Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 751: Targeting Langston Industries Employees Psychologically

Chapter 751: Targeting Langston Industries Employees Psychologically

Wang Jian woke up slowly, his senses coming to life one by one. The first thing he felt was the warmth of two soft, voluptuous bodies pressed against him on either side. Charlotte lay to his left, her bare skin smooth and inviting, while Sarah lay to his right, her soft breathing a gentle rhythm that filled the room. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the bed, and Wang Jian couldn't help but smile.

He felt a rush of satisfaction, not just from the night before, but from the thought of what he was planning next. The battle with David Langston had reached a critical point, and though Charlotte and Sarah were struggling to secure alternative suppliers, Wang Jian knew staying on the defensive wouldn't work for long.

As he lay there, running his fingers lazily down Charlotte's back, he spoke aloud, his voice low but firm. "We can't keep playing defense. We need to hit him where it hurts."

Charlotte stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open as she stretched languidly. "What are you thinking, Wang?" she asked, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Sarah shifted on the other side of him, her eyes opening as well. "Yeah," she said, her lips curving into a smile. "You've been quiet lately... but I know that look. You've got something up your sleeve."

Wang Jian grinned, sitting up slightly and looking between the two women. "Oh, I definitely do," he said. "Langston's gotten too comfortable thinking he's got us cornered. It's time we remind him that this is a game of strategy... and I'm not one to play nice."

Charlotte propped herself up on one elbow, her eyes bright with curiosity. "What's the plan?"

Wang Jian leaned back against the headboard, a confident smirk on his face. "We're going to hit Langston Industries from the inside. David won't see it coming. We'll target the employees-every single one of them. I'm talking about psychological warfare."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Psychological warfare?"

"Exactly," Wang Jian said, his tone serious now. "We're going to make sure every employee at Langston Industries starts questioning their job security. We'll spread rumors, create doubt, make them feel like the company is collapsing from the inside. And we're not stopping there. We're going to get criminals involved-small-time saboteurs who can disrupt operations, create chaos. Theft, vandalism, whatever it takes to shake their confidence."

Charlotte's eyes widened slightly. "That's... bold. But how do we pull it off?"

Wang Jian smiled. "I've already made a few calls. We'll spread the word anonymously. Leaks about potential layoffs, rumors about David's incompetence as a leader. We'll hire people to infiltrate their lower ranks, spread the gossip, plant the seeds of doubt. Before long, Langston's employees will be demotivated, distracted, and too worried about their own futures to work properly. Production will slow down, and the whole company will feel the strain."

Sarah laughed softly. "Wang, you're a genius. But won't David catch on eventually?"

"Maybe," Wang Jian said with a shrug. "But by the time he does, it'll be too late. The damage will be done. He'll be too busy putting out fires to retaliate."

Charlotte leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I love it. Let's do it."

Over the next few days, Wang Jian's plan went into full effect. Charlotte and Sarah mobilized their resources, reaching out to contacts and hiring people to start the infiltration at Langston Industries. The rumors started small at first-whispers in the break rooms, quiet conversations over lunch about budget cuts and layoffs. But soon, they began to grow.

David's employees became uneasy. Some started looking for new jobs, while others grew paranoid, believing that their days at Langston Industries were numbered. The overall atmosphere in the company shifted from one of confidence to one of fear and anxiety. Work slowed down, deadlines were missed, and productivity dropped. On top of that, the hired saboteurs began causing minor disruptions-stolen equipment, broken machinery, and even reports of theft from the company's warehouses.

David Langston was furious. He couldn't understand why his company was suddenly falling apart from the inside. He doubled down on internal investigations, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pinpoint the source of the problem. And all the while, Charlotte and Sarah's companies were quietly stabilizing, working on securing new suppliers and ramping up production again.

One afternoon, David sat in his office, staring at the latest report on the losses his company had suffered in the past week. His phone buzzed on the desk, and he answered it quickly, hoping for good news. Instead, it was his assistant with yet another issue.

"Mr. Langston, there's been another incident at the warehouse. Some of the shipments were tampered with... we've lost a significant amount of inventory."

David slammed his fist on the desk, his frustration boiling over. "Dammit! What the hell is going on?" he growled.

"I don't know, sir. We're investigating, but—"

"Just fix it!" David snapped before hanging up. He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. "This is getting out of hand..."

Suddenly, the door to his office swung open, and in walked two men-David's father, Richard Langston, and his grandfather, Harold Langston. Both men wore stern expressions, and David felt a knot form in his stomach.

"Dad. Grandpa," David said, standing up. "I didn't expect you to come by..."

Richard crossed his arms, his gaze cold. "We heard about the mess you've gotten yourself into, David."

Harold, who was well into his seventies but still commanded respect with his presence, shook his head. "Langston Industries was supposed to be untouchable. And now? Now you're telling me that two small companies run by women are bringing you to your knees?"

David winced at the harsh tone in his grandfather's voice. "It's not just them," he said quickly, trying to explain. "Someone's helping them. I don't know who it is, but they've been orchestrating these attacks from behind the scenes. Whoever it is, they're smart... and they're

playing dirty."

Richard sighed heavily, pacing the office. "David, you've been careless. You should have seen this coming. A company like ours has enemies everywhere, and you need to be ready for anything."

David frowned, clearly distressed. "I didn't expect them to come at us like this... targeting the employees, spreading rumors. It's tearing the company apart from the inside."

Harold sat down in one of the leather chairs, leaning on his cane. "Excuses won't fix this. We need action."

Richard nodded. "Your grandfather and I will help stabilize the situation. We'll call in some favors-political connections, business partners, whatever it takes to stop the bleeding. But this... this is unacceptable, David. You need to regain control of the company. Quickly."

David's face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm trying... I just need more time."

"There is no time," Harold said sternly. "Every day that passes, Langston Industries loses more ground. You're lucky we're stepping in to clean up your mess."

David hung his head, feeling the weight of their disappointment. "I'll find out who's behind this. I swear."

Richard placed a hand on his son's shoulder, his expression softening slightly. "We know you will, but first, we need to stabilize things. Let us handle the external damage. You focus on the internal matters-get your employees back in line, deal with the sabotage, and root out the

problem at its core."

David nodded, his jaw clenched. "I won't let you down."

Harold stood up, tapping his cane on the floor. "See that you don't. Langston Industries is our

legacy, David. Don't forget that."

As they left the office, David sank back into his chair, staring at the reports on his desk. His

mind raced with thoughts of revenge, but he knew he had to be careful. Whoever was helping Charlotte and Sarah was clever-too clever to be taken down easily. But David was

determined to find them, no matter how long it took.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

He wouldn't let his family's empire fall without a fight.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian, back at the hotel with Charlotte and Sarah, was already planning his

next move. He knew David was on the ropes, but he also knew the Langstons were a formidable family. This was only the beginning, and the real battle was just heating up.

As he lay back in bed, Charlotte draped across his chest and Sarah curled up beside him, Wang

Jian smiled to himself. "This is only the start," he whispered, running a hand through Charlotte's hair. "Langston won't know what hit him."

Charlotte tilted her head up, looking at him with a satisfied smile. "What's next?"

Wang Jian grinned, his mind already working through the possibilities. "Oh, you'll see. This

game isn't over yet."

And with that, the next phase of their plan was already set in motion.

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