Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 692 These Four Protagonists Attack Wang Jian's Faction's Starfields

692  These Four Protagonists Attack Wang Jian's Faction's Starfields

Jiang Chen's path was one of pure chaos.

The legacy of the Chaotic Storm Fairy, a being of elemental fury and unbridled energy, was not one that could be controlled through discipline or order.

Instead, Jiang Chen had to embrace the storm within himself, allowing the chaotic energies to fuel his power.

For years, Jiang Chen isolated himself in the most violent storm systems of the Eastern Cosmos, immersing himself in the heart of hurricanes, typhoons, and tornados.

He allowed the storm's energy to course through him, absorbing its chaotic power into his very being. The more he embraced the storm, the stronger he became.

Jiang Chen's training was relentless and dangerous. His body was constantly battered by lightning, wind, and rain, but with each storm he endured, he grew stronger. His mastery over the elements became absolute—he could summon storms at will, control the winds, and unleash devastating bolts of lightning upon his enemies. He could harness the very chaos of the world, using it to destroy anything in his path. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

His body, once mortal, had transformed into something far greater. His veins now pulsed with the raw energy of the storms, and his every movement crackled with electric power. Jiang Chen had become the embodiment of chaos itself—a force of destruction that could not be contained.

Years had passed since their humiliating defeat at the hands of Wang Jian, but now the four former rulers had returned—stronger, more dangerous, and more determined than ever. Each of them had fully embraced the power of their Godking legacies, and they were ready to reclaim their cosmoses from Wang Jian's grasp.

However, they knew that a direct confrontation would be unwise. Wang Jian had grown complacent in his rule, surrounded by his harem and the spoils of his victories, but his armies were still vast, and his influence over the cosmoses remained strong. The four Godkings decided to strike from the shadows, unleashing chaos in Wang Jian's territories while keeping their identities concealed.

They attacked with precision and fury. In the Western Cosmos, Yun Tian's starfields erupted in the skies, collapsing entire cities into black holes and tearing the fabric of space.

In the Northern Cosmos, Huang Zhi's forces of light and shadow ravaged Wang Jian's strongholds, obliterating his armies with celestial fury.

In the Southern Cosmos, Dong Zhuo summoned forests and mountains to rise against Wang Jian's fortresses, crushing his enemies beneath the weight of nature itself.

And in the Eastern Cosmos, Jiang Chen's chaotic storms swept across the land, laying waste to everything in their path.

Wang Jian's territories were thrown into disarray. His forces, unprepared for such an assault, struggled to contain the destruction. Rumors spread like wildfire across the cosmoses—rumors of powerful beings who had returned from the shadows to challenge Wang Jian's rule. But none could identify the culprits, for Yun Tian, Huang Zhi, Dong Zhuo, and Jiang Chen kept their true identities hidden.

It wasn't long before word of the chaos reached Wang Jian himself. He had been ruling over his vast empire with relative ease, content in his power and the pleasures of his harem, but the sudden onslaught of destruction across the four cosmoses forced him to take action.

Wang Jian stood in his throne room, surrounded by his advisors and generals. His face, usually calm and composed, now wore a deep frown as he studied the reports of the attacks. His eyes burned with anger, but beneath that, there was a flicker of concern.

"These attacks... they're coordinated, precise," Wang Jian said, his voice cold and calculating. "This isn't the work of a rogue faction. This is the work of someone—no, several someones—who know exactly where to strike."

One of his advisors stepped forward, his face pale with fear. "My lord, we believe these forces may be connected to the old rulers of the four cosmoses. We have received reports of beings wielding powers that match the descriptions of the Godkings' legacies."

Wang Jian's eyes narrowed, and a dark smile played on his lips. "So they've returned, have they? Yun Tian, Huang Zhi, Dong Zhuo, and Jiang Chen… I should have known they wouldn't stay broken for long."


He turned to his generals, his voice filled with authority. "Prepare the armies. We will crush this rebellion before it gains any more ground. But we must be cautious. They have grown stronger since we last faced them."

As Wang Jian prepared his forces for war, he began to contemplate a new plan. He had been caught off guard by the resurgence of the four Godkings, but he was no fool. He knew that their strength had grown, possibly surpassing his own. Yet, Wang Jian was a master strategist, and he would not be defeated so easily.

He began to plot, searching for ways to exploit the weaknesses of his enemies. Perhaps it was time to call upon some of the darker powers he had kept in reserve, to make alliances with forces even the Godkings would fear. Wang Jian would not rest until his enemies were crushed beneath his heel once more.

But even as he plotted, a small voice in the back of his mind whispered a single, haunting truth: the age of the Godkings had returned, and the balance of power in the cosmoses was shifting once more.

The four cosmoses trembled as Yun Tian, Huang Zhi, Dong Zhuo, and Jiang Chen, having fully embraced their Godking legacies, launched their attacks against Wang Jian's territories with ruthless precision.

After years of perfecting their divine powers, they had finally begun their long-awaited campaign of revenge, striking at Wang Jian's most valuable outposts with godlike ferocity.

In the Eastern Cosmos, Jiang Chen wielded the chaotic forces of the storm with terrifying might. His destructive energies swept across the starry expanses, annihilating fleets and fortresses alike. Thunder and lightning raged as entire outposts fell under his relentless assault. Heavenly Jade Pavilion, one of Wang Jian's prized conquests, was nearly obliterated in a single strike. Wang Jian's generals were crushed by Jiang Chen's chaotic storm, unable to mount an effective defense.

Simultaneously, in the Western Cosmos, Yun Tian unleashed his full potential as the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon.

Starfields bloomed under his command, trapping Wang Jian's forces in pockets of distorted space and time. The stars themselves seemed to bow to his will, and any who opposed him were swallowed by collapsing black holes.

His control over the cosmic forces left Wang Jian's commanders in the Western Cosmos completely helpless, unable to counter the overwhelming force of the Godking's power.

In the Southern Cosmos, Dong Zhuo commanded the primordial forces of nature itself. Vast jungles rose from the earth, and titanic trees crushed entire fortresses beneath their roots.

Mountains and rivers surged to life, obliterating Wang Jian's forces in a wave of natural fury.

Dong Zhuo's connection to the Divine Wooden Dragon made him nearly invincible within his domain, and with every outpost he destroyed, his power only seemed to grow.

And in the Northern Cosmos, Huang Zhi's dual power of angelic light and devilish darkness wreaked havoc. His forces were swift, lethal, and utterly merciless.

They descended from the heavens in radiant beams of light, while shadowy demons followed in their wake, leaving behind nothing but destruction.

Any attempt to defend against him was swiftly met with annihilation, as Huang Zhi effortlessly balanced the forces of good and evil to become an unstoppable force within his cosmos.

Wang Jian's forces were devastated. One by one, his strongholds crumbled, and his control over the cosmoses began to slip.

The territories he had worked so hard to conquer were being retaken by the very forces he had once crushed beneath his heel.

Wang Jian had been observing the attacks from afar, hidden in the shadows of the universe. His cold, calculating eyes watched as his once-vast empire began to fall apart at the seams. He sighed deeply, his expression calm despite the chaos unfolding around him.

"They've grown stronger," Wang Jian muttered to himself, his voice a mixture of admiration and frustration. "Yun Tian, Huang Zhi, Dong Zhuo, Jiang Chen… all of them have fully awakened their Godking legacies. Their power has reached heights that even I cannot match at the moment."

He leaned back in his throne, tapping his fingers against the armrest as he continued to watch the devastation unfold. "In their respective cosmoses, they are nearly unbeatable. Yun Tian in the West, Huang Zhi in the North, Dong Zhuo in the South, and Jiang Chen in the East… they've truly become the rulers of their domains once more."

Despite the growing threat, Wang Jian did not panic. He had always known that this day would come—the day when the four protagonists would fully awaken and rise to challenge him. He had planned for this moment years ago, and now, it was time to implement his last resort.

With another sigh, Wang Jian stood up, his expression thoughtful. "I suppose it's time to gather my women and prepare for my retreat. This battle isn't over yet… not by a long shot."

Wang Jian extended his divine consciousness, reaching out to all of the women he had conquered over the years. His wives, concubines, mistresses, and slaves—every single one of them—were summoned to his side. They came from all corners of the cosmos, from the highest celestial palaces to the deepest sects.

Women from the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, the Moonlit Blossom Sect, the Crimson Lotus Clan, and countless other factions appeared before him, obedient and eager to serve their master.


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