World Development System

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Wilkins laughed as he entered the castle, "Today that Elf will pay for his insolence of the past when he killed my subordinate . I was waiting for such a long time to get my hands on that Elf . That guy always used to fight from a range . Today he will be trapped like a small mouse . "

Wilkins was continuously deflecting the arrows with his armors and tough skin Earth as he rammed inside with his mace and Charged ahead,

Looking at the scene,

Arlen took out his own Rifle which was made especially for him by Tornwall, He took out a magazine that was filled with Runic Bullets and loaded the Rifle .

Arlen smiled as he heard the ramblings of Wilkin from the first floor, "Time for my specialty, These bullets will come in handy . I wonder what surprise is hidden by Tornwall in these bullets . "

Looking at Wilkins who came inside the Castle, Arlen spoke to Wilkins who was on the ground floor and rushing with his men towards them, "Wilkins, do you know why you survived previously?"

Wilkins was confused as he looked at Arlen and thought, ’Has he gone insane as death is around the corner?’

Arlen smiled and continued, "It was because I wasn’t interested to kill you previously but right now since you decided to invade this castle, you and everyone else have sealed their fates . No one of you will escape alive . "

Wilkins smiled as he mocked Arlen and gave orders, "Hmph, All talk, no bite . Charge with me, Barbarians"

He thought as he looked at the rifle which Arlen was handling currently, ’What is he doing with that toy? Hmm . . . maybe his new toy . Hmm . . . These guys too have the same toys as that Elf . Why do I feel something is fishy?’

He thought as he looked at the calm faces of Arlen and his men .

Arlen smiled as he fired the bullet and spoke in a low voice, "Exactly"

The bullet was clad in black fully as it sped with Wind magic, Arlen remarked, "Woah, the recoil is quite heavy with these bullets compared to normal ones . "

Arlen again shot at Wilkins as he didn’t want to take risks .

As soon as the bullet came in contact with Wilkins, he was covered in black around his throat and Head .

The bullet instantly penetrated the throat and Head of Wilkins who was in shock and horror completely after experiencing the power of Rifles . He never imagined that such a thing could take his life as he was always able to shrug off Arrows with his Earth Magic and his Armor . But this time, He never knew what hit him, The Earth magic activated from his armor was still penetrated as blood gushed out .

He thought as he fell down, ’Damn, so this was his weapon . ’

Arlen ruthlessly ordered as he saw Wilkins falling down, "Shoot . "

Wilkins fell down in an instant before the Mercenaries could even react, There was complete chaos as everyone started falling like a pack of cards .

Sandro furrowed his brows as he heard the shots of Bullets as well as reducing voices of the Barbarian Mercenaries and murmured, "What’s happening? Why has that idiot and his men stopped blabbering? They usually won’t be quiet after they go into Battle Mode . Come, let’s go . "

Very soon Sandro came in as he heard the ominous sounds .

Currently, his men were preparing Traps so that their enemies can’t escape .

This time, Arlen without Speaking anything, took his big rifle and immediately aimed at Sandro,

"Bang," a bullet was fired,

Sandro dodged it instinctively as he saw wind pass by his right cheek, Arlen was surprised but immediately shot him 2 times again .

"Bang Bang . "

With a Recoil, Arlen smiled and murmured, "This guy has good reactions . But this time he is facing something on a completely different level . He would never know what killed him . "

Sandro was soon met with another two bullets from Arlen which was clad in dark and wind magic .

Sandro looked at Wilkins in horror and only now did he realize how he and Wilkins died .

"That Weapon . Men, Leav . . . " Sandro screamed as he fell down before even passing his orders .

The Mercenaries were in chaos as they lost all of their Leaders and were scrambling to attack the castle .

Arlen checked the dead corpses of Wilkins and Sandro, "Good, they are dead . "

He immediately ordered his men and he took out his guns, "No need to waste any time, Kill them all, General Anak is rounding them up from the outside . "

Very soon the soldiers started heading outside the castle as they started targeting the mercenaries .

However, the mercenaries were met with their very own traps as they tried to escape .

John too was surprised about such a fast conclusion after the invasion of the castle .

John smiled and thought, ’Guess, I was worried about nothing . Good thing bringing the enemies inside the castle . ’

Amber laughed as he saw the A5’s in action for the first time, "As expected of him, Like a Ghost, finishing his enemies in one stroke . "

John nodded as he charged with his men, "Come, round all of them up . Use your Mini-ballistas . Target the ones who are trying to escape . Anyway, let’s clear these traps and finish them fast . "

Very soon, all the remaining mercenaries were killed in cold blood without even a chance to resist Arlen and John .

Arlen sighed with relief as he saw the conclusion of the battle .


John immediately asked Arlen, "When did they attack?"

Arlen thought and answered, "It was noon I guess . That’s also when I didn’t allow the Messenger to go to the camp after spotting them . I am sorry for not obeying your orders, Milord . "

John shook his head and spoke, "Nah, It’s ok, Lives of our men are more valuable . Since all the mercenaries died, it wouldn’t get leaked probably . It was a good thing that you immediately issued the order to use the Rifles instead of Cannons . This time we lost 141 men today when we attacked the Mercenary Base . However so everything has their pros and cons, Anyway, We have finished them all for good . "

Arlen confusingly asked John when he spoke of mercenaries, "What do you mean? Milord . "

Amber proudly spoke as he watched Arlen’s confusion, "General means what he says . Today the mercenaries were up to some mischief which pissed General off big-time . Means we have destroyed their whole base along with Prince Hector’s men at that camp . Routes are now cleared, There would be no mercenaries from now on . "

Amber slowly explained to him about the battle which took place the borders of Dolores which Astonished Arlen to no extent .

With an astonished expression, Arlen exclaimed, "No wonder these guys wanted to invade us thinking that they can win since General Anak was not here . Hmph . . . However, they were in for a surprise today, I am not a pushover when it comes to my enemies . I wonder how did they get these ragtag bunch of ballistas and how were they able to bring in so many without being noticed by anyone . "

John handed him the letter of Liam and spoke with a smile, "The answer lies in this letter . "

After reading the letter, Arlen thought a bit and came to the conclusion, "Hmm . . . It seems they were able to get their hands on it via the Radiant Church who is funding Duke Fjord currently . Am I correct?"

John nodded, "Yes, You guys will be responsible to clear that temporary base in the west since the base’s use is over . Bring in all the resources and clear the base . They would come in handy . Tomorrow there could be big actions taken since that Bufoon Hector is coming in with an army towards our borders, it would be troublesome to handle him . It would be better if we defend from the castles and bunkers nearby . From now on we can use the cannons . Bring them in the position of Ballistas . Order Jay to bring in some best squads of Cannoners here in the south . Also, deploy the rifles to all the men . The ban on Rifles is over for good . "

Arlen nodded as he prepared to arrange all the things required .

Josephine soon arrived with the reserves as she saw the whole situation, "Woah, all of them already dead? You guys used the rifles already?"

John asked, "What, you feeling pity for them?"

With an irritated face, she angrily asked, "No . . why did you guys finish it so early? I just got these men hyped for a battle . How do you expect me to answer them . "

John slapped his forehead as he heard the musclehead, Josephine .

John thought as he heard her, ’They would probably be happy since they won’t have to fight . ’

Josephine saw John’s mask and asked, "It seems you are the new General which we are hearing about, Anak . Right?"

John nodded and coldly answered in his normal way, "Yes . "

Josephine asked as he looked at John carefully, "Why do I feel you are someone I know . "

Escaping the question he left in a hurry, "Ahem, let’s leave, we need to make preparations . This will become a big fiasco . I don’t have time for gossip . "

Josephine spoke as she forgot what she came for, "Ahh yes . Men move and help Commander Arlen . "


Liam asked his men after looking at the all fiasco at the borders of Dolores, "What was the result?"

Ed answered, "Everyone at the Mercenary base which was made by Prince Hector is dead, there is a big hubbub going on at Dolores, While a lot of Villagers nearby Dolores are leaving for North-frontier city . The reason for that is Jim’s action today which exposed Prince Hector’s conspiracy . As far as Barbarians and Barrenmakers are concerned, Bodies of Wilkins and Sandro is up for display at the southern castle . By the looks of it, every one of them died . While not many of their men died on Count John’s end . Only Joss’s Body was not found, I think he has escaped . "

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