Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 5: Chapter 62: The Void Creatures

Book 5: Chapter 62: The Void Creatures


My eyes narrow slightly as I look through the much smaller list than we had for monster defenders.

Monster Name




0.1 Points

The weakest and most common void creature in the void. They are completely unintelligent and chase after the strongest source of life force they can sense nearby.

Their most common method of attacking is through swarming with sheer numbers.

They are no stronger than a wild animal with the power of a Class 0 being and have appearances that vary from one voidling to another. However, they all have black scales and tentacles, with no eyes.

Void Drone

0.3 Points

The second weakest and second most common void creature in the void with the power of a Class I being. They are completely unintelligent and chase after the strongest source of life force they can sense nearby.

Their most common method of attacking is through swarming with sheer numbers.

They have the power of a Class I being with the appearance of a large beetle with black tentacles growing out from beneath their shells and six black-scaled legs.

Void Vanguard

1 Point

The main force of the Voided Overlord, serving at the front of every charge through sheer instinct alone.

These creatures are completely unintelligent and always starving, looking to devour life force whenever possible. Therefore they will always rush to the front of any attack in an attempt to find their next meal.

They have the power of a Class II being with the appearance of a large, flying bug with a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth specially designed to eat as much as possible.

Void Broodmother

2 Points

The breeders of the void invasion whose purpose is to constantly produce more voidlings, drones, and vanguard.

They have very little combat power themselves and can span over a dozen meters in length, able to spawn hundreds of voidlings every day.

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While broodmothers have the power of Class IIIs, their bodies are too large, and all of their void energy goes towards producing more void creatures. Therefore they are unable to fight back when attacked.

However, they will always be surrounded by tens of thousands of void creatures ranging from voidlings to vanguard.

Broodmothers have the appearance of a massive insect with three sections to their body, each incredibly thick, covered in black scales, and connected through relatively thin in comparison segments.

Holy shit I actually remember these things. Hes using actual void creatures for this. Or maybe theyre manifested somehow?

I remember the creatures described from my time slaughtering void creatures not too long ago. Although its missing a couple.

Im sure the competitors have noticed by now, King Oberons voice echoes out across the stadium of cheering fans. This tournament was set up by my mother, the previous Queen, Queen Titania of the fae, in preparation for the void invasion. The monsters that will be attacking the towers will not just be regular monsters or ones created by me. They will be manifested void creatures. Ones who act just like the real void creatures outside attacking the universe with a few exceptions to make sure they follow the rules of the competition.

Thought so.

This is a pretty good idea, to be honest. Although it also implies that Queen Titania knew about the void invasion thousands of years ago.

I wonder just how strong that queen was. And more importantly, if she was that strong, how did she die?

Considering that she was a fae, that means she undergoes a different path to power than we humans and demons do. That the mortals of the universe do.

But Tars never really filled me in on how their method of growing stronger works. Other than the whole eating a small part of the life force we send them through our contract part.

I glance down at the monsters that are appearing at the entrance of the tower as the Fae King continues speaking, For those of you who arent competing, here is a description of each of the types of void creature. He pauses for a second, making me glance at the audience to find everyone with a System Notification in front of them. So I look back down at the tower again. As for you competitors who cant see the last three types of void creatures, Ill go ahead and explain them to you myself while you watch the tower defense down below.

That has me glancing at the Fae King again.

Right. It only described up to Class III equivalent void creatures. There wasnt anything about the Class IV equivalent ones I found while fighting them above that planet.

I didnt see any Class V equivalent ones though.

The Class IV equivalent void creatures are known to us as void ravagers, and they tend to be the size of a small house, King Oberon starts off surprising more than a few people. They often have the forms of large blobs of nothing but tentacles, claws, and scales, and try to pull anything living nearby them into their mess of tentacles to absorb them alive. While also shredding them up with the claws within their mass of flesh.

That doesnt sound pleasant.

At all.

And those are very large blobs. Very large indeed.

Then the Class V equivalent void creatures are known as void heralds, and they have the distinct power to attract other void creatures to them, King Oberon says, making my eyes narrow slightly. Just like all of the other void creatures, they have no intelligence. But what they do have is a stronger set of instincts than the other void creatures. They know when to retreat by pure instinct alone for example, and they pull back the invasion forces from a force they dont believe they can take on before merging with another invasion force.

That sounds dangerous.

The heralds take on different forms for every herald, with the only exception being that they all include black scales and tentacles, King Oberon continues, making me briefly wonder why the void creatures are so obsessed with scales and tentacles. Their sizes can also vary, ranging from the size of a skyscraper to that of a very small moon depending on how much void energy they have.

Even larger than the blobs. Got it.

Lastly, King Oberon states, surprising me for a second before I understand what hes going to talk about next, the Voided Overlord. A void creature on the level of a Class VI being.

The stadium grows silent despite the action going on down below at the base of the tower, which makes me partially realize that the Fae King must be doing this lecture right now on purpose. To give the last place competitor an advantage over the others due to everyones distraction.

The Voided Overlord is as large as a medium-sized star and looks vaguely similar to a dinosaur from prehistoric Earth, King Oberon says as a wave of mutters begin going through the audience. It has a large and powerful body with a long neck, two short arms, and two short legs. Meanwhile tentacles and black scales cover its entire body. But unlike the other void creatures, this one also has a humanoid form. Even if it still has no real intelligence.

A humanoid form without any intelligence?

Thats bizarre.

Is it just to get into smaller places? But then shouldnt it have used that form to pass into the universe by now instead of waiting for the rift to grow large enough?

The creature is also the personification of void energy given material form, the king states, his tone growing dark as an equally dark look crosses his face. Its very presence once it enters the universe will begin destroying reality around it.


Thats not good.

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