Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 580 Banquet

Chapter 580 Banquet

The days flew by in a whirlwind of pleasure. Wang Jian, his heart brimming with contentment, reveled in the company of his harem. He'd taken them to all corners of the Sky Martial World, each region offering a unique adventure. Yet, a part of him yearned for the Eastern Cosmos, for the thrill of the ongoing war.

"My loves," he announced one evening, his gaze sweeping across his assembled women, "the war in the Eastern Cosmos rages on. But have no fear, your powerful husband will emerge victorious. And when that glorious day arrives, the doors to this world will open. We'll leave this paradise behind and explore the vastness of the Eastern Cosmos together."

A collective gasp rippled through the room. The prospect of venturing beyond the confines of their world, of experiencing the wonders Wang Jian had described, filled them with excitement. Su Xian, her usually calm eyes sparkling, spoke for them all.

"To see the Eastern Cosmos with you, husband? It would be a dream come true."

Wang Jian smiled, the room basking in the warmth of his affection. After all, hadn't he built this world for them? Wasn't it a testament to his love, a reflection of their desires? With renewed enthusiasm, they spent the next few days indulging in further pleasures, their anticipation for the future fueling their joy.

Finally, the time came for his return. Bidding farewell to his harem with promises of a grand reunion, Wang Jian severed the connection with the Sky Martial World. He found himself back in his chamber within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, the familiar sights and sounds grounding him in the reality of the war.

A knock on the door interrupted his reverie. It was Cui Lan, her usual composed demeanor tinged with a hint of urgency. "Master Jian," she greeted him, her voice low and steady. "There's an update on the war front."

He gestured for her to continue, a predatory glint in his eyes. Ever the opportunist, he knew even war reports could hold an advantage.

"The White Tiger Clan," Cui Lan explained, "has been facing severe setbacks since their involvement with the devil tribes. The other beast clans, disapproving of their association with the enemy, have imposed sanctions. Their supply of resources and weapons has been drastically reduced."

A sly smile played on Wang Jian's lips. This was an unexpected turn of events, but one he could exploit. A weakened White Tiger Clan wouldn't be much help to the devil tribes. He needed them strong, needed them to be a formidable force against the Ancient Phoenix Clan.

"Interesting," he mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "We can't allow the White Tiger Clan to crumble. If they lose to the Ancient Phoenix Clan, our alliance crumbles with them."

Cui Lan nodded, understanding flickering in her gaze. "Indeed, Master Jian. What course of action do you propose?"

"We send them support," Wang Jian declared, his voice firm. "Show them the strength of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. A timely delivery of resources and weapons will solidify our alliance and ensure the White Tiger Clan remains in the fight."

A delighted smile graced Cui Lan's face. "A brilliant strategy, Master Jian."

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He wasn't just playing a political game; this move also played into his personal agenda. By aiding the White Tiger Clan, he'd ensure the war continued, providing him with more opportunities to exploit chaos and amass power.

"Select a suitable envoy," he instructed Cui Lan, "one who embodies the strength and beauty of our Pavilion. Let the White Tigers know that the Heavenly Jade Pavilion stands with them."

Cui Lan knew exactly who he meant. With a slight bow, she left the chamber, a mischievous glint in her own eyes. Later that day, a magnificent flying chariot, adorned with the symbols of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, departed towards the White Tiger Clan's territory. Aboard it was one of the Pavilion's most revered elders, renowned not only for her wisdom and cultivation level but also for her breathtaking beauty.

Excitement crackled through the air as the magnificent flying chariot from the Heavenly Jade Pavilion touched down within the territory of the White Tiger Clan. Hu Tianba, the hulking patriarch with eyes like molten gold, roared with laughter, the sound echoing through the mountains. His booming voice carried a mixture of relief and pride.

"A gift from the esteemed Heavenly Jade Pavilion!" he bellowed, his gaze sweeping across the assembled White Tigers. "This changes everything! We shall weather this storm and emerge stronger than ever!"

Landing gracefully from the chariot was Elder Bai Yuxian, her robes billowing in the wind. Her demeanor, a perfect blend of grace and unwavering resolve, commanded respect.She carried with her a multitude of storage rings, each brimming with much-needed resources and powerful weaponry.

"Greetings, esteemed Patriarch Hu," Elder Bai Yuxian said, her voice a melodious chime. "The Heavenly Jade Pavilion, upon learning of your plight, extends its unwavering support. These resources are a token of our shared cause."

Hu Tianba, his heart swelling with gratitude, boomed, "Elder Bai, your arrival brings light to these darkest of times! Please, convey our deepest gratitude to Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan. We are eternally in your debt."

Elder Bai Yuxian's lips curved into a subtle smile, devoid of warmth. "There is one additional matter brought to our attention by Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan," she continued. "She extends a formal invitation to you, Patriarch Hu, and your most esteemed companions for a celebratory banquet within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion itself."

Hu Tianba's eyes widened in surprise. The Heavenly Jade Pavilion, an all-female sect, was a legend among beast clans. Their cultivators, renowned for their unparalleled beauty and formidable power, resided within a Star Cluster – a celestial marvel inaccessible to male cultivators.

"A banquet within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion itself?" he echoed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "This is… an unexpected honor."

Elder Bai Yuxian's smile remained unchanged. "However," she continued, "there is a… stipulation to this invitation. Only female cultivators are allowed within the Star Cluster. Should you choose to accept, Patriarch Hu, you must be accompanied solely by women from your esteemed harem. And all these women must be in their purely human appearance."

Hu Tianba's surprise morphed into delight. He, the mighty Patriarch of the White Tiger Clan, would have the privilege of entering the legendary Star Cluster? This was an opportunity not to be missed!

"A most intriguing stipulation," he chuckled, his voice brimming with amusement. "Fear not, Elder Bai. The White Tiger Clan boasts a formidable harem, each woman is a warrior in her own right. We shall enter the Star Cluster with only the most exquisite company."

Elder Bai Yuxian understood. The legends were true. The White Tiger Clan, renowned for their prowess and ferocious beauty, possessed a harem filled with White Tigress warriors – females with potent bloodlines and formidable cultivation levels. Their human forms were said to rival even the most breathtaking beauties of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion.

A few days later, a magnificent procession approached the entrance to the Star Cluster. Leading the way was Hu Tianba, his broad chest puffed with pride. Flanking him were not his usual lieutenants but dozens of stunning women. Each, a White Tigress in her human form, radiated an aura of power and undeniable allure.

Their features were a fascinating blend of feline grace and human beauty. Some with snow-white hair and piercing blue eyes, others with cascading ebony tresses and fiery amber eyes – each a testament to a different, powerful White Tiger bloodline.

Within the banquet hall, Wang Jian, hidden amidst the shadows, observed the scene with a predator's grin. His eyes, gleaming with a depraved delight, lingered on each and every woman. He leaned towards Cui Lan, his voice barely a whisper.

"It seems, my dear Cui Lan, that our White Tiger friends have taken the invitation quite literally."

Cui Lan, always perceptive, understood the implications. A smile, devoid of innocence, played on her lips."Indeed, Master Jian. It appears we have a delightful new batch of potential recruits for our esteemed Pavilion."

The night deepened, and the banquet reached a crescendo. Exquisite dishes, each boasting not only flavor but also potent spiritual properties, were devoured. Wine, shimmering with an ethereal glow, flowed freely. Hu Tianba, his suspicions lulled by the seemingly innocent festivity, raised his goblet in a toast.

"To the everlasting alliance between the White Tiger Clan and the Heavenly Jade Pavilion!" he boomed, his voice echoing through the vast hall.

Cui Lan, the picture of serene grace, clinked her glass against his. "A toast shared is a bond strengthened," she replied, her voice a melodious chime.

But beneath the surface of conviviality, a sinister game was unfolding. Unbeknownst to Hu Tianba and his harem, the food and drink were laced with a meticulously crafted poison. It worked subtly, slowly seeping into their systems, a silent predator waiting to strike.

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