Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 696: Wang Jian has a Date With Jake's Girlfriend

Chapter 696: Wang Jian has a Date With Jake's Girlfriend

Wang Jian: 'I'm surprised to hear that. A girl like you deserves excitement, passion... Someone who actually sees you for who you are and knows how to make you feel special. If Jake's not giving you that, well... that's his loss.'

Jessica: 'You know, you're really good at this. But honestly, it's refreshing to talk to someone who gets it. I've been feeling like this for a while, but Jake just... I don't know. He's not the same anymore. All he cares about is hanging with his friends, and when we're together, it's like he's not even really present.'

Wang Jian's mind was already working, filing away every piece of information she gave him. He could use this-everything she said about Jake could be useful later.

Wang Jian: 'That's rough. But hey, I'm here if you ever need to talk. Or if you need more than just talk...'

He threw that last line in with just enough ambiguity to leave her wondering. Her reply was teasing but filled with an underlying excitement.

Jessica: 'Oh, is that so? You really are trouble. But maybe... I wouldn't mind seeing you again sometime. You know, just to chat ;)'

Wang Jian knew exactly what she meant by "chat," but he played it cool.

Wang Jian: 'I'd love that. We should meet up soon. Somewhere... private.'

There was a pause, and then Jessica's response came through, short and to the point.

Jessica: 'How about tomorrow night? Jake's going to be busy with his friends again, so I'm free.'

Wang Jian smiled to himself, feeling a thrill of excitement. Things were progressing even faster than he had anticipated.

Wang Jian: 'Tomorrow night sounds perfect. Let's keep this between us, though. Wouldn't want to cause any unnecessary drama... yet ;)'

Her reply came with a winking emoji:

Jessica: 'My lips are sealed. Can't wait to see you.'

Wang Jian knew he had her now. But he wasn't done yet. As he read over the conversation, he decided to record the entire exchange. He had a feeling this would come in handy later- whether to use against Jessica or Jake, or even just to have as insurance in case things went sideways.

Once he saved the recording, he leaned back against his pillow, a satisfied smile on his face. The game was in motion, and Jessica was practically falling into his hands.

But it wasn't just about seduction for the sake of it. Wang Jian's mind was always working, always thinking ahead. Jessica might be a useful pawn in the long run-someone who could give him leverage over Jake or anyone else in their social circle. The more people he had in his pocket, the better.

And now, with a secret meeting set for the next night, things were about to get even more interesting.

The following day passed quickly, with Wang Jian going through the motions of his classes and other activities with ease. His mind, however, was focused on the upcoming rendezvous with Jessica. He could hardly wait to see how this would unfold.

By the time evening came around, Wang Jian had planned everything out. He suggested a small, out-of-the-way café on the edge of town, one that was quiet and unlikely to attract any attention. Jessica agreed without hesitation.

As he arrived at the café, he chose a table in the back corner, far from any prying eyes. He ordered a drink and waited patiently, knowing she would show up.

And she did—right on time. Jessica walked into the café, looking as stunning as ever, though this time she had dressed more casually, in jeans and a snug sweater that still accentuated her figure in all the right ways. She spotted Wang Jian immediately and smiled, making her way over to him.

"Hey," she greeted him, sliding into the seat across from him. "Glad you could make it."

Wang Jian flashed her a charming smile. "Of course. I wouldn't miss this for anything."

Their conversation began innocently enough-small talk about the party, their classes, the usual. But Wang Jian knew how to steer things. He complimented her again, subtly reminding her of their connection the previous night, and before long, Jessica was venting about Jake once again.

"It's just... he doesn't listen," Jessica sighed, stirring her drink absentmindedly. "I try to talk to him, and it's like he's in his own world. And when we do spend time together, it's so... boring. There's no spark anymore."

Wang Jian leaned in slightly, his expression sympathetic. "That sounds frustrating. You deserve someone who actually pays attention to you, who makes you feel... alive."

Jessica's eyes flickered with interest, and she nodded. "Exactly. It's like... I don't even know who he is anymore."

Wang Jian knew he had her right where he wanted her. He reached out, lightly touching her hand across the table. "You shouldn't have to settle for that. You're worth so much more than that, Jessica."

She met his gaze, her expression softening. "You really know how to say all the right things, don't you?"

Wang Jian chuckled softly. "I'm just telling the truth. And if Jake doesn't see what he has, well... that's on him. But you deserve someone who appreciates you. Someone who knows how to make you feel special."

Jessica smiled, her eyes lingering on him. "Maybe you're right."

As the night went on, the conversation became more and more intimate, and by the time they left the café, Wang Jian knew he had successfully seduced her. They made plans to meet again, this time at a more private location-her apartment, while Jake was away.

Wang Jian walked away from the café, his phone in hand as he saved the recording of their conversation. He could feel the power shifting in his favor, and he knew that this was only the


Jessica was just the first step. There were many more moves to be made, and Wang Jian was more than ready to play the game to its fullest.

The day after Wang Jian's secret meeting with Jessica began like any other-calm and uneventful. The air was warm, the sun high in the sky, and students bustled around the campus, caught up in their own lives. For Wang Jian, everything seemed to be progressing smoothly. His little game with Jessica was going perfectly, and he felt entirely in control. What he didn't know at that moment was that the consequences of his flirtation were already beginning to unravel.

Jake sat on his bed, staring at his phone. His expression was one of frustration and anger. He

had received a text from one of his friends late last night that had made his blood boil: 'Hey man, I saw Jessica leaving some café last night with that Chinese guy. Didn't know you two were hanging out with him like that?'

The moment Jake found out that Jessica had secretly gone to meet Wang Jian without even telling him, he felt a storm of emotions brewing within him-confusion, disbelief, and then finally, anger. How could she have done this to him? He trusted her, and now he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was terribly wrong.

That evening, as Jessica returned home, Jake wasted no time confronting her.

"Where were you today?" Jake's voice was sharp as he paced around their apartment.

Jessica looked up from her phone, her expression calm. "What do you mean?" she asked, feigning ignorance, though her heart beat a little faster. She knew exactly what he meant.

"You were with him, weren't you?" Jake said, his eyes narrowing. "With Wang Jian."

Jessica shrugged, trying to maintain her composure. "Yeah, I met up with him for coffee. Is that such a big deal?"

"Without telling me?" Jake's voice was rising now, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "You went behind my back, Jessica.'

Jessica rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defensively. "Oh, come on, Jake. It was just a casual meet-up. We were talking about the party. You're overreacting."

"Am I?" Jake demanded, his jaw clenched. "You're sneaking around with another guy, and I'm supposed to just sit here and be okay with that?"

Jessica sighed. "You're being ridiculous. I have friends outside of you, Jake. You can't controln/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

everything I do."

Jake looked at her for a long moment, anger flickering in his eyes, but he knew there wasn't

much more he could do. He couldn't exactly force her to stop seeing Wang Jian, but the fact that she was defending him only made Jake feel more powerless. After a moment of heavy silence, he let it go. He needed to release this anger elsewhere.

The next day, Jake gathered a couple of his friends, determined to confront Wang Jian directly.

If Jessica wasn't going to give him the truth, maybe Wang Jian would. And if Wang Jian had crossed a line, Jake was ready to teach him a lesson.

But to Jake's frustration, Wang Jian wasn't at the hostel. They searched for him, asking around, but it seemed like Wang Jian had mysteriously vanished.

The truth was, Wang Jian wasn't hiding. Jessica had warned him earlier that day about Jake's intentions. She'd sent him a hurried text, telling him that Jake had found out about their secret meeting and that he was furious. She suspected he might be coming after him with a

few of his friends.

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