Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 5: Chapter 79: The Finale Round of the Combat Competitions

Book 5: Chapter 79: The Finale Round of the Combat Competitions


Just as stated in the rules, the final round will be a battle royale between the five remaining competitors! And the first, second, and third place positions will be based on who is left standing last! King Oberon declares as every other competitor is suddenly teleported away from the arena, in the sky near where King Oberon and Gramps are. The five competitors will be placed inside of a large map made for this competition. The map itself will be filled with monsters all above level one thousand seven hundred, and the competitors will have to make their way through the monsters to find and defeat each other! Those defeated by the monsters will be eliminated from the competition.

He snaps his fingers, making the five of us appear floating high above a large map. One with multiple different biomes to it.

At the very center of the map is a large volcano that doesnt appear to be currently active, meanwhile there is nothing but forest all around the volcano, and mountains surrounding those forests. Really tall mountains that act as a sort of barrier separating the arena and whats not part of the arena.

Everyone quickly begins trying to memorize the map as King Oberon continues, But dont forget about the hidden little secret in this map! Because there is one! And you really dont want to miss this not-so-little guy.

As he says that, I cant help but notice some movement coming from the volcanos crater. But I cant see exactly what it is. Just that its hidden very deep down in the lava, that its very massive considering the size of the ripples its sending around, and that it isnt likely being hurt by the lava.

Some sort of massive fire-breathing lizard is my guess. Thats what a video game would do for a boss like that.

Although I am rather curious about what its level is. Especially considering that I see quite a few monsters down there that are already around level two thousand.

So if theyre that high already, and King Oberon is warning us about the big one what level is it?

Level 2200? 2300? Maybe even higher?

Surprisingly, the first thought that comes to mind isnt to avoid it at all costs.

Scarlet, thats probably not Tar begins to deny my thoughts, only to seemingly remember how powerful the Red Plague is. Just dont die, please.

Meh. Its fine.

If I die to the beastie then Ill just respawn afterwards. I have anti-death clause activated for this competition after all.

Stolen novel; please report.

Honestly dont think anyone has it disabled. Not a single person.

For most of this entire tournament, in fact. With the exception of a few non-combat competitions and the ones where enabling it wasnt allowed.

Like the Tower Defense. Wasnt much point in activating it there when we werent even in danger.

Would just be a waste of points if they did have it enabled in those competitions.

But for anyone whos made it this far in life, to this level? No ones gonna risk their lives fighting in a tournament. Especially not against allies, and not while the void invasion is coming.

Would be stupid.

Just a waste.

Says someone who killed a competitor in your sleep, Tar points out, but I just cross my arms.

That wasnt a waste. And he killed himself.

I had nothing to do with his decision to jump into my barrier.

Tar snorts at that, but I just focus on the volcano as the Fae King keeps talking, Just like with the previous duels, surrender is an option, and so is the anti-death clause. Every competitor will be placed on different edges of the map, and this time theyre allowed to see the map beforehand.

Now that he mentions it, the map is basically like a five-sided star.

I focus on studying everything I can about the map while were still up here. And I see the others doing the same.

But I make sure to continue listening as I do so, since hes still explaining things, Also, one thing to note is that no one is allowed to fly above one hundred meters above the ground. If you do, youll be struck by lightning and sent crashing back down to the ground. So keep that in mind.

That doesnt sound like fun.

Studying the map well be on makes me realize a few things rather quickly. One, its rather large. Something I didnt really need to study it to see. So large that itd take a normal human being weeks to walk through it. Although thatd just be minutes to fly through it for me at my level. Two. There are a lot of monsters on the map. And I mean a lot. Of. Monsters.

Tens of thousands, all scattered around the map. Maybe even hundreds of thousands. Enough that if they were let loose on Earth, itd be the apocalypse. Especially considering that theyre all at a minimum level of 1700.

Which means that its not a good idea to go rushing around at top speed. Especially since I see some areas that look like traps and ambushes made by the monsters.

Also, the monsters seem to grow stronger the closer you get to the volcano at the center of the map.

However, I feel I should mention that there is a nice point reward for finding and slaying a certain hidden beast, King Oberon adds before quickly rushing to say, Now lets begin!

Wait, a reward? How much?

I dont get an answer to my question as I quickly find myself being teleported straight down into the map on one of the corners.

Okay, now Ive gotta kill that beast. Not only would it give me who knows how many levels, but itll give a point reward too?

How could I just ignore it?

You realize hes trying to get you to kill it, right? Tar points out, and I just shrug.

Yeah, probably.

He wants me to succeed in this and win anyways, doesnt he? He wouldnt have helped send me to fight the void creatures on that other planet if he didnt.

So he most likely wants me to take advantage of the monsters in the competition as well. Even if the way I go about the rest of the competition seems to upset him a little.

A little? Tar comments, but I ignore him as I proceed through the forest.

Time to hunt.

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