While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 395: Helia's confession

Chapter 395: Helia's confession

"So in the end, you followed my suggestion, huh?"

While I was happy that in the end, the Gabriel ended up as the local lord. I was unable to take care of all the matters myself, so having someone who proved his loyalty on the damned battlefield was of insane importance to me. While I was worried a bit whether my suggestion wasn't the only reason that he ended up being picked out, since I hoped to end up with someone not only loyal but also capable, but just looking at his pitiful state right now, I realised that Gabriel was the best choice out there.

"Yes, my lord. I've won by acclamation."

Acclamation? It's strange that those guys know such complicated words, but it's nothing for me to worry about. The talk I had with the golem back at their ancestral ground already proved that this world wasn't as straightforward and simple as I initially thought, so there was no way to ponder over such small details.

"That's great. I will make sure to reward you for your efforts, and yes, I will look through the laws you prepared. While I can't say for sure that I will be able to accept them, in the worst-case scenario, I will just give you the general direction in which I think you guys should head for."

As we were walking through the dimension, I asked about the overall idea behind the laws they already made, and unsurprisingly, they were all limited to the basic aspects of everyday life. Do not steal. Do not force a sexual relationship. Do not slack. It seemed that those basic rules of coexistence for people were exactly the same both on earth and in here, but since they all stemmed from striving for an efficient and comfortable life, there was nothing to be surprised about. It was the laws directly related to the relationship between the people and me that took me unguarded.

The lord's word is the law. The lord is not bound by the law. All women belong first and foremost to the Lord.


Just as I was about to decide how to deal with my current situation in order to get rid of the harem before it was properly established, and you guys wanted to burden me with an even greater amount of holes to fill?

"Listen I know that you are trying to establish my position as one near the god, but I don't really think this is a good idea. I don't want you guys to think that I saved you all only to have a damned fuckfest with all the girls that would ever fit any of my types!"

In my exclamation, I had to be precise about this point, since the concept of bringing them all here was based on the fact that I was already profiting from their presence. If not for the fact that this dimension was safe from war and poverty, there would be no benefit for the other side that would sway them to coming here in the first place!

"Your types? Then how about elaborating about your types a bit?"

Reaching forward and grabbing my arm, Heila continued to grace me with one of her precious smiles, while refusing to let go of my arm. While her eagerness for as much skinship as she could get was fun and pleasant to a certain degree, I started to be slightly annoyed by the fact that my dick was seemingly the only thing she had in mind!

If not for the fact that we already left the small dimension and were about to reach the barrier that separated resource-wise fertile sands of the desert from the barren lands that were yet to be exploited by me, I might discipline her a bit, but since we were about to emerge in front of the immense crowd, I didn't want them to misunderstand the meaning of my slight violence in form of ass slapping or ear pinching.

"Welcome back everyone."

Emerging from behind the barrier, I made sure to announce my arrival as loud as I could possibly can. If I were to sneak up on them, who knows how those terrified people would react!

"As I was asked, I brought Heila and Gabriel with me. From what they told me, it appears there is no Matosn guy in our place, so I can only guess he ended up running away when I brought the first group here. After all, I didn't stop anyone from deciding about their own fate."

Walking forward, I made sure to shrug Heila off my arm, before actually grabbing her hand and pulling her forward. On my other side, Gabriel voluntarily stepped to the front. After just a simple wave of his hand at the people, he was about to get back behind the barrier, with only my arm stopping him from doing so in the very last moment.

"Listen up guys. There is a barrier in front of you, that makes anyone who crosses it disappear from the outside. Later on, you will see the doors leading to the tower, that are actually a gate to the hidden world, where you will all find refugee. "

As I started speaking, more and more words started coming out of my mouth, as I attempted to encourage those people as much as I could, before finishing my monologue and stepping back to the area of influence of my stronghold. At this point, I couldn't care less whether they would follow or not. If they decided to stay outside, they would end up dying from the hunger, or they might try to take the canoes and sail back to their home island, only to end up killed by me as I would do a wide sweep of everything alive back there.

The only way for them to live was to follow my orders and enter the barrier. With the settings of the defensive mechanism already in place, as long as they wouldn't touch my machines directly which would require them to break through the walls and fence that I put in place just to be sure it would be obvious that certain areas were restricted, no harm would come their way.

Without turning back even once, I got back to the small world. In that one instant, Gabriel excused himself under the pretence of his inner need to rework the laws after my suggestions, with only Heila remaining hugged to my arm.

"How long are you going to stick to me like that?"

At this point, it was no longer annoying, but more like bothersome to move around in this really uncomfortable position. I could already guess what would she say in her response, but until those words would come out of her own mouth, I could still hope that she was just playing around.

"I'm not going to let go off you, otherwise you will find a way to escape back to your duties once again. If you want to be free, you need to give me a child first!"

Just like I guessed, she was still going to pester me about this single matter What was wrong with the people of this world? Was continuation of their line the only thing they had on mind?

"You do realise that even if I were to fuck you right here and now, it might take weeks for you to get pregnant?"

At this point, I was honestly looking for a way to free myself without hurting either her pride, her feelings and most importantly, her body. With how the people were about to enter my dimension and expand the mana that my mana core would govern over, I couldn't help but want to focus myself on observing those events instead of shrugging Helia's continuous attempts at grabbing my attention off.

"Everyone knows that. But you don't know unless you try, don't you think?"

Still holding my arm, Helia stepped aside and forced me to look her in the eyes. With her fingers playfully intertwining with my own, she lowered her head, as if what she was about to say managed to embarrass even her.

"You can't hide it. I feel other women aura coming off from you, so I just want to make sure you won't discard me away, now that you found some toys to play with. You know you know"

Pacing right back and slamming herself into my chest, she rubbed her face against my breast before raising it and looking me with upturned eyes.

"It's not even about having a kid But I just want to be with you!"

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