Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.209 A bit of everything

CH.209 A bit of everything

Morning. And morning means a factory visit. But there really wasn’t much to it today.

I guess worth mentioning is that Laura traded for all of the cards from my Promo Trades over the past few days.

The , the cards and the cards. 

Of course the Sphinxes were something, but I might never use them. Shining Dragon is amazing, but I still can’t summon it. Rare Metal Dragon should have a mithril hide, so that is nice, but I need a way to harvest it. And at the same time, I can just make mithril with Dungeon Founder instead. But I would need a lot of Generation Points for that, so getting it from Rare Metal Dragon wouldn't be a bad thing.


Inferno Tempest is also a card. But the condition for it is a bit … out there.


Yamadron is also something I took notice of. For no other reason than the hydra fight a few days ago.


Yamadron is basically a three headed fire hydra. But it only has 1600 attack. So I wonder, what is stronger, my Yamadron or a twin hydra from this world? I wouldn’t question it otherwise, but considering that Diamond Sword members were able to 1v1 monsters in the 1800 attack range in practice matches, and while they didn't win, they did put up a good fight. That would mean that B-rank adventurers should be decently close to that mark in power. And a hydra, well a twin hydra, is a B-rank monster, so it would mean that a twin hydra should be around that same power, if not a bit higher, considering that usually it would be a party of B-rankers that are sent to take down a B-rank monster.

Well it doesn't really matter. Yamadron will make a decent practice target for everyone, if they want to practice fighting a hydra.

As always, I spent a bit of time with Tahlia and Fantasia, spoke a bit with Lua, she is doing fine btw. and then returned to the real world for breakfast.

After breakfast, we were going to head out to the practice grounds for combat practice, but Ellanora (the Earl’s wife) … convinced us to have etiquette and dancing lessons instead. Ria was also pulled to the side for some more maid training, so I guess no combat practice for us this morning.

I’m actually quite surprised by how well I can do in these lessons, at least compared to Alice. Alice is a born noble, but she still struggles with some of the basic things, like dance. I guess this might be her father’s obsession showing itself again. I have heard that she was basically magic practice only for a while, so maybe she barely had any dance practice. Meanwhile I was ‘forced’ to take on dance courses in my school. Well, only one of them was mandatory, the other was just highly recommended. But that second dancing course was also one of the best courses of my high school life, so definitely worth it. … now I miss dancing with Laura. I wonder if she would dance with me if I asked? We need a dance floor in the factory. And some music. I’ll try to figure all of that out some day. The dance floor might be doable just by factory being the factory and Musician King can offer us some music. Or maybe Spirit of the Harp.


After lunch, we (Ria and I) had a meeting with Lord Garner, concerning Ria. Her second test for getting deemed stable. Technically, it was supposed to be tomorrow, but as we would transport another blood delivery to the village tomorrow, he had arranged it for us for today.

While we did technically take all of the steps necessary, considering the situation, we got through it no problem. The sad part was that Ria actually politely refused to drink the blood they offered her. Even though it was apparently from a C-rank monster. Ria just said she preferred the one I was giving her. Well, I have been getting her dragon blood ever since we figured I could get it with Mystik Wok, so… Maybe I’m spoiling her, but at the same time, it doesn’t cost anything, so why not?

Other than that, the test involved a walk around town where we checked if Ria could walk around without running into problems. And, of course, she didn’t, so she passed her second check.

After that, I went shopping with Alice. She had actually come with us when we first came to the knight orders headquarters, but she had already gone to browse a few shops while we were taking the test.

The main place where we were still going to go, was a certain shop selling equipment for mages. I don’t know why she wanted to take me to exactly this place, but hey, I’m not going to complain.

Actually, I think I still owe Lua a date. I recall promising her one before we arrived in this city.In Or was it back in Alewatch? I’m not sure. Maybe I should ask some of the manor maids about good spots and stores. Or maybe have Ria ask for me. … actually that might not be a great idea. I feel like the maids would think that Ria wants to take me on a date, instead of me taking Lua.

“Welcome.” A female clerk welcomed us into the store. She was, by my estimation, in her early to mid twenties, and her hair was light brown and on the shorter side, not even reaching her shoulders. “What are you looking for? A staff? Magic books? Or maybe some magic boosting accessories?”

I looked over at Alice, and she responded. “I have a staff already, but I’m interested in everything else. Also some clothing that boosts magic. Atrea recommended this place for that.”

“Atrea did? I see. Then I’ll show you the good stuff. Shall we start with the clothing then?”


“What about you sir? Anything you are looking for?” She asked me. By the way, Ria wasn’t actually in the store. She stayed outside with the coachman. Yes, we were on a carriage today, as lord Garner arranged it for us. He even made sure Alice had a guard knight while Ria and I were busy.

“Just here with her. But if I notice something interesting, I’ll be sure to ask.” I answered.

So while the clerk was showing Alice the clothing which boosts her magic, I was looking over the other things in the store. 

I looked at their collection of staves first. That reminded me of the one that Sorcerer of Dark Magic got from that challenge room in the dungeon. I should start working on it, so I can use it at some point. … or maybe I can have it done automatically while it is in my storage? I wonder if Tahlia can do that. I have to ask. If she can, it could quickly be made into something usable, as we could run some mana through it, fast forward the time for it, and run mana through it again.

I also took a look at the other staves, and I was thinking of analyzing them for the dungeon, but that would be almost theft. And I can just analyze the ones my monsters have instead.

Next thing I looked at was their collection of magic books. Honestly, I wanted to take them all for no reason. I just felt like they might be useful. Then I could analyze them and have Laura look them over. I don’t know if it would help at all, but I just feel like I should. But at the same time, I don’t think they have the stock where I can afford to pick all of them and not cause a shortage. And I already analyzed some of them back when I ‘raided’ the Sawyer manor’s library. I did find two books on light magic, which I decided to pick up. Not for myself, but for Lua. I think they might be good for her. Well, I would also analyze them, so I could store them in the RMLs.Royal Magical Library Too bad there are no books on space magic. Maybe I should install a Book of Secret Arts into Cosmo Queen. That might get me a space magic spellbook. Or it might be just dark magic. Well, there is an easy way to find out.

Actually, I should just take the strongest spellcaster of each attribute and install a Book of Secret Arts into them. Then analyze the finished books and add them to the RMLs. I might get some good books with that.

Finally, I looked at both magic stones and monster cores. They were some of the only stuff in the store which was actually in a locked glass case. I wonder why they are, while the staves with magic stones are just out in the open? 

Among the monster cores was one which I recognized from a few days ago. It was the central core of the hydra. So this is where it ended up. Sadly it didn’t have a price tag, so I couldn’t get an estimate on how much the guild rips us off when we sell stuff to them.

“Brian! How do I look?” Alice asked, spinning around wearing a new shirt. It was … basic. A plain white shirt.

“... it looks like a shirt.” I just said. “Is it special in some way?”

“Of course it is special!” Alice said. “Tell him.” She asked the clerk.

“Yes. That shirt is from a dungeon and it boosts the wearer's mana movements, allowing for more mana to be used for spells, boosting their power.” The clerk explained.

“Oh? I guess that is useful.” I said, but in all honesty, that just sounds like it would be wasteful. You don’t want to put too much mana into the spells, just enough to kill the target. Anything more than that will just be a waste. But at the same time, faster mana movement might make things like telekinesis easier, so I suppose there are other uses for it. And it might even help you cast spells quicker. But I still feel like that is a bit too basic for Alice. “But if you like it, you can just buy it.” I told her.

“Yes. I think I will.” Alice said, before again disappearing into the changing room.

She returned a bit later in her usual clothes, holding the new shirt in her hand.

Other than her shirt, she also picked up a book of handwritten notes on fire magic. I wonder why fire? Maybe it is because of Mana. You know, Dark Burning attack. It does have burning in the name, so maybe it is some sort of fire and dark composite spell. I don’t know. 

The shirts, yes she picked up two, were actually quite cheap, only 5 gold per shirt. But I guess considering that you can get a normal undershirt for 2 large silvers, ten times that might be expensive. And considering that I paid 13 gold for the two books, the shirts were actually somewhat affordable. 

After our shopping, Alice had us stop at a cafe. Well, a tea shop. There was no coffee available. We enjoyed some great tea and slices of cake which were basically sponge cake.

Then we returned to the manor. 

Back at the manor, we were finally able to get some practice in. As in sword practice and punching practice for Ria. I was working with Familiar Knight and Ria had Amazoness Fighter and Karate Man as her tutors.


I don’t know why, but I feel like I have very few monsters that punch things. At least as far as warriors go. Those two are basically it. And even if I add Beast-Warriors, it would only be Des Kangaroo, Hitotsu-Me Giant and Master of Oz. And two of those aren’t really something I should summon because of their size.

At the end of our practice session, I was drenched with sweat. Familiar Knight really kept pushing me, saying that I can keep going as I’m higher leveled now. In all honesty, I could but I still got super sweaty. But still, my muscles don’t hurt too bad and I was still feeling fine. I just need a bath. I remember last time my muscles really hurt, but I guess having more than double the strength does show itself in some places.

And, of course, bath time for us is also magic practice time. I was getting closer. I can feel it. Just a day of two more and I’ll be able to cast Space Wall. And hopefully get the skill while I’m at it.

Ria was also getting better at blood iron control. She had managed to turn the knuckles of her gauntlets into a singular large spike. You would not want to be punched by it. In terms of Vampiric Body Modification, well, she is working on it. She is quite confident with extending her fingers, but other than that... As I said, working on it.

We ended the day with our level ups. For myself, I leveled up Summoner’s Unity. For Ria, a level in Internal Magic Technique.


Tomorrow, another visit to the village. I know Lua is doing well, but it will still be nice to see her myself.

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