Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.257 Secondary party and the Nobles leave

CH.257 Secondary party and the Nobles leave

The next day, we were going to take part in the ‘apology party’. I guess you could also call it the ‘goodbye party’, as a lot of people would be leaving tomorrow.

We actually ran into a … small issue regarding that, because Alice’s party dress had been used for her magical girl outfit when she fused, so we had to improvise a bit. But luckily, between using Different Dimension Factories capabilities of imagining clothes, analyzing them, and then just a quick flight to TinaWood dungeon for lower production cost, we made Alice a new party dress during the morning.

Her new dress was a mixture of light blue and white, with some gold accents to it. In all honesty, it was a bit too … Mana’s style, in my opinion. But I left the design up to Alice, so I guess that is going to happen. She just acts so much like Alice that I sometimes forget that she is also half Mana.

The party itself was nothing that special, so I’m not going to go into that much detail. The guest list was basically the same as in the previous party, except for the two missing baron families. Of course the Watchman family was not here, as they left early because of the emergency at their town, but the Bloggs family also wasn’t here. I’m guessing that is because of the Prince punishing them, probably. Also, most of the merchants weren't present.

I spent almost all of the party dancing with Lua and Alice, with the two taking turns hogging all of my time. Because of it, I got some looks from the other nobles who wanted to dance with Alice, but it isn’t my fault that she refuses all of you. Even the Prince attempted to ask Alice for a dance, but with our System Link communication, Alice was able to ‘avoid’ that by dancing a second dance in a row with me.

In the evening of that day, we of course did our level ups. And I reached LV.99. I wonder how that will affect things?


In the morning of the next day, most of the guests left the city. I say most, because a few of them were still here. That includes the Prince, as well as Mariina.

Now the Prince didn’t stay just because he was going to go dragon riding with me, but also because he was going to do an audit in the surrounding territories. 

While Mariina stayed on official Sage’s tower business, which consisted of holding wizard/witch exams in the surrounding areas. As a great witch, and a sage candidate, she was allowed to do that. Alice really wanted to take part in that test, but because she is close family, she cannot get approved by Mariina. Something about favoritism and all of that, so if we want her to be a witch, we will need another approved high witch or wizard, or just a straight up sage, to give her that title. Well, it isn’t a system title anyway, so who really cares? The test was going to take place tomorrow, and Mariina asked if Lua would go with her for that. Lua has been given the title of witch by the Sage’s tower, so Mariina thought she could assist her. At first, Lua didn’t agree, but I quickly talked her into it. I was going to go dragon flying with the Prince tomorrow, so we couldn’t do anything that great anyway.

But today, it was once again practice time. This time, with added… people. Including a certain sage candidate, and a Prince. … yeah. I was fine with Mariina, but why did Elias come?

Elias used both magic and a sword, his magic being this special form of fire magic, with blue flames. Because of that, he was quite interested in training with Agunan, but Agunan straight up just refused and went to train with Ria instead. He claimed that if he is going to spend time training anyone, it will be someone who also serves his Master. I don’t know if Agunan is being disrespectful, or he is just being a dragon.

But to make up for it, I summoned a monster to play with the Prince. At first, I thought that Flame Swordsman was the obvious choice, but then I noticed Flame Champion and summoned her instead.


She might be Pyro-type, instead of a warrior, but her lore text does call her a warrior.

I myself trained my sword skills with Penumbral Soldier Lady today.


Alice was playing around with two Magician's Valkyria that I gave her, to make up for her ‘losing’ Mana, while Lua and Violet both trained under the Silent Magician LV8 that I summoned.


… you know, Violet, I wanted you to teach Lua, not train with her…

And lastly, both Mariina and Paulina were going over earth magic with Mystical Sand. She might not be a spellcaster, but she does look like a spellcaster.


… also, why is Injection Fairy Lily an Earth/Spellcaster monster? Shouldn’t it be a Light/Fairy? Well, if I ever end up using her, I’ll install both DNA Surgery and Transplant into her to fix that little problem. Not that it really is a problem, but it does bother me.


“Brian, could you summon the water spirit now? We never did test out if I could synchro with it.” Paulina asked, a bit further into our training. The Prince had already left for the day, and I had swapped over to space magic from my sword training.

“Yeah. We can try that.” I agreed. I really should practice spirit synchro myself more, even if I’m not planning on evolving into a spiritual human. “Can you make some water to act as a focus point?”

After Paulina did as I asked, I used my Summon Water Spirit to … well, summon a water spirit. This time, I got one of the child sized intermediate spirits.

“Can you synchro with Paulina?” I asked the spirit.

“... I can, but … we don’t like doing it with those that don’t have a blessing or a contract.” The spirit answered. 

Contract? You can make one with a spirit? Well, that’s fine. Also, Paulina, you don’t have to look like that. Nothing I can do about this.

“Oh… I see. Well, synchro with me then. I think some more practice would be good.” I decided instead.

After the spirit synchronized with me, I got on with practicing moving water with the help of the spirit. But while doing that, I noticed something strange. 

The large magic stone at the end of Mariina’s staff. It looked… strange. Previously it had just looked like a magic stone, but now it looked like … like something was inside the stone.

(A spirit lives there.) I heard the water spirits voice in my head. He must have realized that I was staring at the stone and answered.

(... that’s what it is?)

(Yes. We sometimes make contracts with people and live permanently on this side.) The spirit explained. (When we do, we house ourselves in magic stones like that.)

… okay. So Mariina has a contract spirit? I wonder what the difference is between a blessing and a contract? Well, mind as well ask.

(What is the difference between a contract and a blessing?) I asked the spirit inside of me.

(Only high ranking spirits can give out a blessing. A blessing will then give you the ability to call on any member of that spirit's family with the Summon Spirit skill.) The spirit began. (But contracts can be made by lower and intermediate rank spirits. And that will only allow you to call that one spirit.)

Oh. I think I get it. So contract is one spirit, but blessing is the entire family. Or something like that.

As I was playing around with the water spirit, a small earth golem rose from the ground. It took on a relatively humanoid shape, well about as human as you can make from dirt and sand.

After the golem appeared, the water spirit I was synchronized with asked if he could separate and speak with the other spirit. I could have practiced for a bit longer, but I also didn’t feel like refusing so I let him go. As for myself, I went to speak with Mariina.

“... so, an earth spirit huh. Is that why you are so good with golems?” I asked her.

“Secret is out, I guess.” She jokingly said. “Well, I was good at it even before that little guy came along, but he does make it a lot easier. I can leave controlling the golem to him, so I can easily cast other spells at the same time.”

“Well, ain't that something.” Paulina cut in. “So you cheated in our match?”

“Cheated? How is that cheating?” Mariina asked. “I used the power I have to beat you. Calling him cheating is like me saying that you using water magic is cheating. It just makes no sense.” 

“... Brian. Help me get a spirit contract as well.” 

“Nope. I’ve helped you enough already. Good luck.” I just said. Some sibling rivalry is good, but I won’t let you cheat that much. I already helped you a ton, haven’t I? All of the level ups and you even learned beginner level telekinesis. Isn’t that enough? Sure you no longer get level ups from Alice, but that just is something you’ll have to deal with.

“... could you actually do that? Help someone get a spirit contract, I mean.” Mariina asked.

“No clue.” I admitted. “I think it is possible, but I wouldn’t force a spirit into anything like that.”

I think a mix of a few mind control spell cards could be used for that. But again, not going to do it, not going to try.

The last thing of the day was of course our level ups. … and I can no longer level up my ‘overall’ level. When I tried, I got an error saying that limit break is required to level up past LV.99. The same error actually comes up if I try to level up a LV.10 skill.

Well, on the other hand, I could use two level ups on skills. I could, but I’m not going to. Instead, I just used one on myself, maxing my Summoner’s Unity. Lua took a level into Quick Cast, while Alice chose Magic Resistance. I also leveled up Ria’s Fire Magic.


Well, that is it for today. Tomorrow, I’ll go dragon flying with the prince. And Lua and Alice are both going to go with Mariina to have some sort of magic exam thingy regarding the witch and wizard titles given out by the Sage’s tower.

… I wonder, can I fly on Agunan instead of one of my monsters? I kind of want to try that. I guess I should ask.

“Agunan, do you mind if I ride you tomorrow?” I asked the dragon.

“If Master wants to, I’ll be more than happy to.” He responded, before adding. “But I would like an extra large breakfast for that. Transforming takes quite a lot of energy.”

“Sure. I think we can do that.”

“Also, I don’t want that prince on my back. Only you may ride me.” Agunan added.

“Yeah. I wasn’t going to let him, after you already refused him. Don’t worry.” I reassured the dragon.

“Then I have no problem.”


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