Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.265 Chaos God Core

CH.265 Chaos God Core

(Laura, am I good to just eliminate the rogue core?) I confirmed. 

(Yes. That should be fine. But please do remember that all the monsters remaining in the dungeon will turn aggressive towards you, and will likely try and come kill you. I suppose lucky for us that we have that raging ocean between us and most of the dungeon, but some of the monsters might get through it, so you should be prepared for that. Also, the monsters should go back to normal after you found the dungeon with the new core.) 

(Please wait a moment.) I then heard an older gentleman's voice. I think it is Aulis, but why is he in my head? (You may eliminate the dungeon whenever you wish, but wait a bit before founding it. The Goddess shall give you a core to use for that. Make sure you accept the mission, and use the supplied mission item as the core for the dungeon.)

… alright. So the Goddess will give us a core for the dungeon. I guess that is fine. We would have used the behemoth core, but this isn’t bad. Now we can sell the entirety of the behemoth’s corpse. I guess I could also ‘buy’ it off of Alice with a swordstaff, because we really don’t need extra cash, but there might be other stuff Alice can barter it for. Stuff that you can’t buy with just money alone.

I’m sure both Lua and Alice already heard both Laura and Aulis’ messages, but I still made sure to share the info about the potential monster rampage to Agunan and Ria. Then we took a late lunch, because we hadn’t had one yet. I also unsummoned the survivors of the final boss battle. My two warriors were a bit disappointed that I summoned Shining instead of buffing them with equips, but I just promised I’d do that next time, so hopefully they won’t be too mad. Dark Paladin on the other hand said that he will show his true strength when I next fight against dragons.

Before I eliminated the rogue core, I set a barrier around us with Swords or Revealing Light, just to make sure.


I think the only things that will be able to attack us are those winged fish monsters. No way the golems from floor 48 can get here, and the sharks on floor 49 don’t have wings, or feet.

And if monsters from floors before those two try to get here… well, I won’t say it is impossible, but I should have this dungeon founded by then, so it won’t really be a problem.

“I’ll do it now.” I warned everyone. “Be prepared.”

I’m honestly not sure how I feel about this. I have some … questionable memories from last time. God I was scared when the goblins were pounding the door. Sure I got out just fine, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t scared. But now, I really don’t think it will be a big deal. Compared to how I was then, I now have Unlimited POWER. … Well, I can’t shoot lightning out of my fingers, but still. I wonder if there is a skill for that? Will the Goddess make me one if I ask?

I placed my hand on the dungeon’s rogue core, and felt mana rushing from the orb into my body, and as it did, the shine of the core faded. I think this happened last time as well, I just couldn’t sense mana back then.

As the core faded, the room got a lot darker. We still had light, thanks to the Swords, and just like in TinaWood, some sort of ‘emergency lighting’ also seemed to activate here after the core completely lost its shine.

Rogue dungeon 27_001 eliminated
The rush of power from the core has advanced your mana circuits. Mana Control speed increased.
???-Skill ‘???’ unlocked.
Limit Break LV.1 has been achieved.
Mission: Conquer the Dungeon
Mission Complete.
Reward: Pack Opener has leveled up to LV.7
Mission: Dungeon Core from the Goddess
Information: The Goddess wants you to found the dungeon using a special core. Place it on the core pedestal to found the dungeon.
Goal: Found the dungeon 27_001 using the Core supplied by the Goddess
Mission Item(s): 1 Chaos God Core
Reward: ???
Note: If any other core than the one supplied by the mission is used, the mission will be treated as a failure.
[Accept] the Mission to claim the Mission Item(s).

… okay… so three things. Or even more… I guess let’s just take it one step at a time.

First, I managed to eliminate the core. That’s good. 

Second, apparently that advanced my mana circuits, or something. I guess the first time I eliminated a dungeon, it made me mana circuits, so… well, whatever. And because of that, my Mana Control should be faster now.

I also got some question mark skill. And I achieved a limit break. I think that means I can go beyond LV.99 now. 

The third… wait this is the fourth. The mission for eliminating the dungeon. It leveled up Pack Opener, and I just got a level to Pack Opener. Well, I’ll check it out again after this is all over.

And fifth. A new mission, which comes with question mark reward, and an extremely dangerous sounding mission item. Goddess, why are you giving me a God Core? That does not sound safe at all. 

… should I ask Lua and Alice for their opinion, before I accept? I think I should. Probably.

“Lua, Alice, can you come over here?” I requested. “Ria, Agunan, keep guard. Some flying fishes from the previous floor will likely arrive here soon.”

They did as asked, so I asked Laura to show Alice and Lua my mission. 

“... so, what do you think?” I asked.

“It does sound dangerous.” Lua agreed with me on that point.

“But would the Goddess give you something like that without a very good reason? We should do it.” Alice said.

“I never said we shouldn’t.” Lua added. “I just said it sounds dangerous. But I agree. We should do it. … I just… would like to know more about this Chaos God core…”

“So you both agree that we should. Good. I’ll accept the mission then.” I told them.

(Please do wait a second.) I once again heard Aulis in my head. (The Goddess wishes to see you, before you accept the mission. Would that be possible?)

(... I guess, but we are kind of under attack.) I pointed out. Agunan and Ria were still fighting the flying fishes coming from the last floor.

There were also these ghost looking things. I don’t remember seeing them on the last floor, but they might have hidden away after I used World Suppression. They do seem like some sort of dark and wind attribute ghost monsters, so maybe…

(Do not worry. It will not take long.) Aulis said. (Like your Different Dimension Factory, the time in the meeting place is accelerated compared to the normal world.)

(... alright. What do we need to do?) I asked.

(Just take a nice position, like if you were going into the Different Dimension Factory.) Aulis told me.

“... so, shall we?” I asked the girls.


“Do we have a choice?”

“Well, we could just not, but I don’t think that is a good choice. Ria, Agunan, we will be gone for a second. Keep us safe for a bit longer.”

“As you wish.” Agunan responded.

“... where are you going?” Ria questioned.

“I’ll explain later. See you.”

I sat down on the floor, and took a balanced sitting position where I hopefully won’t fall over, as I lose control of my body. Alice and Lua also did the same, and soon, my vision went black.

The three of us woke up in a familiar room. It was the parlor room where we met with Aulis, and he was there to greet us.

“Please, take a seat.” Aulis guided us to the table. Not like there is much else in the room. “The Goddess will join us in just a moment.”

We did as asked, and took our seats around the table. There were a few snacks and tea on the table, but eating them wouldn’t actually fill you up. … they did taste good though.

“She is arriving.” Aulis warned us, and I instinctively stood up.

An avatar formed next to where Aulis was standing. It took on a distinctly female body form, before a beautiful white evening gown appeared to cover her body. Last parts that came to view were her facial features, and hair. Her eyes were golden near the pupil, turning into a more greenish color as you got to the outer edge of the iris. And her floor length hair… Well, I think the best way I can describe is, is by saying that it looked like someone took RGB led strips, and made them into hair. It flowed in all the colors of the rainbow. I have to say, it definitely does fit a Goddess. It instantly shows how non-human she is, while also having her look more or less like a human.

“Thank you for coming.” The Goddess began talking. She had a soft, almost motherly voice. It didn’t sound controlling, or commanding, just warm and comfortable. “We do not have too much time, so despite how inappropriate it might be, I’d like to get straight to business.”

“Of course. I wish to get back quickly as well.” I answered. “... I hope that didn’t offend you. I apologize.”

“Do not worry. I understand that you are worried for your companions. I shall make this fast.” The Goddess said. “First, thank you for conquering the dungeon. You did it quite a bit faster than I expected, so I didn’t have the time to set up this meeting beforehand. But let me get straight into business. I want you to use a Chaos God Core to found the dungeon. You will get one when you accept the mission. Let me quickly explain that to you. 

The Chaos God Core is a core interlinked with the Chaos God Dimension. It is a sub-dimension of the world, and the source of all mana coming to the world. Without it, this world could not exist. But sadly, it comes with some negatives as well. When the Chaos energy from there enters the world you inhabit, it breaks apart into its components. Mainly mana and miasma. These two energies are what keep the world running, either for good or bad. But they aren’t why you are here, or why the Chaos God Core is important. Those energies are already well managed by people, monsters and dungeons. 

The problem is the minor energies that the Chaos Energy carries. While they make up less than 1% of the energy coming from the Chaos God Dimension, they are the main cause of instability to the dimensional barriers. And if too much of these energies gather, they will cause a dimensional fissure, as you saw a little while ago. Sadly, no normal means can clear away these energies, and that is why Chaos God Cores are needed. They make Chaos God Dungeons, which are then capable of clearing away these energies, like regular dungeons clear away miasma.

And as you saw with the one dimensional fissure that already formed, the minor energies are beginning to pile up, and the current Chaos God Dungeons cannot clear all of it away, so a new one is required. That is why dungeon 27_001 should be turned into a Chaos God Dungeon. … You now have an opportunity to ask questions, if you have any?”

“... I have a few.” I said, even though I was still taking all of that in. “This … Chaos God Dungeon, I would be its founder, right?”

“Yes, you would.”

“And as the founder, do I need to do something special? Or is it just like any other dungeon?”

“Both yes and no. You may look at it just like you look at Dungeon 22_090. But there is one difference. As I said, the Chaos God Cores are linked to the Chaos God Dimension, the source of all life and creation. Because of this, misuse of the core can lead to extremely bad things. If you want an example, the infamous Demon Lord of the world was once a master of a Chaos God Core. He wasn’t a bad master, until he misused the core and became an enemy of the world. And he was just a master, not a founder, so you will have even more power. But as the lady next to you can assess,” The Goddess said, referring to Lua. “It isn’t all bad what he did with it. He used its power to make new races, which we later accepted into the System. 

But to make sure the power of the core never falls into the wrong hands, security of the Chaos God Core is of absolute necessity. For that, you are allowed to use the entire power of the core to keep it safe.”

“... so I just have to keep the core safe? That sounds reasonable. … How many of these Chaos God Dungeons are there? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Currently there are three on the continent you live on, yours would be the fourth. In total, the world has 19 of them, with yours being the twentieth. Out of them, only three are under humanoid control, yours would be the fourth, and others are under System management.”

“Then why not just make a new one that will be under System management?” I asked.

“Two reasons. One is the timeframe. It will take over a hundred years to make a brand new dungeon for it, and unlike you, we cannot just commandeer a rogue dungeon to use as a base.”

“... you are a God and you cannot do that?”

“We are not as all-powerful as you might assume. In special circumstances, we are able to make wondrous things, but that is only when we manifest a physical body in the world. As we are now, our power is somewhat more limited.”

“... a God with both limited, and limitless power, huh. Interesting duality.”

“I don’t mean to push you into the decision, but we don’t have unlimited time. Will you use the Chaos God Core and turn Dungeon 27_001 into a Chaos God Dungeon?” The Goddess asked.

I took a quick look at both Alice and Lua. Both of them just nodded, so I answered the Goddess.

“Sure. I’ll do that. I don’t see a reason to refuse.”

“Good. Thank you. Now, as a reward, I’ll give you… Actually, I’ll let you see it when you complete the mission.” The Goddess said. “Do you have any more questions?”

“A few, if you don’t mind. First, you mentioned two reasons, but only told me one of them. And second, dimensional fissures. Lua, would you tell her about your dream?” I asked Lua.

“... su-sure. I …” Lua was struggling to speak.

“Do not worry, my child. I can read it from your memory, if you give permission.” The Goddess offered, as she offered her hand to Lua. 

Lua hesitated a bit, before placing her hand onto the Goddess’.

After a few seconds, the Goddess spoke up.

“... Hmm. I see. Yes. I do not know for certain if that dream is a true foresight into the future, but if it is, that could be a problem. We believed the introduction of the new Chaos God Core would solve that issue, but we may be wrong.”

“Do you know when and where the fissures appear?” I asked. “Because if you do, I can just fly over with Gradius and close the fissures.” I offered. “At least as long as you keep offering more Dimensional Barriers to me.”

“Yes. That is an option. However, the Dimensional Barrier card I gave you at that time wasn’t what you think it was. It was a small amount of pre-programmed Chaos God Energy. It simply took the form of a card, because it is something you would easily understand. It wasn’t a real card at all. Making them already causes dimensional instability, so we would prefer another way, otherwise we will simply enter a loop where we make one, you close a fissure, and the instability caused by the creation of the ‘card’ will make a new hole a few days later.

Luckily, I think we might have an option.” The Goddess said. “Your God-monster. … Exodia, was it? I banned you from using him, as he can draw power directly from the Chaos God Dimension, which causes dimensional instability. If you used him a lot, he would rip apart the dimensional barriers, and cause mass chaos. But this is where my second reason to entrust you with the Chaos God Dungeon comes into play. With the Chaos God Core, you can make an energy route between the Chaos God Dimension and your Exodia, making it safe to use that God. And as he is a God with a physical form, I believe he will be able to do things we cannot.”

“... so you want me to use Exodia? And using it like that will be safe? … alright. But will it be safe for me? Last time, the cards burned away when I used them.” Well, they didn’t burn, but they did heat up and vanish.

“We shall give you something for that. The Chaos God Dungeon can make things that no other dungeon can. So we will make a new form of ‘sleeve’ that will allow you to use Exodia, as well as other ‘Divine’ monsters. Is this something you find acceptable?”

“Sure. I think that is just fine.” I agreed. New version of sleeve, huh. That sounds fun.

“Do not use them in any way you want. Only use them for the ‘Divine’ monsters.” The Goddess warned. Did she just read my thoughts? “I didn’t. I cannot do that without permission. You are simply easy to read.” 

“... yeah. You are definitely reading my thoughts…” I commented.

“I do not need to do that. Though I have to say, I am interested in this game of Yu-Gi-Oh. Perhaps you would be willing to teach me at some point.”

“... yeah. Stop reading my thoughts. But sure. I can teach you, if you have the time for it. I was already planning on teaching Alice and Lua, so what is one more?”

“Yes. Admittedly it might be faster if I simply read your thoughts regarding the game.” The Goddess said. “But I must apologize. Unless you have something urgent to ask, I must get back to my other work. Aulis shall take care of you from here.”

The Goddess gave us a bit of time to ask more questions, but I already had so much new information in my brain that I really was just ready to be done.

“I see that is a no. I hope to see all of you later, then.” She said, as she raised from the table.

As she did, I noticed something interesting. The Goddess’ rainbow hair. It reached the floor. Exactly so that it wouldn’t touch the floor, but so that it was to her ankle or so. But even when she was sitting, it still didn’t touch the floor. It was altering its length, or something… Well, whatever. She is a God, so I’m not going to question it.

After the Goddess disappeared, we quickly followed her lead and returned to the dungeon.

“Agunan, Ria. Are you two okay?” I confirmed as I got up from my sitting position.

“Of course. Ria has a slight injury, so she needs some healing, but otherwise, we are just fine.” Agunan answered.

I quickly checked Ria’s status through my own status, and she had lost a bit more than 300 HP. That is nothing lethal to her, but still, that does sound like it needs healing. Even Agunan’s HP wasn’t full, as the plus after my HP was 19,320, instead of the usual 19,400. 

“Alice, can you help them kill the monsters coming in? Lua, heal Ria please. I’ll found the dungeon.” I gave my orders.

Then I accepted the mission, and the mission item appeared before me. It was a large round core that looked just like the previous dungeon core. Honestly, I’m not sure I can tell the difference between this one and a regular monster core.

I took the old core into my storage, and then put the new core in its place.

Brian Wood has founded the dungeon 27_001 using a Chaos God Core. The dungeon will now evolve into a Chaos God Dungeon.
Founder’s terminal of Chaos God Dungeon 27_001 is integrated into the Founder’s terminal made by dungeon 22_090
Mission: Dungeon Core from the Goddess
Mission Complete
Reward: Race: ‘One without a Race’ has been unlock as a potential evolution

… okay. The dungeon evolved, like the Goddess said. And the reward is a new race I can evolve into. But ‘One without a Race’ doesn’t sound safe. I at least want to find out why I got that race before I even consider it over the other options.

I checked my terminal, but it looked basically the same. I then activated it in duel disk mode, and noticed a — not so small difference. It still looked like a golden GX era duel disk, like it had been, but the extra monster zones were no longer available. Instead, it now had a Arc-V style blade of light, with five monster zones available on it, as well as two ‘pendulum’ zones. I don’t even have any pendulum monsters, so why do I have pendulum zones? Those were even removed from the game, when Master Rule 4 came out. Anyway, I’ll look more into the ‘rules’ of my new duel disk later, but the short version is, I can summon up to ten monsters on my duel disk now.

Dungeon Evolution Complete. Dungeon 27_001 is now a Chaos God Dungeon.
All monsters inside the dungeon are now under the control of Dungeon Founder Brian Wood.

… alright. So I can control the monsters? That is good. Let’s just order all of them to not attack us, and go back to keeping guard against potential intruders. Not that I’m expecting any. 

With the situation calming down, I took a deep breath in. 

… that was … something. The Goddess, huh. Really didn’t expect that surprise meeting. And I got the permission to use Exodia again. Now I only need a way to get the other Divine monsters. … maybe if I use those special sleeves she talked about… I might be able to DNA Surgery stuff into Divine-Beast type monsters, so I can get my Obelisk…

Well, I'll look into that later. First, let's check out what this new dungeon can do.

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