Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 706: Wang Jian Saves College From Terrorist Attack

Chapter 706: Wang Jian Saves College From Terrorist Attack

Wang Jian stood in the shadows, his mind racing with anticipation. His plan had been set into motion. Through carefully encrypted conversations on the dark web, he had made contact with a dangerous terrorist cell. These men were mercenaries, soldiers of fortune who thrived on chaos and destruction. They had no ideology other than greed, and for the right price, they were willing to unleash hell on the college.

The plan was simple: a coordinated attack on the college that would leave the authorities scrambling. Hostages would be taken, demands made, and chaos would reign for a short while. But in the midst of that chaos, Wang Jian would rise as the hero-saving the day, and more importantly, saving Bella. He would protect her from the darkness, making her see him not just as a man but as her ultimate savior, her protector.

Everything had been arranged down to the smallest detail. The terrorists were already positioned around the campus, waiting for the signal to strike. Wang Jian knew where they would strike first-Bella's classroom, and several other locations with women who would add to the drama of the day.

Then it began. The first explosion rocked the campus, sending shockwaves through the buildings. The ground beneath Wang Jian's feet trembled, and he could hear the distant sounds of panic. Students and faculty alike were thrown into disarray, their normal routines shattered by the sudden violence.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Everyone get down!" Bella's voice rose above the frightened gasps of her students as they ducked under desks. The classroom door burst open, and several armed men stormed in. Dressed in tactical gear, their faces covered by dark masks, the terrorists brandished assault rifles and herded the students and faculty into the center of the room.

"Hands where we can see them!" one of the men barked, his voice laced with menace. He pointed his rifle at the group, his finger resting lightly on the trigger.

Bella stood frozen for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. She was terrified, but she forced herself to remain calm. Her students were looking to her for guidance, and she couldn't allow her fear to take over.

"Do what they say," Bella instructed her students, her voice steady despite the panic coursing through her veins. She slowly raised her hands, showing the men that she wasn't a threat.

One of the terrorists, a tall man with cold eyes peering through his mask, strode forward and grabbed Bella by the arm. His grip was tight and unyielding as he yanked her away from the group, pulling her closer to him.

"This one's coming with me," the man sneered, his voice dripping with malice. His gaze raked over Bella's body, lingering on her curves. "We'll have some fun with her later."

Bella's heart skipped a beat as she realized what he meant. The other students were crying, some sobbing hysterically, while the terrorists loomed over them, rifles pointed at their heads. Bella could feel the man's grip tightening on her arm, and her mind raced with fear.

Just when it seemed like there was no hope, the door to the classroom creaked open again, and Wang Jian stepped inside.

His movements were calm and deliberate, his expression one of icy determination. He had been waiting for this moment, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

The first terrorist who noticed Wang Jian moved to raise his weapon, but he was too slow.

In a blur of motion, Wang Jian lunged forward and grabbed the man's arm, twisting it with such force that the bone snapped audibly.

The man screamed in pain as his weapon clattered to the floor, and Wang Jian delivered a swift, devastating strike to the man's throat, cutting off his cries and sending him crumpling to the ground.

The other terrorists turned to face him, their weapons raised, but Wang Jian was already in motion.

He leaped toward the second man, ducking under the barrel of his gun and delivering a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of his head.

The man staggered backward, dazed, and Wang Jian followed up with a brutal punch to his solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him. The terrorist collapsed, gasping for air, and Wang Jian quickly disarmed him before moving on to the next threat.

The third terrorist, seeing how quickly his comrades had fallen, backed away, his eyes wide with fear. He aimed his gun at Wang Jian, but his hands were shaking.

"Stay back!" the man shouted, his voice trembling with desperation.

Wang Jian merely smirked. "I don't think so."

With lightning speed, Wang Jian dashed forward, grabbing the barrel of the gun and twisting it away from himself. The terrorist fired off a few wild shots, the bullets ricocheting off the walls, but Wang Jian didn't flinch. He wrenched the gun out of the man's hands and slammed the butt of the rifle into the man's face, knocking him unconscious.

In less than a minute, all three terrorists were down, incapacitated by Wang Jian's ruthless efficiency.

The room was eerily quiet for a moment, the tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. The students stared in stunned silence at Wang Jian, unable to comprehend what had just happened. He had taken down three heavily armed men without breaking a sweat.

Bella's eyes were locked on him, her heart pounding for an entirely different reason now. She had been terrified just moments ago, but now, as she looked at Wang Jian standing tall and victorious, she felt an overwhelming sense of awe. He had saved them all. He had saved her.

"Are you okay?" Wang Jian asked, his voice calm and reassuring as he walked over to Bella. He gently touched her arm, checking to make sure she hadn't been hurt.

Bella nodded, her voice caught in her throat. "Y-Yes," she stammered. "I'm okay. Thank you... You saved us."

Wang Jian gave her a small, reassuring smile. "Just doing what needed to be done."

Around them, the other students slowly began to recover from their shock. Some of them started crying tears of relief, while others rushed to thank Wang Jian, their gratitude pouring out in a rush of words.

"You saved our lives!" one of the girls sobbed, clutching her books to her chest as she stared at Wang Jian with wide, tear-filled eyes.

"We owe you everything," another student said, his voice shaky but sincere.

Wang Jian played his role perfectly. He remained humble, downplaying his heroics even as the students and faculty praised him. "Anyone would have done the same," he said modestly. "I just happened to be here at the right time."

But he knew that wasn't true. No one else could have done what he had done. No one else could have taken down those men so efficiently, so ruthlessly. And now, everyone knew it. His name would spread across the campus like wildfire. He would be hailed as the hero who had saved the day. And most importantly, Bella would see him as her protector, the one person she could rely on when the world turned dark and dangerous.

As the campus slowly regained control, the authorities arrived in droves-police, paramedics,

and news crews swarming the area. They secured the college, attending to the wounded and interviewing witnesses. Wang Jian was briefly questioned by the police, but his account was flawless, a perfectly crafted narrative that placed him as the reluctant hero who had simply acted out of necessity.

And then there was Bella. She couldn't stop thinking about Wang Jian. That night, as she lay in bed, she found herself replaying the events of the day in her mind over and over again. She couldn't get the image of him out of her head-the way he had appeared out of nowhere, the way he had saved her without a second thought, the way his touch had felt when he had pulled her to safety.

For the first time in a long time, Bella felt something other than fear. She felt a deep sense of gratitude toward Wang Jian, a warmth that spread through her chest whenever she thought about him. And with that gratitude came something more-a desire to be close to him, to feel safe in his presence.

But Wang Jian wasn't satisfied yet. The attack had been just the beginning. He would continue to orchestrate events around Bella, each one designed to bring her closer to him, to make her rely on him more and more until she was completely his.

And as for the terrorists, they had served their purpose. The dark web contacts had been paid

off, and Wang Jian made sure that no loose ends could ever lead back to him. To everyone else, he was the hero who had saved the day, but only he knew the truth-the entire event had been nothing more than another step in his master plan to claim Bella for himself.

In the days that followed, Bella found herself gravitating toward Wang Jian more and more. She sought him out between classes, lingering near him whenever she could. She didn't understand why she felt so drawn to him, why being near him made her feel so safe. All she knew was that she couldn't shake the feeling that he was the only one who could protect her.

Wang Jian played his part perfectly, never pushing too hard, always staying just close enough to keep her attention without overwhelming her. He let Bella come to him, knowing that the more she did, the deeper she would fall into his web.

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