Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.228 We register as a Party

CH.228 We register as a Party

“... Brian, where are we going? Weren’t we supposed to go to get my mother?” Lua asked, after we left the manor, so we could get in contact with Agatha. Blood delivery and all that.

“Yeah. Just one stop first. Or maybe two, if you want. I need to drop off the wrought iron I picked up for the Earl yesterday, and I was thinking, maybe we should register as an official party at the adventurer’s guild.” I responded, as I drove Overdrive towards the place where I was supposed to drop off the wrought iron.

“Yes! Let’s do that.” Alice called out from the back seat.

All four of us, Lua, Ria, Alice and I were in the car. Well, an armored personnel carrier might be more accurate, but still. Ria and Lua were here for obvious reasons, and Alice got permission, as long as we had another dance practice session in the village,and I was going to have one with Lua anyway, so we should be fine. Then we can work on our skills afterwards. Flight, weapon skills and magic.

The place I dropped off the Earl’s iron at was some sort of carriage workshop. I guess that explains why they need wrought iron. I think it is used to make carriage wheels. Too bad you still need high carbon steel for springs and stuff. 

“It is of higher quality than usually…” The workshop owner muttered as he received the iron.

“Well, that’s what they gave me.” I answered. “And the wholesale place didn’t say anything about it, so maybe this one is just a fluke, or maybe it is their new standard.” I added, knowing full well that the quality discrepancy is because of Storage, and the material quality increase feature it has.

“I see… Well, thank you for delivering it. … How much do I owe you?” He asked.

“Nothing. This was something between me and the Earl. If you want to ask that question, ask him.” I said. As I said earlier, making this delivery was a favor I promised for that letter of introduction.

“Yes. I shall thank him then.” The owner said.

I left the workshop and turned Overdrive towards our next destination. The adventurer’s guild. The girls wanted to make our party official, so who am I to say no.

We got to the guild and I unsummoned Overdrive. I have a second one I can summon when we head out, and I don’t want anyone driving off in my car.

Between Overdrive, our haram-esk party structure and the fame/infamy I got after summoning a dragon, we got a lot of stares. Lua was trying to stay calm, but she struggled with it a bit. At least she had her mantle on, so her wings were hidden. I think if they had been out, she might have run away. … maybe. Alice didn’t seem overly bothered, and Ria was turning her head around, as if she was keeping an eye on everyone, in case someone made a move or something.

It might have been because of her, or because the guild just is quite empty at this time of day, that no one came and talked to us.

And because of how empty it was, we were able to walk right up to one of the counters. Only one of them was manned, by a lady, at this time, but there were multiple people behind the counter. Most of them were just busy doing other stuff, and only one was ready to see adventurers, or other customers, so we walked up to her.

“Good morning. What can I do for you today?” she asked in a slightly overly chipper voice, like she was artificially trying to change her voice.

“We’d like to register as a party.” I said.

“Yes, of course. All four of you, right?” She asked.

“No. Only the three of us. Ria isn’t actually an adventurer… for reasons.” I answered.

“Yes. Then just please hand me the guild cards of everyone that wished to join the party, and tell me the party name.” The receptionist said.

Oh right. We need a party name. Why didn’t I think of that? … I guess I’ll just leave the name to Alice and Lua. They’ll come up with a good name, right?

I got my card out of storage and asked Alice and Lua: “So, what name should we go for?”

The two quickly looked at each other, before quickly turning back to me. Alice was the one to answer.

“Card Summoner.” She said.

“... really? You want to go with that?” I confirmed. The name is a bit … cringe, but nothing too bad. Honestly, I was expecting something way worse, so I’m fine with that.

“Yes.” Alice confirmed.

“It is a skill we all share, so it should be fine.” Lua reasoned.

“Well, I technically don’t, but I’m fine with that name either way.” I gave my permission.  

We all handed our guild cards to the receptionist and confirmed Card Summoner as our party name.

“I have registered your party. Card Summoner. I hope you will keep up your great work.” She said to us, as she handed us our cards back. “The three of you are now the founding members of this party, so only one of you three can invite new people into the party, and only if at least two of the three members are present.” 

Oh? I didn’t know that. I guess it makes sense for larger parties and stuff. I asked for a bit more information about the party structure and size limits and the receptionist explained.

“Parties can have any number of members, but that only goes for short periods of time. A large party, over 15 permanent members, will usually be converted into a clan. A clan can then have multiple parties working under the clan name and they can take on large jobs as a clan.” 

“Then what about the party name? Will that be transferred to the clan, or can it still be used?” I asked.

“The original party name can only be used in a situation where at least half of the founding members are in the party.” The receptionist answered. “Other sub-parties of the clan will have to have different names.”

Okay. I think I get it. But I don’t think anything like that will be a problem for a long time. We are still only three people, four once Ria can join. 

As we were about to leave, the receptionist asked one more question.

“Would you like to take a quest today?”

“We already have something today. Escorting Agatha to the dhampir village for her blood delivery.” I answered. It still is technically an adventuring quest. Too bad it is D-rank, not C, but that doesn’t prevent us from doing it. It just means it won’t really contribute as much as C-rank missions would.

“... I see. Well, I hope to see you again.” She said, as she let us go.

We then headed for Agatha’s place, again in Overdrive. And Overdrive got full again. It really is only good for four people. Five is one too many. I wonder, could I fuse two Overdrive together to make a larger Overdrive? Or maybe install one in another? I should test it out at some point. 

“So, how are we going to travel today?” Agatha asked after we picked her up. “Dragons, that big airship, or something else perhaps?”

“I think just dragons again.” I answered. “I’d like you and your dragon to know the route by the time we leave, so you can do it alone. Unless someone has something against that.”

“Umm, Brian? I don’t actually have anything that can fly while I ride it, so what should I do?” Lua asked.

Oh right, she doesn’t. She has her vampires, and some of them can fly. But other than them, she only has a few mermaids and White Magician Pikeru. I never actually gave her a dragon. Or a winged beast.

“I’ll give you one. Or you can ride with me today.” I gave her two options.

“... maybe I’ll ride with you then. And perhaps come back with a dragon of my own. That will give you more time to choose, won’t it?”

“I can pick one quickly. Pack Opener, open.” I said to open my skill so Lua could see my collection. Then I just searched out dragons.


“Wow. Let me look.” Alice called out from the back seat and leaned forward.

“Go for it.” I responded, as I again focused on the road. “But just so both of you know, I won’t give either of you a Blue-Eyes, as they are mine. Also, the two Red-Eyes fusions are off limits because of their power, as is the Chaos Emperor Dragon.”

“... I see…” Lua said, as she took a closer look. "... it's not here..." She muttered something, but I didn't quite catch it. After a while, she asked a question. “Do you have any water dragons?”

“... I’m not sure, let me check.” I added a water attribute filter to the search and came out with nothing. “No, I don’t. But they might be under sea serpents, instead of dragons.”

As I said that, I changed the search to show all Sea Serpents. 


I really don’t have that many Sea Serpents. And out of all of them, only Levia-Dragon Daedelus is a dragon. And I’m not even sure if it can fly. And even if it could, Daedalus has another problem. It is massive. In size, it is basically as large as a Blue-Eyes, if we measure from head to tail. It might be a meter or two shorter, but it is still large. And we only have permissions for the small and medium sized dragons, not the large ones. Just to avoid any unnecessary panic. 

I told Lua as much, and she asked me to switch back to the dragon tab, so I did.

“... I don’t know. Choose one for me, please.” She said.

“Sure. Just a second.” I responded. 

So, a dragon for Lua. I don’t have a water attribute, so light is the next best bet. All of the Blue-Eyes are off the table, as they are mine. Kaiser Glider would work, but it looks more fiery than light-y. I already gave Alice an Element Dragon, so that is a no go. Mirage Dragon and Divine Dragon Ragnarok are serpentine, so I don’t feel like that is good for a first dragon. And I’m just not sure if Different Dimension Dragon is a good idea. It might be, but better to go something a bit more normal. As in a normal monster. Luckily, there is just one, so I don’t have that much to choose from, and I think it fits Lua well. I guess you could say that I get to give a diamond to my girlfriend. Or a diamond dragon, to be more exact.


“Here. I think this will fit you. It is called Hyozanryu.” I said, as I gave her the card, making sure I only said the card name after the card was no longer in my hand. “It is also known as the Diamond Dragon, and has reasonable attack stat. But its defenses are really high, so I think it's good for you. And it's not too large, so you can fly relatively close to this city.”

For those that want to know, Hyozanryu is only about 10 meters tall. Again, standing on its hind legs, measured to shoulder level and all of that. In my books, it falls into the category of medium sized dragons. Small ones are the ones under 8 meters tall, medium are 8-15 meters tall, and large ones are over 15 meters. And I guess those that go over 25 meters would be huge, but I’ve not had anything go over 25 meters. Meteor Black Dragon is just about 23 meters, and it is currently the largest one I’ve summoned.

“... Diamond Dragon? I think I remember this one. You drained its blood for the party after I evolved, right?”

“Sure did. I'm surprised that you remember that.”

“Well, it isn’t something you see every day.”

“If you want, I can give you a Mystik Wok so you can drain it for blood. Even if you do, it will again be summonable after a day.” I offered.

“... I don’t know how I feel about that. Sacrificing the dragon I ride, I mean.”

“Well, I can always give you another one for that. Or we can just share one dragon between you and Ria whenever we fill up your flasks.”

“... has Ria been drinking dragon blood this whole time?” Lua asked, turning her head so she could look at Ria on the back seat.

I saw in my rear view mirror that Ria turned her head, so she didn’t have to look Lua in the eyes.

“Yeah. I’ve been getting her dragon blood ever since I figured out I could do it.” I told Lua.

“... Brian…”


“... nothing. If it's you, it's fine.” Lua said. “But still… don’t go overboard with everything.”

“Why not? It’s all my skill anyway. It doesn’t cost anything, not that I’m low on money, as you should know.”

“Yes, yes. Just, keep it … reasonable.”

“I do. That is why I don’t spoil every dhampir with dragon blood. Only those closest to me, or those that serve me.”

With those words, we left the city. 

After reaching an open spot some ways away from the walls, we got out of Overdrive and summoned our dragons. I decided to summon Sky Dragon for my ride. It is one of the new ones from the Tournament Packs, so I wanted to test it out.


Lua took the lead with her sparkling diamond dragon, and I was holding the rear with my four winged purple dragon. For anyone looking at the group of four dragons and one Firebird, it would be a terrifying sight. But being a part of it felt great.

Probably because of the dragons, we didn’t run into any flying monsters on the way to the village and we landed safely there.

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