While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 441: Jumping off

Chapter 441: Jumping off

With the lifeless body of my clone sitting on top of an insanely thin layer of air above the bed, its legs crossed, eyes closed and hands cupped above the abdomen, it made the perfect picture of a man focused on his cultivation. 

Taking a last look at the room I was about to leave, I realised there was one element missing from the perfect picture. With a simple, short punch against a wall, I made a few bits of stone fall off from it, before masking the small bruise on the room's body and picking the pebbles up. Infusing them with quite a bit of my energy, I threw them under the bed and into the illusion, quickly forming a simple array with a simple function of driving its energy around. 

Nodding my head with the content, I climbed the window once again. With how this entire place was full of arrays made of carvings and runes, the chance that anyone would recognise one made in the manner I saw back in the arena city was close to zero. After all, people only saw what they wanted to see!

Finally free to leave this place, I opened the lock on the window, pushed the wooden shuts aside and jumped out, while making sure to shut it back behind myself the moment my feet left its frame.

From the position that the room was located, I was positioned in the backside of the mansion,  yet already outside of the part carved within the mountain. While it was called a mansion, now that I could freely roam this place, I would be more willing to call it a palace complex rather than something as simple as a grand building! With streets leading one all along the axis of the location, I could go back to the baths that I was in just a few moments ago, or just go in the other way and escape this place once for all. 

Despite being covered in the layer of energy that was doing fine work at turning the curves of my body into nothing else than just an elusive bit of fog, completely hidden in the darkness of the late evening. Even though how late it was, the grandness of this place, or even just its sheer size should indicate that despite the lite time, those small streets would still be filled with people to a rational degree, yet no matter how far I went away from the building in which my room was located, I was unable to spot a single soul!

Only when I finally reached the front courtyard decorated with the grand columns that attracted my attention when I first saw this place, I could finally see someone moving around, yet even then it was only limited to just a small bunch of guards, put here more for the sake of decoration rather than real defensive countermeasures against only Monica-knows-who. 

With the amount of energy contained within their bodies, I didn't even bother putting on any additional care while moving out of the entire location, simply walking past them as if I had some kind of paper that I could flash in their faces and shut their crap the moment they would notice me. After all, while one's senses might be far greater than one's cultivation realm, with how raising one's overall power level influenced all aspects of one's body and soul, no matter how talented those guards were, they simply had no chance at spotting me, not without some great miracle suddenly turning them from useless bunch they were in my eyes, weaker even than the fake front I assumed while entering this city, into monsters of cultivation, capable of going toe to toe with Monica herself!

But while I managed to successfully leave the premises of her mansion, I was nowhere close to escaping the city! Just like I noticed before, this place was located about two-thirds of the way from the very bottom of the mountain all the way to the tip of its slope. With the addition of how the main road was curving around the entire slope, forcing one to descend or ascend it in circles, if I wanted to travel it by foot, by the time I would reach the bottom of the mountain, the city would return back to its most active hours, making the task of sneaking out all the harder than I expected!

Yet there was no way for me to simply jump out and float down this place, even if I wanted! With how all my abilities were influenced by the entropy, making them vulnerable to random failing that I had no means of controlling, using my flight ability was out of the picture, unless I was okay with it suddenly failing to work and making me plummet down the skies right to the ground! Even with how powerful my body really was, not only I wasn't so sure whether I could survive a crash from such a high altitude, but the commotion raised by the inevitable eruption steeming from my forceful landing would surely put everyone on high alert, making sneaking out an almost impossible task!

At this point, I couldn't even use my normal way of flying, with my shockwaves propelling my hidden behind a set of barriers body, because just like the potential crash, they would quickly alert everyone around that something strange was going on. And with how the recent revelation about the ability of my cum to turn people into Eve's doppelgangers, I was unwilling to get rid of such a great pool of potential body donors for my beloved one!

Taking a look around, I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, before taking a small run and jumping off the small cliff, while instantly activating my flight spell. With no other option, I had to rely on the system to just recast it as soon as it would fail its continuous work while using the descend caused by the pauses in its working as a way to turn simple float into a descending one!

"While I admire your bravery, if not recklessness, how about asking me if I don't have any other solution first?"

Just as I moved first few meters through the air, familiarly annoying voice once again entered my brain, instantly turning my mood from being prideful about how I just achieved something risky, into something between self-loathing and actual anger at Bonger.

If you had something to say, you could tell it before I jumped off!

*And what sort of solution is the best of the systems with a failed communication module proposing?*

While I knew that all my thoughts were bare before the Bonger's prowess, I still decided to hold back my current negative emotion while I spoke with him. Maybe it was nothing else than just a silly guess, but I had the feeling that since some time ago, my beloved helper stopped prying into my thoughts without my direct order or request. While a simple question could solve my doubt here I didn't want to be disillusioned by him!

"Do you remember that time when you were stupid enough to try looking into the abyss of chaos?"

Bringing one of the less pleasant memories about my recent past, Bonger still managed to reach his objective, invoking a certain image in my mind.

*Yeah, I do. I almost died then.*

*Good news then. With the system upgrade, you should be able to control it to a small degree! Also The entropy will now have a way harder time in interrupting your casts!*

As if in an attempt to face slap Bonger himself, just as he reassured me about a lower chance of entropy actually causing me any trouble, my altitude suddenly dropped down, with my body plunging down into the darkness below.

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