Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 700: Stalking Sexy Teacher

Chapter 700: Stalking Sexy Teacher

As they continued talking, Wang Jian's charm began to overwhelm Jessica. They arranged to meet again later, in a more private setting. With that settled, Wang Jian left her behind, a satisfied grin on his face.

After this meeting with Jessica, Wang Jian's minds drifted back to Professor Thompson.

By the time of evening, Wang Jian devised an elaborate scheme to introduce himself to Professor Thompson and get her attention. His plan was simple yet clever, and it involved the very bullies who had been bothering him earlier.

Wang Jian knew that Professor Thompson had a strong disdain for students who caused trouble or disrupted the peace on campus.

He had observed her stern interactions with a few unruly students, and he knew she had a low tolerance for bullying.

So, he decided to turn the bullies' aggression to his advantage.

When the college's timing had come to an end, Wang Jian intentionally positioned himself in a secluded part of the campus, knowing the bullies would spot him there.

As expected, they took the bait and approached him, ready to harass him again. But this time, Wang Jian didn't back down.

Instead, he provoked them, subtly encouraging them to get physical. He made sure their confrontation was loud enough to attract attention but not so loud that it would draw a large crowd.

Sure enough, Professor Thompson, who had been passing by, heard the commotion and hurried over to see what was happening. When she arrived, she found the bullies shoving Wang Jian against a wall, their voices raised in anger.

"Enough!" Professor Thompson's voice was sharp as she intervened. "What's going on here?"

The bullies immediately backed off, their faces paling as they realized who had caught them. "Uh, nothing, Professor," one of them stammered. "We were just-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses," she snapped, her eyes blazing with anger. "You three, to the principal's office, now!"

The bullies hesitated for a moment, but they knew better than to argue. They slunk away, casting dark looks at Wang Jian as they left.

Once they were gone, Professor Thompson turned her attention to Wang Jian. "Are you alright?" she asked, her tone softening.

Wang Jian nodded, playing the part of the victim perfectly. "I'm fine, thanks to you, Professor. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."

She gave him a sympathetic smile. "Bullying is unacceptable here. I'll make sure those boys are dealt with."

Wang Jian looked down, feigning embarrassment. "It's just... this happens a lot. I don't want to cause trouble, but they won't leave me alone."

Professor Thompson frowned, her protective instincts kicking in. "You shouldn't have to deal with that. If this continues, come find me, alright? I'll make sure you're safe."

Wang Jian looked up at her with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Professor Thompson. I really appreciate it."

She smiled warmly at him, her expression softening further. "Call me Bella," she said. "And don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

Wang Jian nodded, feeling a thrill of satisfaction.

He had managed to get on her good side, and now that he had established a connection, he would build on it.

He knew that this was just the beginning, but he was confident that he could win her over.

After all, he had already conquered more difficult challenges in his life. Professor Bella Thompson was just another mountain to climb.

As he walked away, a plan began to form in his mind-a plan that involved carefully timed interactions, subtle flattery, and perhaps even a bit of manipulation.

He would make himself indispensable to her, someone she could trust and rely on. And eventually, he would turn that trust into something more.

But for now, he would take things slow. After all, the best games were the ones that required patience and strategy.

Over the next few days, Wang Jian's focus became entirely fixated on Professor Bella Thompson.

Although he continued to maintain his relationships with Emily and Jessica, it was clear that his mind was elsewhere.

Every spare moment he had, Wang Jian would devote to learning more about Bella-her habits, her routines, and most importantly, the secrets she kept hidden from the public eye.

Wang Jian began by discreetly following Bella around campus. He observed her from a distance, noting the times she arrived at and left her office, the places she frequented, and the people she interacted with.

He was careful not to be seen, always keeping to the shadows or blending in with the crowd. It was a slow, methodical process, but Wang Jian was patient. He knew that gathering this information was crucial if he was to succeed in his plan.

Bella's life appeared almost too perfect on the surface. She was admired by her students, respected by her colleagues, and seemed to lead a charmed life. However, as Wang Jian dug deeper, he began to uncover the cracks in her façade.

Bella was the only child of wealthy parents who lived in an upscale neighborhood not far from the college. Her father was a successful lawyer, and her mother was a socialite who spent her days hosting charity events and mingling with the elite.

Growing up, Bella had been given everything she wanted-materially, at least. But Wang Jian could sense that there was a strain in her relationship with her parents, particularly her


Bella's mother was a perfectionist, constantly pushing her daughter to achieve more, to be the best, to maintain the family's image. This pressure had followed Bella into adulthood, and it was evident that she still struggled with it.

Wang Jian also learned that Bella had a complicated romantic history. She had been engaged once, to a man named Andrew Bennett, who was an up-and-coming architect.

Their relationship had been passionate but tumultuous, filled with arguments and


Ultimately, it had ended in a bitter breakup when Bella discovered that Andrew had been


The betrayal had left a deep scar, and since then, Bella had kept her romantic life private, never allowing anyone to get too close.

Currently, Bella was dating a man named Daniel Harper, a fellow professor who taught literature at the same college. Daniel was charming, intelligent, and well-liked by both students and staff.

However, Wang Jian noticed that there was something off about their relationship. Bella often seemed distant when she was with Daniel, as if she were going through the motions rather than truly enjoying his company. It was clear to Wang Jian that while Daniel might be a good partner on paper, he wasn't what Bella needed emotionally or physically.

Wang Jian catalogued all of this information carefully. He knew that to seduce Bella, he would need to exploit the vulnerabilities he had discovered. But he also understood that he couldn't rush things. Bella was not like Emily or Jessica-she was guarded, and it would take time to break down her defenses.

In the meantime, Wang Jian continued to navigate his relationships with Emily and Jessica.

Emily, who had been growing more distant before, was now eager to spend more time with him. She seemed to sense the change in him, the newfound confidence and charisma that had come with his return from the otherworldly cultivation realm.

Wang Jian obliged her, taking her out on dates and spending intimate nights together. He

played the part of the devoted boyfriend, knowing that keeping Emily happy was necessary for his cover.

Their nights together were passionate, with Emily becoming more and more infatuated with

the man Wang Jian had become.

She reveled in his attention, often commenting on how much more assertive and

commanding he seemed.

Wang Jian enjoyed their time together but always kept a part of himself detached, his

thoughts inevitably drifting back to Bella.

Jessica, on the other hand, was a different story. Their relationship had taken on a clandestine nature, with the two meeting in secret to avoid raising suspicion.

Jessica was drawn to Wang Jian's dangerous allure, finding excitement in their forbidden

trysts. They spent nights together in hotels, with Wang Jian skillfully navigating the delicate balance of keeping Jessica satisfied while also ensuring that she didn't become too

emotionally attached.

Wang Jian's interactions with Jessica were intense, filled with a mixture of passion and

manipulation. He knew how to play on her insecurities, how to make her feel desired and special while keeping her at arm's length.

Jessica, for her part, was more than willing to go along with it, enjoying the thrill of being with someone who wasn't afraid to take control.

However, despite the attention he gave to Emily and Jessica, Wang Jian's mind was always on Bella. He fantasized about her constantly, imagining the ways he would make her his.

His desire for her grew with each passing day, fueled by the knowledge he had gained about

her life and the secrets she kept hidden.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

One day, while following Bella off-campus, Wang Jian saw her enter a small café. He took a

seat at a table near the back, watching as she ordered a coffee and sat down with a book. She

looked different here, away from the prying eyes of the college-more relaxed, almost vulnerable.

Wang Jian's eyes roved over her figure, taking in the curves of her body, the way her blouse clung to her large breasts, and the way her skirt hugged her shapely hips.

She was stunning, and the thought of having her made Wang Jian's heart race with


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