Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.234 Fusion Summoning Fest

CH.234 Fusion Summoning Fest

“Good morning.” Was what I heard as I woke up. 

As I opened my eyes, I saw Lua right in front of me. She was gazing at my face, and her eyes were glowing dimly.

“... good morning.” I responded after a bit.

“We have a lot of things to do today. Are you ready to go?” She asked.

“... I just woke up, so I think I need a bit more time.”

“Nope. We are going dress shopping right now.” She said. “You’d better be in the factory in a second.” She playfully warned, before her eyes closed, and she probably entered the factory.

“... where did she get all of that energy from?” I questioned, as I took a quick look around the room. 

Ria seemed to have already left for her breakfast, so I guess we don’t have too much time. I jumped into the factory after Lua, so she wouldn’t have to wait too long.

We spent a while going over different options for a dress, until Lua was satisfied with it. Then we spent another while checking out what monster to use as a base for it.

Still, what happened to Lua? I really didn’t expect her to push me like this. She is usually so reserved. Well, I like this side of her as well, and honestly, the slight assertiveness makes me want to spoil her even more.

Our end result was a dress made from the outfit of The Agent of Judgment - Saturn.


After being edited by Lua’s skill, it came out as a floor length, purple and white dress, with some gold trimming. It was both not overly crazy, but at the same time beautiful enough where it could turn everyone's head. She also got  golden bracelets out of it. It looked just fine to me, so we returned to the real world, and redid the dressmaking process there.

Sadly, it didn’t come out perfect. Well, it did, except for the necklace. That got lost in the process. But I was going to go to the dungeon anyway, so I can just make her one.

… or, I think I have a better idea.

“Lua, how about wearing this with it?” I asked, as I got out a bead necklace from my storage. It was the one I got from Anika, the little dhampir girl. I think it would fit Lua well. Sure, the red isn’t a perfect match, but I think it will work.

“... are you sure? Shouldn’t you wear it?” 

“You don’t wear a necklace with a suit.” I told her. “I think you should wear it. Anika is from the same village as you, so she is basically your little sister, right? I think she would like it, if you wore it.”

“I… yes. If I may.” Lua said. 

Where is the assertive Lua from just a bit ago? Where did she go?

With her dress and accessories decided, we got ready for the day.

After breakfast, we headed out. Only myself and the dhampirs, no Alice today. That was because I was just going to head to other places as soon as we got to the village anyway.

… okay, let’s be honest. I’m just going to summon Gradius when Lua, Ria and Agatha summon their dragons/bird and fly off from there. I have a lot to do today, so I don’t want to waste too much time with anything else. Lua can guide Agatha to the village, but honestly, I’m kind of hoping that Agatha will be able to make it on her own. Or I guess with Luster Dragon in this case, as the dragon should remember the way. Hopefully.

At first, Lua wanted to come with me to the dungeon, but I told her that I’d just be summoning a bunch of potentially nightmare inducing monsters, so she gave up on that. And I think some daughter/mother time will be good for her.

“... they came out again.” I complained a bit, as I saw a bunch of insects all across the forest floor, well what used to be forest. “Maybe I should have blocked the entrance with a boulder or something… Well, I can just kill them again and they can be used as test subjects.”

Swapping Gradius into hover mode, I opened the canopy so I could start. I have a bunch of fusions to take care of, so I want to just do it, but first, let’s run a quick experiment.

I got Hunter Spider and Polymerization out of my collection and said: “Polymerization, fuse together my Hunter Spider and one of those spiders.” I said.

One, or multiple materials refused the Fusion.

“... okay then. So it isn’t that simple. Well, whatever.”

(We could likely do it, if you used a card to take control of the monster first. Or you could try taming it, but without the Taming skill, it would be difficult to take control of a B-rank monster.) Laura said.

“Not like it really matters.”

(It might. This could be a way to make your monsters more permanent. It would be incredibly helpful.) 

“Yeah, maybe. But I don’t really need that right now, so we can look into it again, when it is more timely.” 

(As you wish. Just keep it in mind.)

“Yeah. I will.” I said. “... I guess one more thing, before I get on with the fusions.” I traded the two cards for one. “Insect Barrier.” I activated the spell.


This was to test if the card would work on the bugs. It should, but better to make sure. 

I actually wanted to use Eradicating Aerosol, but some potato over on Konami-of-America’s team didn’t want to release it until the Gold Series 4 packs in 2011, even though it came out for the OCG in 1999. And it was even used in the anime, by everyone’s favorite regional champion Weevil. But yeah, I don’t have it, so I had to go with Insect Barrier instead.


I saw the barrier form around the insects, but unlike with Swords of Revealing Light, the insects didn’t stop moving. This either means that they aren’t affected, because they aren’t insect-type, or because the Insect Barrier does something else. But I’ll just continue the Barrier test as I summon my first monsters. If I can summon a monster down there, and the bugs don’t attack it, the barrier works. But if something else happens, then it might just be another useless card that I’ll never use again.

“Fusion Gate.” I activated the field spell I would need for what comes next.


After I did, black and purple clouds began to form over the lands. They didn’t go as far as the eye could see or anything, but it was still quite a large cloud. Anyone looking at it would probably think it is some sort of super storm cloud, considering the swirling movement it kept.

Now, what to summon first? I have 51 unique fusion monsters in my collection, and out of them, I’ve summoned 9. Sure I could just go with whatever, but I do need to test the Insect Barrier just a bit more first.

“... that will work. Ria did summon it previously, but I didn’t so it is something I have to summon.” I said, as I decided on the first monster to summon. “I fuse together Monster Egg and Hinotama Soul to fusion summon Charubin the Fire Knight.”


The two materials weren’t in toploaders or anything. They were just regular cards. They would get banished anyway, as I was using Fusion Gate, so I’d rather not lose my toploader cards. Charubin did have a toploader though.

After he appeared on the ground, I ordered him to first just walk around amidst the insects. None of the insects attacked him, so I guess maybe the barrier does work after all. I ordered Charubin to attack one of the insects, but as Charubin isn’t super strong, the insect survived. But the insect didn’t even attempt to attack back, so the barrier must be working again.

It is actually superior to Swords in some ways. With Swords of Revealing Light, as soon as you touch a monster, it will be able to move, but with Insect Barrier, the insects seem to be 100% passive. They won’t do anything, even if you attack them.

Well, the test is complete, so let’s just get on with the Fusion summonings. I’d like to be able to get all of them done by the time the Fusion Gate wears off.

But first, I can claim my next reward.

Summon unique Fusion Monsters
Unique Fusion Monsters summoned: 10
St. Joan, Master of Oz, Giltia the D. Knight, Fusionist, Dragoness the Wicked Knight, Flower Wolf, Dark Paladin, Meteor Black Dragon, Musician King, Charubin the Fire Knight
Next Reward is given at 10 unique Fusion Monsters
Next Reward: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast + Berfomet

I hit the Claim button, and the two monsters got added to my collection. My next reward was going to be Crimson Sunbird and Faith Bird. I had Faith Bird, as it was in the Tournament Pack 2, but I didn’t have Crimson Sunbird yet, so even though Crimson Sunbird is a vanilla, it isn’t that bad. Just another fusion to summon. And it is a big chicken, so if I ever want to eat chicken meat…


Well, let’s just get on with it.

“I fusion summon Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast.”

“Thousand-Eyes Restrict.”

“Ojama King.”

“Mokey Mokey King.”

“Reaper on the Nightmare.”


I decided to start summoning the Fusions from weakest to strongest. That was just a simple way of getting them in some order. Well, Chimera I summoned just because it was the reward. So that is the order I think I will go with. The reward one, then another four fusions coming from weakest, towards the strongest.

I claimed my bird, and got on with the next five summons.

“Crimson Sunbird, Flame Ghost, Super Roboyarou, Super Robolady, Darkfire Dragon.”


My reward for 20 fusion summons was Mystical Sand and Ancient Elf, so after unsummoning the previous five, I summoned her next. She was quite the beautiful witch, with red robes. Maybe I can ste… transfer ownership of the robes to Lua. 

“Mystical Sand, Karbonala Warrior, Flame Swordsman, Cyber Saurus, Metal Dragon.”


At 25, my reward was actually a bit different, and something I really didn’t expect. What I got was, well see for yourself.

Summon unique Fusion Monsters
Unique Fusion Monsters summoned: 25
St. Joan, Master of Oz, Giltia the D. Knight, Fusionist, Dragoness the Wicked Knight, Flower Wolf, Dark Paladin, Meteor Black Dragon, Musician King, Charubin the Fire Knight, Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Ojama King, Mokey Mokey King,  Reaper on the Nightmare, Crimson Sunbird, Flame Ghost, Super Roboyarou, Super Robolady, Darkfire Dragon, Mystical Sand,  Karbonala Warrior, Flame Swordsman, Cyber Saurus, Metal Dragon
Next Reward is given at 25 unique Fusion Monsters
Next Reward: Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon + Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon

Yeah. I like that. I like that a lot. 

Twin Burst might not be Ultimate Dragon, but I’m more than willing to take Twin Burst. And getting an Alternative is nice as well, and because I got the Alternative from the fusion challenge, I should be able to get more of them with Different Dimension Capsule.

There are actually very few cards I cannot get with a Capsule. I think it might only be my two Dragonmaids, actually.

Anyway, back to it. But I’ll leave that Twin Burst for last. I just want to.

“Kaminari Attack, Deepsea Shark, Warrior of Tradition, Kwagar Hercules, Ryu Senshi.”


After another five summons, I claimed my reward. Mavelus and Wings of Wicked Flame. Both cards I didn’t have, but sadly they are not that good. Not every reward can be a Twin Burst Dragon.


Well, back to it. I still have monsters to summon.

“Mavelus, Fiend Skull Dragon, Dark Balter the Terrible, Rabid Horseman, Empress Judge.”


Now, I didn’t actually have Battle Ox for Rabid Horseman, but luckily I could use Mystical Sheep #1 as a substitute. 


My reward for 35 summons? Kamionwizard and Rare Fish. Yeah. Two fusion monsters. Sadly, they are both … bad, but I’ll take them. And I do have the materials for both of them, so this is fine.

“Kamionwizard, Rare Fish, Roaring Ocean Snake, Sanwitch, Punished Eagle.”


At 40, I got Alligator's Sword Dragon and Alligator's Sword. Again basic, but I don’t care. … I really don’t. It’s not like I want every reward to be amazing. I’m not that greedy. But honestly, there could be some better ones. Sadly, I already know at least the next one won’t be, but I’ll tell you what it is, after I summon the next five monsters.


“Alligator's Sword Dragon, Humanoid Worm Drake, Dark Flare Knight, Dark Blade the Dragon Knight, Bickuribox.”


Another five done. And what was my reward for it? Fricking Marine Beast and Behegon.


I could complain, I really could, but I don’t have to. Because of what is coming next. My reward for getting to 50.

Summon unique Fusion Monsters
Unique Fusion Monsters summoned: 45
St. Joan, Master of Oz, Giltia the D. Knight, Fusionist, Dragoness the Wicked Knight, Flower Wolf, Dark Paladin, Meteor Black Dragon, Musician King, Charubin the Fire Knight, Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Ojama King, Mokey Mokey King,  Reaper on the Nightmare, Crimson Sunbird, Flame Ghost, Super Roboyarou, Super Robolady, Darkfire Dragon, Mystical Sand,  Karbonala Warrior, Flame Swordsman, Cyber Saurus, Metal Dragon, Kaminari Attack, Deepsea Shark, Warrior of Tradition, Kwagar Hercules, Ryu Senshi, Mavelus, Fiend Skull Dragon, Dark Balter the Terrible, Rabid Horseman, Empress Judge, Kamionwizard, Rare Fish, Roaring Ocean Snake, Sanwitch, Punished Eagle, Alligator's Sword Dragon, Humanoid Worm Drake, Dark Flare Knight, Dark Blade the Dragon Knight, Bickuribox
Next Reward is given at 50 unique Fusion Monsters
Next Reward: Ultimate Fusion + Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon + Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon + Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon

Yeah. Can’t complain any longer. Honestly, summoning all of these monsters is 100% worth it. I already got Twin Burst, and this just feels like the system is spoiling me. This more than makes up for all of the terrible vanilla fusions I’ve gotten. I didn’t even know they made a fusion spell for Blue-Eyes, but I love that they did.

But I have to summon five more monsters, before I can claim it and the dragons, so back to it.

“Marine Beast, The Last Warrior from Another Planet. Oh.- Oops. I just blew up Marine Beast… Let’s just quickly Monster Reborn it back. … wait, I can’t. Last Warrior, go away. I like you, but you are in the way. Good, now Marine Beast, get resurrected and go to the factory.

King Dragun. I can use The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion for that instead of Lord of D.Brian doesn't have Lord of D. as it is structure/starter deck exclusive

Thousand Dragon, Labyrinth Tank.” I hadn’t even noticed that I had begun talking strange things to no one.


But with that, I could claim my Ultimate Dragons. I leave summoning them to the end, like I did with Twin Burst through. I think that will help me keep my sanity as I suffer through all of these summonings.

Next five.

“Gaia the Dragon Champion, Gatling Dragon, Skull Knight, Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, Black Skull Dragon.”


Next reward time. And we are back to garbage with Barox and Ryu-Kishin.


But I’m almost done. Only that Barox, and four machine fusions left. And the Blue-Eyes, but they are a treat anyway.

“Barox.” I summoned the ‘throwaway’ card first. Then to the four machine fusions I decided to leave for ‘last’ on my initial lap.

“I banish 3 X-Head Cannons, 3 Y-Dragon Heads and 3 Z-Metal Tanks to fusion summon XY-Dragon Cannon, XZ-Tank Cannon, YZ-Tank Dragon and XYZ-Dragon Cannon.


The four machine fusions now stood on the ground. Stood? Do they stand? Well, whatever.

The insects had long since been killed by the fusions I’ve kept summoning. Sure most of them didn’t have that much time, but the ones I summoned first from the series of five had enough to take down a bug or two, as long as they had the power to do it.

Summon unique Fusion Monsters
Unique Fusion Monsters summoned: 60
St. Joan, Master of Oz, Giltia the D. Knight, Fusionist, Dragoness the Wicked Knight, Flower Wolf, Dark Paladin, Meteor Black Dragon, Musician King, Charubin the Fire Knight, Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Ojama King, Mokey Mokey King, Reaper on the Nightmare, Crimson Sunbird, Flame Ghost, Super Roboyarou, Super Robolady, Darkfire Dragon, Mystical Sand,  Karbonala Warrior, Flame Swordsman, Cyber Saurus, Metal Dragon, Kaminari Attack, Deepsea Shark, Warrior of Tradition, Kwagar Hercules, Ryu Senshi, Mavelus, Fiend Skull Dragon, Dark Balter the Terrible, Rabid Horseman, Empress Judge, Kamionwizard, Rare Fish, Roaring Ocean Snake, Sanwitch, Punished Eagle, Alligator's Sword Dragon, Humanoid Worm Drake, Dark Flare Knight, Dark Blade the Dragon Knight, Bickuribox, Marine Beast, The Last Warrior from Another Planet, King Dragun, Thousand Dragon, Labyrinth Tank, Gaia the Dragon Champion, Gatling Dragon, Skull Knight, Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, Black Skull Dragon, Barox, XY-Dragon Cannon, XZ-Tank Cannon, YZ-Tank Dragon, XYZ-Dragon Cannon
Next Reward is given at 60 unique Fusion Monsters
Next Reward: Rose Spectre of Dunn + Snakeyashi

I took my reward. Again, it wasn’t that amazing. Then I quickly summoned it, just to unsummon it immediately afterwards. Sure the plant lady isn’t bad looking, but she clearly wanted to get handsy with me, and I’m in no mental state for that. My reward at 65 will be Skelgon and The Snake Hair, by the way. And I can just get there, after I summon my new Blue-Eyed dragons.


But before I do the BE lineup, let me first summon the two rituals that I got from the Tournament Pack 2.

“I activate Revival of Dokurorider. I tribute Dragon Seeker to ritual summon Dokurorider.”


“I activate Novox's Prayer. I tribute Launcher Spider to ritual summon Skull Guardian.”


I kept the two ritual monsters around to act as guards, as I gathered the corpses on the insects, or more like that was left of them. I would say I’m sorry, but you are monsters, so why would I not kill you?

After I picked everything up, I took a seat on Dokurider’s bike. It was the best place to sit, so why not? I’m a little disappointed that the motorcycle comes with a rider, because if it didn’t, I could ride it myself. But what are you going to do?

I took a deep breath in. Holy God that was a lot. I wish Laura could have done at least some of that for me. I really didn’t even get to enjoy it.

I deactivated the Insect Barrier, as well as the field spell, which had made all of this possible. There is no way I could have done this without Fusion Gate. I just had way too many monsters to summon. I only have like 5 copies of Poly with a toploader, so yeah. Even with all of the unsleeved copies, I don’t have enough copies of poly for over 50 fusion summonings. Laura hadn’t kept that many on hand. But I have enough for the next four, so I don’t need the field spell any more. And I really don’t want to banish the materials for these guys.

Blue-Eyes fusions, here I come!

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