!" I hurriedly shook my head. It's okay!" Just holding this paper was making me dizzy, and she said I could get more?! Was it me, but why did every rich person I encountered seem to have something wrong with their head?

When I finally calmed down after taking a big gulp of water, I sighed. There had to be another

reason that Ishizu would contact me and provide such elaborate items. Glancing at Ishizu, she relaxingly matched my gaze with a small, observant smile. "There's another reason... you wanted to meet me..." I muttered. "...Was I correct?" Ishizu's pupils flickered, and she chuckled, "Miss Sano isn't entirely wrong, but please rest

assured, I have no intention of bribing Miss Sano with gifts, and I believed that it was a justified compensation for your efforts," Ishizu explained. "However, that's not the main topic I want to talk about today."

Taking a deep breath, her chest heaved with a complicated expression. Abruptly standing up, Ishizu bowed, her head tightly pressed onto the floor in a prostrating position. "Miss Sano, please help us." Ishizu begged, "We really need your help." Panicking, I frantically pulled Ishizu up. Her face was red with shame and despair as her mask

was broken away, "Please explain..." I urged, and Izhizu nodded.

"It was only a week ago that my archaeological team discovered an ancient tomb..." Ishizu

slowly began her story.

"At first, we thought it was an average remains of a historic person. However, the deeper we

delve into the chambers, the more ominous the atmosphere felt..."

[3rd POV]

A week ago...

"So these are the ruins our team discovered?" Ishizu asked, stepping into the tent brimming

with uncovered treasures. She delicately picked up a golden necklace, her eyes widening in admiration. "It's unbelievable that such valuables were only found now," she murmured.

"Ah, sister, you've arrived!" Marik's voice chimed in from behind a pile of gleaming gold

coins. He looked up, smiling warmly. "Odion was just rechecking our supplies. We'll soon be ready to delve deeper into the ruins."

As she watched her brother diligently work, a tender smile spread across Ishizu's face. Not long ago, Marik had been consumed by the corruption of his alter ego, and it was Yuna who had pulled him back from the brink. Now, seeing him embrace his role as the Tomb Keeper,

Ishizu felt a profound sense of relief and pride. The heavy burden that had weighed on her heart for so long was finally lifting.

Walking side by side, Ishizu and Marik arrived at the entrance of the ruins. Before them loomed a deep, dark cave, its mouth half-hidden by sand and debris. The remnants of

civilization had long since faded away, leaving only sporadic traces of sandstone architecture to hint at the grandeur that once was.

"Sister, brother, everything is ready," Odion announced, his voice steady and reassuring.

"Very well, let us proceed," Ishizu replied. With a shared look of determination, the three of them began their descent into the cave.

Fortunately, the path had already been cleared by the scouts they had sent in earlier, making their journey smoother than expected. As they ventured deeper, the air grew more stale and the light dimmer until they finally stopped before a massive door. Thousands of intricate hieroglyphics covered the stone entrance as she ran her fingers along the ancient symbols. "For my son. I shall grant you the power to conquer the throne. The Pyramid of Light shines upon you," Ishizu read aloud, her voice echoing softly against the stone walls. "The Pyramid of Light?" Marik repeated, puzzled. "It was never mentioned in our records...."

"Brother, look," Odion interjected, pointing to a hole carved into the centre of the door. The shape was unsettlingly familiar, and the siblings exchanged uneasy glances. With a mix of hesitation and resolve, Marik took out the Millennium Rod and inserted the artifact into the slot. The cave responded immediately, rumbling ominously as the massive stone door began to creak open. Dust and debris cascaded down as the ancient portal revealed

the deep, dark interior within. The siblings stood at the threshold, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

"Shall we go?" Marik asked, securing the Millennium Rod at his waist. "If we work fast, we dinn " might even make it back be Ishizu and Odion nodded in agreement. With flashlights in hand and Ishizu's Millennium Necklace to detect traps, they cautiously made their way through the cave. The journey was tense but uneventful, leading them to a smaller door blocking the final room. Luckily, it wasn't locked. Odion pushed it open, and they stepped into a large, dimly lit chamber. At the centre of the room lay a massive stone sarcophagus. As if on cue, the torches lining the

walls sprang to life, casting a flickering glow that illuminated the room. The sudden burst of light revealed the detailed carvings and murals that adorned the walls. With a mix of awe and apprehension, they approached the tomb. Ishizu's eyes fixed on the ancient seal, her worry deepening with each step.

"What powerful person would be buried in a place like this..." Ishizu muttered, her voice

barely above a whisper.

"Sister, take a look at this," Marik's voice broke through her thoughts. She turned, following

his gaze, to the end of the room, where a strange artifact lay atop a pedestal. "That..." Odion mumbled in disbelief as he took in the object's familiar appearance. "Is that the Millennium Puzzle? No, it resembles the renowned artifact, but its aura is anything but


Although it shared the iconic design, the object before them was entirely made of blue crystal, unlike the Golden Millennium Puzzle. A bright red jewel rested at the centre, shining ominously under the orange glow of the torches. The eerie light danced on its surface, casting unsettling reflections that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. Besides the artifact, Ishizu noticed a tablet similar to the Tablet of Lost Memories currently displayed in the Domino City Museum. Yet the Tablet of Lost Memories depicts the pharaoh wielding the power of the three Egyptian Gods; this tablet showcases an unknown man raising his hand in the air with the three Gods subdued beneath his feet...

Suddenly, Ishizu frowned as an intense pain shot through her head. Her mind was flooded with a brief but vivid vision of the future, leaving her face pale and her breath ragged. As the

vision faded, she gasped, her eyes snapping to Marik, who was slowly reaching for the

dangerous artifact.

"Marik, stop!" Ishizu screamed, but her warning came too late.

A purplish darkness erupted from the artifact, filling the room with an ominous glow. The lid of the sarcophagus exploded, sending shards of stone flying in every direction. Shielding their

faces from the debris, they watched in horror as a mummified hand emerged from the smoke, clawing its way into the dim light.

"We need to leave. NOW!" Odion shouted, and the siblings sprinted toward the exit. As the mummified corpse fully emerged from the sarcophagus, the artifact flew into its hand,

and malevolent energy began to seep from its body. Marik gritted his teeth, his face

hardening with resolve.

"Marik," Odion called out. The two men exchanged a nod, their minds reaching the same

conclusion. They both stopped and turned to face the evil spirit, glaring at it with contempt. "What are you two doing?!" Ishizu cried out in alarm. "We can't stay here!" "Sister, this thing cannot leave this place," Marik replied solemnly. "Odion and I will stop it

as long as we can."

Understanding the gravity of her brother's words, Ishizu nodded grimly. She paused by the

door, biting her lip in worry. Marik smirked at her, trying to project a confidence he didn't entirely feel. "Go," he urged.

With a final nod, Ishizu reluctantly left, leaving her brothers behind to confront the ancient

evil. The room echoed with the sound of her footsteps fading into the distance while Marik

and Odion braced themselves.

As the mummy stood upright, flesh and hair miraculously sprouted from its skeletal frame.

Where once was a decrepit corpse now stood a living, tanned-skinned man with dirty blond hair cascading down his back, a testament to his days in ancient Egypt. "Who... has awoken me?" The man's voice, deep and rough, echoed through the chamber. He surveyed Marik and Odion with a quiet intensity before a smirk twisted his features. "It

doesn't matter... Die." With a swift motion, he aimed the artifact, unleashing a black beam

toward them with startling speed.

Reacting quickly, Marik drew the Millennium Rod from his waist and intercepted the deadly

spell. The black beam collided with the rod, creating a violent burst of energy that sent

shockwaves through the chamber.

"A Sacred Guardian?" The resurrected man uttered in shock, a hint of amusement colouring

his tone. "Looks like I've underestimated you. If I can't dispatch you easily, I'll resort to the

traditional method." With a commanding gesture, he conjured a swirling mist of darkness that coalesced into dozens of small tablets hovering in the air. Marik and Odion tensed as the two activated the

Duel Disks on their wrist.

"Interesting. Are those the DiaDhank from beyond my time?" The man's curiosity was piqued

as he examined their Duel Disks. "Very well, let's battle. Prepare yourselves against the power

of the Pyramid of Light!"

[Yuna's POV]

"After that, Odion and Marik did not return." Ishizu mumbled, "I wished to go back into the

ruins, but I was advised to do so since I'm the only remaining Ishtar left."

"Miss Sano, it is shameful of me to even ask you." She held my hand, "Please help us..."

[Task 17]

[Rescue Marik and Odion by defeating ???]

[Reward: 10,000 Credits]

I stared at the system screen before turning to Ishizu's teary face. With a small smile, I pulled

her up from her sitting position, "Don't worry... I will help..."

Ishizu stared at me blankly, surprised by my agreement. Eventually, she broke into a bright

smile as she hugged me, "Thank you!"

While embracing me, Ishizu continued to laugh in relief, and I chuckled awkwardly. How...

How am I going to tell Kaiba about this...

I hope you enjoy it!

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