Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1266: Cap 1264: My will is stronger! Part 7

Chapter 1266: Cap 1264: My will is stronger! Part 7

I couldn't understand part of the conversation that my sisters and the two Saints were having, I understood the general context which was about the Mother of Truth being in cahoots with an Evil God, that's something I already knew. 

I also understood that the alliance between these two does not represent being loyal, one was using the other in a certain way, and the Planet becoming an abomination of flesh in front of me was just another victim of this alliance. 

Even without knowing what a Divine Weapon was, from the name I can assume that it must be a Weapon Created by a God or used by a God, that's me being literal with the name. 

Clearly, the Evil God wanted this Divine Weapon planning to steal it for himself from the beginning, but perhaps because of the intervention of my companions or Yntra already had this plan from the beginning, she wants to destroy the entire project in hopes of getting a Divinity Fragment, which would make her close to being an Evil God. 

As I thought about it during their conversation, I was still just speculating for the most part, parts of my understanding could be wrong or I could have gotten it all wrong, it wouldn't be surprising since I'm missing some knowledge of Deities and Divine Weapons. 

When I asked, I tried to get rid of this doubt by getting information from my sisters with thousands or millions of years of existence as Demigoddesses, but instead of answering, they looked at me for a few seconds in a strange way. 

I noticed that both Alice and Karina were exchanging strange looks as if they wanted to tell me something, Elizabeth was running her hand over her face with frustration on her face and Natasha was laughing while trying to hold back her laughter with great effort. 

"Maybe we should explain..." (Alice) 

"We do not have time." (Elizabeth) 

Once again Elizabeth moves so fast that she seems to appear directly in front of me, her index finger already covered in crystallized blood in the shape of a claw as she pierces my forehead, this time she goes deeper as other memories and information flow neatly into my head. n(/OIn

It only took me a few seconds to understand what Elizabeth conveyed to me and I immediately look back at the broken sphere floating in front of me. 

"Is that tiny thing that Moon where we almost all got killed?" (I) 

"Yes and don't ask any more questions..." (Natasha) 

When I stretched out my hand, the Moon moved on its own, landing in my hands, I felt one of the new connections that I didn't know about resonate, thanks to that I gained an instinctive understanding of how this Moon works and I could feel how this thing was alive. 

The world was silent as each of my senses was focused on the Moon, I could feel its power, function, and life and that it was still incomplete. 

I could also understand the reason why it was incomplete, it wasn't about me not being a God or because I seemed to be broken, these things are different, it was incomplete because its concept is incomplete, a concept that represents me. 

I wasn't even doing these things because I wanted to, it was like a trance state, the Divine Weapon was alive and wanted to be complete, this desire for completeness flowed into me as if begging me to complete and my instincts followed that path. 

My mind was lost in countless intrusive thoughts about the Divine Weapon and how I could complete this thing until I felt something hit my head hard when I realized Elizabeth was looking seriously at me with her fist hitting my head from above since she is considerably taller than me. 

"What part of we don't have time do you not understand, we need to stop that thing now!" (Elizabeth) 

"Because that's my problem, I don't have nearly the power to destroy a Planet." (I) 

"Why not try to wake up the Saint of Life or summon your Divine Beast that is also a living planet?" (I) 

"The Saint of Life is too weak now and her Divine Beast is repairing the damage from the Saint's battle, something that will go to waste when that Planet explodes, opening a rift in space." (Elizabeth) 

"I know the situation is very serious, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm far from having the power to do anything right now." (I) 

"Actually you're the only one with the power to do something, this whole thing was just Plan A, do you really think we wouldn't have a Plan B?" (Natasha) 

"So what do I have to do? If I'm going to fight that thing, then that's a No." (I) 

Even from afar, I could feel the overwhelming presence of it, I also have a little information about how the fight against the tentacles went, even at my best I wouldn't come close to doing anything against this planet. 

"The initial plan B was for you to use your Sacred Lands and the ocean made using your Sacred Power, in a Soul-focused attack, this would destroy the Planet from the inside out." (Elizabeth) 

"You should be able to sense the Holy Lands and the ocean of cursed poison." (Elizabeth) 

"Unfortunately, this plan B has changed or more specifically, it will not work as the implosion process has already begun." (Natasha) 

"Yes, most of the plan is still the same, you will use the influence we have placed on the Planet to fight indirectly, but instead of destroying, you have to deny Yntra's influence to try and stop what they are doing." (Elizabeth) 

"If I don't do it how bad will it be?" (I) 

"A rift in space the size of this Star System will form as the dimensional walls will fall, an infinite number of Creatures from the Abyss will emerge destroying everything in their path, they are literally infinite." (Elizabeth) 

"The good part is that once we reach this state, the Gods will intervene at any cost, but we won't be able to escape quickly enough and probably dozens of other Star Systems around will be destroyed before the situation is resolved." (Natasha) 

"..." (I) 


"What do I have to do?" (I) 


A few minutes later I was inside a barrier made with 100 layers of Natasha's crystallized blood, each of these barriers is extremely resistant and through her Authority they can regenerate if they are not completely destroyed. 

It looked more like I was trapped inside that damn red crystal when I was thrown towards the planet at great speed, twisting the space around me to shorten the path, but to anyone looking from the outside, it must look like my image is blinking. 

Even with this huge defense around me, I felt thousands of small impacts and dozens of impacts that made me spit blood. 

The trip was only supposed to take a few minutes, so I tried to push aside this small pain as I thought about what I should do, going over the plan in my mind while still trying to understand everything Elizabeth transferred into my mind about the current situation. 

As I was thinking I felt that more than half of the defenses were broken and I saw through the defenses one of the tentacles becoming a large hand trying to grab me, but the outermost blood barrier just explodes outward being destroyed at the same time as it opens an exit. 

When I feel the impact on the ground, the blood that makes up the little more than 20 remaining barriers penetrates my body. 

I look around seeing pure destruction, broken trees, and what appeared to be remains of the World Tree opened completely empty inside, I could feel that there was no longer a World Tree Spirit. 

"(Elizabeth doesn't seem to know what happened to the World Tree and no one told me about it, but I feel something strange, it feels like the outside of the tree has opened from the inside out.)" (I) 

"Come on Zenos, focus... the World Tree is no help to the plan." (I) 


I looked beyond the remains of the World Tree only to see what seemed to be the apocalypse surrounding this place, since I entered the feeling of belonging to this place embraces me in the same way as the feeling of corrosion from the outside. 

"I can't waste any more time." (I) 

I release all my power as my body transforms into a Dragon on the day, in this state of liberation from my true self I feel my Aura and Authority merging with this area almost as happens with the Territories I create. 

When I did this I felt something else in that place and I ran to the feet of the remains of the World Tree, the feeling was weak, but it is still there extending an Aura full of will towards me. 

"So it was you... I see..." (I) 

What is in front of me was not something that had a physical body or even a spiritual form to take, all around me it seemed more like sparks of essence flows and a mixture of wills as one using these lands as the last bastion as they extend their power to out continuously only to be crushed back by the force of the creature that took over the Planet. 

"You are weak, there is no way to win." (I) 

"(Fight... Burn... Destroy... Protect...)" 

"Interesting..." (I) 

This must be all that was left of the Will of the World, to not let them completely take over the Planet they hid here, but clearly it wasn't just one, Elizabeth doesn't seem to know about it and because of that I don't know either. 

"Even in this state your will is so strong, do you still want to fight? Do you want to make them pay?" (I) 


I didn't receive an answer in words, but with an unshakable will that surrounded me, I couldn't help but smile as I was already changing the plans in my head, just a few adjustments that seemed best to me. 

"I will help you or you, but know that I have no idea what will happen, come... I will show them how my will is stronger... how our will is stronger!" (I) 

"< Divine Incarnation: 3% >"

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